

Eki 27

After School

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To say that my parents were strict is probably an understatement but I suppose they had my best interests at heart. My school was a girl’s only establishment which was run by Nuns although at least a quarter of the staff was male and some were quite attractive.

Because I was in my final year of school before going off to university, I wasn’t allowed to see or go out with boys despite being 18 years old and my evenings and weekends were spent with the family or doing homework. My sister, Susan was 20 and hadn’t gone down the university path so she was allowed to do as she pleased which sometimes made me jealous. “The family” consisted of grandparents and uncles and aunts who seemed to be constantly present in our home. My only contact with people of my own age was at school as my sister never told me anything about her life and what she got up to.

My growing up was not helped by my parents as my mother was always out with her friends and my father was always away on business so what little I learnt of life, boys and other matters was gained from the other girls at school. They talked constantly about boys and a few spoke of sex and made wild claims about what they got up to with boys although I knew that some of the claims were probably true. One of my friends, Jayne, had a regular boyfriend who was 19 and they had had sex. She told me about it one day explaining how good it felt to fuck with him and I got really excited and couldn’t wait to get alone in the school toilets to pleasure myself which I often did to relieve my urges. I had seen pictures of naked men and a few of erect cocks and thought about sex a lot.

I decided to make it my duty to lose my virginity but, not with just anyone. My desire was to have my first time with someone experienced and I was prepared to wait. Little did I know just how soon my wish was to come true!

A few weeks after Jayne’s sexual revelations my mother said that she had been told by the school that my maths results weren’t good and that her good friend Mr Mills who taught at my school had agreed to give me extra tuition twice a week at our house while she was out with her friends. Mr Mills was the school hunk as he was only 25, taught physical education as well as maths and, as far as anyone knew, had no wife or girlfriend, I wondered if I could find some way to get him interested in me and I hatched a plan to attract his attention when he visited.

The plan had to be carefully implemented as I did not want to scare him off or look like a silly schoolgirl with a crush and blow my chances so, on the first evening he visited, I played it cool and wore my school uniform and behaved myself. I should explain that our uniform was very traditional as it consisted of a knee length pleated grey skirt, a long sleeved white blouse with a striped tie and white knee high socks.

When he arrived, my mother showed him into the lounge where I was already waiting and she explained that Mr Mills would be staying for 2 hours and that there were refreshments for both of us in the kitchen. I sat down on the sofa and Mr Mills sat down beside me. He was wearing a shirt and tailored trousers and soft leather shoes. He opened his briefcase, took out his books and put them on the coffee table in front of us. My mother called goodbye from the hall and left the house saying she would be back late.

Mr Mills spoke first and told me to forget all the formality and to call him Tom. Fantastic I thought as it seemed he was not as unapproachable as he seemed at school. He carried on by explaining that he didn’t normally do extra tuition but, as my mother was a good friend of his mother’s, he was prepared to help me and the extra money would be useful.

I asked him what he did in his spare time and he told me that he liked sailing and cycling and going to the theatre. Cheekily, I asked him who he went to the theatre with and he told me that he didn’t have a girlfriend at the moment and he either went on his own or with his best friend Frank. He asked me what I did in my spare time and I explained that I spent most of my time at home with the family.

Tom said that I didn’t need to wear my uniform and I was welcome to wear whatever I felt comfortable in although, he added that he found the school uniform quite attractive as it reminded him of the girls he knew at his school. I thought he was hinting that I should keep wearing it and decided to humour him in future. The evening went well and he went over some maths problems that I had been having trouble with. From time to time I had pressed my knee up against his leg and I had even put my hand on his shoulder at one point which he didn’t object to.

Tom left after a couple of hours and said he would be back later in the week. I couldn’t wait and I was already hatching a proper plan.

The next time Tom called I stayed up in my bedroom until my mother had seen him into the lounge. She called out to me as she was leaving and once she had closed the front Beylikdüzü escort door I started to prepare. I had decided to wear my uniform again but this time I would make it more interesting. I ran into my sister’s room and borrowed a really sheer, almost see-through pair of white panties from her drawer, put them on and then removed my bra. I had a good set of boobs, firm, round and with large nipples and I was going to make the most of them.

