

Eki 26

Best Business Trip Ever

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I sell high-end fishing tackle. My customers are the very rich and the very successful charter captains. I am based in California but travel the coast of the US.

My trips to coastal central Florida are always my favorite. The customers are great; the business is good, and best of all I get to stay at a luxury hotel for the first four days. This is at the insistence of my boss who feels that we who travel should be pampered occasionally. The staff in this place is fantastic, the food great, and the view from every room spectacular. It is truly the type of place where you half expect Robin Leach to knock at your door.

Things unfolded a bit when I got a call early Friday that my Sunday flight had been cancelled. I asked about alternatives and the rep said there was only a “red-eye” that left Irvine at 11:50 PM on Friday. It had a short layover in Las Vegas; I would have to change planes in Atlanta, and would arrive in Tampa at 10:00 AM on Saturday. The good news was that the ticket was $150 less, and yes my upgraded seat (1C) was still available. I took it and called the hotel. They could easily accommodate my request for an extra night and it would actually save me $50/night on the room rate. They also told me that my parcels had already arrived and were being held for me. It was a ‘no-brainer’. I called the office to let them know of my change in plans and got through to the boss, who simply said, “Enjoy the day in the sun and good luck with Jim on Tuesday!” Jim is one of my best customers and had invited me to go fishing with him. He is a crusty old salt but had just signed a deal to buy four new boats. I wanted to outfit them.

There was a long line of raucous folks ready to board and I could see that I wasn’t going to get a whole lot of sleep on this leg. I took my seat and there was a gorgeous young thing sitting in 1D. She wore a short pleated skirt and a peasant top with no bra evident. She didn’t really need one with those perky tits. We exchanged pleasantries and when asked about her destination she simply said that she was a second year law student at Emory, in Atlanta, and her name was Terri.

She could sense my displeasure at all the hubbub and confided that she took this flight all the time (Her father was a pilot for the airline) and almost all of these people would deplane in Vegas. We took off, and sure enough, I wasn’t going to get the thirty minute ‘power nap’ I wanted on this leg. Before we landed she got up and chatted with the flight attendant, who was a looker in her own right. They talked for a bit and the attendant kept looking over at me, smiling, and nodding. When Terri came back and slid over to her seat she faced me and damn near pushed her pussy in my face. She sat, pulled the shared armrest up, and moved a bit closer with her leg resting against mine.

As we prepared for landing the pilot announced that instead of a thirty minute layover it would be an hour and a quarter but not to worry, with the jet blowing the way it was we would get to Atlanta right on schedule. “Let’s go play the slots” Terri suggested. I’m not much of a gambler but agreed to go. We deplaned and I bought a roll of quarters from a machine. I lost almost all of it but just as the initial boarding announcement was made I hit a progressive machine for $575 dollars. I took the chit to a payout window and collected my loot. Terri joined me, took my arm, and murmured something in my ear about the night being young and that even better luck was around the corner.

As we walked back to the gate she asked if I was a member of the ‘Mile High Club’. I told her that I had always wanted to be but was a little bit afraid of the consequences if caught. She looked right into my eyes and said that she had already cleared it with the attendant and the only consequences might be sheer ecstasy.

We retook our seats and the front cabin was now empty except for one old road warrior who was snoring away in row eight. The flight attendant brought us over a couple of blankets with the admonishment of ‘just in-case the captain needs coffee’. Terri pulled a blanket over my lap and began to stroke me through my shorts. I got very hard very fast. She unzipped my shorts and undid the button. “Oh my god” she said. ‘I’m going to introduce you to the ‘mile high club’ and you’re going to introduce me to the ‘one foot and thick club’! Can you control that thing?”

I assured her that I could. She continued to stroke me. My left hand fondled those nice perky tits as we took off. I worked my way down to her thighs and discovered no panties but just a very wet and loose pussy. The bell chimed as we passed 10,000 feet and the seatbelt sign went off. The flight attendant was still in her jump seat as obviously none of the three passengers in first were interested in snacks or drinks.

