

Eki 22

Miss Victoria, Sex Therapist Ch. 05: Lynn

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Hello you naughty girls and boys!

This chapter was going to come earlier (although I still may do some rearranging when more of the pieces are complete) but now I think it becomes chapter 5. We’ll take a break from Gregory and get another glimpse of Mark soon, but now it is time to introduce Lynn.


Lynn practically fell back onto the couch and then caught her head in her hands. She wasn’t going to cry; she wasn’t. Still, she could feel the tears behind her eyes. Sarah had just left but more importantly she was leaving; leaving for good. Lynn knew it wasn’t worth trying to convince her to stay. It just wasn’t going to work out.

So that was another one down. Why was it so hard to find herself a Mistress? This was a big city, not some churchy, backwards town. She should be able to find herself someone compatible. She was willing to do things, lots of things; in fact that was also something which made her happy. But she had her own needs. A pet needs to be played with. A bad girl should be punished.

Sarah was confident and bossy but it was Lynn who really broached the subject of a D/s relationship. Sarah was secure in being gay and didn’t feel she needed to hide it, but she hadn’t been in the scene in any way. At first that was helpful as she had all the usual curiosity and liked the idea of having someone to boss around.

It began with just simple demands and domestic chores, and a little rough sex. But the first time Sarah really spanked her ass was one of the greatest moments they ever shared. Lynn used that for masturbation fuel many times since. That was also when Lynn really thought this relationship might work.

After the spanking they also worked out a few play dates where they could try things that they were interested in. Sarah found bondage a bit tiresome and time consuming, as well as more complicated than she liked so a simple pair of handcuffs was an early gift and Sarah did make good use of those.

Lynn was often naked and had provided her own collar which she wore for their scenes. This part felt right, but the play itself never really seemed to find its stride. Sarah was either too nice and giving when she should have been taking, or all but ignored her, as if sitting handcuffed to a chair for thirty minutes was all Lynn needed.

Still Lynn had hoped that it would all work out. She felt they were both trying and she desperately wanted it to work. But after today, she knew that Sarah wasn’t interested in making it work. There would be no more play dates. In fact there would be no more dates of any kind. Not only were they through playing, but Sarah was ending their relationship altogether.

She had even used that word. ‘Freak’, she called her. Lynn looked toward the closed door of the apartment. Bostancı Escort She could clearly hear the words Sarah had used. It was as if they hung in the air waiting for infinite replay.

‘I can’t do this anymore Lynn! I’m not a freak like you! I need to find somebody else. And you need to find…I don’t know…a psychiatrist! I’m leaving! I’ll make arrangements to get my stuff. Bye.’

And with those parting words, Sarah had walked out of the apartment and out of Lynn’s life. She wiped the corners of her eyes. Freak. Hmmph. What does she know. But maybe that was it. Lynn was having doubts.

Lynn had doubts before. She had challenges as well. She had come to terms with being gay and that wasn’t so much of a challenge anymore as it was an occasional annoyance when faced with some homophobic reaction. She was also quick to realize she was a sub and craved someone to dominate her. But finding the right girl who wanted to love her and be her top was proving most difficult.

The first couple of times it may have been the girls she chose, but after Sarah the list was getting longer of failed relationships. What was she doing wrong? Was it all her fault? Was she asking too much? She was practically giving herself over to these girls. What more could she do?

The more she thought of how fucked up her relationships and her life had been of late, the more she was determined to find some answers. She cared for Sarah but she wasn’t going to let her make her feel miserable forever. She could move on too.

She flipped on the television and surfed for something to take her mind off the morning. At some point she was going to have to look for a new roommate as well and that wasn’t a fun prospect. It would be great to just live alone where she could be her own freak and hide from the rest of the world, but she had bills to pay and she’d have to find a roommate or find another place to live.

She couldn’t find anything on TV to be a worthy distraction. Eventually she gave up, tossing the remote on the coffee table, where it slid precariously to the end, and then fell off. ‘Great. Story of my life.’ she thought. Then she headed off to the bedroom.

She was still trying to find an answer. She paused as she caught her reflection in the closet door mirror. She looked alright. I mean she wasn’t some celebrity, but she had her youth and a figure she didn’t have to fight for. She did an assessment as she made a few turns.

She was wearing a faded pair of jeans which had a few holes; not overly shredded and manufactured. And she had made improvements to them with various pens and markers; butterflies, birds, a few favorite bands. She had on a simple tank, nothing too loose and slutty, although she was braless.

Makeup Anadolu Yakası Escort was fairly simple. She did have a nose ring and more than a couple ear piercings, but that was pretty normal. You couldn’t really see the butterfly tats on her neck and shoulder unless she turned them toward the mirror. And her ankle tat was covered under her jeans. But still nothing that screamed she was broken and unfit for a loving partner.

