

Ara 31

My Journey Pt. 13 – Recommendations

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I spent the next day concentrating on my essay. I wanted as much done for this internship as I could before school started again.

And that included calling my two professors for references as well as Dr. Thompson. Fortunately no one was in the offices so I just left messages.

I kept thinking about quiet guy. I honestly felt bad. I’ve been in that situation, forced to your knees and forced to suck. It turned out to be a good thing for me but I also didn’t get beat up after. Nothing was reported on the news so I guess everything worked out.

My buddy Brian called. Plans were on hold for a couple days. Apparently Joey had some red lumpy sores on his cock. Looks like the filthy cocksucking Asian chick gave him syphilis or some something.

It was just as well. I plugged away at my essay, which I finished Wednesday afternoon. It was perfect.

I got a call from Dr. Thompson’s office. He wanted to set up a meeting to discuss the letter of recommendation. Damn it. Friday at noon. I didn’t even think professors worked during break but whatever.

I cleaned up the apartment, top to bottom, bathrooms and all. In the nude of course. I would have done the laundry if there was any.

Wednesday afternoon and I was bored. I tried on the blue plaid dress I had picked up at the thrift store. It wasn’t anything special. A little frilly maybe.

And hour later my hair was done, makeup finished and I was slipping on the navy blue heels I picked up. I looked great. When I spun around you could just get a glance of the dark blue silky panties I had picked out.

All dressed up and nowhere to go. I got such an incredible thrill out of being in public dressed like a girl. And that feeling was magnified by the fact that no one seemed to notice I wasn’t a girl! But where could I go?

The bookstore.

No. Absolutely not. No way.

I thought about the gay bar but that really wasn’t my scene. Maybe one of the clubs? Nah, too risky. Though some hard college cock did sound really good.

I decided to go to a park and just walk around. I figured I’d stay close to my car in case anyone figured out I was a guy. Quick exit strategy.

It was a beautiful day. The park was pretty desolate. A few guys fishing by the lake, the occasional couple walking around holding hands. No one seemed to bat an eye at the cute brunette in the blue plaid dress.

I had such a boner though!!! I even ventured over by the lake and got some approving stares from the men there. I just smiled shyly at them.

I really wanted to suck their cocks!! All of them! But I needed to get this under control. I felt like I was falling too far too fast. Seriously, the night before I sucked two guys off and they referred to me as a faggot.

And I liked it. I liked it a lot!

No. I had Jack and Alex if I really needed it. I can’t be sucking off every guy that I came across even if I wanted to.

I felt good about my decision. I got back to my apartment and masturbated furiously.

I went out with the fellas on Thursday night. Joey stayed home. Again, no luck. It’s frustrating but not surprising.

It Anadolu Yakası Escort was 11:45 Friday morning when I pulled into the parking lot to see Dr. Thompson. I was aggravated. I didn’t see why this was necessary. I was also nervous about what he might say about the bookstore. Then again, how unprofessional to bring up sexual activity outside of school? Nah, he won’t bring it up.

“Ah! Right on time! Just as I expected!” Dr. Thompson called out from the chair behind his desk in his office.

“Come in! Come in! Please forgive me. Louise, my secretary, has left for lunch. Have a seat!”

We spent the next 20 minutes discussing my grades, my goals, and my path to success. Then he hit me with it.

“Well, now, all that sounds really great and all, but we have a problem.”

“A problem?”

“Uh, yeah, so it’s been brought to my attention that you frequent adult… establishments. Now I don’t want my name out there endorsing such perverted behavior.”

I couldn’t believe this.

“I’m afraid I can’t put my good name on the line. My reputation means everything.”

“Are you fucking kidding me??!!” I asked.

“Well, now that attitude won’t get you ahead in this world. But I think we may be able to come to some sort of an agreement.”

“What might that be???” I asked.

Dr. Thompson pushed himself away from his desk. He wasn’t wearing pants. It appeared as though he had been masturbating throughout our entire conversation because he was rock hard, his cock head glistening with precum.

“Things have gotten a little slow over at the…clubhouse. The action has dropped off significantly in the last few weeks. I think some special attention might just be what the doctor ordered, my good man.”

I was speechless.

“All kidding aside, I’ve written you one hell of a recommendation. I am also good friends with the Director of Human Resources at this firm you want to work for. Perhaps I could be persuaded to make a phone call and request a personal favor of him.”

I knew what he wanted as he slowly stroked his cock. I wanted that letter of recommendation. I wanted him to make that phone call. And I couldn’t help myself….I wanted that cock in my mouth.

He smiled when I stood up and walked towards him. I knelt down in front of him, halfway under his desk, and looked at his cock.

I couldn’t deny it. He had a beautiful cock, perfectly shaped head, straight, slightly veiny shaft, perfectly proportional ball sack, perfect length and girth. The only imperfection was the tell tale birthmark on its side, which I ran my tongue over before sliding him into my mouth.

“Mmnnnnn….that’s it. How I’ve missed your mouth.”

Dr. Thompson was a talker, apparently. He chatted through the better part of this blowjob.

“I’ve seen a lot of guys like you come through this school. Cute, straight boys that experiment sexually, get a taste of cock and can’t seem to get enough. But you’re a natural. You suck amazing cock.”

I felt a sense of pride with that statement. Dr. Thompson was sitting back in his chair, fingers locked behind his Avrupa Yakası Escort head as he rambled on and I worked my mouth over his shaft.

