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As Ella finished packing her bag, she let herself think about the long weekend ahead. They had been planning this trip for months, just the five of them, camping out near the coast. Ella loved the beach and couldn’t wait to spend three days so close to the sea. As she zipped up her bag, she heard two blasts of a horn outside. She peered out the window, spotting the familiar sight of Gareth’s car, with Hannah waving from the passenger seat. Ella smiled and waved, lifting her bag on her shoulder and making her way out to the car.
Their next stop was to pick up Mitchel, who squeezed into the back of the car next to Ella. Greg was going to meet them there, having only recently landed back in the country. Greg had been working abroad and this was his first trip home in two years. Ella was looking forward to seeing him. They chatted regularly on Skype and by email, but it wasn’t the same.
They had been friends for almost 5 years, when Greg made the decision to work abroad. They were really good friends, some thought they were more than that, but the truth was although they had both thought about it, it just never happened.
They turned off the main road, following a rough country lane towards the coast. Ella could just make out glimpses of the sea between the trees they passed. She felt herself relax, closing her eyes as the warm sun brushed against her face. Gareth and Hannah had discovered this place during a hiking trip earlier in the year. It was completely secluded, hidden from the main road and faced on to a small section of beach, which was hidden from the main beach by tall cliffs. They were hoping to have the area all to themselves for the long weekend. Some well-earned R and R.
Gareth parked up in a clearing, smiling at Hannah as he shut off the engine. Ella wondered if they had done more than hiking last time they were here! They got out of the car, stretching after the long drive, before unloading their bags and camping gear.
Mitchel and Gareth were quick to show off their masculinity, taking the tents, keen to out-do each other and be the first to finish pitching theirs. Hannah and Ella picked up the rest of their supplies and followed behind. Ella hoped setting the campsite up would take her mind off of seeing Greg. There was limited phone signal, so she had no way of knowing if he was even on his way.
The guys pitched three tents; one for Hannah and Gareth, one for Mitchel (and possibly Greg) and the third for Ella. They stored their bags in their tents, quickly unpacking any essentials they thought they would need right away. Ella was keen to check out the beach, changing quickly into a mint green bikini that showed off her tanned, athletic body. The weather had been unusually nice recently and Ella had made the most of it by going for long runs after work.
She headed down to their secret section of beach, leaving the guys prepping a fire and Hannah sorting out provisions for that evening. There were beers in a cool box, along with two bottles of gin and an expensive spiced rum Ella had treated herself to.
As Ella’s feet touched the warm sand, she felt all the stresses of that week disappear. Sand rose up between her toes as she took in a lungful of slightly salted air. She closed her eyes, listening to the calm waves rolling over the beach. The tide was in but there was still plenty of beach left to sit on and relax. Ella ached from the long drive so headed straight for the sea, keen to swim a few lengths and revive her tired limbs. She walked into the waves until they reached her waist, before diving in. In a couple of strokes, her head felt clearer and she paused, looking back to the beach while treading water.
She could see the others in the distance among their tents. She tried to count them, but she was too far away. Ella found her thought wandering to Greg again. She had missed him terribly since he had been away. She had even thought about taking some holiday time and surprising him out there, but at the last minute, she always backed out. She didn’t want to fly out there and make things awkward. During their conversations, Greg never mentioned other women, but Ella still poured over his Facebook photos, obsessively looking for signs that he had met someone. She never found any, but that didn’t stop her looking. The calm bought on by the ocean was rapidly being replaced by anxiety again. Ella took a deep breath, before plunging back into the water and swimming further out.
Once she felt she had gone far enough, she started to swim back towards the shore. She hadn’t bought a towel down with her, so instead, Ella sat on a flat rock to dry out, close enough to the sea to keep her feet dipped in the water. She led back, closing her eyes, enjoying the warm sun on her skin.
Ella jumped; she must have dozed off in the heat. She opened her eyes to see Greg standing over her smiling. She sat up quickly, tucking her damp hair Escort Bayan behind her ear. “Hey yourself…” she replied. She smiled awkwardly, not really sure what to say next. Greg held his arms out for a hug, but Ella gestured down at her damp, sandy body; not wanting to ruin his clothes. Mentally she kicked herself, she had been looking forward to seeing him for ages, yet here he was and she had nothing to say. He smiled again.
