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Chapter 2 : Faith.
James woke up feeling dizzy. He had taken a few drinks with Yuna before she decided it was time to get home. They had laughed, told themselves stories, and got along perfectly for the entire evening.
The charity run was a pleasant memory, until he had been forced to smell Yuna’s shoe for a mere few seconds. He shivered at the disagreeable thought. This wasn’t the first time his friend drew attention to her feet, and he began to seriously think about it. Maybe there was something more to it, something he could not yet think of.
Caught in his thoughts, he heard the door slam. His sister, probably.
“Jay?! Are you home?”
Jay. This was the cute name she had chosen to call him. He didn’t care, to be true, and even liked it to some extent. In fact, James loved his sister. She was nice. Maybe too nice, sometimes. She was always there for him, and always did her best to please him and make him happy. What’s more, no one could deny she was absolutely gorgeous. They kept no secret from each other, and even talked about sex without any discomfort. He was glad he had such a sister, and would do anything for her himself.
“Yeeees, I’m home, sis. Where have you been?” he yelled back.
She walked towards his room, and saw him, lying comfortably in his bed.
“I was sleeping at Chloe’s. Nothing too crazy, we had a girl night!” she Escort İstanbul said cheerfully.
“Oh… Chloe,” he whispered. He didn’t like the girl. Well, SHE didn’t quite like him, in fact, which made it hard for him to get along with her.
“I see, I’m glad you had fun!” he said, thinking every word of it.
“Thanks bro!” she smiled. “What about you, how went your day?”
“Oh well, you know, I did tell you about the charity, haven’t I? Well, I managed to convince Yuna do run with me, then we took a few drinks at home. We really had a wonderful day!” he said, omitting to tell her about the feet stuff. He didn’t lie. Overall, it was a wonderful day.
“Hmmm Yuna, eh?” she winked. “I like that girl, I’ve spoken to her quite a few times, and even do text her once in a while. You should definitely go for it bro! It’s been a while since you’ve known each other, time to act!” she giggled cutely.
“No ‘buts’! Anyway, I’ll go and take a quick nap; I’m tired as hell and didn’t get time to sleep yet. G’night Jay!” And with that, she flew away, giving him no chance to contradict her. Would he have done so, though? True, he had known Yuna for a while; she was one of the greatest person he knew. She was smart, cute, well-shaped… Maybe this could work…
But there was this strange behavior of hers he was still wondering about. Behavior İstanbul Escort Bayan he was going to elucidate by doing some research.
He stood up, walked to his computer, and started looking for foot-related stuff. Anything, really. He didn’t know what to expect. What was his surprise when he found dozens of stories talking about stinky feet, poor guys being forced to worship them in any way imaginable. He found fictions of domination, of men turned into slaves; of giantess putting tinies into their nauseating socks…
He could read no more, though he knew there was worse to see. This was all new to him, he never imagined people could have such fantasies, such fetishes, and knew for certain he would never, ever be appealed by such a thing.
But what about Yuna? Were those websites related to her desire in any way? She seemed to love getting attention to her feet, and didn’t mind forcing him to sniff her disgusting shoe the day before. Was this what she wanted? Was this the reason she kept going with her strange requests, after all these years?
Well, then she would continue to do so for eternity. There was not a chance he would allow himself to be treated that badly, not today, not ever. Maybe he was wrong, maybe this was not Yuna’s fantasies. But if it was, she would have to accept it was not his.
He would not judge her; we all Anadolu Yakası Escort get to love different things. He would not talk about it either. He would act the same as he had done for the past years. Nothing would change, he loved Yuna the way she was, and nothing more. This research wouldn’t have any incidence on their relationship.
With his mind set, he closed the websites, and spent most of the day playing games he loved.
The next morning, he was awakened by Faith barging in his room, seemingly in a hurry.
“Jay, I’m sorry to wake you up in such a harsh way, but I *desperately* need to borrow your computer for today’s classes. I’m really sorry I forgot to ask yesterday, it got out of my mind, but I need it. I have an important presentation for which I’ve saved half my researches on your computer, and now there’s no one else I can ask! Pretty pleeease?” she almost begged, being mad at herself both for waking her brother up so early and having forgotten to ask earlier.
James didn’t understand everything Faith said, as he was groggy having just woken up, but agreed anyway. She needed the PC, and it was important. There was nothing he would refuse his sister, and he nodded to make her understand he agreed.
“Ooh Jay, you’re the best brother in the world!” she hugged him in gratitude. “You’ll get it back this evening, I promise! Oh, and sorry for waking you up, I’m on my way! See you!” she said, talking more and more silently, realizing she was almost screaming.
She stepped back, careful not to make any more noise, and went away, letting Jay get back to sleep, his computer secured into her bag.
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