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Cucked: The Blowjob Arrangement Ch. 02

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Some time had passed since the big drunken night where I had watched my girlfriend Jess get fucked by our roommate Ethan. They had a longstanding agreement where she’d blow him once a day, predating our relationship.

It may already sound like a wild dynamic to begin with, but things really began to go off the rails after the night where I (tipsily, on the spot, and without an ounce of foresight) gave permission for them to finally fuck, and right in front of me, no less.

The blowjobs had not slowed down since then. Being present to see Jess suck Ethan’s long, thick cock that night had broken down the stigma in their eyes, and they had stopped being as private about the blowjobs as they were before.

Ethan used to always call Jess over to his room when he’d claim his cocksucking in the mornings, but Jess was sometimes too tired to walk down the hallway (but not too tired to slurp a huge dick it seemed), and would take Ethan on the spot, figuring I must be okay with it, since I hadn’t voiced any discontent that one night. Oh, that one drunken night, how it continued to haunt me.

Usually I would pretend to still be asleep so I could turn over and ignore the sucking, licking, and frantic cock-kissing, which even when Jess tried to tone it down so as not to “wake” me was still louder than the average cocksucker.

On days where she already knew I was awake when Ethan came in for his daily sucking, though, I had no choice but to lay through it with my eyes open. I’d try not to focus too hard on Ethan’s humongous dick surging in and out of my girlfriend’s eager mouth, or the absolute fervour with which she’d plant her lips on the head of his cock, kissing it with so much passion that it was like it was another boyfriend of hers.

Our air conditioning had long since been fixed, but throughout the summer Jess continued to hang out around the apartment in her underwear. It seemed obvious that the stigma around being unclothed in the common spaces of our apartment had just been dispelled and Jess was just more comfortable prancing around in her panties. However, a part of me wondered if she was doing it on purpose to attract more attention from Ethan.

She’d wear a lot of skimpy thongs, though she always had, just underneath her pants. Still, it was hard to walk into the kitchen and see her bent over the counter, pointing her ass out in a tight g-string, and not speculate if it was an intentional act.

Times where she would hang out pantsless she’d also go shirtless, and in bras that framed her tits really well. There were a few times, usually when the summer heat was at its peak, where she’d also forgo the bra.

One time, I was witness to a conversation between her and Ethan in our hallway where she asked his opinion on a pair of very cheeky pink panties she was wearing, turning her bum towards him and arching it out to showcase it as well as possible.

“Wow, those are actually really hot on you,” he replied. I had told her earlier I didn’t like them as much as some of her other panties when asked, but she wore them every week after that interaction with Ethan.

Jess making food in the kitchen or doing her laundry with her tits out in nothing but a thong definitely made my jealousy flare up when Ethan was around. I’d already been okay with her being near-naked with Ethan before, not to mention me being complicit in their sexual relationship continuing, so it was hard for me to feel justified in mentioning it.

I still felt a sense of inertia around my dignity. If I just sucked it up and kept quiet, I could maybe save face. How humiliating would it be to have to bring this up now, after so many months of seemingly being okay with things? If anything had to stop, I’d basically have to admit that I felt insecure about Ethan and his huge cock being in and around my girlfriend, and I didn’t want to live here knowing that Jess and Ethan both knew this.

Possibly even worse than this, though something I would have even less control over, was that Ethan had also started walking around our apartment in his underwear. At least seeing my girlfriend in tiny panties was still a massive turn-on, even if it was accompanied by these other feelings.

Seeing Ethan in tight form-fitting briefs, on the other hand, did nothing but make me feel inadequate by comparison. I’d get a pit in my stomach every time Jess and I would be in a room and he’d come in, his thick bulge swinging and slapping against his own thighs.

My eyes were usually too transfixed on his package to notice if Jess was having any kind of reaction. It was hard to tell with how tight the underwear he generally wore was, but I think times where he’d walk in and see Jess in her panties, his cock would start to swell against its tight fabric.

Ethan had even taken to occasionally walking through the apartment fully naked, though rarely, and usually out of convenience. A few times, he’d waltzed out of the bathroom after a shower, and just opted to not wrap a towel around his Pendik Escort hips while making his way to his bedroom.

