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Adventures with Leslie Ch. 10

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Chapter 10 – Corporate Perks

As the next week progressed I began to get a little worried. It was already Wednesday night and I had not heard from any of the ladies in the game since my encounter with Brooke on Saturday. I was nervous that Leslie was upset over my answer that Emma was a better lay than she was since I did not think she had given me her best yet. I knew she heard the answer based on the remark she made as I was leaving her house. Where was her head at though? I had no idea and it was fucking with me.

Thursday passed and brought nothing, not a call; email, text message, nothing. If there was a problem I was sure that Penny would reach out to me to keep me in the loop, but so far she had not. I was concerned and growing somewhat lonely. I hoped I was over thinking things, but feared that I was not.

Finally, on Friday night I was sitting at home, going out of my mind, when contact came. My cell phone started to ring, indicating that I had a new text message. I scrolled through the phone to retrieve the following message:

Pack a change of cloths and be at my house at 6am. L

I was excited and disappointed at the same time. I was going to be doing something tomorrow morning, but I did not talk to Leslie so I was still unsure if she was upset at me or not. My mind raced as I grabbed my travel bag out of the closet and began to fill it with cloths and certain travel items. I set my alarm for 5am, enough time to shower and get to Leslie’s by 6. I drifted off while lying in bed watching the ballgame.

The alarm rang, waking me instantly. I showered and dressed quickly. I grabbed my bag, threw it in the car and was off. I arrived at Leslie’s as the sun was just coming up. I hated to ring the bell this early, but I was instructed to be there so that’s what I did. Mindy answered the door, wearing a pink tank top and pink and black pajama pants that were rather adorable.

“Come in,” she yawned.

I entered the house and dropped my bag in the center hall.

“Leslie is still getting ready,” Mindy informed me. “Do you want some coffee?”

“Love some,” I responded.

I followed Mindy into the kitchen where a fresh pot of coffee was waiting. She poured me a cup and I leaned against the counter while I drank it. She also poured herself a cup, which made me think she might be a little young for coffee, but then I reflected on my own high school years and tried not to be a hypocrite.

“Any idea what we are doing today,” I asked her, trying to be casual.

“I am sure Leslie will fill you in on the ride,” she stated.

“I take it that you are not coming with us today,” I presumed.

“Nope,” she replied, almost sounding thankful. “You two will have to get by without me.”

“Then why are you up this early,” I inquired.

“Leslie woke me to critique her attire,” she admitted. “I am going back to bed as soon as you two leave.”

I laughed as I sipped my coffee. I’m not a big coffee drinker but I thought today was a good day to fire back a cup since I had no idea what Leslie had in store for me. I heard her rustling around upstairs as Mindy and I stood in the kitchen. Finally, it sounded like she made her way to the stairs and was descending. A moment later she emerged in front of us.

“You look like you are ready,” she greeted me.

She was wearing a lovely red suit, the jacket matching the skirt, which fell midway on her thigh. She had on a black, silk blouse underneath and matching black pumps. The blood started to rush to my groin just seeing her.

“I feel underdressed right now,” I admitted.

“You’re not,” she allowed.

Just then there was a horn honk from the front of the house.

“That’s the car,” Leslie announced. “We should go.”

She kissed Mindy on the cheek and headed for the front door. I placed my coffee cup, still 1/3 full into the sink and followed her. I grabbed my travel bag and her very large, apparently very full duffle bag and followed her out the front door.

There was a large black limo waiting for us at the end of the walkway. The driver opened the door for Leslie as she approached. As she disappeared into the vehicle, the driver collected the bags from me and headed for the rear of the car. I climbed into the car and closed the door.

Leslie sat next to me in the back of the car. She looked gorgeous and I was sizing her up when she began to toy with me.

“Aren’t you going to ask where we are going,” she pressed.

“I figured when you wanted me to know, you would tell me,” I replied.

“Sometimes you are too confident for your own good,” she frowned. “You take some of the fun out of things.”

“I’m sorry,” I mocked. “Hey Leslie, where are we going?”

“You’re a dick,” she laughed at me. “Actually, we are meeting Emma and Jack at the airport. Emma and I just represented a very large Seattle based video game company in a trademark infringement suit. The CEO was so impressed with our work, he is flying us to Seattle on his private jet for the day. We will Escort Ankara be sitting with him in his private box at the Mariners game and then have his limo for sightseeing the rest of the afternoon. We will take his plane back home tonight.”

