Oca 21

Call Girl Unexpected Lesbian Client

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Maria :

The business conference was an annual money maker for me as a call girl. We were paid by the sponsoring company to offer our services to any client who made the request for our sexual expertise.

Any complaints from us about mistreatment, the client and was blocked from this service. It was very rarely a problem.

Tonight I was feeling badly in need of sex. Sometimes I acted out the part, tonight would be for real. As requested by the punter, my blonde hair was down to my shoulders, and I wore a black leather top, tight black leather trousers and black bra and panties. The latter were wet with my lust already, as I spoke to the usual receptionist girl at the hotel where conference members were staying.

It was far from the first time we had spoken in these circumstances. She was cute, and blushed nicely as she again eyed my cleavage and swell of my breasts. I knew she fancied me, and was pretty sure she knew the feeling was mutual. But it had remained a shared fantasy up till then, maybe one day, and she would not have to pay!

I knocked on the bedroom door and to my amazement, heard a woman invite me in.

She wore a silk dressing gown, over her tall, elegant figure. Her perfume made me feel dizzy with need and lust. I sometimes was hired by women, but really this sultry, dark skinned beauty made my pussy became even whatsapp escort wetter, aching for her. i noted that I shook a little as I spoke to her, my voice hoarse with need. She asked if I would “go with” a woman, her not large breasts rising, as did her voice. She blushed invitingly. I said “certainly”, regaining a little composure. We embraced, a deep kiss evolving.

We then touchingly introduced ourselves, and even shook hands, before another passionate kiss!

The dressing gown was soon off. I adored her neat boobs and coal black nipples, the hint of pink at the tip. I feasted on them, and took time to kiss as much of this beauty as I could possibly kiss and roam with my hands and body.

I am strong enough to pick her up, and did this to lay her on the bed. Then I got to exploring her even more. She almost sobbed, as she told me of her desperate need.

Rachel :

Well, I thought long and hard as I lay on the hotel room double bed I knew some of the guys ordered a call girl, expenses all paid.

The thought tormented me as I lay warm, cosy, and to be filled with frustrated lust. My dressing gown opened as my fingers searched for my needful pussy.

If only I knew the number to ring!

I preferred women, and in my fevered thinking, was prepared to risk her saying no deal, no bliss!

In istanbul escort bayan desperation, I opened the bedside draw, and there, sitting on top of

The Bible, was a card, with brief and obvious detail of the call girl service the men used, and the phone number I thought I would never get, that night.

I rang, and pretended to be the secretary of a randy business man! I admit, I had not the courage to ask if they offered lesbian services, on my own behalf.

My sexual longing is mostly for females, and I decided to risk surprising a call girl, even asking for a long haired, big busted blonde in black leather. If she did not want to have sex with me, I would agree to say nothing about it to the service, so she would still get her money. Maybe just have a laugh and share a bottle of wine.

There was a huge risk of disappointment and more frustration, but I was prepared to take that risk. Even the act

of ringing up, and waiting for the knock on the room door, turned me on further.

Then came the knock, my stomach churned, but I managed to shout out,

“Come in!”

The door opened and she did!

Well my visitor was surprised a little by another woman. But she also was turned on by me, and seemed to be attracted strongly, which made me tingle with delight I was wearing just that silk özbek escort dressing gown, which she soon removed, after we had hugged and shared a hot, long kiss.

We both were in our early 40s, well I am, I guess she is. She was gorgeous, large breasts I could not resist, blonde hair I stroked. I was a little shorter than her, page boy black hair, dark skinned, small sensitive breasts and my black pussy lips aching for her attention.

She lay me down gently on the double bed, and kissed me from head to toe

At last, centering on my sex, she licked my pussy with passionate, almost desperate fervour, concentraing mostly on tormenting my now hard clit, teasing, then pleasuring. She was not acting nor pretending, she seemed an experienced lesbian beauty. My orgasm came quickly and tore through my body and soul.

I returned the oral love making, as she covered my face in her passion juice, crying out her bliss.

She mentioned the receptionist to me, and we plucked up the courage to ask her up. Somehow she managed to arrange cover at reception. Both talking to her in turn on the phone, we made our meaning clear, without saying it out loud.

She really swooned on entering the room, as she picked up on our joint lust and passion.

A third woman was taken to Sappho Heaven on that bed, on that lust filled night.

After that, the conference seemed very dull, but the receptionist and I spent a whole glorious night together, on her free night.

And Maria joined us!

Watching them together was magical, and then they both put on strap-ons to take me, even at one stage just about getting both in my weeping gash!

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Oca 21

The Triple Ice Cream Want

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Evening. A hot, dry Tuesday in July.

Lissa Katsaros felt the cold creep of anxiety on her skin and in her stomach as she walked in silence with her identical twin sister Missa down the winding road in their sprawling housing development. They passed new mansion after new mansion on the new sidewalk, alone with their own thoughts. The two girls were on their way to yet another date with their best friends in the whole world, Becca Dyer and Christa Whitaker.

Lissa’s anxiety had nothing to do with what they were going to do at Becca’s giant mansion–she loved loved loved to practice. ‘Practicing’ was always fun and pretty easy, plus it felt so, so good. She and her sister had been practicing with each other exclusively until they had met Becca and Christa right at the start of the summer. Now they all practiced together as members of a secret club, and the practicing was better than ever. Her anxiety simply came from being in charge, for tonight would be a special night.

Her first night as Princess.

‘Princess’ was one of the roles in an elaborate game they had invented which they called ‘The Princess and Her Ladies.’ Since its invention, they played it as often as they could. By this point, Becca and Christa had both been Princess twice, and Missa–no surprise–had been Princess five times. By the end of the last practice, they’d all realized that Lissa hadn’t taken a turn yet, and so it had been decided: at the next practice, Lissa would be Princess. At the precise moment the other three had made this decision, Lissa had been coming down from the soft spasming aftermath of a powerful orgasm, and had just said “Sure.”

The twins strode across the rich green lawn to Becca’s front door, and went right in. The house was huge. The girls could do whatever they wanted, wherever they wanted, with total privacy. Just how they all liked it.

As the front door closed behind the twins, a naked Becca and Christa came walking towards them holding hands. They were out of breath from whatever they had been doing.

“Yay!” Christa shouted.

Like all four girls always did after they got into Becca’s house, Lissa and Missa stripped in the hallway in front of the closed front door. They patiently took off their blue-and-white rompers, their pink panties, and their shoes and socks while Becca and Christa watched the twins’ athletic, dark bodies emerge as if in a trance–while Becca and Christa were different shades of white, the twins were wildly different: half Greek, part Nigerian and part Indonesian. Like anyone else, Becca and Christa were fascinated with nude bodies that didn’t look like their own.

Lissa carefully folded their clothes neatly on top of their shoes in a stack near the door next to Christa’s own frantically discarded pile from sometime earlier. The other three girls greeted each other and hugged, then turned to face Lissa. She stood up from her task.

They were all naked now except for a few pieces of jewelry. It was her move.

“Are you guys, like, already twirly?” she said, her voice timid and small. ‘Twirly’ was just one of the many secret words the four girls had coined. You had to use them to be in their club.

Christa bounced up and down with fists at her side and blurted out a wild “Uh-huh!” Becca and Missa looked at each other’s bodies slowly from head to toe and nodded at each other.

“Um, then I guess I have to go make the magic first,” she said.

“Me and Christa just made it,” Becca said in her deep, raspy voice. “It’s, like, in the bottles upstairs. No sweat!”

“Okay,” Lissa said. Moment of truth.

Christa could hardly contain herself.

“You’re finally gonna be Princess,” she whispered in her gonzo voice. She gave a little breathy squeal and trembled for effect.

They stood there smiling, hands on their hips and looking at their Princess. Waiting. Lissa licked her lips. Her mouth went dry and desperate. It was time to get started–she knew what to do.

“Um, alright. Then I guess… let’s do love stuff.”

‘Love stuff’ was the first part of their routine. It involved hugging each other and telling each other things like “I love you” and “I want you to feel good,” and it really did channel a lot of love throughout the four of them–they had good reason to do it. This went on for a few solid minutes, then they moved on to the next part.

They stood in a circle holding hands and bouncing their arms to a rhythm, and Lissa hardly had to do anything except a single nod to start them; this part of their ritual was now second nature. The four girls began to chant:

“We’re the A’s and this is our game
Missa’s invention and Christa’s name
Princess decides and she’s always right
Ladies do wants so they never fight”

While the chant rolled on, Christa and Becca leaked a few giggles through their words in anticipation of the next part. They were all bobbing to the groove of the chant, but Christa was hopping higher and higher with each beat.

“Let’s kazak escort put on magic and put on a show
Abracadabra, ready, go”

The whole circle barged clockwise and they skipped hard in a spinning cyclone of maniacal girliness. The speed of the chant picked up, and they were nearly screaming. They put all their energy into it, yelling and smiling and living loud.

“Unders and yummies and thingies and milks!
Pretty stuff pretty stuff going to melt!
We’re really twirly and we want to play!
Before we begin we have something to say!”

In one big leaping stomp at the word ‘say,’ all four girls stopped dead in their tracks and landed on the floor with a massive synchronized thud. You might have been able to feel it from the street. Lissa momentarily shook off her self-consciousness and led the group in her part, which was call and response: Lissa asked a question, then all four girls answered as loud as they could.

“Are we being bad?” —- “NOOO!!!”
“What are we doing?” —- “PRACTICING!!!”

They took a few seconds to calm down, and loud breathing filled the air. Some aftershocks of minor laughter washed away, then they waited for the next part.

“Okay,” Lissa said, and took a deep breath. Her self-consciousness had swung back into place. “Let’s do France.”

They all smiled, stepped in close and pressed their bodies and heads together, their noses almost touching. All four opened their mouths and stuck their tongues out into the middle. They licked and rolled their tongues together, their hands drifting to each other’s backs. Someone let out a brief sigh of pleasure, a cute and short sound that could only come from a girl licking another girl’s tongue. The only other sounds in the room were the soft wet smacks of tongues and lips, slipping and sliding and flicking.

Lissa knew her job. She pulled away after a minute or so and the other three did the same. Missa wiped her mouth on her arm and Christa caressed her own pale stomach. Becca held her boobies in her hands just because. The room was quiet for only a few seconds, and then the other girls just lost their minds. All three talked excitedly over each other at their lovely best friend Lissa finally getting her turn.

“Oh my god–“

“You’re Princess!”

“–so excited–“

“–we’re gonna do every–“

“–remember my first–“

“–felt, like, sooo good when you two–“

“What do you think she’ll–“

“–like, alllllll over you–“

“–do your magic and just–“

Lissa smiled a nervous smile and they turned to run up the steps with her, to Becca’s huge bedroom on the second floor. They giggled and talked fast all the way into the room. Once inside, they took turns going to the bathroom to clean up, the Princess going last, and they each removed whatever jewelry they had on and placed it in Becca’s desk drawer. They had learned their lesson a long time ago not to keep anything on any surfaces when they practiced–they usually ended up doing it all over the place, and a pointy earring or anklet could get painfully in the way.

Christa and Becca got the laptop set up and began recording, pointing it in the general direction of where they would start. This was a crucial component to practicing.

The ‘magic’–warmed liquid coconut oil–was contained in four condiment squirt-bottles with the rest sitting safely in a giant stainless steel mixing bowl in Becca’s massive walk-in closet. Becca handed bottles to Missa and Christa, and they each took turns helping each other get it all over their bodies with their hands. Then, as Ladies always did for their Princess, they slathered Lissa’s chest and back in oil and got to work using their own bodies to rub it all over hers. All just routine. Lissa had in fact been really excited for that part. It felt really great, just as she had imagined.

