

Eki 22

A Switch Relationship Ch. 01

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Katelyn tossed and turned from side to side in bed. It had been a long day at work – nearly double her expectations before her shift – but she was where she had longed to be all day, and now she couldn’t sleep. Typical. Rolling over, Katelyn’s mind wandered off onto the events of the evening, finishing work and seeing her boyfriend of over four years – oops, she corrected herself, she was still getting used to considering Adam her fiancé, even though it had been nearly two years since he went down on one knee, albeit under unusual circumstances. Katelyn began to think back to that moment, how Adam’s proposal perfectly suited his personality and the way he was with her. Adam’s “unconventional” way of asking Katelyn to wed him was to, traditionally, go down on one knee for her, but in the shower, with no ring. Katelyn accepted and never looked back, she just giggled as he clasped his lips over her right nipple on his way back up.

Things had moved on a lot since then, but the sexual ad dominant nature of Adam still balanced perfectly with his loving and romantic gestures and his occasional submissive side. Oh yes, Katelyn enjoyed control every now and then! As her thoughts continued to wander, she considered why she couldn’t sleep after spending the last couple hours with Adam, and how her line of thought had led her to Adam’s sexual nature, his dominance, his submission. Katelyn dug deep into her feelings to understand why sleep eluded her and why these thoughts were so prominent Escort Bayan to her. She snaked a hand down her body, under the waistband of her pyjama bottoms and, rather nervously, into her pants to immediately be welcomed by the heat and wetness of her sex. She couldn’t sleep, because she was horny. Not a fat lot she could do about that.

Adam headed home, after picking Katelyn up from work he’d spent the evening curled up on sofa with her watching mindless TV, thinking of what they coming days would bring. One more day of work then he had four days off, and the time off couldn’t come soon enough. It didn’t help that he was still adjusting to working life, being only two months into his university placement, and that he’s previously over-active sex life with his fiancée was currently dwindling on a couple of times a week – maximum! Adam couldn’t help where his thoughts went when he looked at Katelyn, she was drop dead gorgeous, had an amazing body – one that was currently showing the rewards of her recent months of hard work on the treadmill, lifting weights and healthier eating.

Katelyn had been tired tonight; Adam had known that and so had kept his thoughts to himself. Lately he was just dying for the time to be intimate with Katelyn for long periods of time – the main issue of them both still living apart with their respective parents.

Adam had spent the tail end of the night lying on the bed with Katelyn snuggled into his shoulder Escort and drifting off to sleep, whilst his thoughts pondered his sexual wants, desires and his – as of yet – unachieved acts. Adam thought of how he was missing long intimate sex, the kind of sex where he kissed his way down Katelyn’s body over time, where he slowly stripped her down in accordance with his kisses, where he stroked his hands over her body and had her squirming and writhing before he even touched anywhere “sensitive”. He missed his hand between her legs, cupping her sex and stroking between her lips whilst feeling the wetness multiply and gather on his finger(s). He missed sitting between her legs and making her cum by stroking her g-spot, kissing her as he stroked her clit, staring into her eyes as he touched her most delicate and private of places. He missed the foreplay that lasted for hours, the sex that wasn’t rushed, the climaxes that came out of nowhere rather than being eagerly awaited.

However, no matter how much Adam missed this, his desires were never the same since him and Katelyn had developed into d/s. Katelyn, when asked, didn’t consider them to be a ‘kinky’ couple, per say, but the bag containing vibrators, dildos, handcuffs, blindfolds, spankers, floggers, balls gags, butt plugs and a spreader bar that sat next to Katelyn’s bed told a very different story to the inexperienced. There were still items in there that they were yet to try and, no matter how much Adam craved Bayan Escort the long intimate sex, his thoughts always lead…kinkier.

He thought of sex, of the sex he craved, thought of how he wanted to make Katelyn scream. His thought path continued into the noise screaming would make, then his mental image of the sex scene changed – Katelyn was now writhing and cumming…silently, biting down on the ball gag in her mouth as her body spasmed. He considered noise escaping her mouth and then bending her over and christening their new spanker – double sided (one leather, one satin) for different sensations and different levels of punishment. He imagined the moans and screams of appreciation that the spanker would illicit from Katelyn, how she would try to keep quiet because she understood that noise had gotten her into the situation in the first place. Most of all, Adam imagined how her sex would stain the spanker, how her scent would fill the air and how she would be on the brink of orgasm from the dominance he portrayed.

Adam’s thoughts wandered on, to fantasies of Katelyn having her legs spread – through the use of a spreader bar – whilst having her hands secured above her head, attached to a ceiling chain. He imagined her standing in the middle of the room like this, blindfolded and gagged, inhaling sharply as he flogged her, then kissed along the marks, shaking uncontrollably as he touched her just close enough to her most pleasurable places to inflict awareness and hope, but no close enough to illicit pleasure. These thoughts were tucked away for future times, the dynamics of their relationship together, the d/s aspect at least, was a long way away from reaching this crescendo, both in application and in mindset.

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