Seeing his massive dick without the restrictions a pair of tight boxer briefs imposed on it made me feel even worse the first time it had happened. Even soft, his cock was thicker than mine could ever be, and reached halfway down his muscular thighs.

The first time I saw this, Jess thankfully wasn’t around to see my reaction; the second time, she was around and I witnessed hers. Her jaw dropped out of surprise, even though this was the same cock she’d get well-acquainted with most mornings. My guess is seeing it in this different context caught her off guard, though, and she didn’t have time to disguise a slight high-pitched moan.

Thankfully, the fucking didn’t become a regular thing after that first night months ago. It wasn’t a complete non-issue, though. A few weeks after that, Jess brought it up again. I was dreading having this conversation, but when I had run through it in my head, I didn’t imagine it would be as brief and informal as it was.

“Hey, you don’t mind if Ethan and I have sex again, do you?” she casually chimed one evening, leaning into our bedroom door to ask me while I was sitting in bed on my laptop.

Caught off guard and without giving much thought to what I was being asked, I gave a knee-jerk response of “No.” Damn it! My too-agreeable instincts screwed me over again.

Jess was already half way out the door after chirping out a quick “Cool.” Of course it wouldn’t be too late for me to say wait, I changed my mind, and I know Jess would respect my wishes if I did ask for her to stop.

Somehow, though, it was less humiliating in my mind to pretend I was fully okay with all of this. What was I even supposed to say to Jess, that I was jealous of this man with his massive man-cock because he makes me look like a boy? I’d basically be admitting that by telling her I was uncomfortable with everything, it’d be obvious to everyone.

It was much easier and made me look more confident to just pretend that everything was cool with me. Sure, go and get absolutely fucked by this huge dick, I’ll barely even notice. It was easier to repress these feelings as much as I could, and stay in denial.

I’ll admit though, after that big drunken night, I was considerably less bothered by the blowjobs, and even the occasional pounding he’d give her. They still gave me pangs of jealousy, and sure, the underlying shame and total and complete humiliation was there of course. Maybe these kinds of things just wear you down over time, and your mind starts to adjust to being such a pure outright cuck.

Still on my laptop, I could now hear her yells through the wall, making sounds I hadn’t heard since that drunken night.

One weekday, after a quick morning cuddle with Jess, I got up to get ready. It wasn’t lost on me that Ethan hadn’t disturbed us to get his morning blowjob today, and we’d been able to snuggle in peace. I went to the apartment’s bathroom, stripped off, and got in the shower.

A couple minutes into showering, I heard the bathroom door loudly open and slam closed again. A few seconds later, I was in shock to see Ethan in all of his fit, nude glory rip open the shower curtain and climb in before I could object.

Stunned into silence, Ethan explained in a rushed tone, “Sorry man, I’m running late for work today, no time to wait for you to finish.”

I think he could tell from my expression that I didn’t know what to say, but would maybe prefer to not be next to another naked man in such tight quarters. Our shower couldn’t even be called spacious for one, let alone a couple.

“Don’t worry, it’s just like showering at the gym or in school,” he reassured. Not quite, I thought. I’d never been in a communal shower where someone else’s fat cock was rubbing the side of my leg. My own dick retracted a bit every time Ethan’s would slap against me.

I already knew he was bigger, thicker, and just in general more of a man than me – it seemed kind of on the nose for the universe to remind me of that fact by having his manhood literally striking me every time he turned to wash a different part of himself.

After the shock had worn off, I was able to make some more strategic decisions. Ethan’s cock was so long as to be unruly when he turned back and forth, and he’d given up on trying to control it in his hurried showering.

When it touched my much smaller penis, I started to do some calculations. Was it better to face toward him, and have this real man’s toned body right in front of me, cocks touching even more? Or was it better out of sight, out of mind, if I turned away from him, even if it meant his cock could be touching my ass?

I decided to go for the latter, and turned away from Ethan. Unfortunately, I underestimated the size of the shower, and didn’t realize how close his cock would be to me in this position. It wasn’t just touching my cheeks, but had found a stable Kurtköy Escort position lodged between them – not deeply, mind you, we were only standing together while showering.