When they were finished, each girl was resplendent with shining smooth skin, ready to play. They stood around looking down at their bodies, bending and leaning in front of the big floor-to-ceiling mirror to make sure it was everywhere, then turned to face Lissa. She was tense. It was almost time for her to take over.

Becca, Missa and Christa dutifully knelt down on the floor right in front of her, sitting back on their feet with their hands in their laps. They flipped their hair back behind them and stared up at Lissa’s face.

“Wait,” Becca said. “Did you wanna hold the Princess wand?”

Lissa nodded. Of course! she thought. Something else to, like, buy some time–anything!

Becca got back up and went over to her closet to retrieve a toy magic wand with a sparkly fluffy tip. She closed the door with her plump butt and leaped across to give it to Lissa. Becca knelt back down in her place and Lissa held the wand limp in one hand.

She turned away and bent down to take a drink of water from a plastic kitchen cup. She could feel time stand still. Their eyes stayed fixed on her head, watching istanbul bayan escort and waiting. When the cup was empty she placed it back on the floor near the wall, then turned around to face them. The room was dead quiet.

With bright overhead light filling the whole bedroom, filling every nook and cranny of their magnificent, oiled bodies, Lissa stood stock still with her three grinning best friends at her feet. The girls on the floor began to whisper over each other at her, a quiet cacophony of supercharged pleading in the small space between them.

“Go. Tell us.”

“What’s your want?”

“Say your want.”

“Yeah, say a want.”

“Give us a want.”

“Say a want to us.”

“Yeah say one.”

“Yeah c’mon. A want.”

The whispering died out and Christa reached out her hand to touch Lissa’s slick upper thigh. She looked up at Lissa and their eyes met. In that moment, Christa truly was a Princess’s Lady.

“Say your want to us, Princess,” she said.

Lissa raised her head and looked out the window. The sun had just completely set, and the night sky was dark blue. She swallowed, took a deep breath, then closed her eyes and brought the first want of her life into her mouth. Her eyes fluttered open and she frowned. Her bottom lip stuck out just a smidge, the tremendous pouting ability of all girls on full display. She spoke as if her desperate wish would be summarily denied. It came out as a sad little plea.

“I want… triple ice cream on my err-err.”

Well, this was unexpected, to say the least. It caught the three kneeling girls off guard at first, and they looked around at each other searching and shocked. No one had ever even wanted regular ice cream down there. It was a novel idea, perhaps one they couldn’t believe they had missed. In seconds, as if Lissa had just pulled off a spectacular gymnastics landing, her Ladies exploded with joy.

“You made your first waaant!” Christa shouted. She jumped up and hugged Lissa tight, and the others jumped up and joined in. It was a celebration weeks in the making, a frenzied party of congratulations and love.

“Awww! I never thought we’d hear your very first want!” Becca said.

“I know,” Christa said, laughing. “She looked so scared and stuff! So totes cool!”

“I! Am! So! Proud! Of! You!” Missa said, shaking her sister hard by the shoulders and smiling wide, her big brown eyes bugging out of their sockets.

Lissa’s head dropped. She was relieved. She had not been sure if her first want would be okay, since it had never been asked for before. Ever since the moment she had heard Christa call it ‘ice cream’ she had known exactly where she wanted to have it. In fact, she had actually tried to give herself ice cream on her err-err one night in the bathroom, bending into that pretzel position that comes natural to flexible girls. It hadn’t worked–she couldn’t even reach her meow-meow–so she knew it would be her first want, and that was scary. It wouldn’t be enough to just get her err-err helpied; by this point that was old news. She wanted all three of them to give her err-err as much ice cream as they could. Just the idea of it quickened her pulse and made her sweat.

Lissa’s best friend support system brought her out of her anxious funk. She felt a lot better. The girls’ giddy lovefest took a minute or two to peter out, then they backed away, talking very fast and figuring things out.

It was time for some logistics.

“Alright, let’s–” Christa said, clapping her hands together, but Becca cut in.

“Lay down on your back?” Becca said.

“Uh-uh,” Missa said. “Then her err-err’s too far underneath.”

“Okay, then on your stomach,” Becca said. “Try on your stomach.”

Lissa dropped the wand on the floor, went to the giant bed and got onto her stomach, her legs spread wide behind her. She so very badly wanted to get started.

“That’s good,” Becca said, their problem solved.

“I can’t see,” Lissa complained.

“She wants to see it, people!” Christa announced with some theatrics, tucking her long hair back behind her ears. “Okay, not like that. Try on your back.”

Lissa rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide again. The girls stood there staring at her bald, juicy pussy, slick with glossy sheen, analyzing that angle.

“I can see now,” she said.

“Yeah but–” Missa said, then took both hands and put them on her sister’s lower buttcheeks to try to spread them. She looked back at the other two when she got them good and spread. “See, we can’t all get to it like that.”

The problem was not solved, it turned out.

“Get on your side?” Christa said, shrugging. Lissa rolled onto one side so she could face the mirror better, drew her knees up, then hesitantly lifted her top leg way up in the air.

“No, hold on,” Christa said. She licked her lips in concentration. “Like this.”

She took Lissa’s raised leg and bent her foot down so that she was still wide open to them, azeri escort but so her foot could rest on her bottom leg. Christa’s lily-white skin contrasted starkly with Lissa’s sun-darkened hue of exotic brown. Lissa’s legs were spread wide open now, and the girls climbed onto the bed. They had enough room to get down so that their pretty faces were right under Lissa’s spread pussy and asshole.

“That’s good,” Missa said.

Here it was, Lissa’s first want about to be put into action: triple ice cream on her err-err.

Becca, Christa and Missa crammed in together on hands and knees. Their slippery naked bodies slid against each other’s and their glistening naked asses waggled in the air with anticipation like puppy dogs. They leaned in and stretched their heads towards Lissa’s asshole, their cheeks all squished together. Christa counted them off with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

“Kay, weady? Thee, two, wuh!” She couldn’t help it–she squealed with delight after she counted ‘one.’ Becca let out a quick snort of laughter at Christa’s excited noise.

They all stuck their tongues out as far as they could and began taking turns in rapid succession giving Lissa’s exposed asshole big, long licks. Their tongues overlapped, but that was kind of the best part. All the oily skin-sliding and all the wet tongue-on-tongue stuff was what made practice such a great invention. It made Lissa feel good, it made them feel good, and the oil made it taste great, too.

Lissa let out a little whimper as she felt the wet flutter of three quickly working tongues on her asshole. Immediately, she did the thing they all did now–Christa’s personal trademark: she stuck her thumb in her mouth to suck on it. The triple ice cream felt better than she could have dreamed. There was just something so very right about a trio of girl tongues licking another girl’s asshole, and Lissa had been the one to discover it for them. Her pioneering had paid off.

After a minute, Missa used one hand to hold Lissa’s top buttcheek back, stretching Lissa’s asshole wider so they could really deliver the big licks that she wanted. The phrase ‘triple ice cream’ had a kind of heft to it–those licks had to be really, really, extra good licks.

They did Lissa’s first want until her next want–that was how it worked. It went on for almost eight minutes. The three girls occasionally giggled with their tongues out, and once in a while somebody made a slurping or a scarfing sound. For a little while Lissa watched them with her own eyes and then watched in the mirror, but not for long. She soon closed her eyes and enjoyed the singular sensations of her three naked best friends–including her twin sister–eagerly lapping at her own clean, tight asshole with wet, warm tongues. Lapping and licking.

Triple ice creaming her err-err.

Lissa finally came around and decided to switch it up. She took her thumb out of her mouth with a wet kissy pop.

“Now…” she said. The three girls–her Ladies–pulled away from their work to hear the next want.

“Now… ‘kay. I want, um, double ice cream on my meow-meow and Becca, um, helpy err-err.”

The girls shifted their places and Christa put her hand on Lissa’s thigh to push it back so she and Missa could get in where they needed to get. Those two began giving similarly large licks to Lissa’s pussy, and Becca did her own assigned job: jamming her tongue as far as it could go into Lissa’s extremely small asshole, then wriggling her tongue around in circles.

Lissa couldn’t help herself. She let out a long, low groan of pleasure as the tip of Becca’s tongue pushed into her tight anus and explored inside. The three other girls emitted a kind of response moan of pleased sexual laughter from their open mouths. Lissa then did what she had seen Becca do: she took both of her own oily boobies in her slick hands and began to grab and squeeze what she could, not that hers were anywhere near the size of Becca’s.

More time passed. She wanted Becca now–she always wanted Becca first, something about her big lips and maybe something to do with how much older she was.

“Becca lala,” Lissa said under a moan. “Becca lala and… ummmhhnggg… Missa helpy err-err.”

She kept her eyes closed as the tongue slid out of her asshole and the weights of other girls on the bed switched around to their new positions.

Becca did something unexpected. She straddled Lissa’s side and put her hands out on either side of Lissa’s head before she did her new job: making out with Lissa with the intense sexual ferocity only girls who love girls are capable of. Becca grinded her pussy on Lissa’s side and pressed her hanging, swaying boobies into Lissa’s upper arm. This was typical Becca, always getting her own pussy and boobies involved in things if she could. They ate each other’s mouths, and Lissa’s tongue swirled against the tongue that had just come out of her own asshole.

Meanwhile, Christa kept lapping at Lissa’s pussy and Missa crawled around her to push her own tongue into Lissa’s asshole, that job being Missa’s own naughty invention after all. Her strong tongue plunged much farther into her twin sister’s asshole than Becca’s tongue could, and she made a strained “nnnggghhh” sound to force it in even more.

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Oca 21

Brittany Ch. 01: Becomes Lesbian Slut

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Brittany Ch.1 becomes lesbian slut

Brittany is introduced to sexual pleasure with females

This story contains the seduction of an eighteen year old school girl. Within here is domination, school girl discovery, lesbian exposure, cuntilinguis, discipline, anal and breastfeeding. If that is not for you do not read on. This is a fantasy so please no comments that young female adults don’t talk or act like that. Of course all participants would be eighteen or older.

My name is Brittany. I never lacked for anything except a mother who died when I was young. Daddy gave me everything within reason but that is not the purpose of this story. I am well over eighteen and right now I am lying on my hip in the pre-delivery room. I don’t know who the father is; it actually could be my Daddy.

There is a long thick brown cock going in and out my ass belonging to Manuel, a brave hospital orderly. His scrubs are pulled down below his balls and he groans every time I have a contraction. Oh damn his cock feels so good going deep in my ass. My pussy is dripping keeping his fat cock nice and slick. As my belly got bigger and bigger I craved cock, especially cock deep up my ass.

Well while that cock pleasures my ass let me tell you my story. I wasn’t always an ass slut. I actually was a good girl always obeying my Daddy. My slide towards depravity happened just after my eighteenth birthday. I was a senior in an exclusive school that was a girl’s only boarding school Monday through Friday and you could go home for the weekend. I took the train then the subway to get to and the reverse to go home from the school.

I was home for my eighteenth birthday and Daddy had bought me the trail bike I had my eye on; a Nishiki Women’s Pueblo 26” Mountain Bike in baby pink. I am very athletic so I wanted to try out the bike at a local camping and hiking park with bike trails of various levels. I had my helmet and body guards but just wore my sexy shorts and a sports bra.

