

Ara 31

Feeding My Curiosity Pt. 09

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I knew there was a reason I kept looking at the clock.

Well, my sex-drunk curiosity had completely forgotten why I traveled to New York in the first place.

I flew up from bed naked with cum farting out of my abused, gaping-wide asshole to say, “Fuck – I have an interview at 11:30a!”

Ryan screamed laughing out loud with, “That is amazing – I fucked the smarts right out of you.”

I sprinted into the shower, scrubbed myself head-to-toe, brushed my teeth and dressed quickly in front of Ryan – all in record time.

As Ryan casually was texting on his phone in bed naked, I ordered him not to move and order food while I was away. I never once looked at Ryan’s eyes while talking to him – just staring at his beautiful limp cock as it so peacefully laid on Ryan’s thigh.

“I’ll be back ASAP – don’t you or that cock of yours move – wish me luck”, I said in frantic rush.

“Go get ’em tiger – you got this!” he yelled on my way out.

Thankfully the interview was close by, which I made it 5-minutes prior to the meeting. In addition, thankfully being in a rush gave me no time to be nervous for the interview, so I actually crushed the interview overall.

Calm and confident throughout the hour conversation, even as I could feel light drizzles of cum leak from my asshole into my underwear.

On my way back to the hotel, I stopped at a liquor store to buy some whiskey and snacks to celebrate with that wonderful cock, which I immediately went back to dreaming about.

I still couldn’t shake the notion of – how could that small of man be holding such a massive cock? My curiosity hit the lottery of massage therapists and boy was I ready for more as I skipped back to the hotel.

As I arrived back to the hotel room, Ryan was cleaned up in his underwear watching TV. There was food with a bottle of champagne on the table next to the bed.

He walked up to me with two filled glasses, “So? Did you charm them into a job?”

“I think I crushed it – I think.” I replied proudly with a huge smile.

“Of course you did – let’s celebrate!”

I dropped my stuff, we toasted our glasses and gulped our sips.

“So, how boring was it here without me?” I jokingly asked.

I looked down at Ryan with a sexy look and added, “And, how’s my crush doing down there? Tell me he missed me?”

“So boring!”, he stepped closer, took my hand and gently placed it on his full cock with, “As I’m sure you can feel – clearly he can’t stand being without his new toy”, Ryan smiled and whispered looking into my eyes.

“Oh god, there he is”, I confessed quietly into his mouth.

We stood there staring lightly whispering and kissing back and forth.

Ryan’s eyes popped open as if remembering something important to tell me.

As if discovering something, he stepped back and announced, “So I decided he needed some assistance. You are just too fucking hot and your ass is just too fucking tight for me. My worry is, he’ll keep cuming too fast and I won’t be able to give you the fucking you so badly want. Long story short – a friend of mine gave me some Viagra and claims it helps you last longer – so I took one while you were out.”

He stepped back to my face with an apologetic smile and kissed me before I could respond.

“Oh great – your monster cock is now on steroids?” I exhaled into his mouth.

“Well, we shall find out soon – I can kind of feel it in my eyes if that makes sense. Something definitely is firing in the veins”, he whispered back between kisses.

“Well considering that I can’t stop thinking about that thick piece of meat filling me up again – I’m officially hoping it helps keep him inside of me a few minutes longer.”

Ryan’s eyes became serious, pushes me down on the bed and looks down at me with, “Alright you fucking sex slut – come get him hard and ready.”

I lifted myself up, flipped around to prop up on my elbows, which now had me staring eye-to-eye with his crotch.

I emphatically pulled down his underwear, his cock was already half full of readiness. I further elevated up into a sitting position, slouched over and with both hands grabbed onto his full, warm cock.

To Ryan’s credit, his cock did actually feel even larger, if that was possible. The girth had widened and the veins bulged with more detail. Clearly the Viagra had opened up the circulation freeway and allowed more blood to my İstanbul Escort crush.

As I licked my way around, Ryan’s hands massaged my head and hair. My hands continued to explore different ways to hold his cock. My mouth would unload saliva and my hands would swirl around the shaft while I firmly sucked on his leaking head.

My eyes would swap between his glistening cock to his happy eyes.

Now familiar with his taste, my mouth forcefully pulled streams of stringy pre-cum from his tiny hole as my hands caressed and stroked his shaft.

After my pace had increased, Ryan had had enough and pushed me onto my back onto the bed and turned away. He went into his backpack to get a condom, but also brought a tiny see-through bottle.

I watched him intently as he again bit open the condom package to open it. He tossed the bottle onto the bed as he parachuted the condom over his beast.

He dropped one knee onto the bed, grabbed the oil and looked at me directly, as if to tell me to open up my legs, which I immediately obeyed.

He dumped a good amount of oil into his other hand and went to work on my ass.

I spread my legs as far wide and up as I could. I lifted up my balls and cock to give Ryan the runway to open me back up for him to take me.

Ryan surgically maneuvered the oil around with his hands and fingers to begin sliding in and out of my hungry ass.

His hunger even had him diving in with his tongue, which sent me flying back with my hands pulling my hair.

