

Eki 03

Master Jakob and Seth Ch. 01-03

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Master Jakob

Chapter 1 – Seth meets Master Jakob and Zach and starts his new life as a slave

Training Day 1 – Saturday

I was on the way to finally start my life as a slave for Master Jakob (MJ). My given birth name was Andrew but as part of the slavery I was given the name Seth. His name is Jakob or Sir to me. He’s 6’4″ tall with brown hair and the most intoxicating big brown eyes I have ever seen. He has big broad eyebrows, a high cheek structure, a perfect nose and a sensual mouth. He’s by far the most hot looking and beautiful person I have ever seen and he has a perfect body frame. As amazing as he looks, there’s a sense of realness to his appearance. He doesn’t have a fake overly worked out muscular body – rather he’s perfectly proportioned in every sense.

I first met him on an online BDSM site. He was living in West Virginia and working in the food services industry as a manager. I was in my last year of law school. We started chatting online and started to connect. We talked for about a year and, although there were ups and downs, we ended up becoming closer. MJ lived with two other close friends Zach, whom he knew from high school, and Alex. When I first started talking to MJ, Zach and Alex were a couple but they broke up soon after. One of my limits to serving was that my slavehood would be kept secret. I did not want to take the chance that my slavehood could get back to anyone in my family or friends and work associates. Right off the bat, that made this a more complicated situation because they’d both have to know that I was a slave. In addition, MJ admitted he also told two of his other close friends Caelen and Victoria. He was not apologetic about it and made it clear than his friends were very important to him and that they would be part of any relationship we could have.

Prior to my commitment, Zach, Master Jakob and I had met and talked through the arrangement. Zach was shorter than MJ but also very attractive with ice blue eyes. Given Master’s insistence that my status be known to his friends, and one of them would be living with us, I at least wanted to meet him. After the meeting, even though I was still concerned about his other three friends, Master and I signed a slave commitment contract. In it we spelled out our understanding of what the relationship would entail. We had been working on it throughout the time we talked online and gotten it to a point where it was acceptable to both of us. Of course, a contract for slavery could not be legally enforced, and either one of us could end it, but it provided a basis of ownership. It also made it clear how finances would be handled. Moving forward from this point I would direct 95% of any money and gifts I receive for any reason to an account where Master Jakob was the primary account holder. While his and Zach’s income was enough to support them, this would allow him to live a more financially free lifestyle. Master would control the account but I would retain access and a card so that with permission or a directive I can access it for his benefit.

I was able to get a moving allowance from my new company to help pay for housing. Based upon our agreement, I transferred the money to Master Jakob who searched out and signed a one year lease on a house. This enabled him to move out of his apartment, which he shared with Alex and Zach. The allowance was enough money to secure a lease, furnish the house and more.

My plane landed on time at noon. It was a clear sunny mid-September day – a humidless 70 degrees. I grabbed a cab from the airport for a 40 minute ride. The taxi pulled up to the address and I got up and paid the driver. He helped me with my two suitcases, putting them on the sidewalk and then drove away. I looked up and saw the house was a one story ranch. Master had told me it had three bedrooms, a partially finished basement with a separate entrance, and a private fenced in yard.

I picked up my bags, walked to the front of the house and rang the bell. Master opened the door and let me in with Zach smiling beside him and Sophie, Master’s dog, tagging alongside them. I shook hands with Zach as MJ said “Put your bags down here for now and let me show you the house.” I dropped the bags and followed him and Zach around as they gave me the tour. I followed respectfully avoiding eye contact and looking down by his feet or at his shadow.

When walking into the house, there was a small tiled area maybe five feet by five feet and beyond that and to the left was the living room. Along the left wall was a fire place. Directly to the right after stepping into the house was a door that leads to the basement and a coat closet. Straight ahead past the living room was the dining room with a large kitchen in the corner to the left. At the end of the living room and before the dining room was a hallway to the left that lead to the bedrooms. Making a left onto the hallway the first room you pass was a bathroom, after that was a large utility room with a washer and Sakarya escort bayan dryer and an exit door to the two car garage which was in front of the house. On the right side were two bedrooms and straight ahead was a huge master bedroom which had a huge bathroom and a large walk in closet.

