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Chapter Sixteen — To Getting Over It
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us? I don’t think you’ve missed a party since freshman year,” Kane pointed out. He was eyeing him in the most suspicious manner, and Maddox tried to keep steady under that searching gaze. But if Kane thought he could successfully fish for any information by playing it cool, he was wrong. Maddox didn’t want to tell his friends that Jonathan was coming over so that they could fuck and get over it.
Therefore, he had invented that he didn’t feel too hot and wasn’t up for partying and that he’d rather stay at home. “Well, if I came with you, I’d only feel out of it and ruin everyone’s mood.”
“Where does it hurt, exactly?” Dex asked.
“My head,” Maddox said and placed a hand over his belly.
Dex and Kane rolled their eyes at the same time. “Is this sudden affliction called Jonathan Hamilton?”
Maddox groaned. “You two should just leave already. Good thing Rusty’s not here. I’d have to explain myself to him, too, and I really don’t feel like it.”
“Why do you want to keep it a secret from us that you have Jonathan coming over?” Kane asked.
“And do you plan on doing it in the kitchen? Because I haven’t seen you clean that room with so much enthusiasm in ages, and by that, I mean never,” Dex chimed in.
“No, but Jonathan wants to cook.”
He wanted so much to bite his tongue the moment the words left his mouth.
“Omigod, you’re such a married couple,” Kane said with a reverent sigh.
“We’re nothing like that,” Maddox protested. “And could you just leave? I don’t want him to find you here. You’re going to ogle him like you’ve never seen a dude like him before.”
Another unnerving exchange between Kane and Dex. “Well, we haven’t, at least not one the same age as us,” Dex said promptly. “If the dude manages to cook something remotely edible, I’d say you should marry him. ‘Cause we all know how helpless you are around the kitchen.”
“Look at the pot calling the kettle black,” Maddox shot back. “You all only survive on takeout and nothing else.”
“I cook,” Kane said, somewhat defensively.
“Yeah, when you want to impress Louise, but we all know that you’re past that stage, and you wouldn’t boil an egg if the chances of your starving were through the roof.”
Kane pursed his lips in displeasure. Apparently, under their roof, cooking had turned into a sore subject. At least, Dex wasn’t affected. His dads were both great home cooks, yet nothing of the kind had rubbed off on him, by some miracle.
“I think we should leave lover boy alone. Keeping my fingers crossed that you two don’t end up with food poisoning, though,” Dex said.
“Jonathan knows how to cook,” Maddox replied and crossed his arms. “We’ll be fine, but only if you’re out of the door in less than five minutes.”
“All right, all right,” Kane waved, “but how long are you going to keep this a secret? All the girls on campus are starting to think that you found yourself a sweetheart somewhere that’s definitely not here.”
His friends could be so annoying sometimes. He ran one hand through his hair and groaned. “Well, it’s not like it’s their business what I do. And Jonathan and I, we don’t know if this is, you know, a fluke or something.”
Kane’s eyebrows shot up. “You talked about it? Like two adults?”
Maddox felt rightfully superior. “Yeah, totally like that. We have the hots for each other, and we’re working on it. It’s not like we’re falling in love or anything.” He put on a brave face as he said that.
“See, Kane?” Dex said with a grin. “Pay up.”
Kane sighed and placed a ten-dollar bill in his friend’s open palm. “There you go, asshole,” he said with half affection, half annoyance.
“Did the rate go up?” Maddox asked. “You know what? Never mind. Just go already, and let me know when the stakes are high enough for someone like me to get in the game.”
“I don’t even know what he means by that,” Kane commented as Dex grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him to walk toward the door.
He let out a relieved breath once his friends were finally out of the house. Another cursory look around the place let him know that he could have done better with the cleaning, but there was no more time to dwell on that. However, he needed to have a serious talk with Rusty over feeding the poor potted plants with beer. What they needed right now was an all-expenses paid vacation to a rehab.
Suddenly, he was very troubled and uncertain about his cooking skills. It was true that he had dedicated himself to the hobby only since he had left home, but seeing how most things he made were edible, it could only mean that he had a knack for it.
Maybe he had gone overboard, he thought as he placed all the ingredients in the thermal bag.
“I don’t want to pry or anything, but are you going on a picnic?” Ray asked from the door to the small kitchen.