Ryan was such a magician down there, he not only made my head spin with my cock oozing all over, but he also steadily opened me up where he was sliding 3 fingers in and out of me with ease.

I believe my patience held longer this time knowing the pain and discomfort I felt last time. Finally, upon Ryan’s timing, he squirted more oil onto the tip of his wrapped cock and distributed up, down and around his cock.

For the first time, I gulped with a little nervousness as his cock now was pointing nearly straight up from the sex steroid.

My body situated and adjusted to find the right angle for Ryan to first penetrate my now ready ass.

My arms lifted up my legs with, “Oh god yes – get inside me.”

My voice had a new, nervous tone to it. Even though my request was ambitious and hungry, I knew inside I was officially scared.

His knees planted themselves, one hand lifted my balls and his other took his stiff cock and pointed down against my oily hole. He was so rock hard that he literally had to hold it in the position where my ass was otherwise it would spring higher.

He forcefully pushed his cock down, took the tip and wedged it inside the entrance of my open hole. He shifted his position, which immediately sent his cock further inside me.

To my pleasure, there was no pain whatsoever as he slid further inside me, which had me loudly inhale.

As he shuffled forward, all the oil helped Ryan dive deeper into my body without any meaningful pain or harsh discomfort like last time.

My head titled back, eyes closed and my body finally exhaled to loudly moan, “Oh fucking fuck.”

With my hands now on his body to keep him from going too far and fast, I opened my eyes to see Ryan’s face and eyes in a deep focus. I could tell he was stressing now that his cock was feeling the wrath of my tight little asshole.

My hands soon let go figuring out Ryan wasn’t going to go break me with one deep thrust. He kept a serious steady approach for minutes to slowly inch his way further into my body.

One hand now in my hair and the other decided to feel how far he had penetrated my body, which wasn’t too far inside.

My hunger inflamed as my hand went to his ass to accelerate the process and pull him inside. Ryan’s hand went onto my chest and began to fuck me with tiny shifts. Even though he wasn’t deep inside, this still hit the pleasure notes and felt amazing.

I uncontrollably grunted with, “God damn this feels good.”

Ryan’s pace picked up and was fucking me now with these small strokes. Both of us were drenched in sweat as this went on for minutes.

I dared him a bit as I pulled him in further and thankfully it appeared the drug did help in keeping it together.

“Come on – fill me up.”

As sweat was pouring over his eyes, he swiped it away and pulled out of me.

My sex talk Kadıköy Escort triggered his own sex animal and he was on a mission to accommodate my request.

His sweaty hands grabbed my legs and flipped me onto my stomach. He then grabbed my hips to prop me up on my knees.

His height wasn’t quite aligned with me on my knees, so he firmly pushed my ass and hips downward to lower my asshole, which also pointed my ass outward.

This was definitely an awkward, and really, a vulnerable position for him to destruct my asshole.

My nerves spiked again knowing he could really destroy me if he unleashed his full cock inside me at this angle.

My arms had collapsed which forced my elbows to tent my body. I turned my head sideways to see him putting more oil into his hands in my peripheral view.

I felt him drench my asshole and crack with oil while he also gave my ass a little feisty bite.

Ryan then did something I was not expecting – after the bite, he seemingly wound up and slapped my ass HARD.

I immediately cried, “Fuck that hurt.”

“Really, Mr. I’m not scared,” he said with a vengeful tone.

The jolt of pain converted into desire as I silently waited for him to take over my body.

I felt his cock forcefully enter my ass as his hands grabbed my hips to aligned our bodies.

I felt sharp pain from a dry patch of his shaft’s area with the condom.

“Whoa whoa whoa – hold on”, as I quickly shifted my weight onto one elbow, reached around to push his body, which pushed him slightly away and dropped my hand down onto his cock that was now inside my ass.

I pushed him out slightly, slid my hand up until I could feel the band on the condom, which I then ripped the condom off with, “Get this shit off – I want to feel you.”

My possessed state wanted to feel every inch of this undertaking.

Without any dispute from Ryan, I tossed the condom to the side while Ryan grabbed the oil to lather up his cock.

My irresponsible hunger paid immediate returns as his re-entrance slid back inside fairly smooth. There definitely was pain and discomfort, but the pleasure and lust had officially taken over.

Within seconds he was plummeting further into my body with small strokes. A few minutes later, Ryan was holding my hips and giving me a rhythmic fucking with continued small strokes.

I was back on my elbows moaning out, “Oh yes here we fucking go.”

With my head draped down, I opened my eyes to see my package swinging as he fucked me with quick, rapid humps. My cock was leaking long stringy pre-cum as he remained flaccid.

I wanted to feel more of that thick cock so I decided to nudge my ass against his thrusts to deepen his position.

“God damn Morgan – your ass just kills me.”

As I really felt his cock fill the walls of my ass, my eyes closed with pleasure and panted, “Your cock is just taking me over.”

Another firm slap on my ass as his pace picked up.

His hands firmly held my hips to keep me from pushing further. I tested his strength and this time purposely fought his grip and pushed with strength against his body.

