

Eki 20

CFNM College Ch. 04

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On Saturday afternoon, James decided to go for a swim at the school pool. Sarah and Charlotte were off with some of the other freshman girls, but Diane had volunteered to join him. As they walked to the pool, James was already imagining her in a bikini, wondering how her breasts would look in it, whether they would bounce as she walked around.

They arrived at the pool, at the entrance of which Miss Elizabeth was stationed as attendant. “Hello, James, Diane,” she called out with a smile, “here for a swim?”

“Yes, Miss Elizabeth,” they chorused.

She pointed them to a small building beside the pool. “Well, every student has an assigned locker there with their swimwear. There are a few changing rooms for the girls, so you, Diane, can get changed there. James, your locker is there with everyone else’s, but the changing rooms are only for the girls, so you’ll have to change in the locker area.”

“Uh…but other people can just pass by there!” James complained. “Can’t I just change inside one of the rooms that is vacant?”

“No, you can’t,” Miss Elizabeth crossed her arms. “Anyway, you’re a boy and can change quickly. Besides, I think all the girls have already seen what you have after last Friday.” She said it in such a deadpan manner that despite Diane’s giggling, James did not want to argue anymore. He started to trudge over to the locker area.

Diane walked beside him. “It’s OK, James,” she said with a cheeky grin, “Besides, I bet you’ll like the view of some of the hot girls once we get in the pool.”

James had to smile back at that. “Can’t deny I’ve been waiting for it.”

As they entered the locker room, James looked out of the corner of his eye. No girls seemed to be passing by. Also, Diane had just retrieved a red one-piece suit from her locker. Bummer, it wasn’t a bikini. She entered one of the changing rooms and locked the door behind her.

James checked his locker and pulled out a white pair of swimming trunks. He paused and thought to himself. Surely I can get changed quickly enough inside one of the changing rooms. But just as he was about to enter the nearest one, a voice suddenly called out.

“What do you think you’re doing?” James turned, heart dropping, to see a tall figure in the doorway, outlined by the sunlight. It wasn’t Miss Elizabeth, but he doubted that would make it any easier on him.

“I just thought…it was vacant.” James explained. “I would just be really fast.”

The girl stepped in and James got a better look at her. She had a proud air about her, and was actually pretty, despite the fact that she looked threatening. “Miss Elizabeth told me to check up on you. Turns out it was a good thing I did. You’re supposed to be changing out here.”

James hung his head silently.

“Now get changed here, quickly,” the girl urged. “I’d like to get Kartal Escort back into the pool already.”

Now that she mentioned it, James noticed the droplets of water still clinging to her, and seeing her wet, shapely body in that green one-piece swimsuit was beginning to excite his penis. “Um…can you just turn around while I change?” He tried it anyway, but knew the answer was going to be a no.

“What? Of course not!” The girl exclaimed. “I had to interrupt my swim to babysit you, I may as well find a way to enjoy myself. Now hurry up and take your clothes off.”

James hesitantly took his clothes off, attempting to cover his penis when he removed his underwear.

“No covering that up,” the girl said in a quiet but authoritative voice.

James removed his hand, revealing his penis already beginning to rise.

“Well, if that’s for me, at least you’re flattering,” the girl smirked as he quickly put the swim trunks on. The girl, having seen him change, walked back out, and James heard a splash as she presumably dove into the pool.

There was a sound of a door unlocking and Diane emerged. She took a look at him and smirked, “We haven’t even gotten into the thick of all the girls and you’re already excited?”

He looked down and noticed that the trunks were thin, and his slight bulge was clearly visible. He hesitantly explained how the girl – he realized he didn’t even know her name – had made him change there.

“Tsk,” Diane muttered. “That’s why you should have just listened to Miss Elizabeth in the first place.”

“Well, actually there would have been no difference,” James argued, “the girl would still have seen me naked when she walked in to check on me.”

“But she might have just taken one look to see that you were following rules, and once she saw it, she may have just gone back.” Diane explained. “Maybe that way you wouldn’t have had time to get aroused from looking at her.” She grinned.

“Maybe.” James conceded, and as they walked out, he made sure to walk behind Diane so others wouldn’t notice his current state.

As they slipped into the pool, Diane quietly turned to him and said, “Don’t think I didn’t notice how you walked behind me.” She giggled. “You owe me for shielding you from view.”

James attempted to relax in the pool, hoping the cool water would also cool his arousal off. But as he and Diane walked around, Diane constantly pointed out the girls’ bodies.

“I bet you’d like her breasts,” she would say, discreetly pointing her eyes at a lone senior in a blue swimsuit who was floating face-up in the water, and whose breasts clearly bulged above the waterline.

James tried to distract himself from her teasing, and diverted Diane’s attention by pointing out the girl who had watched him change in the locker area.