Terri rolled over on me and poised her cunt over my shaft. “You’re about to go places that no man has ever reached”. I had heard that before and am always pleased to pleasure a woman who appreciates a big cock. I let her take me at her escort bayan şişli pace, although I was tempted to ‘slam dunk’ her. She got it all in and ground her clit against my pelvic bones. “God I could stay in just this place forever. You’re touching the top of my uterine horns. If you were any bigger there would be no place to put you. She ground harder and I could feel her contract a bit. I had done nothing so far but decided to raise my hips a little and grind back. I resisted the urge to probe her anus but did stroke it a bit to see if there was interest. There was. I went in to the second knuckle and knew I was hitting her ‘G-spot” from the back and the front when she had a really strong cunt spasm. I looked over at the flight attendant. She had her hand up under her skirt and a dreamy look in her eyes.

After good ten minute orgasm Terri looked down at me and asked if she could suck me off. She explained that she would rather not have my spunk running down her legs as she suspected that there would be a large dose of it waiting for her. I didn’t answer but she pulled off with a little gasp and dropped to her knees in front of me. I watched both her and the flight attendant. Terri went right to work and the flight attendant went sort of slack jawed as she watched Terri get almost all of it down. The attendant continued to finger herself. It didn’t take long as I was already pretty close to losing it during the fuck session. I blew deep into Terri’s mouth and watched her suck and swallow every drop at the same time the attendant came hard on her fingers.

Terri got up from her kneeling position and curled up next to me under the blankets. She reached down and rubbed my now flaccid but tender cock. “Keep that thing handy. This is a long flight.” We both slept for a bit.

I woke to find her sucking me ’til I was hard. She climbed on and took the reverse cowgirl position. As she slammed down on me I pushed back hard as I pinched her clit with one hand and her tender nipples with the other. With both hands full I couldn’t reach her anus but she could. I could feel her finger penetrate and rub on my cock through the wall of her vagina. It only took a few seconds and I felt her contract so hard I thought she might break me off or squeeze all the blood out of my cock. We kept it up for about fifteen minutes more and I whispered in her ear that it was “feeding time again”. I glanced over at the attendant and she once more had her hand buried deep in her pussy as she watched. Terri shuddered a bit as she withdrew and assumed that wonderful position between my legs. She took me deep and hard and I could only hold back for about five minutes. I blew in her mouth and once again she worked me until I was soft and empty.

She curled up next to me again and reached down to tuck my parts in carefully as she zipped up my shorts. “Do you ever get to Atlanta or do you just pass through?” I told her that I had a trade show there in two months but could come in earlier. “I live with four other students. One is Nigerian, one is Japanese, one is French, and one is Indian. We call our place the ‘Little UN Whorehouse’. If you let us know when you’re coming in we’ll pick you up in a stretch. It will be a ride you won’t forget soon.” She slid a card in my breast pocket. I asked if they were all as hot as her and she said, “We all have our attributes.” I assured her that I would send her details of my plans. We nodded off, pretty sated, and woke as we landed.

We deplaned and I gave Terri a kiss goodbye as she headed for baggage claim. My connecting gate was right across the way and I had plenty of time. The flight attendant who had been watching us in the cabin was now manning the departure gate and I saw her look at me. I waited until the plane was empty and approached her. “Looks like you had a great flight.” She said with a smirk. I told her it looked like she enjoyed herself as well. “I did, but not as much as Terri and you” She said. “Was this your initiation into the club?” I told her it was and asked if she belonged. “No I don’t. I’ve been tempted a few times, as I was tonight, but if you get caught you get a wrist slapped. If I get caught I lose a fifteen year career.”

“Listen; my brother and I own and fly a seaplane. We take people out to Catalina or down to Baja for whale watching or fishing. We generally cruise at seven thousand feet. I’d be happy to initiate you into the club.” I saw her give a little involuntary lick to her lips as she told me that my plan sounded like fun. “Only thing is that both my brother and I would have to be on board. One to fly and one to….”

“Is your brother anything like you?” she asked.

“We’re twins, absolutely identical in every way and by every measure.” She was really salivating then and gave me her card. “I need a three week notice to clear a schedule for a weekend off”. I assured her that it would not be a problem, gave her my card, and left for my boarding.

