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I’m a 33-year-old happily married woman, mother of four, who has always been very very bi-curious. I remember when I was a teen trying on clothes in my room with a friend or two and sometimes I would admire them. Of course, I felt it wasn’t right and suppressed those feelings.
I got married pretty young (21), and eventually shared my feelings and fantasies with my husband, who got VERY turned on hearing me speak about it. Unfortunately, Costa Rica is a very small, conservative country, where everyone pretty much knows everyone. This ruled out almost every chance of experimentation. Although I travel abroad once or twice a year, I really wouldn’t know where or how to start looking to quench my desires.
Luckily, fate intervened a few weeks ago and I am dying to share it with someone, so here it goes.
My family and I went to enjoy a long weekend at the beach and as soon as we pulled into the house, I got a call saying I was wanted for a shoot. Trust me, I’m not a super model by any stretch of the imagination, but I do occasional commercials every now and then. Because I was leaving for the States in a couple of weeks (shopping girls), any extra money would come in perfectly. I asked my husband and he was all for it, so I hopped back into the car and drove home, leaving hubby all alone with the 4 kids!
By the time I made it back into the city, I was literally exploding, and had to tinkle BADLY. I ran into the house and into the nearest bathroom. When I was done, and much calmer, as I buttoned my jeans, I swore I heard moaning. Yeah…moaning!
At first I was little scared…I mean, why would anyone be moaning in my house, which was suppose to be empty. But, as I neared my bedroom, I remembered we had asked our neighbor’s daughter to look after our dog. You know…feed and walk.
Obviously she invited her boyfriend over and was REALLY going at it. But, as I neared the bedroom, I heard that background music that all erotic films have. So now the question was, was Margarita moaning or was it the TV? I’ve never felt so sinister in my life. Instead of going in the bedroom, I went around to the bathroom that connects to it, and once in there, I peaked inside.
My first reaction was absolute shock. There, on my bed, was Margarita, with a t-shirt bunched up above her breasts and NOTHING else on, with MY massager firmly planted on her clitty, in the throes of a very powerful orgasm.
She was transfixed to the TV and she was moaning away almost in unison with the character on the screen who was being made love to orally. Well, I said, that my first reaction was shock, then, I felt dirty…yeah, really dirty. I mean, here I was looking at this 18 or 19-year-old girl, who-by-the-way I have known for about ten years, pleasuring herself on my bed, and I guess I felt dirty because it was arousing me, very much.
Every time she orgasmed, she would lift that tight little butt of hers off the bed and push herself harder onto the massager ’till I thought she would snap the handle. While I was torn by what to do, my last feeling was embarrassment. For me and her, and I really didn’t want to embarrass her and tarnish our relationship. So I quietly walked out of the bathroom, soaked panties and all, realizing this WAS the opportunity I had been waiting for all my life, but hey, to approach my friends daughter would be just plain wrong.
I made my way outside, sat in my car with my heart pounding, deliberating my next move. I made some calls confirming the time and place where I had to be the next day, and after ten minutes, decided to ring the doorbell.
No answer. I rang it again, and still no answer. Three minutes later, I rang it again and again, ’till I heard her yell, “Coming!”
She peered through the window, was very surprised to see me, and opened the door immediately. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair a little messy, and she was wearing my terry cloth robe which looked incredibly sexy on her.
Just so you can imagine Margarita, she’s very tall, maybe 5’9″, thin, long jet black hair, beautiful brown eyes, and probably doesn’t weigh more than 120 – 125lbs. Her breasts are small and her legs, incredibly long. And she has a very nice butt. I mean, up to then, I had never looked at her as a sexual being, you know, but us girls do admire one another every now and then.
Anyway, to say she was speechless wouldn’t begin to describe her.
She said she wasn’t expecting me, that the dog had jumped on her and gotten her clothes dirty so she was washing them, and, she was watching a movie while the clothes washed.
No problem I said.
She went on and on about apologizing for wearing my robe. “Margarita, please, don’t worry. It’s NO problem.” I assured her.
I went to my bedroom with my little bag in tow and she followed closely behind. I immediately placed my bag on the bed and opened it, and started taking my stuff out. I was eyeing the place out of the corner of my eye, and I noticed her clothes on the floor on my side of the bed, and the corded massager on top of the nightstand.