There was a door to the backyard out of the kitchen. They showed me the yard as we briefly stepped outside. There was a brick patio extending about 12 feet from the whole back of the house and a big brick barbeque on the right side of the patio. The whole yard had a six foot white fence and after the patio was about a 30 foot grassy area.

We went back inside and he showed me the basement which was basically two big rooms. As you walked down one room was open and finished with walls and a carpeted area with a couch. There was a door to the large unfinished area which had a cement floor. There was an enclosed toilet – which looked old style, a big double slop sink and the floor had a drain. The electrical, heating and AC equipment were also located in that part.

When the tour was over we went back upstairs and MJ said, “We’ve picked out the smallest bedroom for you. I have the master bedroom and Zach has the next biggests. Put your stuff away in the small room and when you’re done meet us in the living room.” I put away my clothes and put the suitcases in the closet and walked back out.

When I got there, he had two objects in hand. The first was a silver links chain with a simple silver ring as the charm. He first told me to strip and then put the chain on me and said, “This is a symbol of my ownership of you. It’s discreet to wear all the time and you are never to take it off.”

The second object was a black leather dog collar. He put that on me as well and said, “You are to wear this whenever you’re at home. You do not need to wear it out of the house of if we have company but always have it on you at all times. This is all you are to wear when you’re inside this house, unless I say otherwise. Got it?”

“Understood Sir,” I replied.

“Good boy,” he said. “Now, go inside the kitchen and prepare dinner. You’ll see the menu on the table.”

I walked into the kitchen and saw a thick folder with recipes and the top page had a sticky note on it with today’s date. It was steak and mashed potatoes. I flipped through the pages in the file which contained cooking instructions and how Master liked each meal prepared and served. After that, I took a few minutes getting acquainted with the kitchen – opening drawers and cabinets to see where groceries were kept.

I proceeded to prepare dinner, starting with setting two places at the table with forks, knives, spoons and napkins then served the meal. After they sat down, I filled my water bowl and placed a portion of the meal on a plate for me and knelt down on the floor next to him to eat on an eating mat he had placed a foot away from the table. I was starved and, using my hands, devoured the portion of steak and potatoes. I was also very thirsty, and although it took me a long time to finish it, I licked the water bowl dry.

When finished, they got up from the table and MJ said. “That was very good Seth. Clean this up and come over to me when you’re finished. I will show you your sleeping arrangements.” I cleaned up as he and Zach went to the living room to watch TV and go on his computer. After drying the last dish, I dropped back down to my knees and crawled to him in the living room.

“Stand up and follow me”, he said as he saw me crawl to him. “You may walk upright at all times unless told otherwise.”

“Thank you Sir,” I replied.

We walked to the first bedroom, the smallest, which was picked to hold my stuff. He pointed to it and said, “This room is yours for show purposes only. You’ll keep your clothes here but this is not where you’ll sleep. In fact, you can not go in here without my permission. The only time you may possibly sleep in here is if we have guests.”

We kept walking down the hallway and when passing the second bedroom he said, “This is Zach’s room – other than cleaning it you should never go in here.”

We took a few more steps and reached his bedroom. When walking into the right was a walk in closet and next to it on the right was the Master bathroom. We stepped into the closet. It was huge – 8 feet wide – with clothes shelving on both walls and about 8 feet deep. As we stepped to the back wall he showed me that it was actually a sliding door – both doors sliding from the center out revealing a small room about 4 feet deep. There was a mattress on the floor with a pillow and blanket. He pointed to it and said, “This is where you’ll sleep. At night, you can pull the mattress out and move it to the foot of my bed unless you’re told otherwise. If you go here during the day keep both the sliding door and the closet door open. There may be times where I will make you come in here and close the doors – if I decide to use this as a punishment Escort Side or time out cage. If I tell you to get in your cage, you are to come here close both doors and stay here until I say otherwise. Understand?”