The next flight was uneventful and I managed to get in a fifty minute nap. We eskort şişli landed; I picked up my bags, got my rental van, and headed for the lap of luxury. I pulled into valet parking and a bellman helped with my bags. At the desk the clerk recognized me by name and face and told me, with apologies, that my room was not ready yet but that as a consolation they were going to give me a dozen drink tickets and a complimentary membership to the ‘Beach Club’ where I could change and shower if I desired. I thanked him and tried to tip him but he refused, saying that it was just part of the service they were known for. I checked my bag and inventoried my parcels. All was good for Monday morning and I headed for the pool and another nap. I checked in at the club, stowed my wallet and shirt in a locker, grabbed a towel, and headed for a chaise under an umbrella. Sleep came easily and quickly.

About a half hour later I woke to the annoying sound of aluminum grating on concrete. Someone was dragging a chair right next to me! ‘It’s a big pool with lots of umbrellas!’ I thought ‘Why next to me?’ I opened my eyes and was inches away from the most gorgeous ass I had ever seen. Her ‘glutes’ were high and tight with muscled dimples right below and were amplified by the Speedo she wore which was cut up the sides and rode over her hip bones. I looked down her legs and could see amazing toning and tanning. This woman was in shape. She finished straightening the towel on my side and began to walk to the other side of the chaise. I semi closed my eyes. She straightened the towel on that side and with my limited vision all I could focus on were a pair of large pussy lips. The kind I like to dive into. “Sorry to wake you like that. I didn’t anticipate the noise.”

I opened my eyes all the way and told her it was no problem. I also took in the rest of her. She had short blond hair, a generous mouth with luscious lips, a few sun freckles, a flat firm stomach, strong thighs, and tits that would make a porn star jealous. While her nipples weren’t erect her areolas left a definite impression through the ultra thin fabric of her Speedo.

“Why so sleepy? Rough night last evening?’ I told her I had just come in on a red-eye and hadn’t been able to get much sleep but that I was sure that two to three more naps would do the trick. “That usually works for me.” She said. We chatted a bit about work, travel, and stuff. She was a hotel and restaurant reviewer who happened to live right down the street. She swore me to silence and of course I agreed. “I’m just going to swim so I’ll not wake you again.” I couldn’t place her accent but I suspected Aussie. We exchanged names. Hers was Clara.

She pulled on goggles, grabbed a water bottle, and headed for the pool. I watched that beautiful butt walk away. She sank into the water and began swimming the backstroke. She did it beautifully and quite fast. I watched as twin wakes were formed by her twin peaks. The even sound of her rhythm lulled me to sleep again. I woke to silence. She was still in the pool, sipping water, and looking right at me. I didn’t open my eyes all the way but it was pretty apparent that she was staring at my crotch. I never did put on underwear and from her vantage she could probably get a pretty good view of my wares. She began swimming the breast stroke. I looked at my watch and saw that her first session had lasted twenty minutes. I adjusted my legs so she could have an even better view during the next break and went back to sleep.

I woke to silence again and surreptiously watched as she once again stared at my stuff. I wondered how interesting this might get. She started the fly and once again lulled me to sleep with her rhythm. The next pause had her staring again and as she went into the freestyle I fell dead away into a deep and wonderful sleep. I dreamt of having those lips wrapped around my cock. When I woke this time she was not in the pool but standing over me. “That must have been one hell of a good dream.” She said as she glanced down at my hard-on that was escaping the hem of my shorts.

“You should know” I retorted, “You were the star player!”

“Good one!” she said. “Glad to be of service!”

We talked a bit more about jobs and favorite hotels and restaurants and then got into her swimming. I told her that it obviously worked for her, judging by her spectacular body. “Like most men you focus on tits. Tits are what kept me from the Olympics. Once they started to grow they just slowed me down for everything but the backstroke.”

I sensed I was on thin ice but pushed forward a bit. “You can’t deny what you have; just as I can’t deny what I have. I’ve had women walk out because they were afraid. You’ve maybe had men who just dwelled on your beautiful breasts and ignored your pretty face, your gorgeous ass, your pretty pussy, your strong thighs, and your strong belly muscles. And that’s not even taking into account your sense of humor, your intellect, and your articulation. I personally like the holistic approach.”

“Right escort sisli answer! I need to wash the chlorine out of my hair and off my skin,” She said as she got up to pack her bag and leave.

“Perhaps we could meet for dinner later?” I asked.