“Wow, that is awesome,” I admitted.

“It really is,” she agreed. “You just have to remember that you are a consultant. Both for Mr. James and for Emma’s husband.”

“I see,” I said. “Well, I am a team player, so that should not be a problem.”

“Good,” she responded. She snuggled in close to me in the seat. “If you are a really good boy, I might have something else special in store for you.”

I was not even going to ask what that could be. I smiled as she kissed my cheek, neck and ear lobe. She then sat back and began fixing her make-up. I watched in delight, as she was an exceptionally attractive woman. I was almost lost in watching her when the car came to a stop.

The driver stepped out and came around to open the door for us. I stepped out of the car and then reached back to assist Leslie in getting out. It was a great way to get another look at her terrific body. This woman had me hot almost all the time now. She personified sexy.

I came back to reality to realize that we were on the tarmac, only several feet from a small jet, whose stairs were lowered, almost welcoming us. The driver got our bags from the trunk and transferred them to the airline staff on the ground. I was sure they would make their way on-board without an issue.

I followed Leslie up the steps of the pristine white jet and into the cabin. Emma and Jack were already on-board and seated. Emma had a glass of champagne in her hand and Jack was on his cell phone, on what sounded like a business call. We sat directly across from them and were quiet until Jack finished his call. Emma was wearing a lovely black floral dress with a white shall and black sandals. She looked conservative, which I knew she was not. I started to again feel underdressed for the occasion until I noticed Jack in a golf shirt and jeans, which were obviously new based on the lack of dirt on them.

An hour later, the stewardess made Jack end his call as we prepared for take-off. Not being the best airline passenger, I buckled in and tried to relax. Shortly thereafter, we were screaming down the runway and taking to the air. I was quiet as I listened to Emma and Leslie talk about the work they had done on this case and what a grand gesture this was as a thank you. Jack was trying to nod off, but the small pockets of turbulence kept waking him. I was silent but observant.

The flight was only two hours long and quite smooth, so I was able to make it through without too much anxiety. Emma and Leslie hovered over a laptop for most of the flight, talking about work. They became so wrapped up in their work that Jack and Leslie switched seats only 15 minutes into the trip. Great. Just the guy I want to sit next to on a flight. He is such a douchebag.

“This is pretty cool,” Jack said, trying to make small talk.

“It is,” I concurred. “Are you a big baseball fan?”

“Not really,” he admitted. “The game is too slow and no one gets hit. Football is my game.”

“Did you play,” I asked, half curious.

“Sure did,” he boasted. “I was a second-string linebacker at AZ State.”

“Impressive,” I responded. “Nothing past college?”

“Blew out my knee senior year,” he revealed. “Thank god I already had Emma in the bag. No woman wants a broken athlete.”

He was such a Neanderthal.

“What about you,” he inquired.

“4 years second base at USC,” I disclosed. “Fastest hands in the conference, but my bat lacked. Funny how things work out.”

“It certainly is,” he agreed. “Nice to get away from the kids for a day.”

What a fucking jackass. I could not wait for this flight to end.

Thankfully, the flight was over soon enough. Jack slowed his small talk when the stewardess starting handing out the alcohol. We landed on-time and there was a limo waiting for us on the tarmac. I almost felt like a rockstar for the day.

Jack climbed into the car first and I allowed both ladies to enter ahead of me. This allowed me to notice the driver loading both mine and Leslie’s bag into the trunk. Interestingly, those were the only two bags I saw him load. It occurred to me at that point that we were not staying overnight, so why were the bags necessary?

I let that thought pass and climbed into the car. Leslie was seated next to me and we were again across from Emma and Jack. Jack had already dipped into the booze in the limo and the ladies were freshening up their make-up, yet again. I sat quietly, taking in the moment and wondering what the rest of the day would bring.

After a 20 minute ride through what I assumed was downtown Seattle, we arrived at Safeco Field. Being a baseball fan, it was nice to see a newer ballpark up close. What a refreshing site it was, completely modern and with all the amenities. Nice. We were escorted by security directly Ankara Escort to a skybox on the press level. When we arrived, a sharp dress man was there to meet us.

