

Eki 07


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It was early in the morning when we awoke to the alarm blaring out its annoying tone. Every morning was a struggle for me to keep from launching it across the room, smashing it against the wall, throwing it out the window and praying it was ran over by a traveling band of African Elephants or simply putting it in the microwave until it malted and caught fire. I was in the middle of deciding one of these methods of silencing the alarm when Kimberly rolled over the top of me and hit the off button. I always thought that was too humane of a way to shut it off.

She sat with her legs straddling my hips and looked down at me with a smile. Her red hair was covering most of her face but I could still see her bright green eyes gazing lovingly down at me. It was times like this when I thought my heart would just stop as I looked at her. She whispered “Good morning” in her normal soft voice and kissed me softly. It was funny, she has never had morning breath in the years we have been together but every morning I could taste the sourness of my morning breath. I had a theory that she must wake up before the alarm goes off and brushes her teeth then gets back into bed before I wake up to greet me with fresh breath.

She would laugh at me every time I accused her of it and say that she never did that. I was gonna catch her one day, but yet again today wasn’t that day. I reached up and tucked her hair behind her ears and looked her in the eyes for a moment simply taking in her beauty. I never got tired of seeing her first thing in the morning and knew I never would. She knew what I was doing and sat back letting me get a good look at her body and pushed her chest out. She knew what she was doing and giggled when I began running my hands up her body towards her chest. She never slept with any clothes on no matter how cold it was which always drove me wild for her. She laughed again as I started to grind my hips under hers and told me that that would have to come later. Naturally I knew what she meant, we had to get ready for our annually five week camping trip at Yosemite park in California.

She was always so ecstatic before any of our camping trips but none as much as Yosemite. Normally we would hike for three days until we found the perfect place then we would set camp. I was always the one lugging the heavy gear but I never minded I was in great shape after years of Military service. I think I gone carrier but I fractured my right leg in a parachuting accident and was discharged. I made a full recovery but by then I lost my love for the service and never reenlisted.

Kimberly was also in great shape from her years of running track in collage and also being my personal trainer at the local gym. Needless to say she trained me in much more than working out but I’m not going to go into that. She stuck by my side the whole time I recovered from my accident even when I was a complete ass to everyone especially her. She was only trying to help me and at times all I did was yell at her. Of all the women I had been with she was simply the most wonderful of them all. She supported me when I was discharged and stayed by my side when I was as low as a girl could get.

After a few minutes of letting me look at her gorgeous body she slid off of me making sure to let me see everything then walked over to the closet and threw on the small strips of silk she called a robe and headed for the kitchen to put on some coffee. I lay in bed for topkapı escort a few more minutes before throwing on robe and following her into the kitchen. I walked up behind her as she was pouring the water into the coffee maker and squeezed her ass that was hardly being covered by her “robe” making her shriek and spill water all over the counter.

“Amber!” She laughed setting the coffee pot down and reaching for a dish towel.

She started to clean up the water but I reached in front of her and took the towel out of her hands and spun her around. I kissed her on the lips and pushed her against the counter then picked her up and set her on the counter top as I untied her “Robe” and pushed it off her shoulders. I took my lips off of hers and started kissing her neck and began running my hands all over her body.

“Amber baby,” She moaned in my hear, “we have to get our gear ready.”

I ignored her as I continued running my hands over her body slowly moving down to between her legs. As I started rubbing her thighs I was suddenly completely wet and not in a good way. I backed up with a shocked gasp and looked at her as a sly smile creped across her lips. She was still holding the coffee pot in the air dripping the last bits of the water on the floor. All thoughts of making love to her was gone instantly and I stood in the middle of the kitchen dripping wet. I just looked at her for a second before turning around without saying anything and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. Given my currant state I think a cold shower would have been the better choice but I loved a hot shower in the morning.

I was just about to shut off the water when Kimberly slid the shower doors open and stepped in. I eyed her cautiously and looked at her hands making sure she wasn’t armed with anything that held water. The only thing she was holding was one of our several “toys”.

“I thought we had to get our gear ready.” I said.

“I came to apologies for dumping the water on your head.” She said pressing her body against mine.

She stepped closer to me and started kissing me softly as she wrapped her arms around my neck. We kissed for several minutes before she jumped up wrapping her legs around my waist . I turned her around in the shower and pressed her back up against the cold shower wall making her gasp. Sometimes I just loved payback. She unwrapped her legs from my waist and dropped down to her knees sliding her hand and tongue between my legs. Now it was my turn to gasp. She knew all the right places to kiss and lick. I leaned my head back letting the water fall on my chest and started moaning loudly.

It really didn’t take long before I was shacking all over and had to lean forward with my hands on the wall to keep from falling over. Kim stood up with a satisfied smile and looked at the “toy” in her hands and said it looks like she didn’t need that after all. I took it from her and told her that I think I could find a place for it as I slowly slid it down her body.

“No no no baby.” She said taking my hand in hers. “This was me saying sorry for dumping water on your head. We still don’t have time to have all the fun we want.”

I just shook my head. I had gotten off so I was happy. If she wanted to stay horny all day it was her call. It just meant that she would be ready for me tonight. So I shut off the water and handed her a towel and started to dry off myself before we got dressed escort bayan kağıthane and started getting our stuff ready.