“Yes,” Jonathan replied with a small smile. There was nothing wrong with joking around with Ray, seeing how Anadolu Yakası Escort much teasing his bestie slash roommate inflicted on him on a regular basis.
“On Saturday night?”
“Why aren’t you at some party by now?” Jonathan asked.
“I will be. I’ll go pick Hannah up in about ten minutes. But you made me curious with all those preparations. The only reason I’m not jealous that I won’t be able to eat whatever you’re making is because you’re obviously planning a romantic dinner with the one whose name won’t be pronounced in this house.”
“You make it sound like he’s a demon or something,” Jonathan commented with a chuckle. “And since it’s just you and me, you can say his name.”
“Maddox will be so impressed. Gosh, if he hasn’t fallen for you by now, he will, for sure. I mean, no one can resist your cooking. Are you sure you weren’t a royal chef in a past life? We should go see one of those medium types or whatever they’re called.”
“Do you mean scammers who pretend that they can talk to dead people?”
“Yeah, those.”
“No, thanks. I’d rather not throw money out the window.”
“You know, a lot of people are commenting on how you look like you come from old money or something like that.”
“A lot of people or Sunny Hill Xpress?”
Ray cocked his head and then sighed. “You know the answer. And it’s none of my business, but you’re so clear-headed and careful about how you use your money that I feel like an irresponsible high-roller or something compared to you.”
“Don’t worry. I was practically forced into becoming like this. Not that I ever was a big spender or anything like that.”
“You must have spent some real dough on that dinner, though,” Ray said with a twinkle in his eyes.
“You got me, yes. I splurged a little.”
“Hmm, so it must be some special occasion then. Are you going to propose?”
If he were a hopeless romantic, Jonathan had no idea what to call Ray. Right now, his bestie was only half-joking about proposing. He only hoped Hannah was fine with having such an extra guy for a boyfriend.
“No. I must say the thought is as remote from my mind as it can be.”
“But you like him,” Ray said teasingly while swinging his body and clasping his hands together like a swooning heroine.
“I do, but that’s not the point. The chances are that, after tonight, we might not see each other much,” Jonathan gave voice to the thoughts that had been circling around in his mind like a pack of wolves ever since his last conversation with Maddox.
Ray blinked a few times. “I’m not sure I follow. So, you’re making your breakup special by cooking something delicious?”
“It cannot be called a breakup if there’s no relationship to begin with,” Jonathan explained.
“Ah, my head hurts. You know what, JJ? Just go with the flow. I don’t know if it’s just me, but you seem like a guy who’s overthinking everything. That’s not good for you, so promise me that you won’t jump to any conclusions before you even have the chance to get to know the guy properly.”
That was the truth. Besides their mutual attraction, had he made any effort to get to know Maddox? Not really. Actually, Maddox had been the one to freely offer details about his life and ask Jonathan about his. He, on the other hand, had been defensive and hadn’t cared about learning more.
Even if he weren’t ready to talk about the mess that was his past, that didn’t mean that he should keep from learning as much as he could about the real Mad Dawg. Maddox had promised him that he would tell him the story behind that moniker, and he only needed to wait for their month of hooking up to end to get there.
He shook his head. What was he thinking? It was even more dangerous to get to know Maddox. The BMOC of Sunny Hill was like nothing he had imagined such a person would be. It was so easy to like him due to his easygoing personality, a personality that shouldn’t have come attached to such stunning looks. According to Jonathan’s experience, handsome young men like that were usually assholes, but who was he to apply labels now?
“I can tell you’re thinking of how to tell him how much you like him,” Ray said, forcing him out of his mental torment.
“I am not,” he protested.
Ray grinned. “I’ll keep my fingers crossed. Gosh, you make such a beautiful couple.” He did that swooning thing again.
“For the record, Ray, you sound just like a grandma.”
At that, his roommate made a sour face. “Definitely not. But I won’t worry about you. If you’re not gutsy enough to tell him how you feel, he’ll surely tell you.”
He would say something, for sure, but nothing like what Ray thought. Tonight was about getting over it, after all. But first, they would enjoy a delicious meal, and then a session of delicious sex…
Good thing Ray had already said goodbye while he was still wrapped up in his thoughts. He sighed from the depths of his soul as he grabbed the bottle of wine. He had never had that kind of sex, and Maddox hadn’t ever been with Kurtköy Escort a boy, but he knew that it was going to be an unforgettable experience.
