

Kas 21

Lost In Translation

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For fuck’s sake. Story rejected because Was there an underage (under 18 years old) sexual relationship in my story? Age of boy?

Very well. All characters involved in this story are at least 50.

Unedited. Hope it’s okay…

I woke up quickly, as usual. I was lying in my bed naked with the covers kicked off because of the summer heat. I stretched, then reached down to give my morning wood a little “Hello there” stroke. I heard a soft moan.

That’s when I noticed my step-mother sitting in the chair across the room, watching me.

My mom had passed from cancer when I was 15. My father had been heartbroken. It had always been clear to me that they loved each other with a passion that must have been the envy of all their friends. Dad had moped around for several years,


then had taken a two-week vacation to Japan and Thailand just to get away from what was familiar but lost.

He returned with Ananda, a young Thai girl. It was the most unlikely pairing ever. Dad was about 6 feet tall, and she was 4’8″. Dad was in his late 30’s; Ananda was 19. And could barely speak a few words of English. But though her body was tiny, it was lush. I thought I understood the attraction she held for my father.

I thought about covering myself up, but it seemed pointless given how long she’d likely had to stare at my body.

“Sorry,” I said.

She licked her lips. “It… okay,” she said. She didn’t move. I watched her watching me. She was wearing a short, skimpy little silk robe. Her nipples poked hard through the fabric of it, giving away her state of mind. It was only then that I really understood the danger of our situation. I had no idea where Dad was.

“I, um… I really need to pee,” I said. I stood up and my erection was pointed directly at Ananda. “I’ll, uh, be right back,” I said. I walked out the door and when I got to the bathroom I realized that Ananda şişli escort bayan had followed me there.

“Um…” I pointed at the toilet. “I have to go.”

“Go,” she said. She reached around me and lifted the lid and seat, then placed her hands on my hips and waited. Which only made my cock harder. There was no way I was going to be able to pee through an iron-hard erection. Nor, I thought, was there any way I could explain it to her. I pointed at my hard cock.

“Can’t,” I said. I figured that if I were lucky she’d understand and leave the bathroom.

“Oh,” she said. She fumbled with her little robe and slipped it off of her shoulders and for a moment stood gloriously nude beside me. Then she turned me towards her and sucked my cock into her little mouth.

Oh, my God. This girl could give lessons to vacuum cleaner designers. Ignoring the ignominy of the situation, I gently grabbed her head and guided her as she licked and sucked my hard cock with abandon. I reached further down and cupped her little breasts and played with her nipples, and she moaned in satisfaction and played with my balls and stroked my shaft and sucked harder.

I’m reasonably proud of my stamina, but she was so good at what she was doing that I was getting pretty close. She pulled off of me for a moment and I thought that was it, but all she did was put her index finger into her mouth to get it wet. The next thing I knew she had pushed it up my asshole, searching for my prostate. And she found it.

“I’m going to cum,” I choked out.

“Cum,” she said, looking up at me. She never broke eye contact as I yelled my release. She sucked and gulped and moaned as I spewed a huge load onto her tongue. She kept sucking and licking until I became too sensitive and had to stop her. She stood up and hugged me, then watched my cock as it softened. She pointed to the toilet.

“Okay. Go.”

I did. She watched while I peed for at least a minute, savoring the relief.

“Good,” she said, and flushed the toilet. I watched her ass sway as she walked out.

“Breakfast,” she said.

I could hear her doing stuff in the kitchen as I pulled escort mecidiyeköy on shorts and a T-shirt. You know how you feel after the urgency and immediacy of sex wears off and you start to consider the consequences? I had just been sucked off by my father’s wife. The sense of my betrayal to him was crushing me. I had no idea how I would explain it to him, much less how I could explain it to Ananda, who had so little English. I walked to the kitchen and found her cooking fried rice, still nude.

“Ananda,” I said. “Maybe you should put on some clothes?”

“Why? You see everything. Why you have clothes now?”

Strange, but it made sense somehow. I had seen all of her, and I actually felt a little weird being dressed while she was standing there nude.

“Okay,” I said. I quickly stripped out of my clothes.

“Better?” I said?

“Good,” she said, looking over my body. Then she went back to her frying pan.

The fried rice was excellent. I put my favorite hot sauce on it and Ananda looked at the bottle questioningly.

“Gringo Bandito,” I said. “It’s a little spicy, so be careful.” I handed her the bottle.

She smirked at me, then proceeded to fully cover her rice mound with the savory hot sauce. She took a bite.

“Mmm,” she said. “It good.”

It was good. But I had little time for attention to breakfast; I was too busy watching Ananda’s tits jiggle as she moved. This was serious trouble, I knew. I was this close to bending her over and taking her. My father’s wife.

“Where’s Dad?” I said. I thought that would bring her, and me, back to some level of sanity. He was probably coming home in a few hours.

“He go… trip?” she said. “Trip. Couple weeks.”

Oh, fuck. Dad, there is no way I’m not going to fuck your wife while you’re gone. I have to go away somewhere. Somehow.

“I think it’s a mistake for us to be naked together,” I said. “While he’s gone.”

She looked down at herself. “Why? Naked not bad. Naked just naked. You no like body?”


“I like body. Too much. That’s the problem.”

She looked at me like she didn’t understand.

“You… sucked merter escort my cock,” I said. “You made me cum with your mouth. You cheated on your husband. On my dad. With me.”

Still the look that she didn’t understand. Then the light seemed to dawn.

“No,” she said. “I just help you. You need pee. I help you. Only. Okay?”

Well, hell. Ananda obviously was raised with a different set of morals than mine.

“Okay,” I said. Then, somewhat shamefully, I said, “Help me again?”

She stood up and looked me over. “You need pee?”

“No,” I said. “I just need help.” My hard cock was waving in front of me, beckoning her.

“Okay,” she said. “But now come with me here.” She took my hand and pulled me up and led me to their bedroom. She laid me down on their bed, and then climbed on top of me.

“Wait,” I said as she grabbed my cock and lined it up with her pussy lips. She rubbed it up and down her slit to get it wet, then sank down onto me. We both groaned as my full length invaded her incredibly tight little pussy. She began to grind on me. It was heavenly. She lowered her body to offer me her breasts. I put my hands on her shoulders, and she stopped grinding.

“I don’t even know how to explain this to you,” I said. “I’m making you cheat on my father. I’m taking my father’s wife. Do you know what that makes me? I can’t stop it because I love your body and I love what you’re doing to me, but we have to stop. I love my dad, and I can’t do this to him.”

I started to push her off of me, but she resisted with a strength I wouldn’t have suspected and simply sank down further on my hard cock.

“Your father and I love each other,” she said. “But he’s impotent. We’ve discussed it at length and have agreed that the best solution is you. He feels no angst about your having me, because he loves you as well. And the last thing he wants is for me to go out foraging for other random men. So… you have his blessing. And now I know that you crave my affections. This works, yes?” And she started moving on me again.

Wait, what? “Ananda, your command of the English language suddenly seems greater than it was just a couple of minutes ago.”

She smiled and bent down to offer me her breast, which this time I took into my hungry mouth.

“I have a Master’s degree in English,” she said, smirking. “You no like?”

“I’m going to cum,” I said. And did.

“Ah. You do like,” she said.

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