“Alright you fucking animal – you want this huh – let’s see how long we can go here.”

He met my push and went all the way inside. The split second he hit my max capacity, I saw my cock dump out a spurt of cum. His cock clearly hit that sweet spot as my head began to spin.

My eyes closed and I uncontrollably let out, “Oh fuck I’m cumming.”

Long streams of cum deposited all over the bed as I continued with, “Holy shit keep going – please don’t stop – it’s so fucking good.”

Ryan kept it all the way inside, but his hips continued to grind fuck me, which felt unreal.

He kept hitting the spot that made me cum as I was loudly moaning, “Ooooooh my god yes!”

His humps firmly picked up pace and soon was fucking me deep with real meaning. My body was pouring sweat, now half-hard cock was continue to swing with streams of cum, while Ryan’s body was slapping my body with a deep clapping sound.

As the slaps continued, a new sound had surfaced, which was a wet, slurping sound. I looked closer and I saw cum falling from my balls.

“Oh my god are you cuming?”

Ryan panted with, “Sorry – I couldn’t control it when you started cuming. Your ass was clinching and I just couldn’t take it any longer.”

I panted Ataşehir Escort back, “Don’t be sorry – you’re still rock hard inside me – you feel so fucking good my god.”

Another loud slap on my ass and off he went. Ryan’s grip on my hips lifted my body up a bit and he really laid into me. He began fucking me with deeper shorter strokes. Those strokes continued and slightly lengthened, but his power kept steady.

After minutes of his cock pulverizing my body, Ryan pushed me off where I collapsed in exhaustion on the bed. My body was panting while on my stomach drenched in sweat.

Ryan lightly slapped my ass with, “Want some water?”

I flipped onto my back and reached up while breathing hard.

Ryan bent over wiped my face of sweat and kissed me with a mouth full of water. I drank the water, sat up, took the bottle and guzzled down the remainder of the water.

I smiled and looked at his sweaty body up and down with, “I’m proud of you sir – I so wanted that”

“I’m not done with you – I have something in mind for you.”

“Oh god – what?”

He walked around the bed with my head now staring at his bobbing half-hard cock.

“Suck on that you cock-crazed animal.”

I moved into position, closed my eyes and without one word opened my mouth and sucked on his cock head.

I could immediately taste the sex, which I immediately spit out onto the floor. I continued to suck and spit as he stared down at me enjoying his dominance.

As his cock re-inflated, I released it and firmly grabbed onto it to pull him and his body back onto the bed.

As Ryan flopped onto his back, I swung my legs over his body to straddle him.

My other hand gather a wad of spit to splatter all over my wide open hole, as I reached around and wedged his slippery cock back into me with ease. My cock dribbled all over his chest, as his thick cock filled my intestines from this angle.

It took some twists and turns to find the right position, but within a few minutes Ryan was all the way inside. And once I found a comforting seam, I began to grind on his pelvic bone with his cock fully occupying my body.

My head fell back as it was a completely new, erotic feeling to be riding him with me in control.

The power and angle of this position finally woke up my cock from vacation as I looked down to see him hard staring at the ceiling.

I started to slide back and forth on his cock, which had my cock now slapping my belly button with a light slapping sound.

“Oh wow look at him”, Ryan said with pleasure as he grabbed onto him.

I watched Ryan’s face sweat with pleasure and I fucked him with a combination of firm glides, grinds and an occasional up and down.

I wanted to make him cum again solely with the power of my movements.

Minutes of increased intensity while Ryan was stroking my cock, I quickly unleashed a nice stream of cum onto Ryan’s chest and neck area.

The feeling was out of this world as I was passionately fucking his massive cock with deep grinds as I came all over.

I’m not sure there’s a better feeling than cuming while something is in your ass.

The ass clinching again got the best of Ryan as he violently pushed me off of him to quickly flip the positions and straddle my body.

“This is what I wanted”, he huffed.

His body weight shifted up to my chest as Ryan shot a stream of cum directly onto my face. He slid further to where he was almost on my neck at this point.

He lifted up and pointed his purple, wet cock directly at my face where I mistakenly looked directly into the angry firing gun and was hit center in the eye with a shot of cum.

My other eye could still see him squatting above my face as he continued to plaster every inch of my face with his seed.

After 3 more streams to the face, hair and mouth, Ryan collapsed onto the bed with his legs on top of my chest.

We laid there with both of us panting and moaning from our marathon of sex.

It became official – I definitely got the fucking I so badly wanted.

My body was out of breathe completely out of gas.

Ryan held up to his end of the bargain – he fucked me beyond what I had ever imagined.

My curiosity had to feel the destruction as I reached down to feel my abused hole.

It was as if I had a new body part, I was so open I could have easily slid my hand inside.

I exhaled loudly and smiled proudly as my inner animal and curiosity had been fed what he wanted.

“Wow wow wow”, Ryan yelled while breathing hard on his way to the bathroom.

Even with a face glazed with semen, my defeated body threw in the towel and I passed out cold.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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