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Bikini And A Badge Ch. 17

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Later that evening, close to midnight, the tropical storm was beginning to fade to the east. The torrential rains had diminished to a steady shower and the thunder was nothing more than a low rumbling in the distance.

As Brittany was getting ready for bed, Rob knocked at her stateroom door. Slipping quickly into her shorty sleeper, she allowed him to enter the room.

“Thought I might fly up to Nassau in the morning.” Rob said. “We need to pick up some supplies and stock up on some groceries.”

“Sounds like a good idea if the weather’s decent.” Brittany responded. “You might want to take Todd and Kimmie along, since they‘ve been doing all the cooking.”

“I’m gonna take the mail with me.” Rob stated. “Didn’t know if you had any letters you wanted to send out or not.”

“I don’t have anyone I’d ever write to.” Brittany retorted.

“What about your family?” Rob inquired. “Don’t you ever write them?”

“Not hardly!” Brittany exclaimed. “And, don’t even bother to ask why!”

After Rob exited the stateroom, Brittany turned off the lights and slipped into bed. Tossing and turning for over an hour, she decided to get up and see if anyone else was having difficulty sleeping.

The television was playing in the livingroom but no one was watching it. Everyone had gone to bed, probably paired off with Amanda and Kimmie. The rain had diminished to a light drizzle, barely audible inside the houseboat. Lighting up a cigarette, she walked into the galley for a beer. Taking one from the refrigerator, she opened the pull-tab.

“Got one of those for me.” Frank inquired, stepping into the galley.

“Still running around in your briefs, I see.” Brittany remarked, handing him a beer.

“What’s the matter? Couldn’t sleep?” He asked.

“Guess I slept too much during the day.” Brittany answered. “What about you?”

“Me, I never sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time.” Frank responded. “The doctors say it’s some kind of sleep disorder.”

“Do you take anything for it? Any medication?” Brittany inquired.

“Nah. About the only thing that helps is alcohol, sex or reading.” He replied.

“Well, you’ve got a beer in your hand.” Brittany commented. “There’s probably a copy of my book laying around her someplace.”

“Already read your book.” Frank said. “You’ve led a pretty exciting life.”

“I guess.” Brittany replied. “I’ll be glad when this is over and I get back stateside.”

“With Rob?” Frank asked.

“No, not with Rob!” Brittany quickly answered. “We’re going our separate ways when this is all over.”

“A few of us think there’s something more than just teamwork between you two.” Frank stated. “Maybe you two have a real future together.”

“Marriage!” Brittany exclaimed, snickering. “I like sex too damn much to ever get married.”

“So, there’s nothing between you two then?” Frank inquired.

“No. There’s nothing between us.” Brittany replied. “We don’t see things eye-to-eye.”

“Well, think I’ll make a pitstop and then try to get some sleep.” He said, tossing the empty beer can into the trash receptacle. “Care to join me?”

“You know where my stateroom is.” Brittany murmured as she walked out of the galley.

A few minutes later Brittany’s stateroom door opened. In the dim lighting, she could see Frank enter the bedroom but he wasn’t alone. Amanda Webb was right behind him.

“Look who I found running around in her undies.” Frank said.

“Frank thinks he can take care of both of us.” Amanda commented.

“Well, there’s one way to find out.” Brittany responded, taking the top of her shorty sleep off.

Stepping behind Amanda, Frank lifted her snug fitting t-shirt off over her head. Amanda’s beautiful breasts were met by Brittany’s admiring gaze. Getting up from the bed, Brittany placed her hands at Amanda’s waist, kissing her softly on the lips. Frank kissed the woman along the nape of her neck bringing about an immediate reaction.

Frank’s hands reached around cupping Amanda’s full breasts. Offering them up to Brittany, she put her hands over his as she gently nibbled at the firm mounds. Amanda’s nipples extended immediately, begging to be suckled. Pulling on them with her thumb and forefinger, Brittany brought Amanda to sharp gasps of breath. Grasping one of Amanda’s nipples between her lips, she sucked hard on it till Amanda was whimpering. Working on the other nipple produced an even sharper reaction. The woman was begging to be fucked, her lips muttering the words over and over.

Looking over Amanda’s shoulder, she saw Frank grinning evilly with lust in his eyes. Brittany brushed the back of her hand over Amanda’s taut tummy. Slipping her hand inside the gauzy nylon of Amanda’s white g-string panties, she felt the soft blonde hair covering the woman’s pubic mound. Brittany pushed the woman’s panties down to her knees, letting her fingers trace lightly upwards to her moist pussy. Frank was nibbling lightly on Amanda’s earlobe.