“So, how’s things?” Greg asked. “Good, good. You?” Ella replied quickly. Greg nodded, pushing his hands awkwardly into his pockets. “You ready to walk back up?” Greg asked, “I’m pretty sure I can smell Hannah’s cooking!” Ella slipped off the rock, following him back up to the campsite. As Greg went to talk to Mitchel, Ella headed into her tent to towel off quickly. She pulled on a pair of comfortable shorts and one of her favourite t-shirts. A quick spray of her favourite perfume and she was ready to head out to join the others.
They sat in the early evening sunlight, around the fire, enjoying bowls of chilli Hannah had ‘thrown together’. Once they were full, the conversation lulled as everyone sat back, enjoying the view. Gareth opened the cool box, passing bottles of cold beer around the group. Ella took a long drink, closing her eyes as she did, listening to the conversations around her and the roll of the waves. She felt someone sit down on the grass next to her. She kept her eyes closed, breathing in the scent of him. Greg always smelled the same. Ella liked the familiarity of it, how comfortable it made her feel. She looked over at him.
Suddenly, it was as if they hadn’t been apart for the last two years. The conversation flowed naturally, as did the drinks, Greg making her laugh like he always did. She loved listening to his stories of his travels. Ella hadn’t travelled anywhere near as much as she would have liked, so instead, chose to lose herself in Greg’s stories. Before they knew it, they had been talking for so long it was starting to get dark. A breeze whispered through the trees making Ella shiver suddenly. Greg picked up his hoody from beside him and passed it to her. Ella pulled it on and they moved a little closer to the fire.
“It doesn’t matter where you go, the sunset is always the same.” Greg murmured. Ella smiled, finishing off the last of her beer. A noise behind her made her turn her attention away from the sunset, but it was just Gareth and Hannah getting into their tent. Mitchel had passed out long ago from all the beer. Suddenly Ella felt uncomfortable sitting outside their tent, knowing what would probably happen next. Hannah had an insatiable sexual appetite and Gareth was always happy to oblige.
“Fancy a walk?” Ella asked, standing up and brushing the grass off her shorts. Greg quickly understood and got to his feet. As they passed the cool box, Ella reached in for the bottle of cool spiced rum. They followed the edge of the woods, down the path that led to the beach.
The cork made a wonderful pop as Ella pulled it from the bottle. She took a swig, savouring the spiced warmth as it ran down her throat. She held the bottle out to Greg, who took it wordlessly and drank. Ella replaced the cork and sat in a patch of dry sand. Greg sat beside her, taking a small tin from his pocket.
“I know what you’re going to say, but it helps me relax.” Greg said, without looking at Ella. Ella said nothing as she watched him roll the cannabis in the cigarette paper. He twisted the ends carefully. She knew he liked to smoke the occasional joint. It was something she worried about because it was too easy to move on to something stronger, something that was harder to give up. She watched him light it and breath in deeply. She could almost see him physically relax in front of her. Ella held out her hand to him. Greg laughed, blowing smoke out as he did.
“What? I go away for a while and suddenly you start breaking the rules!?” Greg laughed again. Ella continued to hold out her hand. “I just want to try it.” She answered defensively. Greg looked at her, a strange expression on his face. He shrugged, passing the joint to her. With a bemused expression on his face, he watched her put it to her lips and breath in. Instantly she started to cough, struggling to catch her breath. Greg chuckled and reached out for the joint. But Ella frowned, putting it to her lips again and taking another drag. She did a better job this time, feeling the smoke enter her lungs. She breathed the smoke out, passing the joint back to him.
“Happy now?” he chuckled, still unable to believe that she had actually done it. She looked him in the eye and reached out for it again. He raised his eyebrows and passed it back. They spent the next ten minutes sitting silently, passing the joint back and forth, sipping from the bottle of spiced rum.
Ella led back, enjoying this new sensation bought on by the mix of rum and cannabis. She felt light, Escort as if she could float. Her fingers tingled and her head swam. She felt good, as if she would never be able to worry about anything ever again. The sound of the waves filled her head and she imagined her body was rolling in time with them, being gently rocked back and forth.
