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The weather was awful and Jamie was stick in a cold bus shelter with nowhere to go. He felt depressed and lost and considered suicide. His parents had thrown him out because of his obsessive drug use but basically he was a good guy who had just got on the wrong side of the law. He was just nineteen and eagerly looked for work so he could make something of himself.
He was still in the shelter three hours later and the wind and storms continued so he could not take refuge anywhere else without getting doused.
But as luck would have it someone pulled up alongside the bus stop and said did he know the buses had stopped running because of a strike.
Jamie explained that he wasn’t waiting for a bus..
Looking concerned the middle -aged guy in the car asked if he would like a lift anywhere. Jamie replied that he had nowhere to get a lift too and because of the guys questions Jamie told him everything, about how he had been thrown out of his home, he got onto drugs, served a spell in prison and how he want work.
Jamie didn’t know why he was sharing information with a complete stranger but he was just eager to converse with someone. There was something about the guy that procured him to tell him about his trauma and he felt some comfort about his caring.
“My name is Jack, and I run a bowling alley, maybe I can give you some work, it would oddly be part time but at least it could be a start, what do you think?”
For the first time in a long while Jamie felt some hope and straight away took up Jack’s offer. Also a room came with the job and Jack said he would see him alright for eats until he got settled…
“Are there any strings? Jamie had to ask and Jack explained that his offer was basically because he liked him and wanted to help, that once he had been in a similar position. But maybe if they really took to each other then they could weave some Halkalı travesti strings, but it would have to be a mutual thing.
“So9und good to me” replied Jamie and very soon they were off to Jack’s patch as he called it.
In a week or so Jamie was feeling tons better, both mentally and physically and Jack invited him around for a drink to break the ice.
“I won’t beat about the bush Jamie but I do like you very much and wonder if we can become more than just friends, what do you think?”
Jamie was thinking so there was strings, but Jack, as if reading his thoughts, said that he would not be cross if he didn’t want to and his job and his lodgings were still safe..
Jamie wondered if Jack’s intentions were homosexually inclined, something about which he was not sure of and had not yet worked out his true leaning.
He had never held onto a girl because of his drugs and the nearest thing he’d known to being intimate with someone was when a street girl touched him up in a dark corner and offered him a trip around the world for £50. But he didn’t have that sort of money and she was off like a streak of lightening leaving him with a half mast erection beneath his jeans and that sort of put him off, of girls.
But now, would there be an issue with Jack. The thing is he liked Jack very much, he had been so kind to him and he felt at least he owed him his friendship. As for the’ little more’ then he would have to see what Jack had in mind and go with the flow.
They found they had a lot in common and, over drink, it was easy to break the ice and talk to Jack about almost anything. Jamie felt too that with Jack being older he felt secure and comfortable. He was not pushy or anything like that, but Jamie did tell him about his failed experiences with women. “
Have you ever thought about being with a guy, Jamie?” Jack asked with Levent travesti a comforting smile which sort of made Jamie think that his new friend was fishing.
“I have never thought about it really, my life has been taken up with all the bad things that can happen>”
“I can promise what In have in mid would be anything but bad Jamie”
Jamie was lost for words but when Jack offered for him to come and sit beside him on the sofa he felt no qualms about that. Perhaps he was gay, he certainly felt no pangs about the idea, In fact he felt a certain quiver run up his spine when he placed himself beside Jack, and also a certain excitement about the idea of discovering more about his true self and maybe his true leaning.
There was no pressure on Jamie to do or be anything he did not want. Jack wanted Jamie to be reassured that these intentions were trustworthy. He said that he wondered if Jamie would like to go further at this point with a relationship.
“You don’t have to make up your mind now, just take your time and as already t said I will not be cross if you would rather wait., save to say I want to make you happy and to be honest, me too!”
“But you have already made me happy in what you have done already Jack, and I do thank you for that, I feel I do owe you something of myself.”
“Then I would rather wait because I do not want you to think you owe me anything, I want you to come into it purely because you want to, that you should not feel you are obliged to, because I would have helped you anyway.”
Jack could see something was going on ion Jamie’s mind. His face was blushed and right now he felt he wanted to kiss him on the lips because he looked so sweet and boyish and had a wonderful disposition.
So he leant forward and did it, just slightly touching Jamie’s lips with his own.
He watched Jamie’s reaction which Şirinevler travesti was favorable and asked if he was alright. Jamie nodded and smiled and glowed. He felt something happening to him he had never known before and it was magic.
“Let me simply touch you up and see how you feel about that Jamie?”
“Okay” he closed his eyes and waited for Jack’s touch.
Jack touched him lightly over his jeans, asked him to open his legs a little so he could feel him deeper.
Jamie simply remained still, his eyes closed, there were joyful sounds.
“Okay, how was that?” Jack asked after a little gentle squeezing and massage.
He seem to like it, your cock – in fact he grows some, that is beautiful.”
“It was lovely, Jack Jamie whispered. His whole body was responding to Jack’s touch..
“Take you jeans down for me and I can really give you a good seeing to.” Jack suggested
“I feel a little embarrassed at this time Jack, can we do that next time?”
“No problem Jamie, Never let it be said I am pushing you.”
“I do like it very much thought and maybe tomorrow, so I can be more ready?”
“Of course, all good things are worth waiting for, I shall, look forward to that very much.”
“Can I ask few more personal questions Jack?
“Of course.”
“Will you aim to fuck me?”
“Only if that is what you want. It has to be with your agreement, anything we do, but if you are asking whether I would like to fuck you, well then the answer is absolutely yes, you have a very nice tight and fuckable ass which I would love to cherish. I shall make it ready, no fears about that so there will be a lot of foreplay okay?”
“Sounds fine to me Jack. I think I am very lucky to have found you. There is something special happening to me and I feel; I need to share that with you.”
Then James, let’s make it tomorrow afternoon, you can make it nice and warm for me, I would like that very much.”
“Just one more feel before you go okay Jamie?”
James, stood now, let him have his feel and relished the moment.
“See you tomorrow Jack, and thanks.”
To be continued…
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