Leslie and Emma seemed very familiar with him and they exchange pleasantries, including kisses on the cheek. That is an interesting business manner these women have. Emma introduced Jack to the gentleman and then he turned his attention to me.

“You must be the consultant I have heard so much about,” he deduced, extending his hand to me. “I am Bill James, CEO of Silo Gaming.”

He was tall and very fit, probably in his mid 40’s. He wore a very sharp pinstripe suit and was clean-shaven, with a full head of hair that was slightly graying on the sides. He had on a power tie that I recognized from some politician or other that I had seen on television recently. The man seemed to have his shit together.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir, I have heard nothing but good things,” I replied, lying through my teeth but shaking his hand nonetheless.

“This is my wife Bonnie,” he introduced.

I shook Bonnie’s hand and noticed that she could have only been about 30 years old. She was quite attractive, blonde and petite. She had big, curly blonde hair, which added to her only 5ft frame. She was rather light in her complexion but had a great deal of make-up to compensate. She had great curves and a modest to tiny chest. She was wearing a royal blue dress that was form fitting aside from the rather large shoulder pads it contained.

“These women did great work for us,” Bill announced. “I am sure you had a hand in helping and we can’t thank you all enough. We’re going to have a great time today.”

I made my way to the front of the box to get a view of the field. It was very impressive. I turned around to see a waiter taking everyone’s order for food. This was really luxury, a bit above my head, but I could fake it as well as anyone. I ordered a bottle of water to start, keeping it light.

I watched the visiting Los Angeles Angels take batting practice as Emma and Leslie talked business with Bill. Bonnie had Jack cornered, comparing photos of their kids, allowing me the sweet sound of silence as Vlad Guerrero deposited ball after ball into the left field stands. Sweet. Finally, Bill made his way around to catch up with me.

“Big baseball fan,” he asked.

“Yeah, love the game,” I admitted.

“Great pitching match up today, Hernandez and Lackey,” he informed me.

“Really, Hernandez is supposed to be the real deal,” I stated. “This should be fun.”

“He’s got lights out stuff,” Bill confirmed. “How do you keep two women as beautiful as that satisfied?”

I was completely taken back by the question. I examined it carefully before answering, wondering if it was generic or if Bill might really know something about something.

“Well, Bill, I keep my head down and work hard. I’m not sure it’s much more complicated than that,” I answered.

“We could be friends, or we could play games,” Bill declared, lowering his voice. “I have known Emma all her life, we grew up together. I was her first boyfriend and her first love. I taught her how to play the game, so don’t think I don’t know about it.”

“My apologies Bill,” I extended. “I give every piece of myself to what they request of me, because they are worth it.”

“That’s a great answer,” Bill complimented. “I respect that.”

“Thank you,” I reacted carefully. “What do you think of Jack?”

“Jack is a schmuck,” Bill acknowledged. “But, he makes her happy and isn’t bright enough to get in the way. So, we will tolerate Jack.”

“Bill, you are right,” I agreed. “We can definitely be friends.”

With that I followed Bill to the bar that was setup in the suite and grabbed a drink. This was a place where my normal beer wasn’t going to cut it, so I fell back on old reliable, vodka and orange juice. As Bill and I returned our conversation to baseball at the bar, Leslie made her way over to me. She leaned in and took a sip from my drink.

“A screwdriver,” she identified. “Maybe if you are lucky you will get to screw something later.”

I winced just hearing those words and Bill was man enough to let that remark pass without response. We sat down to watch the start of the game and stood again for the national anthem. The game started slow, going scoreless until the bottom of the 4th. With one on and one out, Richie Sexon stepped to the plate for the Mariners. When the count went 2 ball and no strikes I let out a sigh.

“What was that,” Leslie asked.

“That was fear, fear that Lackey is going to throw too good a pitch right here to not fall to 3-0 and Sexson it going to hit it to Calgary,” I declared.

“Okay, let’s see if it’s worth being afraid,” Leslie challenged me.

She turned her full attention to the game and Sexson launched the next pitch into orbit. The ball landed safely in the left field bleachers for a 2-0 Seattle lead. Leslie looked at me oddly.

“Well played,” she quipped. Ankara Escort Bayan She then leaned over to me and whispered. “We’ll see if you are afraid later.”