Ella heard Greg mumble something, but couldn’t make out what it was. She heard him clear his throat and try again. “I missed you.” Greg muttered, just loud enough for Ella to hear. She stilled, unsure what to say in return. Obviously, she had missed him too, but it was more than that. Since he had left Ella had felt an emptiness, like part of her was missing. She couldn’t form the words to reply, so reached up and lightly stroked his hand instead. He led down next to her in the sand.
“I love the beach.” Ella replied, “The sea, the sand, the smells. I feel like I’m floating on a wave.” Greg led on his back and chuckled. “No more weed for you!” he replied, making Ella giggle. He loved the sound of her laugh. She didn’t realise it, but the sound lit up a room. Greg thought she had the most beautiful smile when she laughed. It was pure and wholesome; and when they were alone, it was just for him. He propped himself on his side and looked at her. Her hair was untidy, as usual. His hoody had ridden up on her, exposing her tanned navel. Her shorts were cut high, showing off her long legs. He had an overwhelming urge to touch her. He wanted to feel the softness of her skin. Her reached out, tracing her belly button with his finger. He felt Ella stiffen beneath him.
He pulled his hand back, laying down and folding them across his chest. Ella took another swig from the rum bottle. “I’m glad you’re here.” Ella whispered, “I bet you’ve been busy while you’ve been away though. I bet they’ve been queuing up.”
Greg frowned, unsure for a moment what she was talking about. “They might be queuing, but I wasn’t interested. I sort of already have someone.” Ella felt her heart grow heavy. She knew it. He was a good-looking guy, confident and funny, who wouldn’t want to date him. She stood quickly – a little too quickly after all the rum – and walked towards the sea. It was cooler here and she wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly feeling stupid standing their wearing his hoody.
She heard Greg come up behind her. He reached his hand out to touch her shoulder. Ella stepped forward, out of reach. “I’m happy for you.” She said abruptly, not turning to look at him. She needed to hold it together, but the buzz from the weed was wearing off and she just wanted to hide in her tent. “Ella,” Greg murmured, reaching out to touch her shoulder again. He tried to turn her to face him but she wouldn’t budge. He sighed, dropping his hand to his side.
“It’s not what you think.” Greg mumbled, “It’s complicated. Will you at least look at me so I can explain?” Ella turned slowly, shocked to see tears filling his eyes. She was startled. She couldn’t stay cross at him, she stepped towards him and sighed. Facing him, but unable to look him in the eye. “As soon as I left, I knew for sure. But it was too late. I had signed the contract, I had to go.”
Ella sighed, “It’s fine. It’s your business, you don’t have to tell me anything.”
“Ella listen, I do need to tell you. I just don’t know how to start. I’ve tried to tell you before but…” Greg couldn’t finish his sentence, instead he leant forward and kissed her quickly on the lips. “Greg, what the hell?” Ella asked. But Greg leant in and kissed her again. Ella felt the tears on his cheeks.
“You… I left you… I was so wrong.” Greg breathed between quiet sobs. Ella stood stunned, unable to move or speak. Greg stepped back, shoving his hands back into his pockets. Without another word, he turned to walk back to the campsite.
“Wait…” Ella whispered. “You said you ‘sort of had someone’? Where does she come into all this?” Greg sighed, turning back to her. He smiled, “You’re so you. You never see what others see in you. It’s you… Before I left, I thought maybe we were moving in that direction. Then as soon as I left, I realised how much I needed you.”
“But why didn’t you say anything?” Ella asked quietly, “We’ve been talking all this time and you never…” “I couldn’t say it out loud. I thought that if I did, it would hurt more. I couldn’t bear to hear you say that you had found someone else.” Greg interrupted quickly. Ella blinked, trying to take it all in. She took a step towards him, reaching out to take his hands. She felt his hands shaking slightly as she took hold of them. He was taller than her, meaning she had to stand on her tiptoes to kiss him. He tasted salty, a mixture of the sea and tears.
“I’ve missed you too. It’s been like a piece of me has been missing. You don’t know how many times I almost booked tickets to come out and see you.” Ella breathed into his chest. She looked Bayan Escort up at him, at the startled expression on his face. He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply, pulling their bodies tightly together. It was quick and passionate, each kiss tasting of their longing for each other.