One that would mark him forever, but there was no turning back from it now, unless Maddox suddenly decided he didn’t want them to sleep together, after all. Now that was something to keep his hopes high for, he thought, a forlorn sensation flooding his entire being.
He was overthinking things, as Ray said. It was just sex. He would have it and be done with it. His attraction toward Maddox would finally reach its apex, and they would be done, whatever that meant.
A flutter of anticipation was making his belly feel a little funny. What the hell was wrong with him? He had hooked up for like dozens of times, right?
Yeah, a tiny voice told him, but never with someone like Jonathan. The dude was freaking unique; Maddox couldn’t recall if he had ever met anyone remotely similar for the simple fact that no one else had ever made him feel like this. The symptoms of a crush were all there. But at this point, he suspected that what he felt was more than a crush.
Whatever, he tried to downplay the butterflies in his stomach. While Dex and Kane had been there, teasing him, it had been easy to keep a calm face and not think too hard about what he would do once Jonathan was there, but now, he was all alone with his thoughts.
Would he live up to expectations? After all, it wasn’t like he had ever done a dude in the bum. And Jonathan’s bum was something else. All it took was to remember how it felt to grab those perky buttocks and pinch them, and his cock got rock hard. How would it feel to slide his cock between them, enjoying all that friction?
Damn, now his cock wanted more of that imagination-fueled fantasy. Maybe he could jerk off once. A short look at his phone convinced him that there was no time for that, so he let out a frustrated sigh. If Jonathan was on time, which he suspected he would be, seeing how serious he was all the time, there was no way he could squeeze that in.
Why hadn’t he thought of that earlier? Now he’d have to sit there with a hard-on, while Jonathan played the chef, torturing him with that gorgeous body of his. At that rate, he was sure to lose it. Fuck, he would make a total fool of himself and come too fast.
The first time. There was that. He would surely keep Jonathan in bed for more than once, or else his confidence was doomed.
The bell startled him. “Shoot, I’m going crazy here,” Maddox mumbled under his breath.
He rushed to the door and pulled Jonathan inside by the front of his shirt.
Jonathan gasped in surprise as Maddox jumped him the moment they were inside and the door closed behind them. He almost dropped the thermal bag. Maddox grabbed it from his hand, dashed to the refrigerator and stuffed it in there, and then turned toward him with a wild look in his eyes. Cautiously, he placed his shoulder bag on the floor by the door.
“Um, are we in a hurry?” he asked, fairly alarmed.
“Don’t talk,” Maddox warned him and then grabbed him again, making him stumble toward the sofa in the living room.
His shirt, which he had painstakingly ironed during the afternoon, was pulled out of his pants as Maddox climbed on top of him. He was sure his moans were anything but flattering, but he couldn’t help it. His mouth was being devoured by hungry lips and teeth. A bit stupidly, he thought of how he had been right to suggest cooking something to stave off their hunger first since his host appeared to be quite famished.
Whatever Maddox had, Jonathan matched it. A good diagnosis would be fever because their bodies felt so hot wherever they touched. It took little effort to push their pants down, and soon they were humping, cock against cock, right there on the sofa. Any thought of reasoning with Maddox was gone from his mind. All that mattered was that skin on skin friction that promised that they wouldn’t last long.
As engrossed as he had been with all the preparations for their special night, Jonathan had forgotten how he should have taken care of other things, like not behaving like a horny dog the moment he was in the other’s presence.
At least Maddox was just as much into it as he was, and that was a bit of consolation.
“Fuck, this feels so good,” Maddox whispered and adjusted his position to grab both their cocks and rub them together fast.
Jonathan couldn’t manage any words at his point. The only thing he could do was to straighten himself up on his elbows so that he could stare helplessly at how Maddox was handling both of their cocks. The heads were glistening now, and they were providing enough lubrication to make the handjob feel fantastic. He watched in disbelief as the peak of his passion overtook him, and his cock erupted like a fountain. Maddox followed shortly thereafter, making their cum mingle, rope after beautiful rope of white.
He collapsed on his back with a groan, and Maddox landed on top of Pendik Escort him. “I think you can start cooking now.”
“Thank you,” Jonathan mumbled. “Just give me five minutes or so.”