“Damn, she’s wet!” Brittany murmured. fatih escort “Her pussy’s already dripping!”

Brittany rubbed two fingers over Amanda’s pussy, saturating her fingers with the heavy moisture. Placing her hand at Frank’s mouth, she let him lick the juices from her fingers. Amanda’s body was trembling slightly as her inner passions were slowly rising. Brittany knelt down in front of her, removing her panties and tossing them aside. Pushing Amanda’s legs wide apart, she eagerly licked at her pussy, driving her into a frenzy. Brittany slipped a hand between the woman’s legs, reaching for Frank’s bulging crotch pressed tightly into Amanda’s butt. Gently massaging his balls, she could feel the head of huge cock through the soft material of his briefs.

“Let’s make use of that bed.” Frank suggested, gesturing with his head at the queen-size bed.

Frank placed Amanda on the bed, spreading her legs wide apart. Brittany stripped off her panties before climbing on the bed between Amanda’s legs. Running her tongue up and down Amanda’s blossoming pussy, she had her near the brink of orgasm in mere moments. Amanda’s hands reached for Brittany but she clasped them tightly in hers, subduing the lust-crazed woman. Frank knelt down behind Brittany, lifting her till she was kneeling on the bed. Spreading her legs, his tongue licked frantically at her wanton pussy.

It was all Brittany could do to concentrate on bringing Amanda to orgasm. Sliding her tongue inside the woman, she swirled it along the walls of her pussy. Amanda’s hands were clenching Brittany’s till they hurt. Taking the woman’s budding clit between her lips, she sucked on it, bringing Amanda to an incredible orgasm.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Goddddddddddddddddddddd” Amanda screamed in a loud moan. “Britttttttttttttt”

Brittany continued taunting Amanda’s clitoris with her mouth till the orgasm finally waned. Frank was stabbing his tongue in and out of Brittany’s pussy, getting her juices flowing like a swollen river. Her ass was wiggling uncontrollably in his tight grip. Standing up, Frank shoved his tight briefs off, exposing his enormous cock.

Brittany barely had a chance to look down between her legs to see Frank’s huge cock before feeling it being pressed against the lips of her pussy. Franks hands gripped Brittany’s waist as his cock pushed through the folds of her pussy, slowly easing into her.

“Ohhh Goddddddddddddd Dammmmmmmnnnnnnnnn!” Brittany cried out. “Arghhhhhhhhhhhh”

“Relax Britt.” Frank muttered. “You can take it Babe. Just relax that tight pussy.”

“Ohhhhhhhh Godddddddddddd” Brittany shrieked, feeling her pussy being stretched to its limits.

Working his huge cock slowly into Brittany, Frank soon felt his balls brushing against her pussy. Withdrawing his cock almost completely, he slowly plunged back into her, bringing a loud moan from the woman. Slowly and methodically, he increased his tempo, being careful not to hurt her. As her pussy grew accustomed to the enormous cock fucking her, Brittany could feel herself being slowly consumed in sexual gratification. Pushing back against Frank, she began fucking herself on his cock. Her throat emitting guttural sounds as she went into a rage.

“That’s it Babe!” Frank exclaimed. “You love that cock!

Brittany fucked herself into a frenzy. Her orgasm felt like a hot fire burning deep inside her pussy.

“Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” She screamed, her face beet-red. “Fuccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk”

Brittany’s ass gyrated on Frank’s cock as the mind-blowing orgasm took her farther than she’d ever been before. Collapsing on top of Amanda as the orgasm eventually waned, she barely remembered Frank’s cock sliding out of her pussy. Looking towards the foot of the bed with her breasts resting on Amanda’s tummy, she watched as Frank lifted the woman’s legs, spreading them wide apart. His enormous cock glistened with her cum smeared over it.

“Now for a little desert.” Frank muttered, his face grinning. “Guide that monster in for me.”

Brittany seized Frank’s cock, her fingers unable to engulf it. Guiding the mushroom-shaped head to Amanda’s dripping pussy, she watched him impale the beautiful blonde with one thrust. Amanda’s taut ass lifted up off the bed, arching her back as the cock ripped into her.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” She screamed.

The door to the stateroom suddenly opened. Brittany couldn’t see who it was.

“Is this where the party is?” A male voice spoke out.

“You got it!” Frank exclaimed, pumping his cock hard and fast into Amanda.

“Grab some ass and go at it!” He shouted. “Brittany’s got one helluva tight one!”

“No. No more.” Brittany mumbled, trying to lift herself up off Amanda.