I escort bayan merter ignored them, grabbed my cosmetic bag, and went into the bathroom to put them away.
When I came back to the bedroom, no Margarita, no clothes, and the massager was back in its place (bottom drawer of the night stand).
I put my clothes away, changed into shorts and a t, and made my way to the outside terrace where Margarita was already seated on one of the couches.
“Sweetie, you want something to drink?”
“I’ll take a diet coke, thanks”
“OH come on, let’s have a real girl’s night” I suggested. “My husband was going to make Margaritas tonight at the beach, and I can almost taste them…what do you say?”
I put ice in the blender, added the tequila and mix, rimmed the glasses with salt, and poured us each a healthy drink.
We toasted to girls night, and started chatting immediately.
We spoke of clothes, shopping, boyfriends, and eventually hit upon college life. She was in her second semester of high school, (god I felt depraved), and she had already been accepted to Purdue for the fall semester and was anxious because she didn’t know what to expect. Her mother had studied in Europe decades earlier, and she didn’t have an older sister or brother, so I shared my college experiences with her.
This of course led to an in depth discussion on dorm room etiquette (what to do when your roommate is entertaining), and that in turn led us down the path to sex.
I lost track of how many times I refilled our drinks, but by the time the bottle of tequila was almost empty, the conversation was really getting steamy.
Margarita’s boyfriend had NEVER made her orgasm. “How about anyone else?” I asked.
“Mrs. Anderson…God….I haven’t been with anyone else,” she blushed.
“So…you’ve never had an orgasm,” I asked.
Now she really blushed. “Well, yes, I have.”
Nothing like playing stupid, right? “How?” I asked.
She shifted on the couch, with her feet underneath her, “In the tub.”
“Ohhh, ok. Yeah, I had my first one like that too.” I said.
“But trust me, you’ll be happy to expand your horizons up at school.”
She laughed and coquettishly threw her hair back. “Ms. Anderson, I don’t know what type of girl you think I am,” she said smiling.
“Margarita darling, there’s NOTHING wrong with sex. You say you’ve had orgasms, right?”
“Did you enjoy them?”
“God yeah.”
“Something you would like to experience again,” I asked.
“Sure, but I’m not going to sleep around, you know?”
“Well that’s good, but just wait ’till you meet someone who pulls the rug from under your feet.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ll see.”
From there she went on to say that she felt maybe a little inadequate…suggesting that it was her fault her boyfriend couldn’t make her cum!
“Oh sweetheart, you have no idea how wrong you are. It’s just that young boys really don’t have the slightest clue as to what buttons to push.”
I then went on to share with her how my first boyfriend never EVER made me “o”. And, thankfully, the conversation became even more frank.
“How old were you Mrs. Anderson?”
“No way!”
“Yep, and I was head over heels in love Margarita. We would make love every chance we got.”
“Wow…and you never…came?”
“No…but I swear I enjoyed it. The feeling of closeness, intimacy, of being loved.”
“So…who was the first?” she asked.
“The first what?”
“The first guy who made you have an orgasm?”
“Oh…that was Michael in college.”
“Can you tell me how it happened?”
“He made oral love to me.” I answered frankly.
“No way! That was your first time?”
“Yep. I was an innocent little freshmen and he was a sophomore. We were in his room after a party, I remember I was wearing a skirt, and he had it up around my waist and he was … kissing and licking me, and I had never felt anything like it before. I mean, yes, I had had my experiences in the tub and everything, but I started feeling something I had never felt before in my entire life….I mean, absolutely divine.”
“And I had the most powerful orgasm I have ever had in my life I think.”
“NO way!”
She readjusted her feet underneath her, and I got up to serve us two more drinks.
“Well Jorge too doesn’t have the slightest idea what he’s doing.” She said.
“That’s normal…that’ll change in school.”
There was a moment of silence and she bit her lip, readjusted herself again, and said, “And Mr. Anderson…does he…satisfy you?”
“Yes Margarita, he does. He’s a great lover, the best I’ve had.”
“But I thought you said the guy in college gave you the best orgasm?”
“No, I said it was the most powerful, but Mr. Anderson pushes other buttons,” I said smiling.