Still, I felt a pang of deep shame for having not just another man’s cock BETWEEN my butt cheeks, but the huge fucking cock of the guy who made my girlfriend his almost every day, and sometimes in ways deeper than I’d ever be able to.

To cap off my complete humiliation in this moment, as if ordained by some higher power intent on making me feel as small and unmanly as possible, I heard Jess come into the bathroom.

She obviously knew what the situation was, and opened the shower curtain to sightsee. She was clearly surprised, but I could tell from the way the corners of her agape mouth curled up that she was also immensely turned on.

“Oh my god, my two boys! This is so hot!” she giggled. She reached her hands in, one rubbing down Ethan’s abs, down to his lower hip and upper thigh, and the other starting on my thigh and running upward, over my balls and the head of my cock.

Her seeing us and rubbing Ethan made his already huge dick start to grow and harden. I can confirm this because I could feel it firsthand, very intimately happening in the middle of my ass. In extremely poor timing, the rub up my crotch also made me start to harden up.

“You like that?” Jess smirked at me, seemingly attributing my growing boner to the fat dick in my ass instead of to her touching. I stayed speechless by choice, knowing I couldn’t say anything to save myself here. Ethan must have felt as uncomfortable as I did with his rapidly hardening cock, and mercifully backed further away from me before climbing out of the shower.

Even though I had already felt him harden between my cheeks, and could never go back from that, I’m thankful he let me salvage some tiny shred of my dignity in the shower that day.

Ethan rushed to dry himself and head back to his bedroom to quickly finish getting ready for work, but Jess was in less of a hurry. Still very much turned on, she stripped off her clothes and climbed into the shower with me, where she started sucking my dick before I had a chance to say anything.

Still a little involuntarily hard from the three-way touching a minute earlier, I was surprised that I was able to keep it going to receive a blowjob. Still humiliated, but my body was riding the wave and embracing it in no small part because of Jess’ near-feral sucking of my shaft, only interrupted by short quick licks of my balls and kisses on the head of my dick.

This was in no way an act of pity or consolation, Jess was very horny, all from seeing Ethan’s cock and my butt in a compromising position. It was a conflicting feeling, something that should have been very negative, but she was giving me this positive reinforcement.

We fucked in the shower afterwards, and she couldn’t stop moaning my name. It was some of the best sex we’d had in months. I wouldn’t say the shared shower with Ethan was worth it, knowing it lead to that, but it was a close call.

There were times when Ethan would claim his daily blowjob at the end of the day, just because of his and Jess’ schedules. On one particular night, Jess and I were already in bed, talking about our days before going to sleep, when Ethan opened the door. He had stopped knocking since I had moved in, and thought of us as close; despite everything going on between the three of us, I did appreciate that he at least thought of me as a close roommate, or even a friend.

“Hey Jess, I’ll be in my room, it’s cocksucking time!” he joked, closing the door behind him after a quick “Hey man!” directed at me. Jess got up and started stripping, and went so far as to get naked and start digging through her nicer lingerie.

“I’m in a fancy mood,” she commented to me, changing into an expensive bra and lacy thong. “Do I look good?” On one hand, I resented her asking me this before she was about to go and suck another man’s cock. Still, it was somehow reassuring at the same time that she still cared about my opinion and wanted to involve me in a positive way.

“Yeah, you look really sexy,” I said reluctantly. With that, she pranced out and closed the door behind her. I could hear moaning from her through the wall not even a minute later, with the odd low-pitched sound from him.

The moaning seemed pretty uniform for a while, and then after a short lull seemed to really ramp up. Jess was getting louder and I even heard the odd squeal from her. Was she getting fucked? Were they fucking? I had told her I didn’t have an issue with them fucking again, so she must have taken that as ongoing permission to get reamed out by him whenever they wanted.

I felt some shame at laying in bed and listening intently for clues, and decided to try to just fall asleep so I could exit this situation and put my girlfriend’s cries of ecstasy out of my mind.

I ended up drifting off surprisingly fast, which was maybe a sign Ümraniye Escort in itself that I was getting too used to our current situation, and woke up to some sunlight creeping through our blinds. I turned over to put my arm around Jess, only to realize that I was alone in the bed.