Let me diverge and tell you about myself. I’m tall like my Daddy, 5’10”, and perfect for the school volleyball and soccer teams. I have nice full C+ breasts that get stared at all the time on the subway. My long red hair comes down to my bodacious ass which I sway under my school uniform skirt. I have that perfect hour-glass figure which the less filled out girls on the sports teams hate.

I am really a Daddy’s girl so no boy had yet got to partake of my beautiful body. I also have seen a few girls taking long looks in the school showers but I haven’t gone down that road. Well anyway I was going full tilt on the trail on my new bike when it happened. I hit a fucking rock in the trail so hard the bike came to a stop but I didn’t. Oh fuck me! I hit my coochie right on that bolt that hold the center of the handle bars. I mean right fucking between my thighs. If I didn’t have shorts and panties on I think that bolt would have taken my virginity.

I lay on the ground moaning and crying holding my hand over my coochie in abject pain. I swear I passed out once or twice from the pain. That last time I opened my eyes there was a woman biker standing next to me. She asked me if I was okay. I was still holding my coochie and crying.

“Did you slam your pussy on that handle bar bolt? Oh you poor thing. Here let me take a look. I’m a nurse, Princess,” she said dismounting and helping me stand. She led me just a few steps off the bike path and into the trees I guess to give me some privacy.

I stood there frozen as she unbuttoned then unzipped my shorts. I looked down and my white panties were stained red. My nurse put her fingers under the hem and cupped my coochie. I hissed when her fingers moved through my privates.

“Well princess, you are either starting your period or you busted your hymen on that bolt. If your hymen is busted you won’t have any discomfort taking your first cock up into that sweet pussy,” she said returning her fingers into my panties. She lowered her voice and moved in closer to me.

Her fingers began to massage my coochie. I hissed when she rubbed something that gave me tiny shocks in my crotch. Her fingers moved between my red curly haired lips and I leaned into her for support. Her other hand moved under my sports bra and cupped my naked breast. She pinched something between my thighs at the same time she pinched my hard nipple. My thighs trembled as I groaned from the pain and shockingly, pleasure.

Her fingers moved faster down there and my breathing was like I had just finished a school race. My arms reached out and held her shoulders and her other hand worked on pleasing both my breasts. It felt very wet down there and her fingers were making sloppy sounds. She pinched and rubbed that place that made me groan and tremble.

“Cum for me, Princess. Use that pussy for your pleasure. Give in to me and wet my fingers. I want to taste you after I make you cum. Feel my fingers sliding through your lips and pinching your hard nipples. Cum for me baby girl. Be a rus escort good girl and cum for me,” she growled; our sweaty foreheads touching.

I didn’t know what she meant but her fingers went fast rubbing that spot that made me tremble. She pinched my hard pointed nipples giving me such pain but then suddenly such pleasure. Suddenly my body went stiff. My mouth opened to scream but nothing came out. I stared at the tree above me and shook like one of their limbs in a storm.

My nurse leaned in and kissed me hard on the lips as I screamed into her mouth as my body pulsed and trembled and shook as this previously unknown pleasure ran throughout my body. It felt like lightening was shooting from my coochie and nipples at the same time. I groaned as it suddenly felt like I had peed my panties. Pulse after pulse of hot liquid shot out from between my thighs soaking my panties, my shorts and that poor woman’s fingers.

“That’s a good slut! You’re such a naughty girl, Princess. You’re gonna have so much fun with your sweet wet pussy,” she moaned then put her wet fingers in her mouth. She put her fingers in my wet panties always coming out with them wet then putting them in her mouth. She moaned with the pleasure it seemed to give her. The last time she brought her fingers to my lips and ordered me to lick them clean.

I hesitated so she pushed her fingers into my mouth and growled for me to suck them. I did tasting myself for the first time. She brought me a taste several times telling me what a good slut I was. I never did anything to earn me the title of slut but my nurse seemed to think so. She tweaked my nipples hard until I groaned and pushed into her hand. She pulled out and held my neck and kissed me deeply until I returned her kisses.

“Well Princess I enjoyed rescuing you but we both need to get going. Your pussy should be fine but take a warm bath tonight. I want you to play with your pussy and nipples tonight lying naked in your bed thinking of your nurse savior. I’m gonna give you my business card and I’m ordering you to call me and set up a date. I want to eat your pussy and get all the honey it wants to drip. Will you do as you’re told Princess?” she growled.

“Yes” I said.

“Yes, what?” she growled.

I thought for a minute then replied, “Yes, Mistress.”

She told me I was a sweet slut and my pussy tasted wonderful. She gave me her card and commanded me to call her soon. She then pulled up the front of my panties and zipped my shorts. She laughed and said my pussy is gonna hurt with every bump riding back down the trail. Damn she was right. My Daddy saw my scrapes and bruises and said he would get my hot fragrant bath ready.

I soaked in the hot water, now spending time on my hard sensitive nipples and between my red curly haired pussy lips. I found that bump at the top of my thighs, hidden between my lips. I trembled when my fingers rolled over that knot and marveled as it grew between my fingers making me tremble with new pleasure.

That night I played with myself for the first time. My eighteen year old pussy felt my exploring fingers around the wet lips and shockingly I even pushed two slender fingers up inside that wet hot opening. I felt naughty, perhaps such as a slut does when I realized a penis would go up in there seeking pleasure. I realized I would have to see the school nurse and get on birth control as I would soon wish to feel a penis up inside me giving me pleasure.

I was rubbing my pleasure knot and my body was trembling and getting rigid. I pushed the corner of my pillow into my mouth and screamed as pleasure overtook my body. I soaked my bedding as hot liquid pulsed out from between my pussy lips wetting my fingers. I could not stop myself from rubbing my own pleasure as my pussy leaked those hot juices. I tasted myself and realized it was not pee but a strong sweet taste. I licked my juices off my fingers again and again and again.

“Princess, are you okay? I heard you moaning.”

“I’m okay Daddy. Good night!”

Was Daddy listening outside my bedroom door? Did he hear me moan as the pleasure overtook me? I realized I didn’t really care. It made me wet thinking that Daddy was listening to me moaning. Would Daddy like to see me naked playing with myself? My hand was busy pulling on my hard nipples and crushing my tits. Would Daddy like to bite my nipples and kiss my pussy?

I let out a long breath and realized I was saying the naughty words for my body and smiled loving every bit of it. On weak legs I got up and got a bath towel and put it down over my wet sex fragrant sheets. I rolled over sleeping naked in my bed for the first time. What would it be like going back to school surrounded by all my female class mates now knowing what pleasure I could experience and what pleasure I could share? I did not have to wait long before I found out.

The volleyball team had a late afternoon away game that required an hour bus ride. There was one senior, istanbul bayan eskort Lexi, that was our best spiker on the team; she was so aggressive and screamed each time she was about to spike the ball over the net. It frightened the opponents to making errors. Our team had an unbeaten streak. We of course won that game.

The opponents called Lexi a butch and the other ‘B’ word. She was very athletic, strong and quite boyish looking. Every time we scored she found me and slapped my ass, not like teammates do but quite hard. “Let’s go Brit,” she would yell and slap my ass. No exaggeration my ass hurt by the end of the game. We would shower back at the school so we grabbed our gear and boarded the bus.

I sat in the far back by myself but Lexi found me and slid in next to me. We talked about the game then there was silence as the bus road on in the dark of the evening. Lexi turned to me and grabbed the front of my uniform top and pulled me in for a strong kiss. I tried to pull back and her other hand moved to the nape of my neck and held my lips against hers.

Her hand on my uniform shirt started exploring my breasts and she pulled on my nipples when they firmed and extended. Lexi kissed me for some time until I moaned and gave into the pleasure. She reached under my team top and sports bra and squeezed each breast and tweaked my hard nipples. My pussy began to leak and I could smell my scent in the small area of our seat.

Lexi gave me several small kisses then stood and moved against the window. She grabbed my top, pulled and spun me so I was sitting on her lap my back against her small breasts. She kissed then bit the side of my neck, hard, and I moaned from the pain. “I’m gonna play with you Brit all the way to the school. I hope you will be a very bad girl and cum all over my fingers,” she said sliding her hand into my team shorts.

Her fingers worked under the hem of my panties and slid through the wet cleft of my pussy. She knew where to find my pleasure knot and started rubbing in circles. My legs started trembling as she pleasured my pussy. I groaned so Lexi pushed the hem of my team top into my mouth like a gag. I screamed when she pinched my clit and I let down more pussy juice onto her fingers.

Her other hand slid down my vee-neck and into my sports bra and she pulled both my tits out. She gripped and pinched each of my hard nipples and I groaned into my gag. Her other fingers wormed there way down my pussy lips and two fingers pushed up into my vagina. Lexi was giving me such pleasure just like the nurse had done.

Lexi pushed my legs wide with her thighs opening the lips of my pussy. Her fingers went in as deep as they were long and gave me filled up feelings. Her fingers started moving rapidly in and out my pussy making me tremble and moan. Every so often she would pull out and rub my pleasure knot rapidly making me wet my panties. Her fingers moved back into my hot wet depth and she must have added a third finger because I felt so full and stretched.

Two hands pinched my pleasure areas; my nipples were pulled and twisted and when she did that to my clit I screamed into my gag. My body shook like I’ve seen people tazered and I thrust my pussy onto her fingers driving them deep up inside me. I trembled and groaned as pleasure pulsed throughout me. My hot fluid ran out past Lexi’s fingers now soaking my panties and uniform bottoms.

Lexi continued to thrust her fingers in and back within my pussy giving me such pleasure I slumped back against her small breasts. She bit my exposed neck and sucked hard giving me I’m sure a hickey. “I own your pussy from now on you slut. I will take you anytime I want and you’ll pleasure me and make me cum anytime I want. Now take out your gag I have your cum to feed you,” Lexi commanded.

I turned on Lexi’s lap and removed my gag. I kissed her strongly not arguing about what she called me nor her plans for my pussy. Her fingers came out of my panties and they pushed into my mouth. I cleaned my own juices off her fingers then kissed her sharing my taste. She did that over and over rubbing my knot each time making pleasure spike through my body.

She held me on her lap also playing with my tits and hard nipples. When the bus arrived she pushed me off her lap and moved to the front. I lost track of her and went into the lockers to change out of our uniforms and to shower. I washed off the sweat from the game and my cum from my crotch. I trembled when my loofah ran across my hard nipples. I looked around then rubbed my clit hard against my bone and trembled from the pleasure.

“Brittany, come here slut!”

I walked around the lockers and Lexi was sitting at the end of the bench, naked with her legs spread wide. Her pussy had no hair!

“Drop your towel and get on your knees slut. Then I want you to suck on my nipples and bite my tits. Then you’re gonna suck my cunt until I spray my cum all over your face and huge tits.”

I stood there realizing Lexi ukraynalı escort had complete control over me. I dropped my towel and stood naked before my fellow senior team mate. I bunched the towel then knelt between her thighs. I leaned forward and took her nipple between my lips and bit circling her dark aureole between my teeth. I pulled back holding onto her hard nipple until Lexi moaned. I switched and did the same to her other dark nipple sucking it like a baby.

Lexi groaned and lay back on the bench opening her thighs wide. I could smell her strong scent as her juices dripped from between her naked pussy lips. I had never touched or pleasured another female pussy but via a hand mirror I knew what one looked like. I moved my hands to Lexi’s pussy lips and pushed them open and stared into her pink dripping gash.