She squirmed a little and asked, “Like what? Can you tell me? Please?”
“Oh god, where do I start?”
“You escort bayan şişli know what Margarita, you’re not going to believe this, but sex is really as much a mental thing as it is physical. He and I start flirting from early in the day. When I’m getting dressed in the morning, he might suggest a short skirt which I know excites him.
I’ll then ask if I should go panty-less.
“Really??? Oh my god.”
“And that’s how the game starts, way before we even get to foreplay.”
When he comes home for lunch, he might try to feel me under the skirt, and I’ll playfully pull away, but it excites me…it turns me on Margarita.
While we’re watching the news and the kids are in the room he’ll start feeling me under the covers, touching my breasts and my butt, which drives me crazy. And I’ll feel him, and he’ll be hard.
She squirmed again.
Then we have to wait for the kids to go to bed and he’ll get in the shower and clean up and then I’ll shower and crawl into bed with him.
Of course, he’ll ignore me, pretending to watch TV, and the waiting gets me even more turned on.
By now Margarita’s eyes were wide open, and she was listening and watching intently.
“Look, I don’t want to corrupt you or anything, but let me just tell you, without getting into any further details, he can make me have 15 maybe 20 screaming orgasms in one night.”
“NO WAY!!!”
“Way, as you kids say.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Nope, I swear it isn’t.”
Her cheeks were flushed, she was fidgety, and she was biting on her lower lip.
“Well, like I said, I’m not going to share my husband’s and mine private sex life, but trust me, you’ll find out soon enough.”
Margarita excused herself to go pee, and when she came back, she said she had a great buzz going.
“Me too sweetie, me too.”
“So, how do we continue girl’s night I asked?”
“How about a movie and popcorn in the a/c?” she asked.
“Perfect. You go to my bed and get comfy and I’ll make us popcorn.”
When I returned she was already under the covers and channel surfing.
“Mrs. Anderson, can I call my mom and say I’m spending the night at Valerie’s, I don’t want her to know I’ve been drinking.”
“Well look, I don’t like you telling any lies to your mom. Why don’t I just call her and tell her I came home unexpectedly and found you asleep here, ok?”
I did just that, and after some insistence convinced Emily that Margarita wouldn’t be an inconvenience and to let her stay.
I crawled into bed with the huge bowl of popcorn and watched some movie Margarita had settled on.
Ten minutes or so into it, Margarita got up saying she had to pee and as she got out of bed and as the covers fell off her, I noticed she only had on panties and a bra.
She slipped the robe on and went to the bathroom and when she returned and got back in bed, and actually watched 10 minutes more of the movie, she determined it was boring.
Turning to me, she said, “Mrs. Anderson, this is REALLY boring, it’s going to put me right to sleep. Can we watch something else?”
“Sure…anything you want.”
“Can I ask you a HUGE favor, and you promise not to tell my mom?”
“Depends on the favor.”
“Do you have any … um, like …. Umm…” she started saying, stuttering.
“Go on Margarita, what’s on your mind? Just say it.”
“Uh…like films that could help me, uh, like understand the stuff we were talking about today?” she said completely blushing and not making eye contact at all.
I love playing stupid, “I don’t understand sweetie.”
“You know, like … uhhh…sexy movies?”
“Oh…sure I do, go pick one out, bottom drawer of the chest in my closet.”
“Really!? Great!” she almost shrieked as she jumped out of bed, forgot about the robe, and ran to make her selection.
“Which one should I get?” she yelled from the closet.
“Anyone you want sweetie.”
She practically ran back into the room and put the DVD in, and settled back into the bed.
As the usual warnings came on I was delighted to see had picked my absolute favorite. It was some adult movie actress talking about erotic toys and then showing how each of them worked with other actors and actresses. It always got me going.
The great thing is that it started out very tame, with the actress speaking about how to introduce these goodies into every day lovemaking. She was dressed decently, in a normal setting.
I glanced over at Margarita and saw that she was paying very close attention to everything the actress was saying.
About ten minutes later, after the lady had made her point, and all the models were introduced, each couple gets to pick the toy of their preference and try it out.
That’s when things started heating up on screen and on the bed.
The first couple started out with the vibrating eggs, with the girl holding the remote control. The second couple started with a g-spot stimulator, which was my personal escort bayan şişli favorite. The couple was very attractive, and I have a very sensitive g-spot, so I love that toy.