“You created quite a stir at the clubhouse. I miss getting those calls from the front desk that the cocksucking college student was in a booth. I was a little surprised to find out it was you when I reviewed the closed circuit TV with the owner.”

Closed circuit TV? I paused as the idea of having been recorded leaving and entering the ABS sunk in. Dr. Thompson’s hand fell to the back of my head but applied no pressure.

“Oh, you didn’t know you were recorded? Well, it’s actually a security measure required by insurance but it also lets us review who is visiting. I was so incredibly disappointed when you spotted me leaving, and moreso when you stopped coming in all together. Mmnnnn…..I love the sounds you make….”

Here I thought I had been so slick, so anonymous yet they had me on camera and apparently the clerk even made phone calls about me. Dr. Thompson started playing with my hair.

“And your performance at the drag contest was absolutely amazing!!”

He knew about that too???

“I wasn’t sure it was you at first, grinding against that pole three dollar whore. I’ve had students enter that contest before but never win it like the you did. I actually followed you out into the parking lot to see what car you got into just to see if it was actually you. That was some show you put on out in the parking lot.”

I started to pull off of his cock at the realization that he had seen what had happened but his resting hand firmed up on the back of my head and held me down.

“Oh, fuck! You’re throat is amazing! It’s like you have no gag reflex at all! Mmnnnn. That’s right, I saw the entire episode of you and those two guys. That was incredibly hot to watch! I had never seen someone get the back of their head fucked like that while they sucked a cock. I only wished I could hear what the conversation was. I couldn’t hear shit from behind that dumpster.”

The fact that he had watched that entire event turned me on like crazy! I pushed my shorts down so I could stroke my cock while I sucked him. I quickened my pace.

“Ooooooohhhh…..fuck yeah. I almost jumped out to help when they started fighting but it turned out the bigger guy was just tickling the smaller guy. Besides, I don’t know how much help I would have been with my pants around my ankles masturbating furiously!!”

Picturing that in my mind turned me on even more.

“They walked off holding hands so it all seemed to have worked out for them.”

They hadn’t been fighting after all. I felt a tremendous amount of relief knowing this.

Dr. Thompson was now slowly grinding my face and controlling the pace with a fistful of my hair. I was stroking my cock in pace with my mouth.

“Mmnnn….wow….mmmm. You’re definitely a natural at sucking cock. Exceptional! Maybe after you get this job you can come back and thank me…”

“Mmhmmm….mmhmmm…” I didn’t even know what I was agreeing to. I just wanted to feel him shoot in my mouth, to İstanbul Escort taste his cum and to hear him groan in pleasure. And I soon got my wish.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck yeah! FUUUUUUUUCCCKKK!!!”

He held my head with both hands as he released his cum into my mouth. His cum was actually somewhat sweet and not overly thick, almost like a milkshake that wasn’t cold. At least that’s what I thought at the time. It was such an incredible rush to be under my professor’s desk swallowing his load as he held my head tightly.

Once he released me, I continued to lick and suck his cock until it was clean and softening. Dr. Thompson continued to moan. I gave him a few strokes and kisses on the tip of his cock before climbing out from under the desk and standing up.

Dr. Thompson looked directly at my throbbing cock as I stood up. It was mere feet from his face in his sitting position. Without warning he lunged forward, engulfing my cock in his mouth and pushing me back so my ass rested on his desk.

I made a squealing sound out of surprise as his warm, wet mouth surrounded my cock. He wasted no time and started sucking and moaning, clearly eager to taste my cum.

It was like he never shut up, just like in his lectures. If he wasn’t jibber jabbering about drag nights and clubhouses, he was moaning and groaning around a dick.

Not that I was complaining!! It felt utterly amazing! Especially when he wrapped his index finger and thumb around my balls and slowly but firmly pulled and squeezed them.

I didn’t stand a chance against expert moves like that. His head twisted, his tongue swirled, his throat moaned, and his hand squeezed. This set me off into a toe curling orgasm where I launched a massive amount of cum into my professor’s mouth.

He didn’t miss a beat. He swallowed all of it, moaning through the entire thing. He slid his mouth off my cock with a pop then reached down and pulled my shorts up for me.

“Mmnnnn…..young cum is the best cum.”

I straightened myself up a little, tucked in my shirt, wiped the cum off my chin while Dr. Thompson fumbled around in his desk. He pulled something out and wrote on it before standing up and pulling up his pants.

He handed me a manilla envelope with my name on it.

“These are your letters of recommendation. If you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Or stop by and we can…..discuss it. I’ll also reach out to my friend in HR and put in a good word about you first thing Monday morning.”

He gave me an evil grin and looked me right in the eyes while handing me the business card he had just been writing on.

“Here’s my card. On the back is my pager number. If you ever decide that you want to dress up like Lisa and make some money, page me. I know quite a few people that would pay some serious cash to play with you dressed up.”

This took me off guard a little. Making money dressed up? I smiled and thanked him for the letters and making the phone call on my behalf.

“No, no. Thank you… Lisa.”

As I walked out of the office, his secretary, Louise, a portly woman in her 60s, had obviously returned from lunch. She gave me a disapproving glare over her thick rimmed glasses.

I smiled as said, “have a nice weekend!” Her expression never changed.

I started my car and headed over to the post office to get the internship paperwork in the mail before the weekend.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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