I took in a quick breath shocked by the size of Lexi’s clit. It looked like they had grafted a thumb where her pussy lips ended at her mons. I felt Lexi’s hands on my shower wet head as she pushed my face into her pussy. I took her clit into my mouth and sucked her swollen knot across my tongue. It felt exactly like I was sucking my thumb.

From somewhere I just started sucking and licking her clit until her body trembled. I moved my lips to the opening of her pussy and sucked down her dripping juices. I loved her taste! Like she had done to me I pushed two fingers up inside her wet heat. I started thrusting into her pussy while sucking on her huge clit. Her juices started pouring out of her as she groaned as I sucked on her lower lips. My fingers, now three, thrust into my teammate’s pussy so hard I was pushing her on the bench.

Her pussy grabbed my fingers crushing them as she groaned into a powerful climax. I pulled my fingers out when she released her grip and as threatened she sprayed my face with her hot thick pussy cum. Her cum pulsed on my face and dripped onto my naked tits. I pushed my finger back into her wet pussy and thrust rapidly. She screamed as her body trembled on that thin bench as she was overtaken by another climax.

I heard a noise and looked up at our coach; her hand was in her shorts as she was rubbing herself to a climax. I stood and went back into the shower and rinsed off. My locker was on the other side so I dressed and went up to my room. I stripped and rolled into bed naked. I could not stop myself and my fingers found their way to my hard nipples and dripping pussy.

I learned my lesson and had a towel ready to absorb my leaking pussy. My thoughts were of Lexi’s huge clit and the feeling in my mouth. I stuck my own thumb in my mouth after pushing it into my pussy. I closed my eyes and rubbed my knot until I exploded in pleasure. I groaned as my pleasure coursed through my body making the bed squeak.

“Brittany, go to sleep already….,” my roommate mumbled, my groans having awoken her.

“Yes, Annie, sorry to wake you,” I said giggling from my embarrassment.

It was next week when I woke up feeling warm naked thighs against my cheeks. A hot wet dripping pussy made contact with my lips and my tongue came out and licked up the dripping honey. My tongue went up higher and Lexi’s ‘thumb’ was swollen and responded to getting licked. I took her clit between my lips and sucked listening to Lexi groan.

“Damn Brit I was asleep,” I heard from Annie.

I then felt my bed sag and a face worked its way between my spreading thighs. I didn’t know Annie liked eating clams but she dove her tongue and lips into my dripping pool. She took my clit into her mouth and quickly sucked me into a climax. I released my hot juices and Annie sucked them down.

Lexi pulled my hair because I had stopped giving her pleasure. I went back to sucking her clit and sticking my tongue into her hot vagina. I reached behind Lexi running my fingers down the crack of her ass trying to get to her wet pussy. Lexi groaned when my fingers ran across her asshole. So I played my fingers there while sucking her pussy.

Lexi was leaking her juices on my tits so I wet my fingers and returned to her ass. She moaned when my finger tips rimmed her dark lips and pushed at the center. She pulled my hair when my finger pushed her ring open and entered her ass. I took her thumb clit between my lips and sucked hard as I pushed my finger totally into Lexi’s ass. She covered her mouth and screamed into her hand and sprayed my face with her hot cum.

Lexi collapsed her small breasts on my head. I couldn’t breathe so I pushed her onto my hip. Annie crawled up and took my nipple into her mouth and sucked hard making me moan. Annie moved her thighs and lined up her pussy over mine and rubbed herself and I into a strong wet climax. We trembled against each other as our climax washed over the both of us. Annie rolled onto my other hip and took my tit in her hand pulling on my hard nipple then leaned up and kissed me with her cum flavored lips.

When I awoke in the morning Lexi was gone but Annie hugged me tightly and pulsed her hand on my tit as my nipple hardened. I ran my hand down her back and my fingers played between her ass cheeks. She groaned as my fingers dug under and got wet with pussy juice. My fingers returned to Annie’s ass and circled her back door. She groaned telling me she liked that.

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Oca 21

Succubus Sabbatical Pt. 02

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Note: all characters depicted are way older than 18 years of age.

Lenalyssaria lingered in the arched doorway. One hand fidgeted with the braided cloth-of-gold belt cinched over her pristine, flowing white robe. She watched as Frazien scribbled madly for a few moments, leaned back to examine his figures, then looked up with a forlorn expression.

“It’s not adding up,” he complained pitifully, “how is this possible?”

Alyssa shook her head, trying to project a lot more sympathy than she felt.

“Just have one of Metatron’s number crunchers take a look at it.” she suggested.

“What? No! We have to keep this quiet. If I asked one of them to help, and then they kicked it up the ladder, one of the supervisory seraphim would be blaming these bad numbers on me. Never mind that I didn’t collect the data. I’d be… I’d be…” Frazien trailed off, eyes going distant with horror.

“In deep shit?” Alyssa offered.


“Waste. Filth. Excreta.” Alyssa clarified.

“Oh,” Frazien pulled a sour face, “Then yes. In deep excreta.”

“Hmm… I’d like to help, but I have time off coming up. Just have to file a few census reports and I’m out of here.”

“How’d you manage that?”

“Applied for it about this time last year.” Alyssa explained. “You should go ask Ephiriel to help. She likes you.”

Frazien suddenly became very attentive.

“She does? Did she say something?”

Alyssa smiled sadly. Poor Frazien. Always with his head down in the scrolls.

“Take her some candied apricots. Ask her about her architecture work.” Alyssa started to turn, then paused. “And lose that thing on your head first.”

Frazien frowned.

“It’s a beret. I got it on Earth.”

“You should have left it on Earth. It looks silly stuck between your head and your halo.” She gave a conciliatory smile. “Try to loosen up a little. Good luck. I’ll come by when I get back.”

“Very well. Thank you. Have a pleasant time, Lenalyssaria.” Frazien called after her as she waved and stepped out into the hallway.

“Later, Frazien.”

As she strode down the broad hallway, she pulled a face. Ever since that fateful visit to Limbo, she had grown accustomed to thinking of herself as Alyssa. Hearing her own full name now, it seemed clunky and vaguely annoying.

Mentally shifting gears, she considered what, if anything, she should take with her on her trip. She walked on for a few minutes, took a flight of stairs down, rounded a corner, and arrived at her own office. After gathering the reports she needed to file, she tidied up the already sparse and orderly work paraphernalia. She lifted a pale blue velveteen messenger bag from where she had left it next to her desk and brought the strap up over her head. Finally, she whispered a few eldritch syllables, dispelling the magical light-projecting globe that hung in the air up near the ceiling before stepping out onto the balcony.

She paused there and turned so that she had room to manifest her vast, frost white wings through the broad opening in the back of her robe. After flexing her feathered appendages a few times, she stepped to the gap in the railing and pitched forward. Holding tight to her reports, she waited to pick up a little velocity before opening her wings and banking back up.

Her ears were filled with the sounds of the wind in her feathers and the rapid flutter-flapping of her robe as she angled herself against the air currents. Her three-foot mane of blond locks trailed back in a chaotic, whipping tail. Squinting her eyes as she passed through a wisp of cloud, she soon spotted the North Tower.

There was a balcony which ringed the entire tower up near the top, but the clerk’s office where she needed to file her reports was several floors down. Instead of having to descend several flights of stairs, she opted to circle around to the other side and use one of the smaller balconies further down. After circling the tower a couple of times, canting her wings to cause some drag and lower her speed, she banked up directly over the most convenient balcony. With a last gentle flutter, she settled, bending her knees slightly as her bare feet touched down on the sun-warmed stone.

Alyssa folded her wings back out of existence, leaving a few stark white feathers for the wind to pull out into the sky, and did what she could to tame her hair before entering. Inside, the Records Division was busy, but quiet, as always. The background noise of the place was the scritching of pens, the shuffling of papers, the creak of desk chairs, and the faint susurration of filing drawers sliding on well oiled casters. Familiar with the building by now, she threaded her way through the sea of desks and cork boards and filing cabinets, and took a curving stair down. At the first landing she turned and stepped through an arch over which was carved REPOSITORY.

The Repository took up several floors, and Alyssa was fairly certain that these floors were bigger on the inside than they were şişli escort on the outside. She didn’t know much about what Ephiriel and the other architects of Heaven got up to — non-Euclidean geometry and Escher-loops and who knows what — and she preferred it that way. What she did know was just enough to keep from getting lost in the vast network of warehouse-like vaults that held seemingly endless records on pretty much everything ‘under the sun.’

It took a few minutes to make her way to the proper storeroom, then a couple more minutes to track down one of the clerks who kept the keys to the file drawers. Alyssa always felt dubious about the need for locks on anything in Heaven, but nobody asked her for input on the matter.

After filing her reports and making her way back through the Records Department, she stopped out on the balcony. She opened her messenger bag and checked the contents, thought, and decided she had what she needed. No need to stop off at home. Satisfied with that, she made sure the flap on the bag was secured before again manifesting her wings and taking a leisurely dive off the balcony.

As she soared and glided further from the sprawling, castle-like structure which she usually thought of simply as ‘work,’ she gradually changed course. Certain orders of angels had powers allowing a sort of near-instant teleportation, but even if Alyssa had possessed this ability, she would have had to make a couple stops. The teleportation didn’t work across planes. As it was, she would have to fly out to a particular portal which allowed direct passage into Limbo. An easy, half hour flight would be a nice way to unwind after being cooped up working on the census reports for the past couple of weeks straight.

* * *

A short while later, Alyssa was gliding up over mountain ridges, taking her time. She wanted to dip in low on the wooded side of the old camp site where Reika’s cabin stood, avoiding notice if possible. She liked the idea of surprising the succubus again. Although, from what little she knew of the demoness, Reika was exactly the sort who would show up late anyhow.

Focusing on the present again, she found a decent sized boulder that looked stable and was reasonably close to her destination, allowing her to land without having to rise over the treetops to scan the area. Folding her wings away again, she hopped down from the boulder.

After glancing around, just in case, she set her messenger bag down and pulled, wiggled, and shimmied her robe off. Taking several items of clothing from the bag, she folded the robe up and stuffed it in their place. When she had finished donning her new attire, she lifted the bag again and made her way to the camp site.

Emerging from the copse of trees into the clear area around the cabin and the idyllic scene of pool and waterfalls, she saw no evidence of Reika’s presence. She stood gazing out over the water for a few long moments, remembering, before striding over to the cabin. The door handle was a cut piece of branch held in place by pegs instead of nails. The door itself was held up by, and pivoted on, an ingenious if imperfect system involving wooden pegs and sets of little wooden ball bearings – or so Reika had proudly claimed while explaining the construction during their last meeting. Alyssa grasped the handle and gave an experimental tug.

The door dragged a bit along the bottom edge, but opened without incident. Alyssa stepped inside, then frowned as the door closed almost completely behind her. Reika really should have put a window in somewhere. Rather than curse the darkness, she reached a hand up to run her fingertips along her halo, pulling away a mote of glowing energy. She cast the mote lightly up into the air and spoke an arcane angelic command. The mote grew to the size of a softball as it rose to hover near the ceiling.

By the soft but sufficient light she took in the rustic interior of the cabin. The table and chairs were a bit dusty. There was a strong undertone of pine scent. Definitely no sign of any visitors for some time.

For a moment she considered stripping and laying on the table — after she had dusted it off, of course. To surprise Reika. She dismissed the idea. There was no telling how late the Hellspawn might be. And she would probably just-

Alyssa spun, flinching in surprise, as the door creaked open behind her. Confronted with the appearance of Reika, framed in the doorway, dripping wet and quite naked, she could do nothing but stare.

Then she felt a bit better when Reika startled, flinching just as hard as she had.