Quickly Greg pulled Ella’s top up, lifting his hoody over her head and dropping them to the ground. His hands were rough against her skin as he ran them all over her bare flesh, leaving nothing untouched. He pulled his top off, as Ella moved to undo his shorts. They stood on the beach, the sea breeze brushing against their bare skin. They touched each other hurriedly, trying to take in as much of each other as possible, trying to make up for the two years they had lost. Greg lifted her up, while Ella wrapped her legs around him. He slipped straight inside her, quickly filling her. She groaned as her breasts pressed against his chest, her nipples hard in the breeze. It was over quickly, Ella unwrapping her legs from his waist. Silently they pulled their clothes back on. Ella picked up the rum bottle and they walked together back to the tents.
Back at the campsite, Greg unzipped Mitchel’s tent, only to find him passed out in the middle of the tent. Ella peered in. She took Greg’s hand and pulled him with her to her tent. Still saying nothing, Greg zipped the tent closed behind them and turned to find Ella almost naked again. She finished undressing and slipped slowly into the sleeping bag. Ella led there watching him undress, her eyes roaming over his body. It had all happened so quickly on the beach. He slipped into the sleeping bag alongside her. They led quietly, side by side, taking in what was happening.
Ella turned to him, resting her hand on his waist and leaning in to kiss him. It was less hurried this time, they slowed down, taking their time to enjoy each other. Greg ran his hand slowly down her back, letting it rest lightly on the small of her back. Ella looked at him, before reaching up and removing his glasses. She folded them up and placed them carefully behind them. She stroked his face slowly, feeling every line and bump. She ran her thumb softly over the scar above his eyebrow. He closed his eyes, took hold of her other hand and pulled it to his lips.
They moved closer together, their bare skin brushing against each other. Greg ran his hands over her breasts, pulling lightly on her nipples as he did. Ella moaned softly. Greg pinched her nipples harder, causing Ella to gasp, arching her back as the brief pain mixed with her excitement. Her skin felt hot as Greg took one of Ella’s nipples in her mouth. He sucked slowly, rolling his tongue over it before biting her nipple gently.
Ella let out a growl and Greg ran his rough hands down her body, coming to rest on her mound. Taking control, he roughly parted her lips, sliding a finger quickly inside. Ella gasped, excited by Greg suddenly taking control. He moved from her nipples, biting lightly on her earlobe, while still fingering her. Ella reached down to grasp his hard cock, but he pushed her hand away. Ella was confused, until Greg pushed her arms up over her head, clearly showing he was in charge.
This was a side to Greg that Ella hadn’t seen before. He was usually Mr Laid Back, but here he was dominant and decisive. It excited Ella that Greg had set out to take exactly what he wanted. She closed her eyes, her mind full of the sensation of his fingers roughly moving in and out of her. Suddenly he stopped, quickly replacing his fingers with his hard cock. Ella cried out suddenly as Greg pushed himself inside her as deep as he could. He put his lips to hers, but Ella, in a moment of defiance, bit his lower lip. Greg growled; a primal sound that made Ella’s knees weak. He kissed her harder, Ella was filled by both his cock and his tongue.
She no longer felt like she was missing a piece of herself. She felt whole and as she felt him empty himself into her, she knew he felt the same too. They lay quietly, panting in the darkness. Ella felt his cock start to become flaccid inside her. Greg slid his hand down to her clit, rubbing it gently as his sticky cum trickled down her thigh. She gave in to him, it didn’t take long for Greg to feel her shudder against him as her orgasm washed over her.
He rolled off, lying next to her. Their bodies hot and sticky in the sleeping bag. The air in the tent was thick. Suddenly Ella grabbed something and unzipped the tent. She didn’t wait to see if Greg was following, she knew he would.
She raced down the path towards the beach, from behind, Greg could see her svelte runners’ body in the moonlight. He caught up to her just as she reached the sea. It was cold, really cold. But Ella dived in anyway, swimming out a short distance, before treading water to look at him. He followed her in, each powerful stroke taking him closer to her.
She kissed him. Softly this time, tasting the rum and the sea on his lips. He held her, treading water with his legs to keep afloat. She kissed him again and again, until Greg noticed that she had begun to shiver. They swam back to shore, drying themselves with the towel Ella had picked up from the tent.
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