Of course, I shared this info with Margarita, who asked what a g-spot was. I described it, but said it’s difficult to find if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for.
The third couple had a slippery, jelly like tube that surrounds a man’s cock and slips up and down his shaft. The couple was black and extremely attractive.
Of course, the movie caught each couple in different stages, eventually, each one reaching orgasm. About thirty or forty minutes later, I was as wet as can be, and Margarita was squirming all over the bed, rubbing her legs together.
The DVD ended and Margarita was breathing hard.
“Wow…that was REALLY hot.” She said, almost panting.
“Yeah, it always gets me very excited.” I said.
“Really? That’s reassuring, because I haven’t been this way…um… anyway, do you and Mr. Anderson play like that?”
“Sure we do. We love to play with toys…have you tried any?”
“NO…where would I find any here in this country?”
“Would you like to try one Margarita?”
She looked into my eyes, and in a heartbeat said, “Yes” biting her lower lip.
“Which one did you fancy?”
She giggled and said, “all of them” and then laughed.
I went to my toy chest and got all of them out and brought them to the bed.
“Gosh…were … how do I start?” she asked naively.
“For the sake of our little show and tell, why don’t you pretend you’re me and I’ll pretend I’m Mr. Anderson?” I said, throwing caution to the wind.
I asked her to move to my side of the bed and lay on her stomach, and I got things ready on my hubby’s side.
I lit some candles, shut the lights off, got some oil, warmed it in my palms, and applied it to her upper back and shoulders, working my way around the bra.
She purred gracefully.
I got a little more oil, and applied it to her lower back while I admired that firm little panty covered butt of hers, and longed for my teenage years.
I then started on her thighs and calves, and when I was done with both legs, I got my trustee massager and started at her shoulders, upper back and neck.
“Umm…that feels great Mrs. Anderson.”
I worked my way slowly downward and when I got to the clasp of her bra, she reached back and unclasped it. I worked the oil in with the massager, and she was again purring like a kitten.
I started descending again, reaching all the way to the boundary where her back ended and her cotton panties started, and then ran the vibrating massager over each firm butt cheek, then down the leg all the way to her feet and back up. But when I reached the upper thigh, I placed the massager on the inside of her thighs, and she opened herself up to let me in.
I got very close to the junction of her legs, but decided to tease her a little, taking the massager back up over her butt, over her back and shoulders, and down again. This time however, I wanted to see how she would respond, so, as the massager vibrated slowly down her butt, it found its way to the middle, and worked its way all the way down…and as she opened her legs further, it was able to vibrate through the panties to her nether lips, and she immediately lifted her butt so the vibrator could find its way further forward, but it didn’t happen.
I continued doing this for several minutes, extending the length of time the massager vibrated on her lips more and more on each trip. Margarita was through being delicate and ladylike…each time the massager went to her lips she would lift herself off the bed and push herself backwards onto it.
I decided I was done with the backside, and asked her to turn over, which she did, a little self-consciously. I started with the massager on her shoulders and worked my way to the top of the unclasped bra, massaging the tops of her smallish breasts, then running the massager lightly on top of the fabric covered areola, then on the underside of the breasts, down to her flat tummy, circled the picture perfect belly button, then down to that border between cotton panty and tummy.
I ran the vibrator very lightly over her mound, which got a gasp out of her, then down the thighs, calves, feet, then up again, this time on the inside of the thigh, over the mound, then down and up the other leg, but this time I let the massager focus its vibrations on her left lip, then up to her clitty, then down the right lip all the way down to her butt (as she spread herself even more).
As the massager came back up, I pressed it a little bit firmer on her lips and cunny, and she lifted herself off the bed to increase the contact. I was happy to see that there was a growing damp spot.
I decided it was time to increase the heat a notch and concentrate just on her clit and lips for a while, and she loved it. Breathing harder, thrusting her hips, clawing the sheets, and finally, taking her breasts into her hands.
She was a sight to see.
As she was getting more and more turned on, I decided it was now or never, and I switched off the massager.
She practically cried.
Breathing very hard, she pleaded, “Mrs. Anderson, (deep breaths), why, why did you stop?”
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