“Yes Sir,” I replied.

“We’re also going to set up a place for you in the basement but I’ll explain that at another time,” he said. Then he looked at me and said, “OK, good Seth, you’re done for the night. “You have some free time now but I suggest you get some rest because tomorrow is a big day.”

“Sir,” I asked before he left the room, “May I call my family?”

He stopped, turned around and said, “You can call them anytime you want on your free time. Just so we’re clear, free time can be used to do what you wish as long as it falls within the rules of what you’re allowed to do such as read, watch TV, call your family, or any hobbies that I have approved for you. Free time begins and ends based upon my designation. Free time is NOT idle time – idle time is when you are finished with your assigned chores and not called upon to do a task but have not been given free time. During idle time you are to wait beneath me for your next order.”

I replied, “Thank you, Sir. You are generous to allow free time and I am grateful for how clearly you set out the rules. Thank you Sir.” After he walked way I made the call and talked to my brother Matt and my Mom and Dad. Of course, they had no clue that I just became the property of Master Jakob but it was good to touch base with them and start to internally separate my slave life from my family.

After the call I went back to the closet. I knelt back down and checked out my sleep area. The mattress looked pretty comfortable and it was comforting knowing I’d be sleeping in the same room as him. I was tired but didn’t want to go to be just yet so I pulled out the mattress moving it to the foot of his bed then went out to the living room and just sat on the floor by his feet while he typed away on his phone. He seemed very focused but I could not see what he was doing.

He reached down and ran his hand through my hair saying, “You did well today, Seth. I have waited a long time for you to serve beneath me and I’m proud of you for taking this final step. I will take good care of my property.”

“Thank you Sir,” I replied, “I am honored to have the chance to serve you.” He went back to focusing on his phone but still occasionally running his hand through my head. It felt strange sitting there naked with a collar around my neck, but felt great when he touched me. Being there next to him gave me a sense of comfort. After a few minutes, I dozed off and woke up to Master moving my head with his hand. He smiled down at me and told me it was time for bed. I followed him in to the room and fell asleep again – this time on the mattress by the foot of his bed.

Chapter 2 – Master Jakob gets a new bathroom

Training Day 2 – Sunday

Waking up to my first morning in my slave life was strange and still having the collar on was a reminder of my new place. Lying on the floor mattress I could see the sunlight from outside the closet doors. I stayed there for a few moments collecting my thoughts and then got up to start my day. Master was still asleep so I quietly got out of the closet and went to the bathroom (the one across my clothes room) to pee and wash up.

From the online chats with Master, I knew he may sometimes want to wake up to a BJ but I wasn’t totally sure since he didn’t say anything before going to bed. I decided to take the chance and get back to his room and wait.

His bed was huge (king size which he furnished using the money from my moving allowance) and he was sleeping towards the left edge. I slowly slid my upper body underneath the covers. He was naked and I was able to work my fingers in and slowly maneuvered his dick towards me. Not knowing how he would react was making my hands shake with nervousness but I went on and positioned my mouth. My lips softly touched the head of his dick as my nose filled with the smell of his crotch. The tip of my tongue slid past my lips and pushed against his pee slit bringing the taste onto my tongue.

He started to stir in bed and I remained motionless for a few seconds until his dick twitched against my lips. I slightly parted my lips and took more of his cock into my mouth. I heard him exhale then felt his hand push down on my head causing more of his now growing penis to enter. A sense of relief came over me as he seemingly accepted what I was doing.

As the nervousness went away I started to feel the privilege of being allowed to touch his dick with my mouth. I opened up, softly wrapped my lips around his cock and started to work my tongue around the head. The taste of his pee slit now spread across my mouth as I started to suck his cock. For the next few minutes I moved my mouth up and down the shaft while he relaxed in bed. I kept working my mouth and tongue until he said, “OK, stop, it’s izmir escort time to shower”.

