

Ara 27

My Birthday Surprise Ch. 01

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It was my birthday and my boyfriend had been smiling and acting very smug for weeks prior to when we planned to celebrate it. I knew he had something very, very special for me but try as I might, I couldn’t get him to give me even a small hint. My mind went around and around, thinking this and that, but what I received was far better than anything I imagined.

My big day finally arrived. He brought me a gorgeous, very sexy, snug, long black dress with a slit far, far up the side. The dress was not designed for any undergarments so I had nothing on but the dress and a pair of “fuck me heels.” I am not a small woman and don’t usually feel comfortable in slinky dresses but his taste was superb. I loved the way I looked and therefore felt light hearted and very sexy. We went to dinner – it was fabulous and very romantic. We drank champagne, fed each other bits and pieces of our meal, laughed, flirted and gave each other little kisses – all by candlelight.

We decided to have an after-dinner brandy. We sat very close, sipping our brandy, feeling the warmth of the drink, our thighs touching, his hand resting between mine. I lightly stroked his arm. He spread my legs open and moved up my inner thigh. He brushed my pussy with his fingers, then began softly rubbing my hardening clit with his thumb, put one then two fingers inside my pussy. I placed my hand on his cock – his very hard cock – squeezing then relaxing. With his hips, he pushed his cock into my hand and I was doing the same to him.

“Let’s go home, baby!” I whispered in his ear. He just smiled and nodded. We removed ourselves from each other but we sat there for a few minutes to calm our breathing and to let the bulge in his slacks go down some. We grinned crazily at each other; looking forward to the night still ahead of us. We left, got into his car and began the drive to my place – or so I thought. About a mile from my apartment, he exited the freeway and drove toward a location that had only one possible destination .. the “Embassy Suites.” I gave him a questioning look.

“Just part of your birthday, baby.” He smiled that silly, smug smile of his that made me crazy but I just shrugged my shoulders. He parked the car, came around to open the door for, held out his hand to help me out of the car and, with his hand resting lightly on the small of my back, guided me to the entrance of the hotel. I had never been there before but from the way travesti porno he directed me, I knew he had been. We bypassed the registration desk and he led me to the elevators. The doors opened and we entered. He used a key to select the button for the penthouse. I stared at him, open-mouthed, then before I could say a word, he put a finger on my lips and shook his head. Once again I just shrugged my shoulders. The elevator door opened directly into the stunning penthouse suite. I had every intention of walking around to admire the suite but he wrapped his arms around me from behind and whispered in my ear, “I want you now, sweet baby!”

I turned in his arms, place each hand on either side of his face, drew his lips to mine and softly kissed them. “I love you so much and need you something fierce now, my love.” Our lips met with a wild collision and our tongues clashed. Still kissing, he picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me into the bedroom. He lightly tossed me onto to the bed and covered my body with his. Once again our lips met but for a tender kiss.

He raised his head, looked deep into my eyes and asked, “Do you completely trust me, baby?”

The love I could see in his eyes left me breathless as I replied, “Of course, with all my heart, body and soul.”

He kissed my forehead, eyebrows, eyes and the tip of my nose. “Good, because I need your trust in order to complete your birthday surprise. You must do exactly as I say – no questions asked. I will not hurt you in any way – I could never hurt you in any way, shape or form. – only give you pleasure. Will you do all that I ask?”