Maddox shifted to find a more comfortable position, settling his head against the crook of Jonathan’s shoulder.
He hadn’t planned to jump Jonathan’s bones the moment he had come through the door, but he wasn’t surprised at all by his own actions. After all, this guy was making him reconsider everything he knew about himself, and he needed to pay the price for it. Preferably, with his hot sexy body.
After a short trip to the bathroom to clean themselves, they were now supposedly following through with the initial plan, which meant that Maddox was watching Jonathan as he placed something inside the oven and got busy with a sauce that smelled like it had to be something gods had on their table on special occasions. He didn’t dare to say a thing, settling for watching the other, his eyes at half-mast, still feeling pleasantly spent after they had humped each other like dogs only a little earlier.
“I had no idea if you had wine glasses, so I brought two,” Jonathan explained. “And I’m very glad they didn’t break.”
That had to be a jab at how Maddox had grabbed Jonathan’s bag the moment he had set foot inside and thrown it inside the fridge. How could he know there were glasses inside?
To his surprise, Jonathan took two bell-shaped glasses wrapped in brown paper from his shoulder bag and placed them on the table. Ah, so that was where they were. Phew, dodged a bullet there. He doubted Jonathan would like to drink wine from disposable plastic cups.
“You’re right, I don’t have wine glasses.” This dude was ready for everything, it seemed.
Only the way he kept brushing the hair at the back of his head told a different story. Maddox couldn’t tell if Jonathan had butterflies in his stomach, like he had, but he surely wasn’t unaffected.
Still, he was incredibly chill as he took the wine bottle out of the thermal bag he had come with and placed it on the table. “We need to leave this out to reach the right temperature.”
Was he dreaming? Maddox pinched himself and made a face to make sure that Jonathan noticed.
“What is it?”
“I had no idea you wanted to make it that special. I would have picked up some scented candles or something.”
Jonathan frowned slightly. “I find their smell overbearing.”
“Then I did good,” Maddox concluded. “But seriously, you make me feel like such an uneducated Neanderthal. You came here with wine and whatever it is you’re making, and it smells like freaking heaven, and I jumped you at the door.”
The small precious smile was back, much to Maddox’s satisfaction. He was sure no one else was capable of putting it there. He did it all. It was his doing. Jonathan surely didn’t smile for anyone else like that.
“I don’t mind your Neanderthal side.”
Was Jonathan blushing while saying that? Maddox could feel his dick twitching with new anticipation. Gosh, how was he going to look while getting fucked? Maddox had to revise his projected fantasy of having Jonathan on all fours first. No way he would do him like that. He would be on his back so that they could look at each other.
Maddox placed his hands behind his head and let his eyes wander all over Jonathan. “You don’t?”
“Why would I? After all, I’m not far off from being a caveman myself when it comes to you.”
“Just so you know, I usually do a better job of controlling my horniness. It isn’t working lately though.”
“Your family,” Jonathan began, changing tack, “they must be amazing. Seven kids, that’s a full house for sure.”
Maddox didn’t mind talking about himself if that was something Jonathan wanted. “Mom loves kids. One or two weren’t enough for her, and dad just went with the flow, I guess.”
“What does your dad do?” Jonathan asked.
“They run a construction company, mom and dad together. Mom is with the money side, and my oldest brother, Vernon, also works there. I help them during summers, as much as I can.”
“Ah, so that explains the calluses on your hands.”
Maddox looked at his palms. Jonathan was right about that, but he hadn’t ever given it much thought. Yet, it meant that the other had paid a lot of attention to him and maybe stared at him a lot. He grinned at the realization. As much as he liked to believe that he could read Jonathan, it wasn’t that easy, and even a detail like that pleased him.
Unless —
“Do they bother you or something? When I touch you?”
Jonathan offered him that small smile, and there was more of that blush. “No, not at all.” A short silence followed. “I love your hands.”
What would happen if your jaw suddenly fell to the floor? Could it be glued back on, just like that? Maddox touched his chin gingerly to check if that part of his anatomy was still there. To his relief, it was. “Hmm, and what else do you love?” he challenged, stretching lazily, his arms on the table, and his head resting against his right elbow while looking up at Jonathan.
“Stop fishing for extras. I don’t intend to tell you anything else.”
Maddox pouted. “You’re no fun. Why are you blushing so much? We just had some kind of sex on the sofa in the living room.”
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