“Holy Hell, you surprised me.” the demoness smiled foolishly, pressing a hand to her chest.

Covering her own surprise and irritation with bluster, Alyssa widened her stance and put her hands on her hips.

“Good,” she declared, scowling, “You’re late. This place hasn’t been dusted in ages and you’re… dripping.”

“Oh. Yeah, er… I mean, no. I’ve been here a while. I just taksim escort thought, since I was early, I’d take a little dip. And then I saw these really pretty stones on the bottom and, um, guess I lost track of time.” Reika explained, glancing off to one side, “Heh. Sorry about that.”

Ah, so, she had failed to notice the Hellspawn’s presence because she had been cavorting well under the pool’s surface, Alyssa realized.

“Well, never mind now.” Alyssa’s demeanor softened somewhat, her eyes drifting up and down the other woman’s body. “Wait. Out of curiosity, do you ever actually wear any clothes?”

“Of course. When I’m on Earth, working. Humans are funny. You know, they often find a woman more interesting and tempting if she’s wearing certain clothes than they do if she’s naked.”

Alyssa, whose main knowledge of humans was as statistics, arched an eyebrow doubtfully.

“You’re sure it’s not the clothing they find interesting?” she asked without thinking.

“No, I’m pretty sure.” Reika laughed. “Speaking of… I thought you lot always wore big white bedsheets and gold. This is better.”

Alyssa looked down at herself. She wore a pale blue skirt of thin material and a button up blouse of similar hue. The blouse had a deep V-neck, and she had done up only the top few buttons, knotting the rest below her breasts, leaving her midriff bare.

“They’re robes, not sheets. And they’re standard attire for angels. As for this outfit… I know someone who brings things back from Earth — as novelties. He trades them off for favors. It seems the clothing is quite popular among younger angels. And he said this combination would suit me.”

“Favors, huh?” Reika quipped, but in a distracted tone. “See, this is what I was talking about. Your old robes didn’t do you any favors.”

She moved a bit closer, letting the door ease shut behind her.

“And I’ve seen you naked, which is very nice, but kills some of the element of curiosity. But this,” she raised her hands to gesture vaguely, indicating Alyssa’s artfully contained assets, “Humans would find this impressively hard to ignore.”

Alyssa tossed her hair dismissively.

“I’m not trying to impress humans.”

Reika inched closer still. Close enough to bring her hands up and graze the angel’s sides with her pointy nails. She tipped her head back enough to meet Alyssa’s eyes. She wore a mischievous smirk. When she spoke, it was in her best seductive whisper.

“Oh? Was this to impress little old me, then?”

Still holding the angel’s eyes with her own, she raised her eyebrows and affected a cross between a pout and a smile.

Between the faint tickling of Reika’s nails on her bare skin, the closeness of her, and the eye contact, Alyssa parted her lips to speak, but failed to do so. She shivered, feeling her nipples begin to harden. Her heartbeat sped up a notch.

Not waiting for her to find her tongue, Reika rose on her toes and kissed her. It lasted just long enough for their lips to seal, and for the brash Hellspawn to dart her slick, sinuous tongue between Alyssa’s lips.

Alyssa made a surprised sound, looking faintly flustered, but made no complaint. Reika settled back on her heels. She pinched the fabric of the skirt between a thumb and forefinger.

“Well, your friend was right. It worked.” Reika met her eyes again. “It shows off your sexy bits, but it holds some back. The color matches your eyes and goes nicely against all that pale skin — and all this.”

She raised her hands to thread her fingers back into Alyssa’s hair, letting herself inch forward so that their bodies met in the process. Alyssa allowed herself a smile, raising her hands to Reika’s sides. She enjoyed the feeling as cool droplets of water from Reika’s breasts soaked through her blouse.

“So… miss me while you were bobbing around up in the clouds?” the demoness twirled a sheaf of blond hair around a finger.

“Mm, we have strict work schedules, unlike your kind, so I’ve been rather busy,” Alyssa raised her chin to look down her nose in mock derision before adding; “But you may have crossed my mind… once or twice.”

“Hmph,” Reika smirked knowingly, “Poor Blondie. Good thing I had time to dream up all sorts of fun distractions for both of us.”

Alyssa tipped her head down to nuzzle her face against Reika’s neck, picking up droplets from the demoness’ damp crimson hair. Reika rolled her head sharply the other way, not wanting to complain, but also very definitely not wanting to come into contact with her lover’s dimly glowing halo.

“This fun you dreamed up. I suppose it’s all in the same vein as the fun we had last time I was here?” the angel asked.

“Well, yeah. Lotsa sex, obviously. But if there are gonna be huge sheathed cocks, this time we’re putting them in your ass.”

“As I recall,” Alyssa began, “you were the one bragging about-“

“Yeah, but then you kept swelling the closer you got to blowing your load,” Reika interrupted, beşiktaş escort “which was a whole other thing. I’m a succubus, and I couldn’t walk right for two days.”

Alyssa grinned, cheeks growing warm.

“Alright, yes, in principal that would only be fair.” she allowed. “But there’s no way in Heaven something that size would fit in my ass.”

“No reason you have to shoot for size queen right away anyhow.” Reika agreed amiably.

“‘Size queen?’ Oof. What a thought.” Alyssa kissed the side of Reika’s neck before straightening up to look at her.

“So, knowing you, I understand the lack of clothes. Did you really not bring anything at all?” she asked.

“Well, no,” the demoness answered, unconcerned, “But I did think-“

She stopped when, from outside, there came two loud cracking sounds in rapid succession. These were followed very closely by a jarring thump as something impacted the outside of the left wall of the cabin. Both women looked up, surprised. Then at each other.

“Oh, shit.” Reika said, apparently just remembering something.

“‘Oh, shit?’ What did you do now?” Alyssa demanded.

“Uh, heh,” Reika hesitated, smiling lamely, “I can explain, but we should check on that.”

Turning, she opened the door and took Alyssa’s hand to lead her out. Resisting her curiosity and the urge to complain, Alyssa followed around the corner to the side of the cabin. There, sitting at the base of the wall, was a small humanoid individual rubbing a scuffed elbow. Noticing the audience, the newcomer looked up and flashed a rueful smile.

“Hey Reika. Blondie.” she muttered in greeting. Her voice was high and clear.

“Hey Simi. Not watching where you were going?”

While Reika returned the greeting, Alyssa stood silent, unsure how to react. She studied the little woman as she dusted herself off and stood. Some relative of Reika’s maybe. She boasted skin a brighter red than Reika’s burnished cinnamon, and black hair — straight and shoulder length with bangs. Said bangs parted over either side of her brow, to fall around the small black horns which stood out from her forehead. Her face was unlined, bearing fine, delicate features, which together made it hard to guess her age. Like Alyssa and Reika she wore nothing on her feet, and in doing so stood only five feet tall.

The little demoness wore a loose fitting black knit sweater, which hung to halfway down her thighs, and clinging black tights. She also wore a large leather satchel which hung from shoulder straps against her body in the front. Alyssa supposed she had flown in, the way Reika and Alyssa herself had, though she showed no evidence of possessing wings now.

The newcomer glowered in response to Reika’s question while absently rubbing one of her forearms.

“I was flying in over the treetops and the wind kicked up.” she sighed, guessing how Reika would react, but continued, “The tip top of a tree brushed my leg and I kinda lost focus. Next thing, I was tipped off balance and… crash landed. And because my luck is what it is, I was saved from hitting the ground. By your cabin.”

Alyssa smiled at the dark sarcasm despite her reservations about a third party showing up unannounced. Reika managed to restrain herself to a brief sputter of laughter.

“So that was you hitting the wall?” Alyssa’s smile became a frown of concern, having just put together the seriousness of the implication. “And you’re not injured?”

“Oh, Simi’s super resilient.” Reika explained before the smaller demon could speak for herself.

Simi gave Reika a look before turning to Alyssa and extending a hand.

“Alyssa, right? I’m Simiel. Friends with this one since back in school. She talks about you.”

“And you’re not afraid to meet an angel?” Alyssa asked, hesitantly taking the offered hand in her own. It was small and warm, and lacked the pointed nails Reika normally favored.

Simiel tipped her head back to better look Alyssa in the eyes, raising her eyebrows and smiling. With the difference in heights and the shade of the cabin, Alyssa only then noticed a few details of Simiel’s appearance. One was that amongst her perfectly aligned and brilliantly white teeth were two very pointy canines. The other things she noticed were to do with Simiel’s eyes. They were golden. All gold, but for the pupils, which were slitted like a cat’s. In her surprise and fascination, Alyssa forgot to release the hand she held.

“At first I thought you probably weren’t even real. But then she went into so much detail…” Simiel’s smile became a smirk.

“Detail…” Alyssa was slow to follow, having been distracted by those strange golden eyes.

Then Simiel cut her eyes down to Alyssa’s chest and the heavenly cleavage on display there. Glancing down, the angel quickly caught up. Trying not to blush again, she shot Reika an accusatory look.


Reika put on a sheepish smile, not even attempting to pull off repentant.

“I’m a succubus. What did you think I would gossip about?”

“Huh.” Alyssa arched an eyebrow, then turned her attention back to Simiel. Realizing she was still holding the little woman’s hand, she gave a gentle squeeze before letting go. “Er, pleased to meet you, I suppose.”

“Likewise.” Simiel gave her another vampy smile.

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Oca 18

Lucky Over 40 Ch. 12: Jill likes My Dream

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Author’s note: This is the (revised) twelfth part of the story of two single 40somethings who met on-line and eventually started an adventurous sexual relationship. Overall, it’s about exploring various completely heterosexual kinks. You do not have to read previous parts of the series to enjoy this one, although some things might be better understood if you do.

Please check the story Tags to see what you may or may not like. If anything bothers you, it might be best if you move on to another story, otherwise, I hope you enjoy reading. If you like it, please add some stars at the end, and even a comment. Your feedback does help inspire me to continue writing.


I’ve been dating Jill for a while, and we’ve been having a lot sexy fun. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to be with her. We have a pretty unusual relationship, especially the way Jill has occasionally “lent my services” to a couple friends in order to help them out with some sexual frustrations. Recently I realized that I’ve fallen in love with her, despite thinking I wanted to avoid another committed relationship right now.

I’d just finished a twelve hour Saturday night shift in the Emergency Department where I occasionally moonlight. I’m not used to working nights anymore, particularly for the long shift, so I was wiped when it was done. But something “came up” during work that kept me occupied a while afterwards. When I finally got home to my bed, I was asleep in about a minute. I guess the stress of the day, along with that little indecent, and its aftermath, was still working on my brain because I was having a really interesting dream when I was woken up by Jill, coming to check on me.

“Hey Tiger,” she said, softly, sitting down on the bed next to me. “Did you get some sleep? It’s been several hours since you’ve been home.”

“Yeah, Princess,” I said groggily. “I did, but I should get up so I don’t screw up my normal sleep schedule. Thanks for coming by. Are you still on call, or have you got another patient to see?”

“Nope, done for today! I’m all yours…or you’re all mine,” she said as she leaned down and kissed me, gently.

“Hmm, great! Why don’t you get undressed and get in bed so we can make up for some lost time together this week. I just had a dream that got me kinda wound up–on top of everything that went on last night and this morning, all without any relief for me!”

“Oh, my poor, Tiger. Is Robbie Jr starved for attention?” she teased me, as she reached under the sheet looking for my dick.

“He sure is, and that picture you texted last night has me looking forward to lavishing some attention on your beautiful breasts, not to mention your wonderful pussy. Come on, get those clothes off and let me make love to you, Princess.”