I ran downstairs and greeted Tom who was already sitting on the sofa and sat down beside him. Tom put his books on his knee and started to explain the evening’s problems. I sank back into the sofa and deliberately let my skirt ride up and opened my legs a little. He couldn’t see anything yet but he would if he got up so I asked him if he wanted a drink from the kitchen and he said he did so, he got up and went for a can of cola and one for me as well. As he came back into the room from the kitchen I could see that he had seen right up my skirt and he must have seen my pussy through the sheer panties. He sat down quickly and pulled his books back onto his knees but it was too late as I could see the bulge in the front of his trousers.

He was obviously aroused by what he had seen so I decided to go further. Tom was trying to show me a particularly hard problem and I said I would look over his shoulder to see it more clearly so, I got up and walked behind the sofa and leant over his right shoulder. As I did so I pressed my left breast against his ear making sure that my nipple was pressing against his face. This excited me and I could feel my nipples getting hard and erect and I could see the bulge in Tom’s trousers getting bigger. Tom coughed and said that perhaps I should sit down again but I said that I was quite happy where I was.

I pressed my breast harder into the side of his face and my rock hard nipple was pushing into his cheek. The effect on the bulge in his trousers was almost instant and his zip seemed to be under strain. Tom coughed again and said that I really should sit down as he felt uncomfortable with me so close. I said that I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all and I asked him if he enjoyed me standing so close. He admitted that he did find my closeness enjoyable and he found me very attractive but it would be wrong for him to respond. I responded by telling him that I wasn’t going to tell anyone and if he enjoyed it I would continue. At this point I moved round a bit and pushed both boobs into the side of his face which must have done the trick as he reached up and pulled my face down towards his. The kiss that resulted was like an electric shock and was my first real kiss. He pulled back and apologised and said that he had better leave but, I said that I wanted him to stay and kissed him long and passionately.

I went back round the sofa, sat down close to him and explained that I had always fancied him and that I wanted nothing more than to have fun with him. He pulled me towards him and kissed me long and hard over and over again. His tongue started flicking into my mouth which really turned me on and his breathing started to get heavy. I wanted more so I reached for his hand and pulled it down onto my boobs and he was obviously very excited. Tom mumbled between kisses that I had great tits and he had often fantasized about them in class. He started to unbutton my blouse and took off my tie as he slipped his hand inside my blouse and took my nipple in his fingers which sent me crazy.

I was wet between my legs and I felt so horny that I wanted him to go much further. Tom stopped kissing me and started sucking on my nipples one at a time which made me even hornier. I was gasping by now and Tom was so excited and I didn’t object when I felt his hand on my knee sliding up my thigh. My legs were already open and I opened them even further as his hand reached my soaking panties. The first touch of his fingers on my pussy through the soft fabric was fantastic and so much better than any time I had touched myself. His fingers worked inside my panties and then I felt his fingers against my pussy which was so wet I was afraid I might leak on the sofa.

Tom gently stroked my pussy and then very gently inserted a finger into me taking care not to hurt me. “Does that feel good?” he asked and I replied “Oh, yes, please don’t stop… ever!” He carried on sucking my tits and fingering me until I knew I was cuming and I came like never before and he knew I was cuming, big time as I let go with my body, gripped his hand between my thighs and moaned out loud.

As I was finishing Tom asked me if I had ever had an orgasm like that before and I said “Never”. “Would you like another some time?” to which I replied “Try and stop me”. I told Tom that it was truly wonderful and he said he was glad. Tom then said that he needed some relief and would I help him. “What do you want me to do?” I asked and he said that all I needed to do was to touch his cock and rub it. Beylikdüzü escort bayan “OK show me what to do” I said. Tom undid his belt and trouser zip and slipped his trousers and pants down. His cock jumped up and it was huge! Tom took my hand and put it around his cock which felt warm and hard. He showed me that the skin on his cock pulled back from the tip and told me that the tip was the most sensitive area of a man’s cock.