Her blond hair was short and a little spikey. It sometimes was a source for rude comments by boys who were disappointed she didn’t want in their pants, but she didn’t think her ‘dyke’ haircut was the problem. It certainly hadn’t been for other girls. Jewelry was a few bangles and a few rings, one on her thumb, but everything checked out okay.

Her nails were sometimes black, unlike now, but she never went full goth. And she had to say that seeing the black polish on her toes in contrast to her pale skin just made them look all the cuter. So checked and double-checked, there was nothing wrong with her appearance. She’d fuck her.

She pulled up her tank and ran her hand across her flat tummy. Yeah this was a good body, not a body to be ashamed of. She gave herself a little tease as she slowly raised her tank on one side until it caught on her nipple. She held it there moving the hem from side to side before finally dragging it further upward, causing her nipple to spring loose and wobble in the air.

Her nipple was proudly displayed and she ran a finger over the piercing and pulled at it. She pulled the pink bud a few times and then let it snap back into place. Nope, her nipple piercings and tongue piercing weren’t the problem. They had all been put to good effect.

She exposed her other nipple as she held her top up to her neck. Holding her shirt up with her chin, she cupped her breasts, giving each a squeeze and a jiggle. Then she pulled her top all the way off and tossed it on the bed behind her. She ran her hands down her sides and crossed them over and around her navel.

She then unbuttoned her jeans and heard the zip, which was the only sound in the room aside from her breathing. Slowly she peeled away her jeans to reveal the perfect, tight pussy and the light frizz of blonde hair. She continued tugging on her jeans until she released them to fall to the floor. Then one by one she stepped her cute little feet out of them and kicked them across the room.

So now she took another look in the mirror. Everything checked out. It was a body that was meant to be played with. She turned and looked over her shoulder as she gave herself a slap on the ass. She was a bad girl, she had driven Sarah away. Slap. She needed to think of others, and not herself. Slap. She didn’t deserve any play dates. Pendik Escort Slap. She deserved t be punished. Slap!

As she crawled onto her bed she reached for the nightstand drawer. The wooden hairbrush felt strong in her hand. SLAP. That’s how you spank little girl. You don’t get to use your hands. You need a real punishment. SLAP. Stings doesn’t it? Probably getting red. No don’t look. I didn’t tell you to look.

Now what’s missing? Where’s your collar? Lynn knew her collar wasn’t within easy reach. She would have to get off the bed for that, and she didn’t want to get up. Girl, you get up and put on your collar so we can start your real punishment.

Lynn practically leapt off the bed and rushed over to the closet to retrieve her collar. She was fastening it behind her neck as she threw herself back onto the bed. As soon as she had it secured, her hand gripped the hairbrush once more. SLAP. What took you so long? I’m going to redden that ass for sure. SLAP.

You’re going to have to do much better young lady. SLAP. You can’t be driving away any girl that takes and interest in you. SLAP. What have you done for them? SLAP. Not enough. That much is clear. SLAP.

Do you want to spend your life locked up in this little room? SLAP. I didn’t think so. SLAP. This is gonna remind you to do better. SLAP. Isn’t it. SLAP.

Lynn was now squirming against the sheets. Not only was she moving away from the harsh smack of the hairbrush, she was also trying to rub herself against the sheets. She quickly grabbed her pillow and shoved it under herself.

What’s that girl? SLAP. Are you getting off? SLAP. You naughty, naughty girl. SLAP. Well if punishment is what you want, punishment is what you’re going to get! SLAP. SLAP. SLAP. SLAP. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

Her legs began to kick as she pressed herself into the pillow. She was really close. We’re not done yet little girl! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

The blows continued and what was once a stinging was now a burning pain. She knew her cheeks were a fiery red, and she felt there may even be bruising. Still the blows continued on until she reached a screaming moan, crying out for Sarah to stop.

She tried to regain her breathing as she heard the brush clatter to the floor. She felt the growing wet spot on the pillow as she came down. In the afterglow she had a few realizations.

First, Sarah was never going to do that for her again. She could fantasize all she wanted but Sarah wouldn’t punish her the way she needed it. And second, she did need it. She needed that very much and while she could help herself much like she had, it wasn’t the same as being paddled by someone else.

Maybe Sarah was right. Maybe she did need to see a professional. She wasn’t going to give up looking for the right girl, but maybe she needed help with how to find them and interact with them. If she was broken in some way that was keeping her from finding a match, then maybe she did need some fixing. Tomorrow she would begin her search for an appropriate therapist.

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