He got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I followed him in and turned on the water to the shower while he peed in the toilet. The shower was a large walk in and easily fit two people. I made sure the water temperature was comfortable before he stepped in. Instinctively, I went to wash him standing up to shampoo his hair and wash his upper body. I could see he started to get hard again as I knelt down to wash his lower body. I worked the soaped body sponge under his feet and between his toes until he grabbed my head and guided it back to his dick.

My mouth closed around the head and my fingers worked the base. He started to hold my head and thrust into my face. His movements weren’t rough but very deliberate and I tried to move with him as he sped up. His breathing got quicker and deeper and he tightened his grip on my head. I felt his cock spasm as he grunted and released his cum inside my mouth. I gagged a bit as he held my head in place until he finished ejaculating. The slimy feeling spread across the back of my tongue. I gagged a second time as he removed his spent cock from my mouth. It felt like I was going to throw up. I tightened my stomach and, even though I slightly gagged again, was able to contain myself. Most of the semen had dripped out of my mouth but the taste was still strong and there was a glazed feeling on my tongue.

He finished rinsing himself in the shower and then stepped out and dried himself off. “Finish cleaning yourself,” he ordered as he walked out of the bathroom, “then make breakfast.”

I finished showering and dried off using the same towel as Master. I wiped up any wetness from the floor and put the towel and his underwear in the hamper.

I next went to the kitchen, and choosing from the menu folder, started preparing breakfast. Hotcakes and bacon were on the menu, served with a glass of orange juice and water. As if nothing had happened, I greeted him as he walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table, “Good morning, Sir”.

“Good morning, Seth,” he replied, “Bring me a liter bottle of water.” He then poured the orange juice from the glass into my bowl on the floor. I knew I had to wait before I could drink it. I would always have to wait to eat or drink until I finished serving him but also, to show respect for having received something that came out of my Master, I would wait at least 30 minutes before putting anything else in my mouth.

I prepared and served his breakfast. I still had 7 minutes to wait before I could eat so I just knelt by his feet. He finished and walked out of the room leaving the mess behind for me to clean. A few minutes later Zach walked in and I served him too. When the time had passed I ate my breakfast and drank the juice from the two bowls on the floor. Biting enough food was tricky but drinking was really frustrating. It was impossible to get enough liquid in my mouth to feel satisfied.

As I was finishing my meal he came back in and said, “Hurry up and clean this mess – I want to get your first training session in before we go out.”

I wasn’t sure what training he had in mind but I stopped eating and cleaned up, then followed him to the bathroom across from the room my clothes were stored in (“my” room). This was a much smaller bathroom than the one in his bedroom. When you walked in there was a vanity with a white countertop to the left, followed by a toilet and a bathtub/shower against the back wall. The fixtures were white and the tile on the floor and walls were different variations of grey.

He had me kneel in front of the toilet and said, “I’m going to train you to be my urinal. You should see this as a privilege and take the opportunity to learn quickly. I will understand at first but my patience will wear thin.”

I knew this was something I was going to have to eventually do but was dreading it and wasn’t expecting it so soon. I just looked down at his feet and said, “Understood, Thank you Sir.”

“First thing,” he continued, “make sure your mouth is clean. Then, carefully undo my zipper or open my pants and pull out my dick. I repeat be very careful at all times. Gently put the head of my dick inside your lips and close your lips around it. This will make it easier for you to swallow while it’s still going in your mouth. Finally, after I’ve relieved myself, wipe off the head and gently put my dick back in my pants. Understood?” “If at any time I want this to happen outside the bathroom I’ll simply say “Seth come drink” Understood?

“Understood Sir,” I replied.

“Do you have any questions,” he asked?

I shook my head no and then he asked, “What else do you think you should do after my bladder is fully relieved?”

I thought for a moment and replied, “Not drink or eat anything else for at least 30 minutes Sir?”

“Well, true,” he replied, but I was thinking more about your show of gratitude.”

“Oh, sorry Sir,” I replied, “I would thank you.” After I said that there was a pause of silence and it became clear he wanted me to continue.

“I would thank you, Sir,” I repeated, because I am not deserving of your waste, Sir and having it in me makes me better, Sir.”

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