Tom leant over and started kissing me again and put both his hands on my tits as I started to work on his cock, enjoying the feel of it in my hand as I stroked up and down the full length of it. It was obvious that every time I reached the head of his cock he got more excited so I teased him by only touching it every now and again.

I could tell he was getting ready to cum as his breathing got heavier and his kissing and grip on my boobs got harder but I wasn’t ready for what happened next. His cock suddenly twitched and he groaned as a huge fountain of white juice shot out of the end of his cock all over my boobs and face. He shouted “don’t stop, please don’t stop” so, I carried on wanking him as his cum ran over my hand and finally stopped flowing.

“That was wonderful, did you enjoy it too?” Tom said and I replied that it was the first time I had seen a man cum so it was a bit of a shock but it was also funny as well. He started to wipe the cum off of us both with his handkerchief as he explained that what we had done was fantastic but it was wrong and we should not do it again however much we liked it. I said that it had been the best experience of my life and it would always remain a secret and as long as we told no one else, it could do no harm.

Tom was a little reluctant but I told him that the next time he came over to teach me I would make him change his mind.

I had decided to make the most of the opportunity and use Tom for as long as he was around. It may seem selfish but I was horny and wanted to become a woman in every sense. My sister’s room was my next target as I knew she was into sexy underwear. I hadn’t taken much notice before but now I realised that the turn-on power of a sexy outfit was worth its weight in gold. The next evening with Tom was to be on Thursday and my mother was due to go to her bridge group. Dad was away, as always and sis’ was a sleep-over so I had the house to myself once a again. I knew that Tom would be arriving at 7 PM and I couldn’t believe my luck when my mother left the house at 6 PM. A whole hour to get ready for Tom!

One hot shower later I was standing naked in my sister’s room going through her underwear drawers. I couldn’t believe some of the stuff she had which included corsets, suspender belts, basques and a lot of PVC clothing. It was like Aladdin’s cave and I was experimenting. What I settled for came from a film I’d seen. It wasn’t pornographic but the woman in the film had dressed up in a way that even I felt was sexy so, I copied her.

I chose a black suspender belt and a pair of sheer black stockings. Then I found a pair of silk French knickers which were so tight when I put them on that every line of my pussy lips was visible through the fabric. A black half-cup bra finished off the underwear set. I took a pair of stiletto ankle boots and a black chocker completed the outfit. Over the top I wore my school uniform of grey pleated skirt and white blouse just for effect.

As the time for Tom to arrive neared I put the front door on the latch and waited in the kitchen. Tom arrived on the dot and when he knocked I told him to go into the lounge and make himself comfortable. I waited a few minutes but I was getting more and more excited so, when I could wait no longer I entered the room. “Hello” said Tom and I said “Hello” back. As I sat on the sofa next to him I let my skirt ride up a little so that the edge of my stocking tops were just visible and I opened my legs enough that he could see my black silk knickers. “Wow” said Tom “You look fantastic!” and I could see that he meant it by the bulge in his trousers. I leaned over and kissed him full on the lips and he responded. As I pulled away from him I said “What are you going to do about that?” He pulled me towards him, kissing me deeply. “You obviously want to be a grown up little girl don’t you?”. “Yes, I want to do everything it’s possible to do and become a real woman!” “Well, it is totally wrong but I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t find you amazingly sexy in that schoolgirl outfit. If you promise that no one will ever find out about it I’m game but how do you want to proceed, any ideas?” “I think you are beautiful and I would like nothing more than to seduce a virgin but, it’s your evening so I’ll do whatever you want”

I had thought about how wanted to lose my virginity many, many times and wanted it to be something really special and different. I had never told anyone but I got really turned on by some pictures one of my schoolmates had on her mobile Escort beylidüzü phone of a man taking advantage of a woman who was tied up and at his mercy. It made my pussy wet just to think about it! “I know it may sound a bit odd but I really like the idea of being forced!” “You know, being tied up and taken advantage of”.