She felt someone’s hand shove her down across Amanda just before being smacked hard on the ass. Looking over her shoulder, she barely made out that it was Ray standing behind her. He was looking down at her ass, guiding his cock into her already escort istanbul inflamed pussy. Impaling her with one thrust, Ray fucked her hard and fast. His pelvis slapping against her butt filled the stateroom with loud smacking sounds.

“High Five Man!” Ray exclaimed. “Doin’ a double!”

The two men high-fived each other like they were at some sporting event. To them, sex was just a game for their own pleasure. But they were damn good players! Ray fucked Brittany with a vengeance till she had a screaming orgasm that scared them both. His cum spewed deep into her as he lost control and could no longer hold back.

Frank was nearing his climax. Perspiration was dripping from his face onto his hairy chest. Amanda lay motionless, her eyes barely open. She’d cum several times from Frank’s incessant fucking.

“Get ready Britt!” He shouted. “I’m gonna pump a load of dick-jelly down your fucking throat.”

Making one last hard thrust into Amanda, he pulled his huge cock from her pussy. Brittany’s eyes widened at the sight of his huge organ. Frank grabbed the back of her head, his fingers entwining in her streaked blond hair. He plunged the head of his cock between Brittany’s lips just as the first of his hot, thick load shot out. Brittany couldn’t swallow all of it fast enough. Cum seeped from her mouth, dripping down on Amanda’s tummy. Brittany got most of it down before the second load disgorged from Frank’s cock. She choked briefly but kept her mouth tightly wrapped around the bulbous crown of his cock swallowing the last of his cum.

“Ray, take Amanda back to our room.” Frank said in a commanding voice. “Clean her up and take care of her.”

Brittany watched as Ray picked up Amanda’s spent form from the bed. Frank helped Brittany stretch out on the bed. Her pussy felt like raw meat. Grabbing several wet washcloths from the bathroom, he washed her body, gently cleansing the drying cum from her legs and face. Brittany lay lifeless, unable to help. Grabbing a quick shower, Frank returned to the bed. Brittany was already deep in sleep. Sliding into bed beside her, he cuddled her close to his body, embracing her with both arms.

The sound of a twin-engine, low flying airplane awoke Brittany from her sound sleep. Slipping out of Frank’s arms, she grabbed a robe, putting it around her as she ran down the hallway.

“Was that a plane I just heard fly overhead?” She asked Vince, sitting at the bar in the galley.

“Yeah. Rob just took off for Nassau with Todd and Kimmie.” He answered.

“Oh. I thought it might have been someone running drugs.” Brittany said.

“The monitors have been pretty quiet all morning.” Vince stated. “A few slow moving boats passed to the east earlier, probably yachts or large cruisers.”

Brittany returned to the master stateroom to take a good long shower. Washing her pussy, she noticed it was still quite tender from the reaming out Frank and Ray had given her. After fixing her hair, Brittany dressed in shorts and a halter-top.

Sitting with Vince in the galley, the two drank the last of the fresh coffee.

“The others still asleep?” Vince inquired.

“I guess. Frank’s still asleep in my stateroom.” Brittany replied. “I think Amanda’s in Todd’s room.”

“Big party last night from what I could hear.” Vince remarked. “I’m sure Rob heard it too.”

“Whatta you mean by that?” Brittany asked.

“What I’m saying is, why don’t you give Rob a break?” Vince retorted. “You’ve fucked everybody and you sure as hell haven’t been very discreet about it.”

“Well, he’s been with each of us girls.” Brittany stated. “How do you think that make me feel?”

“You! You probably could care less.” Vince replied. “Just give the guy a break. At least think about it.”

Vince got up from his barstool and walked out onto the front deck of the houseboat leaving Brittany alone with her thoughts.

It was late afternoon when Rob landed the Piper Seneca safely at the top of the hill. Everyone helped carry the supplies down to the houseboat. Brittany noticed Rob was avoiding any eye contact with her. She sensed he was angry with her, angrier then ever before. The rest of the day, Rob kept his distance from her.

It was early evening when the radar screen picked up a low flying airplane at about a hundred foot above the water. Quickly checking its course, Vince determined it was heading towards Key West.

“Let’s go Rob!” Brittany exclaimed. “We got us a live one!”

“Kimmie, call the DEA!” She added running towards her stateroom. “Let them know what’s going on.”

Returning with her nightvision and regular binoculars, she ran out onto the front deck, jumping off onto the beach. Scurrying up the hill, she could hear Rob warming the engines up on the airplane. Climbing into the cockpit next to him, she secured her door and fastened the shoulder harness and lap belts. Rob sped down the side of the road, quickly turning around near the communications tower. With both engines at full throttle maslak escort the aircraft took off, making a hard banking turn to the right.

