

Eki 04

My Second First Time

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Oh shit, it’s 5:20, what am I gonna do? Only 5 minutes left to cancel. Do I really want to do this? Jesus! My fucking heart just won’t slow down. I’m shaking! Why am I doing this?

Let me tell you what this is.

I am a 22 year old guy, who is just out of a relationship with a wonderful woman. She truly was great, but our age difference just began to really complicate things, and we both reached a point where we wanted to stay friends instead of letting things deteriorate.

Anyway, needless to say, I was getting really horny for lack of a partner, especially after having a consistent one for awhile. So, as any rational human would do, I turned to the Internet to solve my problems.

Of coarse, I didn’t want to pay for most of those Singles sites, so I turned to a trusted friend called Craigslist. I had used it many times for Jobs, and browsed the personal before, but today I was on a mission. I HAD to get laid!

After posting a few differently worded ads, and responding to a few already there, I came across this posting for a M/F couple looking for another M to join. It went on about how they had never Escort bursa done this with another guy, and that the M was looking to try it, blah, blah, blah.

After reading it, I rationalized,

“Why not?” I thought. “I’ve kinda wanted to try a guy again. It would be easier if a girl was there.”

I responded to the ad and continued my browsing.

A few minutes later, I got a response.

“hey there. Please try not to be mad, but I am a single guy looking for a straight to give head to. If I put an ad out for that, I get a lot of guys “pretending” to be straight. I am a very clean cut, d/d free, sane guy. and I only want to meet basically straight guys. If you aren’t interested after knowing this, I completely understand, but I hope that maybe you will give me a chance, and hear me out. You sound perfect. and look perfect too…….here is a previous ad I place to clarify.

I am 32 yrs. Old. Good looking. Good shape. Very, discreet. I am only looking to give a terrific bj. I have met a few guys from CL over the last two years. ALL said it was the best head they ever had. I am totally Antalya escort into JUST “servicing” a straight guy, preferably while he is watching straight porn. Not sure why, but I like the dynamic of pleasing a guy who has NO interest in me at all. I am told I have excellent technique. Perfect combination of hand/mouth, movement, etc. AND I can deep throat over 8″ no problem. For some strange reason, I have NO gag reflex. I stay fully clothed while doing it. I won’t touch myself at all. I won’t touch you anywhere else – if you don’t want me to. Yes, I’m a guy.”

At first I was like, “What an asshole.” But for some reason I responded.

“Send me you Pict”

He did, and it sucked. Not him, but the quality. I even wrote to ask him where he was in the picture.

After a few hours of a combo of exchanging e-mails, and me continuing to browse, I wrote him.

“Ok, Below are the directions to my apartment. You get off at 5:30, right? So if you don’t hear from me by 5:25, either by phone or e-mail, then get the hell up here before I lose my nerve. Also, we must be finished 7:30 at the latest, as Manavgat escort bayan my roommate will be returning shortly thereafter.”

He said “Ok.”

So here I am, it’s 5:20, and I have to make a huge decision. I thought that I had satisfied my “curiosity” with guys. So why then, was I willing to let this complete stranger, a guy, come up here and blow me? I had no answer.

“You’ve Got Mail!” my computer sang out.

“I can leave work now…should I? he asked.

I was practically having a heart attack. This was the moment of truth. I respond, and he’s on his way.

“Y…E…S,” I typed. My hand was on the mouse. And then it happened. Without conscience thought, my finger must have twitched or something, but the little window said,

“You’re Mail Has Been Sent”

“I’m on my way,” was the response.

Frantically, I went to the bathroom, grabbed my washcloth, and started to make extra sure that I was “clean” so to speak. Hey, I didn’t know what might happen.


Oh fuck!

“Who is it?’ I pressed the intercom.

“Steve,” a very low response.

Tick tock, tick tock…”this is it,” I thought.

“Come on up”

Ok, ok, ok, ok…Nothing will happen if I don’t want it to. If he tries anything, I am prepared (weapons hidden). He’s gonna blow me, then leave…that’s it.

Ding Dong

to be continued…

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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