“Yeah, about that… I uh, had a friend come to visit recently. I’m afraid I’m kinda off limits right now,” she said somewhat dejectedly.

“I don’t get it? You have company? Are you saying you can’t stay and have to get home to them?” I really wasn’t fully awake, but I’m also not used to female code-speak. I guess it went along with my inability to pick up on women’s non-verbal “signals” and such…

“No, that’s not it. Boy, you really don’t do well with women when we aren’t perfectly direct,” she chuckled. “My period started yesterday, well, Friday night really. As much as I’m not thrilled by all the symptoms that go along with menopause, I’ll be very happy to be done with all the cramps and stuff!”

“Oh! Sorry, no I’m not good at it. And we haven’t dealt with all that yet, for some reason. I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry, too! Being premenopausal my cycle is off, but then again, it has been for much of my life anyway, especially when I was playing sports and exercising a lot more. Well, exercising differently than the workouts I get with you…” she squeezed my erection, which she had been softly caressing. “I can still help this guy out. What would he like that doesn’t involve anything below my waist?” she purred.

“If you really want to, I’d be very happy with whatever attention you wanted to give him!”

“Yeah, I do. I always like giving your cute cock some attention. And you were so good with what I threw at you last night in my texts, and then at Ruth’s this morning. What’ll it be, Tiger? Do you want me to suck him off, or stroke him off, or…?”

“Really, what pleases you will definitely please me. If there’s something you want to do, by all means, indulge yourself.” I said, with a big smile. “Knowing you’re enjoying what you’re doing to me, gets me off better than just telling you what I want.”

“Ok, I get that. But I also like it when you tell me what to do. Like that special date we had a while back…”

“Hmm, that was fun. But I think you really enjoyed the next one, telling me what to do, much more!” I half joked. “You’re good at that. And generally, it’s really nice. Though sometimes it gets a little scary, it usually turns out to be a lot of fun,” I chuckled. “Much like the dream Hd Porno I was having just before you woke me.”

“Oh? You need to tell me about that. Maybe you should do that while I take care of this guy,” she said, kissing my erection.

“Oh, um, yeah, Ok,” I muttered, still not fully awake and getting very distracted by her attention. “Mmm, that’s good. Ok, I’ll try to remember, if I can concentrate…”

“Well, if that’s a problem, I’ll just give you some relief and then the blood can move back up to your brain…” she laughed, touching my cock. “Oh I do like your penis, especially when it’s so nice and hard. And its big, beautiful head, so round and firm, with a well-defined ridge that feels so good inside me. Mmm.” She wrapped her lips around my engorged glans. Her tongue danced all over it, and explored every bit, running around the lower edge several times before teasing the opening.

“Oh yes, I like that,” she said smiling at me as she stroked my raging hard-on. “I love running my tongue around this head and rim. It feels so velvety soft, and sensuous.” She licked gently across my glans and all along its underside, tracing the rim.

“Ahh,” I sighed, “I love that, too. You feel so good…”

“I’m so glad you like it,” she smiled up at me with her tongue peeking between her lips.

“I do, Honey, I do. That felt–oh, and feels–wonderful.”

Her tongue licked the underside of my shaft from bottom to top a few times, before she teased my frenulum and the little V at the base of my cock head with the tip of her tongue.

“Mmm. You taste wonderful, especially your sweet precum leaking out. There was a bunch dried all around this head. You must have been leaking quite a bit last night,” she giggled. “Let me see if I can get some more out of you. You’ve been drinking your pineapple juice, right?” she laughed a bit before taking me fully into her warm, wet, wonderful mouth.

She sucked on me as if trying to pull all the built up cum out through a straw. Her saliva bathed my cock. She started to bob her head up and down along my shaft; whenever she got to the top, her talented tongue teased and swirled all around and under the head.

“Um, yeah, oh, fuck you are good at that,” I sighed dreamily. “Oh yeah. I don’t want to try thinking about anything else right now. I really love what you’re doing. I really love you, Princess. How did I ever get so lucky.” I felt like I was in heaven, or very, very close to it.

Her hand began stroking my shaft, following her mouth, and her other hand caressed my balls. After a bit, that other hand slid between my legs to fondle my ass. I really enjoyed that attention. After a few minutes she popped her mouth off my cock and smiled at me again, still gently stroking me.

“Mmm, I like doing that. You feel so good in my mouth.” She slid her mouth down my aching dick and back up once again. “And I like the perfect size of your big, hard cock.” She enveloped it again, sucking hard for a few seconds. “Not too thick and not too long. It’s such a pleasure to do this.” Again, she sucked on my cock head and then slid me deep into her moist mouth for several seconds. “It fits my mouth, and my pussy, so very, very well.” She stroked me with her hand and kissed the swollen purple head again.

“Oh yeah, did JJ tell you she got the kit she needs to make a mold of this cute cock? This … beautiful… gorgeous … perfect … penis.” She punctuated each word with a wet kiss and little lick on a different part of my throbbing dick. It twitched each time, and she seemed to enjoy that so much she just kept doing it as she giggled.

“Oh, Princess…” I moaned, as she licked my dick. “No, she didn’t… Oh fuck, you’re making me nuts…” I tried to concentrate on what she had told me. “I didn’t think she was serious about that. Does she really want to sell copies of my cock in her shop? That’d be weird, but flattering I guess. Oh Honey, I love what you’re doing to me…”

Jill had been sucking and stroking me again, and she hummed “Uhmmm hmmm,” in agreement with everything I was saying. The vibrations felt incredible, especially when my cock was deep in her mouth. When I moaned deeply, she hummed long and low, her lips gripping my shaft, and her tongue rubbing the underside. I moaned louder and caressed her hair.

Her fingers probed deeper into my ass crack. I bent my legs up and out to open myself to her and she hummed again. A finger pressed against my anus making me half whimper. She took her mouth off my cock, but continued stroking it, teasingly stating the obvious, “Oh, you like that.” She wet a finger in her mouth, then pressed it into me, while licking the sensitive frenulum just below the head of my eager cock.

“Oh fuck, yeah!” I was fully awake now. “Oh, baby, you know I like it. If you keep doing all that it’s definitely gonna make me cum.” My penis was throbbing and I was about to beg when she pushed her finger deeper into my ass and wiggled it inside me. It felt incredible and I groaned with Türkçe Altyazılı Porno pleasure. She took my swollen glans back in her mouth and sucked hard, her tongue swishing all over it.

“FUCK, you’re so good, Jill,” I moaned loudly. I involuntarily pushed my cock up at her. I didn’t need to be in deeper, I just wanted more of whatever she was doing to me. Her finger rubbed my prostate in unison with stroking my shaft. All the while she continued to suck and lick my cock head, noisily and sloppily, her saliva running down my cock as her hand jerked me off. I was squirming and moaning reflexively, almost uncontrollably, from all she was doing to my penis and prostate.

Before long I called out that I was about to come. She hummed in response, and that added stimulation was all it took to finish me off. I exploded, almost literally, into her mouth. So much cum was built up from several days without her, without jerking off, but with quite a bit of sexual stimulation in the past twelve hours. I’m sure she wasn’t ready for what I gave her. Her head jerked, she coughed once and cum leaked out of her mouth, down my cock and onto my balls.

I got a little concerned, but she began to laugh as she continued trying to take it all and swallow it. The laughing made her leak more, but she just sucked and licked it up, giggling. “Wow, Tiger, if I had any idea how much you’d stored up I would’ve jerked you off just to watch the geyser! I couldn’t even save any in my mouth to share with you,” she laughed, then wiped her cum covered lips across mine.

“Oh, fuck,” I sighed in relief. “Yeah, my balls were getting pretty uncomfortable. I guess they were really full. Thanks, Princess! That was amazing, and just what I needed.” I felt blissfully drained.

As I recovered, I said, “I hope you enjoyed that some, too, Princess. It was a great climax. I’m so glad I saved it all for you!” I chuckled, but really meant it. Coming with Jill was so much better than it would have been with Ruth. I mean, a good orgasm is always great, but this was so much more…I don’t know…satisfying, being with my lover. With my love. Yup, I’m in love with Jill, and that makes sex with her so very much better.

“Please crawl in here to snuggle with me, will you?” She pulled off her top and bra. I started to get aroused again watching her beautiful breasts bobbing as she freed them and kicked off her shoes. Her nipples were fully erect and appeared to beg for attention. “Damn Jill, you are gorgeous!” She blushed a bit. I reached out and fondled one of her lovely breasts and she moaned softly.

“They’re really sensitive right now, and you got me pretty hot with that wonderful cock of yours being so hard and full of cum for me. Will you give these some attention with your marvelous mouth, Tiger, please?” she asked, holding her perfect tits for me.

“Oh Honey, I’d love to do that!” She crawled above me and lowered her breast to my eager mouth. My hands cupped them as I took one of her stiff nipples between my lips and suckled, my tongue swirling around it. Jill moaned and caressed my head. I kissed my way across her chest to the other breast until that nipple was in my mouth. It felt so firm and erect; so enticing. My tongue lavished it and I adored the feeling of her in my mouth. Judging from her sounds, so did Jill.

My teeth brushed against the nipple and she cried out in pleasure. “Oh Rob, bite it, gently, please. Yes, oh yeah…” I held the stiff nub in my teeth and tugged on it lightly. My fingers rolled and pinched the other one. I made love to her incredible breasts with my mouth for several minutes before she moaned, “Oh Honey, I’m gonna come. Oh fuck, it’s gonna make me come.”

I intensified my attention, and as my tongue teased over the tip of the nipple being pulled by my teeth, she shuddered and collapsed on top of me. I held her tightly, amazed at what had occurred. Giving a woman an orgasm just from nipple stimulation was a new experience for me. Well, I guess there was more to it than just that physical stimulation, and she may have been rubbing herself on my leg, too, but it was still pretty amazing to me.

After another minute or so, Jill got under the sheet with me, still wearing her scrub pants. She cuddled up next to me as we hugged and kissed each other. Damn, I love this woman.

“I love you, Princess,” I said, kissing her head as we snuggled and I held her close.

“I love you, too, Tiger.” She said, softly. We kissed again, deeply, tenderly, lazily. It was wonderful.

We laid there a while, wrapped in each other’s arms. I started to fall back to sleep, but she caught me and said, “Ok, time to get you up so your body clock doesn’t get all screwed up.”

“Yeah, you’re right, but this is really nice, and so comfortable. I miss lying in bed with you, and waking up with you. It’s only been a week, but it seems like much, much longer.”

“I’ve missed it, too. Maybe we can spend tonight together. Since I’m out of Brazzers bounds for your attention right now, or some of me is anyway, you could probably come stay at my place, even with Becky home. But we also have all next weekend together at Disney, Tiger. We’ll have a great time, I know it, even if we can’t spend the whole time in bed, or even naked,” she said with a laugh. I’m sure we both started thinking about the weekend we spent together at her place, and more than a day with no clothes on…

“We’ll see about tonight. I’m pretty sure we can’t go the whole night without fooling around in some manner, and Becky probably knows that, too. Anyway, I’m looking forward to next weekend, too. But I’ve got lots to do this week so I can take Friday off. And that means a good night’s sleep tonight.”

“Ok. Well, if a few days of no sex–unless you’ve got something on the side I don’t know about, or been jerking off, without me… You know I wanna watch you do that. Um, where was I, oh yeah, if a few days off lets you build up a load like you just had, then I really need to remember that and find a good way to make use of it.” She had that sly, almost devious, smile of hers. I know it means something is up that could be trouble, but it usually turns out to be fun in the end.