“What’s are position compared to theirs?” Brittany asked, speaking into the headset.

“They’re directly west of you about twenty miles, still at a hundred feet and about a hundred and fifty miles per hour.” Todd replied. “We’ve got you guys on the radar screen now.”

“Keep giving us directions till we spot them.” Brittany commanded.

With Todd and Vince guiding them towards their target, Brittany spotted the low flying aircraft off in the distance through her binoculars. Within minutes, Rob caught up with the airplane, flying directly over the top of it at about five-hundred feet altitude. Maintaining the higher altitude would enable the DEA’s radar system to track them.

“The DEA’s got you on their radar.” Kimmie’s voice came over the headset. “They’re scrambling an interceptor plane.”

The DEA pilot’s voice came over the headset right behind Kimmie’s. Asking what type of aircraft they were tracking.

“It’s an old DC-3 with faded gray paint.” Rob replied into his headset. “It’s an old cargo plane with no markings. We‘re flying directly over them, maintaining their speed.”

As Rob and Brittany maintained their altitude and speed over the other plane, they were soon joined by the DEA flying a Beechcraft King Air 200 turbo prop.

“We got him!” The DEA pilot said. “You guys can back off and let us take over from here.”

While Rob slowed the Piper’s speed down, they watched the DEA’s turbo prop fly down right next to the DC-3 cargo plane. Within moments, both planes banked right, setting a course for Bimini.

“We may as well follow them in.” Rob suggested. “Won’t hurt us to refuel before we head back.

The DC-3 landed first with the DEA right on its tail. Rob set the Piper Seneca down right behind them. Turning off towards the fueling area, Brittany watched the DEA’s ground crew taking over at the far end of the runway. Although it was disappointing not to make the arrest, it was rewarding to know they’d intercepted another load of drugs.

“We may as well get something cold to drink while we’re getting refueled.” Rob suggested.

As the two stood outside, they watched the two pilots being taken into custody and the plane being offloaded. Rob noticed several crates along with bundled drugs being put on a flatbed truck.

“Wonder what’s in the crates.” He said.

“Might be guns or ammunition.” Brittany speculated.

Checking the planes landing lights before they took off, Rob sped down the runway heading back to the base camp. It was a long flight, almost an hour long with neither one saying a word. As the plane set down on the hill above the cove, they saw that everyone was waiting for them.

Rob taxied the plane to its resting spot. Shutting down both engines, the team rushed towards them with big smiles on their faces.

“That was so smooth!” Vince exclaimed. “You guys were on them like a pitbull on a poodle!”

“Well, you guys did most of the work.” Rob responded, slightly blushing. “We just followed your directions.”

“It was great teamwork on everyone’s part.” Brittany added. “Just shows we can make this work successfully.”

Returning to the houseboat, the team celebrated their achievement. Rob’s adrenalin was still pumping through his body. He was too keyed to even sit down, describing in vivid detail everything that happened. Brittany had to admit, she was proud of him. He got right to work getting the plane ready; remaining cool through everything and identifying the aircraft they were tracking.

It was after midnight before things quieted down and most everyone went off to bed. Rob had consumed several beers, more than his usual one beer. He was sitting out on the front deck of the houseboat with Frank and Ray, still talking. They were all pretty drunk or close to it.

Brittany went to her stateroom. Getting out of her shorts and halter-top, she slipped into bed, stretching out on the fresh sheets she’d put on earlier in the afternoon. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, she heard her stateroom door open. Rob was standing in the doorway wearing his cowboy hat. He stood there, not saying anything.

“You alright?” Brittany murmured, breaking the silence.

“Yeah. I’m ok.” He mumbled.

“You need some help getting to bed?” She asked.

“Nope.” Rob managed to finally answer.

Rob remained standing in the doorway, staring at her. Brittany got out of bed and slipped on her robe.

“Come on Cowboy.” She whispered. “It’s time for you to hit the ole bunkhouse.”

Pushing Rob down the narrow hallway, she managed to guide him into his stateroom. Getting his clothes off and into bed was a chore. Rob was like dead weight as she rolled and tugged on him to get him situated on the bed.

“You gonna stay with me tonight?” He mumbled.

“No. I’m going back to my room.” Brittany replied. “You need to sleep alone tonight.”

Early the following morning, Brittany took her coffee and cigarettes out on the front deck of the houseboat. Everyone but Todd was still asleep in their staterooms.

“Kinda quiet last night.” Todd said, joining her. “On the boat I mean.”

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