Probably the best thing about the two of us being such neat freaks had to be the fact that it never took us more than a few hours to get all of our gear together and into the truck. It was always my job to get everything tied down and with the help from my neighbor Mike the truck was loaded and secured with no less that twenty bungee cords. It was my dad’s favorite thing to say that you could have too many bungee cords to tie down a load.

Kimberly was in the kitchen making several sandwiches for the trip and packing them into a small cooler with a couple soda’s and chips. I grabbed our two large packs and tucked them in the back of the truck and pulled the tarp over them. Everything was ready and I handed Mike the keys to the house so he could look after things for us and went in to help Kimberly with lunch.

“Hi baby.” She said with a half eaten pickle in her mouth. “Is everything ready?”

“Just waiting on you.” I said kissing her on the back of the neck and grabbed a pickle myself.

She handed me the cooler so I could put it in the truck and went to grab the last of her things. I was waiting in the truck with the engine already running when she came running out of the house like she had just set a bomb and hopped into the truck yelling for me to go. This was normal behavior for her, her excitement always boiled over in the last minutes before we began the trip. I knew in under an hour she would be passed out leaning against the window like always. I dilled in our destination into our GPS even though I knew the way by heart.

It was a seven hour trip from San Diego to Yosemite national park and just like I figured, Kimberly was asleep almost exactly an hour into the trip. I drove almost straight through the seven hours eating the sandwiches and drinking the sodas until Kimberly woke up and asked if I could pull off at the next rest stop so she could stretch her legs. We were surrounded by large Sequoia trees as we pulled into the rest stop showing us just how close we were to Yosemite. Kimberly jumped out of the car as soon as it came to a stop and started walking around stretching her legs and back. I got out as well and stretched a little as I walked towards the bathroom what was in the back of the small information center. I walked into the bathroom and turned around and walked right back out looking like I had seen a ghost. I shook my head and decided that shitting my pants would have been more sanitary than going into that restroom.

I did however take a step into the woods and let the presser off of my bladder as I kept my eyes peeled for anyone that was coming. When I got back to the truck Kimberly was nowhere to be found. I took me less than five seconds to know where she was. I walked along a small trail until I heard her stomping her way through the dead leaves on the ground.

“Are you about ready to go baby?” I called in the direction of the noise.

I saw her head pop up over the top of a rock and the look on her face told me that she didn’t want me standing there and looking. I guessed she must have either seen the restroom or she had just figured what it would look like. I snickered and headed back to the truck and climbed into the truck and waited. She came walking out of the trees a minute later and climbed into the sarıyer escort truck.

“Did you wash your hands?” I asked jokingly as I started it up and pulled out of the rest stop.

She snickered and reached into the glove box and pulled out a travel size bottle of hand purifier and squirted a dab on her hands and rubbed it in. After years of taking camping trips with Kimberly I knew her traveling style. I knew she would be wide awake and jabbering like crazy the rest of the trip. That didn’t bother me seeing as I loved her soft voice. Everyone that she spoke to would always asked her to repeat what she had said because how softly she spoke. I always heard what she said, I guess it was because I loved her from the second I saw her in the gym. The rest of the trip she was asking me what I had seen while she was asleep. I laughed and told her that I had seen the same things I saw every year.

She didn’t let me get away with that kind of answer like I knew she wouldn’t. She simply sat in the passenger seat with her whole body turned towards me not saying anything. Finally after a few seconds of silence I began telling her about the trip not leaving out any detail. Once I was finished she seemed happy and began chattering about the next three days of hiking. We were less than an hour away from the parking area where we would begin our hike and Kimberly was getting even more excited. By the time we pulled into the parking area she was almost jumping out of her seat.

The parking area was almost deserted save for one small car that looked like it had been parked there for a few days. It was still the early season for camping but there were always a few diehard campers that hit the trails early to get the best spot they could get. We pulled into one of the many empty spaces and climbed out of the truck and stretched. Kimberly walked along the back of the truck and began the task of removing all of the bungee cords and tarp as I went to the front of the truck and began removing the starter like I always did when we left the truck sitting for more than three days.

Once the starter was out I packed it into the bottom of my pack then began loading all of the gear I could into it. Once it was stuffed with clothes, survival items and some of the food. I attached our cooking gear to the top and cinched it down with a small flap of cloth that I had attached when I bought it. Finally I attached my sleeping bag and three person tent to the bottom with rope then went to help Kimberly load her pack. The last thing I grabbed out of the truck was my dads old .308 rifle and plenty of ammo. Finally we were ready to begin our long hike to our first camp site. It was already getting dark when I heaved my pack onto my back and clicked the buckles around my chest and waist before helping Kimberly put on her pack. Between us we were carrying just over two hundred pounds of gear most of which was on my back. We started down the only trail leading into the forest taking in the beauty of the tall trees and lush plant life that was covering the forest floor.

We followed the main trail for an hour before we came to an area where the trail branched off in several directions. I asked Kimberly if she was ready for the real hiking and she nodded once. We stepped off the trail and began wading our way through the thick plant life keeping one eye ahead of us and the other eye on the ground to make sure we didn’t walk into any poison oak or trip on a tree root as we went. By the time the sun was all the way down we had come to a small clearing where we were going to make camp for the night. Tomorrow was going to rough. We had almost 20 miles to cover over some harsh country before hitting our next camp site near a waterfall.

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