I was not sure what that meant either, but I could hardly wait to find out. We watched as Felix Hernandez dominated the Angels with 12 strikeouts through 8 innings and taking a 2-0 lead to the top of the 9th. He must have hit a pitch count limit because he did not come out to pitch the 9th. The Mariners closer came on and shut the door on the Angels.

With the game over, Bill told us to use his limo to see some of the sights of Seattle before heading back home. The jet would not be ready until 8pm this evening, so we had time to kill. Emma and Jack decided they were going back to Bill’s house for dinner and to catch up. Bill extended the offer to Leslie and I, but Leslie declined preferring to see Seattle up close.

We left the ballpark and got back in the limo. I sat there as Leslie gave the driver specific directions.

“Go straight to the Marriott downtown and don’t stop anywhere,” she instructed him.

The driver nodded and began our journey.

“What’s at the Marriott,” I inquired.

“Our suite, of course,” Leslie replied.

I smiled and had a feeling I knew where this was headed. We reached the Marriott shortly thereafter and Leslie did not even wait for the driver to open the door. She burst from the car and headed inside.

“Get the bags,” she yelled to me.

I exited the car and retrieved our bags from the trunk. I headed inside to where Leslie was standing. She was smiling wide as she beckoned me to follow her to the elevators. We boarded and she hit the top floor. I stood, with the bags in my hands, in silence. Leslie continued to smile.

We exited the elevator on the top floor. I followed Leslie as she entered one of the rooms. I almost fell over, as it was the largest hotel suite I had ever seen. There were marble floors and a full dining room. It also had a full workstation, 3 bedrooms and a 60-inch flat screen TV in the main living room. I was more than impressed.

“Another gift from Bill,” I assumed.

“He takes care of us when we take care of him,” she informed me. “And we just saved his company $35 million, so Bill is officially our biggest fan.”

“So, what is the plan,” I asked, setting our bags down by the couch in the living area.

“Today, I am going to try to give you my best,” she stated. “You said you didn’t think you had seen it, well today you will. I was a little upset when you made that remark to my sister, but I thought about it and agreed with you. I talked to Emma and decided to really show you how good I am. It’s 4:30 and we have to be on a plane at 8, so we better get started.”

She walked over to me and threw her arms around my neck. She kissed me on the lips and then turned around. She began grinding her ass against my crotch. I was immediately responsive as my cock awoke. I reached around her waist and began groping her tits through her black silk blouse. I removed her jacket and tossed it over the couch. I wanted her and she knew it as I swelled rapidly.

Leslie grabbed my hand and led me to the couch. She ripped off my shirt and undid my belt. She tore down my zipper and dropped my pants, allowing my stiff pole to spring free. She pushed me down onto the couch and climbed on top of me. I grabbed her thighs and hiked up her skirt, revealing that she had no panties on. She reached down and inserted me into her hole. She was warm and extremely moist as I penetrated her.

“Emma told me you could give multiple loads,” she leaned forward and whispered in my ear. “She said you liked popping 3 or 4 times with her. If you want my best, then I want yours. Give me everything you have got.”

Hearing this I was like granite inside her. She rocked up and down on me, massaging my rod with her pussy. I loved how she was pushing her hips down on top of me. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head to me.

“If you want me best you have to bring it out of me,” I countered, thrusting my hips upward to meet her vagina as she was propelling it down on top of me. “Emma always did.”

“What did she do,” Leslie asked, almost out of breath.

“She always told me how many loads she wanted and where they were going,” I grunted with pleasure as I thrust into her again.

“I wanna do that too,” Leslie moaned as I pumped into her and she crashed on to me. “I want you cum harder with me than anyone else.”

I was throbbing inside her box. I was closing in on climax and she sensed it.

“Time for the first one,” she announced. She started to shutter and almost could not speak. “Fill me!”

Her scream brought my first orgasm. I sent juice inside of her with several rockets of liquid. I didn’t move as she twitched on top of me with her own orgasm. It was so intense I was immobile. Leslie, however, stood up and looked me deep in the eye.

“You rest a minute while I go get ready for number two,” she instructed.

I was not about to move but I heard her move around the couch and grab her bag. She headed into the bathroom and I heard the door shut. I am not sure if it was complete silence or if I drifted off for a moment, but the next thing I knew, Leslie had her hands over my eyes from behind me.

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