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“Huns, would you get me a beer?”
The game is on. It is half-time and your friends are here; cigar smoke eddies in the air mingled with the smell of beer farts, boisterous men, high-fives, chest pumps, all interspersed with the noise of the fans on TV. Game day.
I bend slightly and hand the beer to you. His hand moves under the hem of my skirt to touch the inner flesh above my knee while the eyes of the Other watch to see if the gap created by the tank tops fabric and my skin is hopefully large enough to allow a glimpse. I swat my hand at, ‘traveling fingers,’ after handing you your beer.
You pull me onto your lap, “Here. Watch.”
Is that directed to me or them? “Yeah,” He says, “watch the half-time show for us.”
“I need a beer.” the Other says.
I started to stand.
“No, he can get his own.” your arm slides around my waist clinching me to you as I hear him walk to the kitchen then open the refrigerator door,
“Yup, every man for himself.” He agrees and nods.
After hearing the Other return I feel his hand come around to my breast, caressing, definitely not massaging, and turn to protest.
“It’s ok hun,” your voice huskily murmurs in my ear as your hand turns my face back to the TV, “just watch.”
Your husky sweet voice is whispering and seducing me. Your fingertips bursa eskort gliding down my arm settle me, help, ‘heat me up,’ like it always does. Your fingertips are at an indentation on my skirt. You press gently.
You trace between my legs moving them down to my skirts’ hem. Your other arm assists me to recline against you. You inch my skirt up to my waist then place your fingertips on my lacy panties.
“I’m sure she’ll do a good job.” He says.
“Mmmm, me too.” the Other says as his fingers move along the top of my tank top then under its fabric teasing across the hardened nipple. “Nice breasts.”
Your wrist pushes gently to the side on my thigh as you move your fingers then press on my pantied mound. He coaxes the other leg open.
The Other’s hand presumptively, wantonly, shamelessly palms my breast and caresses me. You lift my leg and drape it over yours. He gently lifts my other leg and does the same.
My body is reclined against you, my legs wide open. I am exposed.
The Other removes my tank top. “I’ve always wanted to play with your wife’s tits man.”
You stroke your fingers side to side then press on my labia, indenting the fabric into me.
“Man! Look at that,” He says to the Other, ” … her panties are soaking,”
“Mmmm I like these bursa merkez escort titties.” The other bends to me licking my nipple while his fingertips pinch the other, “Look at that nipple.”
” … damn! She’s wet.” He says awed, “It’s seeping through, God she’s soaking them.” He moves his hand toward me there.
“Nope…” you say, “the pussy is mine.” You move your fingertip up and down my slit, “I get that.”
He reaches to my breast caressing it while he unsnaps his pants.
You turn my face back to the TV, “Watch.”
“Yeah,” He chimes in then places my hand on his cock covered by his boxers.
“Hun,” you say, “it’s uncut you always wanted to play with one like that.”
“Jeez…” He groans, his cock throbbing in my hand, “damn! I’m gonna cum.” He moans and takes my hand away. I hear rustling noises,
I feel the Other’s cock laying against the flesh of my breast, jerking back and forth from nipple to nipple, then across the skin between my breasts.
‘Uncut,’ grunts. His cock is at my slightly opened lips. He takes my hand and moves it so I am stroking the base of his cock.
Your palm curls down on my soaking wet pussy pushing rhythmically as my hips move and move, eyes closed, feeling the sensations given by you and knowing that bursa ucuz escort men want me so badly they are stroking their cocks right beside me. A cock at my lips. A cock on my breasts. Your hand.
I cum, and cum, my body stretched taut then releasing letting all of me feel. It is my body, my smell, in the room, the sound of me, the groans, cum, cum, cum….
“Man, I want to cum in her mouth.” He says.
“I’d give anything to fuck those titties.” The Other chimed in.
Your fingertip moves in again teasingly fucking me, “How bout it hun is half time over?”
“No.” I turn my body so I’m facing you. I reach to your pants, unsnap and unzip them. I then stand.
I reach and pull your pants to above your ankles in one motion and then move forward pushing on the back of your chair so you recline, “Fuck me hard!”
He pulls my panties down to my ankles and removes them. He helps me sit on you.
I groan as your cock goes into me. He walks around to my side and offers his cock to my lips.
The Other’s cock is on my breast above the nipple as he milks it slowly working it so he can cum there.
I am just there. I am being fucked by my Husband as two other men are waiting in line to have me. I moan on the cock in my mouth, feel the head of the Other’s cock moving in it’s own ejaculate on my breast.
I am feeling the wonderful pulses of another orgasm.
I groan aloud awakening from my nap, my fingers pressed firmly on my temporarily satisfied pussy under the covers, “Why can’t he get his own beer?”
I shook off the dream as I walked down the steps, “Yes Dear.”
If I only liked Football.
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