Tom’s hands were already exploring my body and had reached my tits and I had already started to get excited. “Do you want me to be rough and force you to do what I want or do you want to tell me what to do?” he said. “I want you to treat me as a whore and force me to do your bidding” I said.

Tom bent down and took the belt from his raincoat and as he kissed me he put my hands behind my back and tied them at the wrist. “Now you’re mine and you will do anything I want” he said. “Yes Mr Mills” I replied, trembling with anticipation. He started groping my body as I sat there, running his hands over my boobs. He opened my blouse, put his hand inside and roughly gripped my nipples. Then he bent down to suck hard on my tits. It was fantastic! I was almost cuming in my pants but he just kept groping me all over. His other hand went down to my thigh and he slowly slid it up over my stocking tops and found the suspenders. “I get really turned on by stockings” he said, “But I know what you really want”.

He led me over behind the sofa and bent me over its back so that my bottom was pointing up in the air and felt truly exposed. “Stay there” Tom ordered as he walked around to the front of the sofa facing me. “You did say that you wanted everything and that you wanted to be forced didn’t you little girl?” “Did you really mean it, anything?”

“Everything I said” panting with excitement. Tom started undoing his trousers and dropped them to the floor letting his huge, erect cock leap out towards me. It was huge, thick and long and with the skin peeled back its head was bright purple. “Your going to make me a happy man little girl, just do as your told” with this he held on to my hair and moved his cock towards my mouth. “First thing your going to do little girl is suck my cock!” and as he said this he pushed his cock-head between my lips. It tasted salty and it was quite a turn-on feeling this huge cock entering my mouth and I instinctively started to suck on it. “Take more of it in girl, use your tongue on the end and don’t stop whatever happens”. As I started to do his bidding he pushed more and more of his huge cock into my mouth until I could feel it touching the back of my throat. I gagged a little and he pulled back a bit but he kept on and started moving his cock in and out of my mouth.

“This is what we call mouth-fucking you little whore and you seem to be good at it” “Do you want me to go all the way and cum in your mouth little girl?” he said as he pulled his cock out of my mouth for an instant. “I said everything” just do with me what you want. He forced his cock back into my mouth and started fucking it even harder and I sucked harder and harder. I felt his cock start to twitch and suddenly my mouth filled with warmth as he shot his load into my little mouth. “Keep sucking you little whore but don’t swallow. I want to see my cum in your mouth to show what a little slut you really are”. I found his dirty talking a real turn-on and I did as he said. His cum tasted wonderful, slightly sweet and salty at the same time. As I slowly sucked on the head of his huge cock he reached over me and started to rub his fingers on my silky knickers over my soaking pussy. He put his fingers under the silky fabric and inserted at least two fingers into me.

“Does my little whore like that?” he said as he pulled his cock out of my mouth it was starting to droop. “Let me see the cum in your mouth slut”. I raised my head and showed him my mouthful of cum. “Now swallow it” he said and I did as he said. “Now I’m going to fuck your brains out whore” he said. “Are you ready to be fucked for the first time in your life?” “Oh yes, please fuck me as hard as you can and teach me how to be a woman”. “Don’t worry, I will” he said. He took the rest of his clothes off and then reached into one of his pockets and brought out a condom. I had seen one at school so I knew what they were for.

“Do you really need to use one of those?” I asked. “Of course I do, don’t want to get you pregnant do I” “I don’t think you need to worry” I said “I’m already on the pill for my period pains”. The look in his eyes said everything and his drooping cock was starting to rise again as he walked around behind me. His hands started to caress my bottom, feeling the silky underwear and I could tell he liked what he was feeling as his breathing was getting deeper and louder. My suspenders fascinated him as he kept pushing his fingers under the straps and into my stocking tops.

My pussy juices were really flowing by now and I was totally wet as he slid his hands into the top of my knickers and slowly slid them down my legs. As he gently took my knickers off over my boots I felt his face come close to my pussy and then he pushed his face hard into me. As his tongue found my sweet spot I gasped and I moaned as he licked my clit. Pretty soon I was cuming for the first time as the result of a man’s mouth. Tom got up and hooked his hands into my suspenders.

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