“Speed up Captain. Give me a forty five minute head start. I’m in room 417.” She handed me a key-card and I watched her beautiful ass disappear behind a hedge.

I decided that a shower was probably in order and went into the club where the attendant provided me with a bath towel, and a complimentary bag containing soap, razor, shampoo, deodorant, and such. He also gave me a bathrobe and said I could just leave it in my room when I was done with it. I checked in at the front desk and found that my room was ready and that my bags and parcels had already been moved up and in. My room was 317. I went to my room, dropped off my shorts and shirt, and went up one floor. I was a few minutes early and I began to knock but thought better of it and used the key she had provided.

The bathroom door was open a few inches and I could hear a low humming sound. I went to the door and peeked in. She had an electric razor in her hand and was shaving her Mons. She ran her fingers over her whole pussy searching for stray hairs. Finding none she turned the razor in her palm and began to push it between those fat labia. She found her clit and using the shaver like a vibrator; stroked it up and down. She pressed it harder against her clit. Her eyes rolled back and she almost fell down with the power of her convulsions. As she finished I went over to the window and took in the great view of the Gulf.

She came into the room behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, untying the sash to my robe. I could smell her sex and yearned to taste it. She reached down and grabbed my totally erect shaft with both hands. “As I was in the shower I began to have doubts that what I saw before might be an illusion. I’m glad to feel that it wasn’t.” She turned me around and dropped both her robe and mine. I was content to let her take the lead. She went to her knees and began to lick my balls and shaft. She worked her magical tongue up my shaft and took me in pretty deep and long. She had to shift positions a couple of times but managed to get me almost all the way down. I could feel her tongue licking my balls as she did so. She gagged, stood up and asked, “Will you fuck me first?” I pulled her to her feet and led her to the bed.

“I’m going to do a lot more than just fuck you. I’m going to explore every inch of your magnificent body with my fingers, hand, and tongue. I won’t fuck you until you beg me to stick my cock deep into your steaming, smoldering pussy.”

“Damn, I’m already ready!”

“Not yet; you’re not.” I kissed her and drove my tongue deep into the back of her throat. I held it there for a while, exploring every inch of her mouth just as I hoped to explore every inch of her pussy in a bit. I moved over and kissed her ear, nibbling a bit at the lobe. I went back to her mouth and then to the other ear, giving it the same treatment. I moved down to her neck and nuzzled the area between her ear and her collar bone. I repeated this on the other side and nibbled at her clavicles, being careful not to mar that beautiful body. I slowly moved down and ran my tongue around her breasts, avoiding the areola and nipples at first. I eventually found my way to them and it was almost as if she were electrified. She came hard and long. I really had to fight hard not to lick her cunt for the aroma.

I worked my way down further, licking her navel and swirling my tongue ever closer to her puss. She was writhing and begging and I couldn’t resist giving it one good lick. She tasted great. I continued my journey south and caressed her thighs, knees and feet with my hands and tongue. “PLEASE! FUCK ME NOW” she screamed.

I moved up and kissed her hard again. “Honey, I’ve only covered one side.” I rolled her over on her stomach and again started at the top. I kissed and licked the nape of her neck and slowly worked my way from side to side catching her shoulder blades, the small of her back and just above her anus. That part was wet with sweat and tasted like the best oysters I had ever had. I bypassed the treat just below it and worked my way down her thighs and calves. I kissed the bottom of each foot and slowly worked my way back north. I got to her anus and began to tongue it hard.

She had a spasm and cursed me. “PLEASE YOU BASTARD, I’M BEGGING YOU. JUST FUCK ME!” I pulled her to her knees and entered her from behind. I wasn’t gentle but rammed all twelve inches in hard. She began to cum again almost immediately and I kept her there for about five minutes. I pulled out, rolled her over, and began to lick her pussy. She squirted all over my face. When she was done I brought my face to her and ordered her to lick it clean. She hungrily cleaned me off and begged me to fuck her again. I gladly obliged, this time from the front as my fingers found her anus. It didn’t take long until she was over the top again. I let it subside, turned her over again and brought her up to her knees. This time, instead of pushing into her cunt, I pressed against her anus. There was no complaint other than a barely audible ‘oh, oh, oh!’

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