“Green Pendik Escort swimsuit…” Diane thought aloud, “so she’s a junior. If I remember correctly, her name is Patricia.” James filed that away for future reference.

“Want to go nearer to her?” Diane smiled teasingly at him. “Maybe you want a closer look than what you got in the locker area?”

Unsurprisingly, his erection wasn’t going down. Still, he let Diane half-drag him over to Patricia. “Hi, Patricia, I’m Diane, James’ roommate.”

Patricia smiled back at her. “Ah yes, I’m sure you must be enjoying your first week here so far.” She turned to James and assumed a stricter demeanor. “Did you tell her how you tried to break the rules earlier?”

Diane giggled. “Yes, he confessed to me earlier.”

“Well,” Patricia continued in a low voice, “I actually told Miss Elizabeth that you followed the rules on your own. So I hope you’ve learned your lesson, please don’t try to bypass the rules no matter what you think, OK?”

“Oh, thank you for not getting me into more trouble,” James nodded fervently. “I’ll do my best to follow the school rules.”

“That’s alright,” Patricia said, nicely for someone who looked so stern, “I guess you’re still adjusting to how it goes here. But be warned that most girls here are a lot more strict, and they wouldn’t hesitate to report you.” She grinned lasciviously. “Mainly because Miss Elizabeth would probably reward them by letting them play with you.”

James grinned at that. “Hm. Maybe it would be nice to break the rules sometimes…”

Diane laughed heartily as Patricia replied with a smile. “Well, that’s up to you. But to be honest, you’ll have enough chances with pretty much all the girls here, so no sense rushing things. Just take your time and enjoy.” She pointed at the far end of the pool, where there were 4 girls, two in red and two in yellow. “Why don’t you get to know the two sophomores, for starters?”

James and Diane made to begin walking through the water, but Patricia added, “It’s probably faster to get out of the water here and go along the side.” Nodding their assent, they lifted themselves out of the water and walked over. As they drew near, James could make out Natalie and Regina as the two in red.

“Hi, Natalie, Regina,” Diane made the first greetings as she slipped into the pool. James was about to follow, but his two classmates were staring at his crotch with smiles. He looked down to see that his white trunks had essentially become transparent due to the water! The girls could see the outline of his penis clearly, and this thought suddenly excited him further.

A short but loud ripping sound was heard, and the two sophomores cheered as his cock actually tore through the trunks and rose to full mast! As James panicked and covered up, a strong pair of Göztepe Escort arms grabbed him from behind and pushed him into the two sophomores, who squealed as they caught him. He had extended his arms reflexively as if to break the fall, so the girls who caught him promptly turned him over, exposing his cock for all to see, and holding his arms away to keep him from covering himself.

“You see, James,” Patricia said – it had been her who pushed him into the water, apparently she had quietly followed them over, “your trunks are actually made of a material that gets much weaker when wet. While you’re in the water, your erection didn’t break through since there’s some water weighing down on it as well. But once we got you aroused when you were out of the water…” She dissolved into laughs, which were echoed by the other girls.

Diane was the only one who seemed surprised by all of it. “Why didn’t I know this would happen?” She asked between fits of laughter.

“Oh, this happens to every new boy,” one of the sophomores said. “Janice here just told Natalie and Regina about it a few minutes ago, once we saw James coming into the pool area. I’m Camilla, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Camilla, Janice,” Diane said, “I’m Diane.” She glanced at James, who was being held up by the girls, and whose cock was pointing almost vertically up. She couldn’t resist a giggle, which proved contagious to the rest.

“So…” Patricia broke the laughter with a lustful grin at James, “I think it’s time to let the first years experience the most fun part of swimming here at Bellvere.” She slipped into the water and ripped off the rest of James’ trunks, then grasped his cock in her hand.

She gave it a few long, sensuous strokes up and down, and James shuddered in delight. She then moved to take Camilla’s place, and Camilla’s hand did its work. She changed places with Janice, who did the same, eliciting a sigh of pleasure of James. And so it went on, to Natalie, Regina, then Diane.

A new voice spoke, “May I cut in?” It was the senior with large boobs that Diane had pointed out to James earlier. Now that she was right beside him, James realized that it was none other than Janet, who had teamed up with Hannah just yesterday to make him blow his load. The memory was undoubtedly arousing, and as she took his dick in hand and stroked like the others, it felt incredibly good.

He lost all track of who was holding him afloat and who was doing the stroking (they seemed to be taking turns), until he felt the familiar pressure approaching. He opened his eyes to see Patricia furiously jacking him off.

“He’s cumming!” She announced as she felt his twitching. The first shot flew high up to the cheers of the girls, and the succeeding ones grew progressively weaker as James’ orgasm faded.

“Wow,” was all he could say at the experience. The girls finally let him go, and each girl hugged him one by one, thanking him for the show. They returned to the changing rooms – James changed in the locker area, with no further protests – and happily walked him and Diane back to their dorm room.

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