“Time off to refill helps, but I think what really charged me up was your picture on my cell phone, and then…”

“And then fooling around with Ruth, huh?” she interrupted. “Did she try jerking you off, or blowing you? She wanted to. I bet she wanted to make good use of this beautiful dick. And you would’ve liked it, wouldn’t you? How long have you wanted a piece of her? You haven’t told me if you liked eating her `till she came on you face. I’m sure you did, though. Did she taste good? Hmm, did she?” Jill teased me and held my dick as it grew stiff in her hand. I’d been at least half hard since sucking her luscious tits.

“Not nearly as good as you do, Princess.” I said, truthfully, though Ruth did taste pretty damn fine.

“Oh, good answer,” she said as she stroked my cock a bit and leaned in to kiss me. “I love it when you make me come with your mouth. You’re really very good at it. I don’t have many guys to compare it to, but Jill, um JJ–got to remember to call her JJ–does, and she says you’revery good at it. And at other things, too. Deejay really liked your tongue, too, and your other thing.” She giggled, still toying with my erection. She was doing an excellent job of working me up again, whether she was trying to or not.

“Yeah, well, thanks for the affirmation. But I really do prefer you,” I said as I rolled toward her and kissed her deeply. It was weird having her talk about the women she had arranged for me to have sex with, and who were also part of that bizarre but very erotic dream I was having. My mind wandered back to it and I was a little spacy when Jill looked at me after our kiss.

“Hey, Tiger? Where’d you go? Not falling asleep again? Are you day dreaming? Oh, you were gonna tell me about your sexy dream before I made you lose your train of thought, somehow…” she giggled, then slapped my dick. “Get up and you can tell me while you shower. I’d offer to scrub your back, but your shower’s really too small, so I’ll just watch you rub yourself,” she laughed.

We got up and headed to my bathroom, Jill leading me by my cock, as she likes to do. “I got to pee first,” I said.

“You know I like to help with that, can I, please?” she asked, stepping towards me with a little kiss as she squeezed my cock. It stiffened more in her hand, and she said, “I really like when it does that, too.”

“Um, I’d love to let you, but it’s hard to pee with a hard-on, and even harder to aim at the toilet.”

“Hmm, Ok, we’ll aim in the shower, then,” she responded, turning me and patting my butt with her free hand. That got my dick to twitch again. I don’t know why, but I love it when she fondles my ass.

She stood behind, reached around and held my cock. I closed my eyes and tried hard to relax. Eventually, the stream started and she watched around my shoulder. “Turn a little, please, so I can have a better view,” she whispered in my ear, sexily. I put my arm around her neck.

This was about the third time she held me while I peed. I was enjoying it more than previously, maybe because it didn’t seem as weird now. But it was arousing then, too; I love having her hand holding my cock. Plus, feeling her tits and hard nipples pressed against my back, and her other hand caressing my chest and nipple, was all very sexy. My dick got harder even while I was peeing.

“You seem to like my help, Tiger,” she purred in my ear, then licked it. My stream was a trickle now, and my cock was pretty hard so it ran down my shaft. As the flow stopped completely she whispered in my ear, “Thank you, Babe. I liked that.” She kissed my cheek and stepped back, patting my ass again as she let go of me. I instantly missed her warmth against my back, but loved that hand on my bottom.

“Ok, get in there and clean up, Babe. No, wait! Hey, where’s your beard trimmer? This is a good time to let me give you a little trim to tidy things up, down here,” she said as she ran her fingers through my pubes, down across my balls, and between my legs. My cock twitched again and I took a deep breath.

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Oca 18

The Diary of a Horny Girlfriend

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This is my first attempt at writing anything on here. I’ve decided to do it in a diary form. Comments / constructive feedback appreciated. I’ve ideas of where Id like things to go for future updates but am also open to suggestions. Hope you like. 

7th March 2022

Going on holiday today! Can’t wait. 7 days in the sun in Cyprus. It’s going to be amazing. Much needed break from work. We are going away with Dan’s (my boyfriend) parents, and some of their friends and family. It’s their anniversary and they have offered to pay. Happy days! So lucky to have (future) parents in law that I like and get on with — some of my past boyfriends I would HATE to have gone away with their family but this I’m looking forward to. Will be nice to have some company.

8th March 2022

Its sooo nice here. Hotel is amazing, must be costing a fortune. I wore one of my new bikinis to the pool. Dan said it was a bit skimpy to wear in front of his family — he’s such a prude sometimes. Besides, this is the least skimpy one I have so he better get used to it ha! I feel so relaxed already after just one day here. Dan’s family are all really nice. Spent a bit of time chatting to Lisa. She seems lovely. She’s about my age (25) and is dating Paul’s (Dan’s dad) best mate, Jack, who is about twice her age. He is rich so that must be part of the attraction but is also good looking to be fair and seems a good laugh so good for her I say! She also wore a skimpy bikini, and has a great body, so it made me feel a bit less conscious. Paul and Jack seemed to keep looking us both over — it’s so funny how Paul has always tried to hide how he stares at my tits. Lucky I don’t mind, and also lucky that Dan and Tina (Dan’s mum) don’t notice! I’ve always felt comfortable round Paul. We have a laugh together.

I was horny all day yesterday and jumped on Dan as soon as we got in our room. He fucked me from behind in front of this huge mirror we have on the wall of our amazing room, and we both watched ourselves in it. It was really nice. It’s not stopped me from being horny though — I’m craving more! Hopefully he’ll want more today. More time by the pool planned today I think — fine with me!

9th March

Another lovely day yesterday. Not loads to report — just sun and drinks! I wore the same bikini as the day before as I showed Dan one of the other ones and he said it was too slutty to wear out. It was a bit small for my boobs I must admit so didn’t argue with him, couldn’t be bothered. Dan seemed a bit grumpy in the afternoon — just said he was tired and not feeling great so we never had sex. I was crazy horny though — holidays do this to me — so I tried to finger myself in the bathroom once he’d fallen asleep but I just couldn’t seem to finish myself off. Frustrating! Wish I’d bought my vibrator away now!

10th March

I’ve just woken up and am writing this a little hungover. Dan’s still asleep next to me. Anyway, Dan isn’t well. Think he’s got food poisoning. Turns out Tina, Dan’s mum, is the same.

This meant that Paul and I decided to spend the day together by the pool. All the others were going out on a day trip to some local market but it sounded boring so we stayed at the hotel, and Dan and Tina were going to be in their rooms all day.

Seeing as Dan wouldn’t be there to moan about it, I wore the new bikini that he said was too slutty. It would only be his dad who would see it and I knew he wouldn’t mind. Turns out I was right cos as soon as I left the room and met him in the corridor his eyes went straight to my tits and he told me I look amazing. That made me happy. I’ve always enjoyed men admiring me, and never understood women who get offended when men check them out. It’s a compliment! I thanked him but told him he should try Hd Porno to look at my face occasionally during the day if possible. He laughed and said he’d try – but no promises!

Anyway. we had a nice few drinks by the pool and a good laugh. He felt more like his natural self without the others around and we got on so well. If I’m honest, I think we had a better time because Tina and Dan weren’t there.

As the day went on, we had more and more drinks, and the pool area started to quieten a little. I think both of us were getting tipsy on the booze. He suggested we go and sit by the pool bar for a while. As we were walking over we saw a couple of women with good bodies wearing thong bikini bottoms. I could tell he was looking at them and liking what he saw — to be fair, I was too. He told me my arse deserves to be in a bikini like that. I told him Dan would never let me wear one but he smiled and said “Dan’s not here!”. Then he stopped walking and looked at me with a cheeky grin, leaned back a little and looked at my arse. When I asked what he was up to he moved his hands towards me slid my bikini bottoms into my butt crack to make them look more like a thong. I was a bit shocked, but the booze made it feel less weird and I didn’t really mind so I just laughed. I told him he was trouble, but he just laughed, took my hand, and walked me to the bar. I’ve always liked thong bikini bottoms and to be honest I’d rather my arse got a tan than it just staying white, so I didn’t complain!

There were no other customers at the bar when we got there. As I stood waiting for the barman, Paul sat in a bar stool next to me. He put his arm round me and rested his hand on my hip. It felt nice. He also took a chance to take another look at my arse and told me I look amazing and that I should let him dress me every day haaa! His thumb lightly stroked my hip. I could tell he wanted to touch my arse as it very, very slowly felt like his hand was getting lower, and moving from my hip towards my bare arse cheek. I didn’t say anything.

Eventually his hand was on my arse cheek, stroking it soooo nice and softly. I admit it felt a little wrong for him to be touching me like that but having had a few drinks I probably managed to convince myself it was innocent enough. And the truth was I liked it so, even if it didn’t feel completely innocent, I didn’t want him to stop. I’ve always liked being touched there and his thumb stroked it so softly – he has such a tender touch. So, I just looked at him and smiled and he smiled back — I think we both acknowledged that the smile was me giving him permission to carry on.

The barman eventually came over. His name was Miguel — very handsome guy, probably about 35 years old. Like Paul, his eyes seemed to go straight to my tits too — and like with Paul, I didn’t mind at all. I think Paul noticed it too as he chuckled quietly.

We ordered some drinks and had a chat with him. He was really nice, good fun and very charming and flirtatious. The bar was quiet by now — most people were going back to their rooms to get ready for the evening, so Miguel was able to spend plenty of time talking with us.

At one point, after ordering some more drinks, Miguel asked if I’d ever worked behind a bar. I told him no so he asked me to come round to his side of the bar and he’d teach me to pour a pint. Miguel led me to the beer pump that was right in front of Paul, then stood directly behind me. He was pressed against me lightly, and his hands reached round me and guided me, showing me what to do. He then let me pour a pint, as his hands rested on my hips and he looked over my shoulder. “And now I’ll watch you pour” he said “or pretend I’m watching you pour while secretly just staring down at your tits”. We all laughed. I told him he was as bad as Paul! I was loving the attention to be honest, and I did enjoy him being so close to me, Türkçe Altyazılı Porno holding me, as he taught me.

Eventually I finished pouring and went back round to Paul. His hand instantly went back to my bum. These two were so flirty and touchy feely with me! It felt like they were seeing how much they could get away with.

There were no customers around anymore so Miguel challenged me to a game of Pool. There was a table right by the bar. He suggested the loser has to do a forfeit. I’ve always been quite good at Pool so agreed. But it might have been a mistake as I was tipsy and Miguel, it turns out, is very good. I quickly lost the game.

He said my forfeit was to agree to a “special tequila slammer”. I had no idea what that was but I don’t mind tequila so told him it was fine. Miguel smiled and whispered into Paul’s ear. Paul smiled and nodded. Miguel left then came back with salt, lemon and shot of tequila. He put the lemon in my mouth, so it was just sticking out and told me to hold it there. Then he told me that a special tequila slammer meant he had to lick salt off my cleavage before downing the shot and sucking the lemon in my mouth. He asked if it was ok. I was in a bit of disbelief and looked at Paul — almost for permission. He just smiled and nodded. So, I told Miguel it was fine. I still had my bikini top on so it didn’t feel too naughty.

We checked no one was watching, then he poured some salt on to my boobs / cleavage. He bent his head to my tits and slowly licked up the salt. He didn’t go near my nipples as they were still covered by my top — it was more in my cleavage. It did feel nice I must admit. He then downed the shot, and moved his mouth to mine, biting into the lemon. He eventually broke away, and we all laughed.