Had Jess gotten out of bed early? Or was she still with Ethan? The idea of her spending the night with Ethan was less sexually explicit than the other things she’d done with him, but made me jealous in a different sort of way. Sure, she wasn’t just mine sexually, but I had grown used to us at least spending the nights together.

I got up and tiptoed over to Ethan’s bedroom door, and slowly and as quietly as possible opened it up a crack. Ethan and Jess were laying in bed completely naked, him on his back and her intimately cuddled up on him, one arm grabbing his muscular chest, and a leg draped over his. It stung a little to see her so at peace with him.

The slight creaking of the door must have been enough to rouse Jess out of sleep though, as she groggily started stroking his chest, and making her way down his body until her hand grabbed his cock, huge even in slumber.

It started hardening rapidly at her touch, and after a dozen or so seconds of feeling it up and down and swaying it around, Jess, still seeming to be half asleep, lowered herself down the bed so Ethan’s morning wood was at head level.

My stomach sank, but I couldn’t look away. I should have saved myself and left to make breakfast, shower, anything else but this, but I was glued to the scene and didn’t move a muscle.

Jess gently took his cock into her mouth, her head rested on his upper hip, and just sucked on it slowly. It seemed comforting to her to just have this thick cock resting in her mouth.

Ethan began to wake up throughout this, and as he started actively moaning, Jess started to get more turned on, and it evolved into a more energetic frantic cocksucking, Jess eating dick as if it were her last meal (as usual).

As they started to wake up more, I ducked away back to our room so as not to be noticed. I left my door open a crack as well so that I could hear the moans more clearly, which surprised me.

A few times over the course of our relationship, Jess had asked me to wear her panties for fun. She always asked in a joking way, but I could tell it was still something she enjoyed. Maybe it was a control thing that turned her on, maybe she was into humiliating others. We never talked too deeply about it.

I gave in to her and did it once, in my old apartment before we had moved in together, both still naked in my bed after morning sex in the earlier weeks of dating. I pulled her pair of cheeky purple panties over my hips.

I was surprised at how well they fit, even though they were snug. Jess gave my bum a slap and kissed my bulge, telling me how cute she thought I looked. I probably blushed, and took them off, and hadn’t gone through with any more of those requests from her for a while.

On this day, months since Jess had last brought the topic up, I must have been feeling different. I can’t explain why, but that evening while we were cuddling in our bed, I felt open enough to give in again.

“Put on a pair of my panties,” she borderline demanded of me, though in a playful tone. I knew it would turn her on, and I was in a particularly cheeky mood, no pun intended, so I went over to her dresser and started rooting around through her panty drawer.

In a bold move I’d live to regret, I picked out a pink string thong of hers, told her to close her eyes, and changed into it. Her reaction was immediate upon seeing me, laughing at me but pulling me back into bed, where we started making out.

“Haha! I tried to get Ethan to wear one of my thongs ages ago but he said he wouldn’t fit. But you look so cute!” I took the compliment, even though this was the exact kind of situation where I didn’t want to think about our hunky roommate. And as if on cue…

I had thought we were alone in the apartment, but to my absolute horrific shock, Ethan barged into our room, likewise not realizing that I was also in there. My instincts were at least fast-acting, and I pulled our blanket over me, but it was still milliseconds too late for what became one of my life’s most embarrassing sequences.

“Sorry! Wait – are you wearing her underwear?!” Ethan smiled, as his brain registered what he’d briefly glimpsed.

“No!” I retorted all too quickly. I’m not sure if my wide-eyed immediate denial was what gave my game away, or Jess’ sly smile and gleeful giggling at my embarrassment. Ethan, playing along in a way that was clearly not meant to be malicious and was playful in his head, jumped toward the bed and ripped the blanket off of me as Jess burst out laughing, loving every second of this.

I flipped onto my stomach to preserve a tiny morsel of dignity by not having Jess and Ethan together seeing how well my cock fit into my girlfriend’s little thong. Unfortunately, this still left my bare ass open for all to see.

“Wow, your ass looks even better in those than hers,” Ethan joked, and he was treated to a playful smirk from Jess. “I hope you didn’t forget, you still owe me a blowjob today.” No, no, please god, no.

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