The surge of heat that enveloped me prevented me from saying a word…all I could do was nod my head in agreement. He smiled his sexy smile, kissed me again then stood up. “I’ll be back in about 15 minutes. There’s a robe in the bathroom for you. Take a quick shower if you want but when I come back, I want you lying on the bed, on your back, completely naked, alright?” Another nod is all I could manage. He left the room, I showered quickly and leaving the robe where it hung, made my way over to the bed and did what he had asked me to do. My mind was racing with questions. My body was quivering in anticipation. The room was suddenly plunged into total darkness. I must have dozed off because I did not hear him enter the room. I heard the strike of a match, alt yazılı porno then the glow from a candle. He lit several more then came over and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Did you miss me?” He asked, smiling. I only nodded, stroking the side of his face with my finger. He lifted his hand which was holding a blindfold. My gasp of surprise and excitement was audible. “This is for you, for me, for your final birthday gift, baby.” He said as he placed it over my eyes and around the back of my head. “I am going to tie your wrists to the bed posts but will leave your ankles free as long as you promise to do as I say. I’m also going to place a firm pillow under your hips and ass, ok?” I couldn’t say a word but once again could only nod my head. He loosely tied my wrists, got up from the bed and slipped the pillow under me which raised my pussy off the bed. I could hear him remove his clothes, felt him kneel on the bed and swing one leg over me to settle lightly on my belly. I could feel his hard cock against my skin and my desire intensified. He placed his hands on either side of my face to hold his weight, leaned down and softly kissed my lips, my jaw and trailed his tongue up to my ear lobe. He took it between his teeth and sucked. A bolt of absolute surprise and pure pleasure rushed through my body as I felt a tongue flicking my clit.

“Her name is Jasmine and she is your final gift, baby. I got tired of you putting it off.” He whispered into my ear. “Enjoy what she offers while I watch but I will join both of you later.” He crashed his mouth to mine and ravished my lips as never before. He got up and left me to Jasmine. We had talked about having a fmf threesome many times before but I had always said I wanted to experience a woman first before making any definite plans but, as he had said, I kept putting it off for reasons unknown. Jasmine left the foot of the bed and straddled my belly. I could feel her pussy against my skin. She leaned down and kissed the corner of my mouth; her kiss light and soft. Electrifying desire blasted through my body and I whimpered.

“I know you’ve never been with a woman before. I have and I love women with a passion. Give your body to me to love and pleasure. You are so beautiful and sensuous, sweet baby. I want to fuck you so much. Will you let me?” Her voice was low and husky and sent shivers up my spine.

“Oh my, please üvey baba porno do!” She could feel my surrender. She leaned down and circled my lips with her tongue, took my bottom lip between her teeth, licking and sucking. She slipped her tongue into my mouth, found mine and our tongues danced. She raised herself up and placed her nipple against my lips.

“Lick me, then suck me.” She ordered. I willingly obeyed. I had never experienced anything quite so erotic. I lavished my attention on her nipple. She gave me her other one and I did the same to it. Suddenly, my mouth was empty but hers was fastened on my nipple. Thrilling sensation coursed through my body with a direct shot to my pussy. She pushed my breasts together, teasing, licking, nipping and sucking my nipples, back and forth, from one to the other. She trailed her tongue down the middle of my ribs, belly until reaching my navel where she used her tongue to lick and her mouth to suck. She continued to move slowly down, brushing my pussy hair with her face. She kneeled between my legs, my pussy up in the air and softly blew on my clit. Her tongue came out and she flicked my clit, ran her tongue down my pussy lips then shoved her tongue inside my wet pussy, lapping at the juice. She returned her tongue to my clit, slid one then two fingers into my pussy. Slowly moving them all the way in then all the way out, flicking, licking and sucking on my clit. I was writhing with pleasure, never wanting her to stop. She pulled her fingers out of my pussy and began to rim my ass hole with one of them. The sensation was incredible. Then it was her tongue on my ass hole, lapping at it the same way she had done my pussy. She made her tongue hard and slipped it all the way in. She reached up to rub my clit with her wet fingers, fucking my ass with her tongue. Her finger found my ass hole again and slowly slid it in, just the tip. I pushed against her finger, wanting it in deeper. Deeper and deeper it went, all the way in then out again, over and over. She put her tongue to my clit again, licking then sucking. Fucking my ass with her finger, raping my pussy and clit with her tongue. I felt my orgasm building and building, my entire body shaking. My orgasm was so explosive it forced a scream from me. I collapsed down on the bed, the aftershocks intense. Jasmine removed her mouth from me, then her finger from my ass and crawled up to lie next to me. She brushed my sweat soaked hair away from my face and gave me a sweet kiss on my jaw. She settled her head on my breast, reached her arm across me and pulled me close to her.

“Did you enjoy that, baby?” I could hear the smile in her voice. She had no doubts at all that I had enjoyed myself. We slept.

To be continued…

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