Miguel suggested Paul have a go too. That felt a little more wrong — it’s one thing having a barman do it, another having your boyfriend’s dad. We both looked a little unsure. Paul asked if I minded, and I told him it was ok. So, he did it too. I must admit, I was enjoying it, and my nipples hardened (which I think was obvious but neither of them said anything — thankfully).

After that, we finished our drinks, but it was getting late, and I’d promised Dan I would spend the evening with him. So — a bit reluctantly — we said goodbye to Miguel, and Paul held my hand as he walked me to the room. He thanked me for a nice day, kissed my cheek and we went our separate ways.

Dan was awake when I got in. He still wasn’t feeling great. I was horny though so asked if I could make him feel better with a blow job. He said yes so I quickly sucked him off before we both went to sleep.

It’s now morning as I write this but Dan isn’t much better. I’ve had a few messages with Paul, and Tina is the same so we’ll spend the day together again. All the others will be around today though so we’ll have some company so will be on our best behaviour!

11th March

Ok where do I start? Well, firstly the day started off nice with more sunbathing and drinks, and with everyone there (except Tina and Dan) it was nice. At one point me and I left the others to get a round of drinks. I was pleased to see Miguel working. He asked with a cheeky smile if we wanted any tequila slammers but we just laughed it off. The bar was busy so we couldn’t talk too much but when we were about to leave Miguel told us he had a 20 mins break soon if we wanted to keep him company. Paul said he should get back to the others but suggested that I could stay if I wanted. That surprised me a little — Miguel was obviously a bit of a flirt and probably not the sort of guy you’d want your son’s girlfriend spending time with. But he seemed fine with it, and I admit I wanted to, so I stayed.

He took me to another bar which was part of the hotel but at the top of Brazzers the cliffs, overlooking the sea. It was very secluded and quiet, and is only open to guests in the evening, so we had the place to ourselves. It was such a beautiful spot. We sat on a sofa type seat looking out to sea, and were surrounded by gorgeous plants and flowers, where no one could see us. It felt very intimate and romantic. We sat together and he put his arm round me. I felt so comfortable with him, and we chatted with ease. I’m sure he’s done this with hundreds of women in the past, but he made me feel sexy and special.

I was sure he was going to try and kiss me, and I was sitting there wondering how I’d respond. I knew I really wanted to be able to say no, because of Dan, but wasn’t convinced in myself if I’d have the power to when it came to it.

But then he looked at his watch and said he had to get back to work. The time had flown. And he stood up and didn’t try to kiss me. I wouldn’t admit this to anyone, but I felt disappointed. I really wanted to feel his lips and touch. Was he just being a gent? Did he not fancy me? Is it cos I’m with Dan? I don’t know. But in that moment, I felt gutted. It’s for the best I know. I’ve stayed faithful to Dan and that’s what matters.

When we got back to the others I decided to get into the pool for a while. I was minding my own business but then felt someone pinch my bum and turned around to see Paul. He asked if Id had a nice time with Miguel, and I told him where we went. He said he’d like to see it as it sounded lovely, so I offered to take him.

Rather than sitting on the chair I’d been on with Miguel I stood looking out to sea resting against the wooden barriers that stop you falling into the sea. It was nice being alone again with Paul too. Both him and Miguel I feel so at ease with. He stood next to me at first but then obviously had a better idea and slowly moved behind me, pressed lightly against me, holding my hips as we looked out to sea together. It was definitely an inappropriate thing for my boyfriend’s dad to be doing. I guess he felt emboldened by our flirting the day before. I liked it. It made me feel sexy but also safe.

He asked if I’d done anything naughty when I was up there with Miguel. I told him no of course not. I then told him I was surprised he didn’t mind me coming up here with Miguel. He replied and said what I get up to is my business and that I should be able to do what I want. I thought that was so cool of him.

Eventually — as I suspected it might — his hands slid down to my arse cheeks. It felt so fucking nice. I smiled and told him he seems to like my arse the last few days. He said he’d always liked it — he’d just had never had a chance to touch it until now haaa! It makes me feel sexy when he touches me – I love it more than I should.

He asked me if I regretted letting them do the tequila slammers off me the night before. I thought about lying and saying yes, but I told the truth and told him no, it was good fun. He asked if I’d let him do another one sometime. I smiled and said I’d think about it.

If I’m honest almost every part of me wanted to turn around to face him at that point and kiss him and let him — well – do what he wanted to me. The way he was touching my arse, and pressing up against me, made me so horny. But I managed to resist. Doing stuff with him would be crossing a line that we really shouldn’t be crossing!

We stood there for a while in silence, enjoying him touching my bum, but then we heard a member of staff arrive so quickly had to turn around and leave.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. My boyfriend is ill in bed, and I’ve gone to a quiet secluded spot with 2 men in the space of an hour and wanted both of them! Oh yeah and one of those men is his dad. His fucking dad. Who can’t stop feeling my arse!

On the plus side, I still haven’t really done nothing wrong so maybe I shouldn’t beat myself up too much about it.

Not too much to report for the rest of the day. Some more time with everyone else by the pool, then I spent the evening with Dan (who still isn’t feeling great). No sex. No nothing.

Let’s see what today brings…

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Oca 18

What do You Want Me to Do? Ch. 12

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Throughout our married life, my wife Jane has had sex with other men at my insistence – she is highly sexed, and more than willing to allow me to have her used in this way. I believe that my unusual appreciation of extra-marital sex stemmed from a singular experience in my bachelor days. The incident occurred at a time when I was working and living in Gibraltar, and produced such an impression on me, that, I believe, it has led me to having my own wife duplicate the same type of behaviour that I witnessed that evening.

Back then, my friends and I were regulars at a small back-street bar. We had got to know the owner (a heavy drinker, and often absent), and his barman, a Moroccan guy called Abslam.

One unremarkable evening, while I was having a drink, a friend of Abslam’s came into the bar and the two of them began an urgent conversation. They spoke Arabic, I believe, (although Moroccans often have considerable dexterity with languages), and the newcomer appeared to be pleading. However, what caught my eye, was an English woman, mid 20’s, waiting at the door – she was fair, wearing a short skirt, and looking very uneasy. She continually glanced around the bar and up and down the street. She had arrived with the Moroccan and, it seemed to me, that she was waiting Hd Porno for him.

Meanwhile, the conversation in front of me appeared to end on a negative note, and the guy left the bar.

I asked Abslam what the chat was about, and he said ‘he wants somewhere to take the woman’, I asked, ‘who is she’, to which he replied ‘ a soldiers wife – he has picked her up in a bar, but he has nowhere private to take her’.

Without thinking, I blurted out, ‘he can use my flat, give him a shout’. At which, Abslam went to the door and called down the street, to his retreating pal. They came back and the barman explained the situation (the woman, once again, waited at the door) – his friend nodded enthusiastically, and I said ‘follow me’.

I walked out of the bar and down the narrow road to my place – the couple followed just a few steps behind me, until, reaching the communal door to my building, I unlocked it, and bid them to enter.

He was thanking me profusely, in broken English, while she meekly followed him, seemingly unable to look me in the eye.

I climbed the stairs and opened the door to my studio flat. They followed me in and I pointed him over to the bed. He took the hand of the soldier’s wife (I never knew her name), and led Türkçe Altyazılı Porno her across the room.

I sank back into the darkness of kitchen area and reached in the fridge for a beer.

He began kissing her and running his hands all over her, in an obvious prelude to sex – she glanced over at me once or twice, seemingly uneasy about me being there, but unwilling to protest – within minutes he had her on the bed and, still fully clothed, with his trousers around his ankles, he fucked her. Within ten minutes, or so, he groaned his pleasure, and climbed off.

I had watched the whole show from a breakfast stool.

He got off the bed and, while she was replacing her knickers, he fastened up his trousers.

He then took her hand and walked out with her – all the while smiling and thanking me, while she, looking down at the floor, meekly followed him out. She had done what was required for her new man (and, I have since speculated, for her husband, too). I loved every minute of the, all too short, coupling, but it was the submissive, strangers wife, offering the Moroccan guy her body, that was the real buzz.

Fast forward some years where, my wife, Jane, has been seeing a Pakistani ‘boyfriend’ for some Brazzers months. He is a businessman, who enjoys the company of an English wife – I am happy to go along with this, as I enjoy having her when she returns, and listening to the accounts of her activities. However recently he has become violent and demanding, which, in many ways, suits Jane, as she is very submissive.

He has begun to pimp her out to his friends and business acquaintances, with the certainty of a beating if she does not give them whatever they demand. One of her new ‘friends’ has taken the arrangement one step further and insists that she also work for him.

He has told Jane that he wants wants her to ‘walk the streets’.

In a strange way I find the idea rather erotic, but, on the other hand, I am fearful of where it might lead. For now, her original boyfriend has stepped in and reclaimed Jane for himself. She is very much like the wife of my earlier story – meek, submissive, and available. I try to have her in all of the ways that the Asian guys do – straight, anal, oral and sometimes, ass to mouth – she often masturbates after sex, both with me and her ‘friends’ – one of them insisted she do this and it has rather caught on.

I have not decided which direction our lifestyle will take us, however, we have had several offers to meet guys at one of our local dogging sites. I am tempted, and it does seem a fairly straightforward way to get what I want, namely, Jane fucked by strangers. I will, doubtless, let you know if we decide to give this particular activity a go.

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Oca 18

Spring Break Ch. 05: Sun Morning

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Spring Break Ch 5; Sunday Morning

Dirk was rewarded for saving a girls life

Category: Romantic Couplings.

Keywords: blonde, brunette, creampie, lifeguard, redhead, shaved pussy, surfer, teen, threesome,

I thank kenjisato for making this story much more readable and enjoyable than I could master on my own.

This story plays off in South Africa. Spring break is late September/Early October. The academic year starts January and ends December.

Matric refers to Grade 12 or the final year in school, equivalent to senior year in the US, a year during which scholars turn 18 years old. Several learners (scholars) go on a short holiday (Rage) after completing their matric exams to celebrate their scholastic freedom. Some learners engage in sex during their Rage break. This story plays off during a matric Rage, almost two years earlier.

Although this chapter builds on previous chapters, it was written to be read as a stand-alone story. Interested readers may find it useful to read earlier chapters of this series, especially Chapter 2, for background to historic references.

All characters in actual or implied sexual situations are 18 or above.

The events and characters portrayed in this story are entirely fictitious.


Earlier in the series:

Dirk and Steve were on their way to Dirk’s home on a farm near Tzaneen which is about 1,800 kilometers from Stellenbosch where they study at the university. They took to the road in Dirk’s red City Golf, which had its radio broken. They decided to tell each other about past sex experiences to pass the almost twenty hours they expected to be on the road, travelling over two days.

During the first part of the first day, Steve told Dirk about the sex he had with Juliet, a lactating young mother (Chapter 1). During the second shift, Dirk told Steve how he took the virginity of his best friend’s twin sister (Chapter 2). During the third and final shift of the first day, Steve told Dirk about the recent sex he had with his sister’s friend, based on the theme of Final Fantasy (Chapter 3).

They overnighted at Steve’s home in Bloemfontein, and during the night Steve’s mother (Laura) noted suspicious movements between bedrooms, which awakened desires of her own. The movement includes a visit of the same friend, Sandra, of Steve’s sister, Sis, to Steve’s bedroom where they continued their sex on the theme of Final Fantasy (Chapter 4). It was early morning and the two young men were preparing to set off on day two of their journey.


Dirk went to the guestroom after breakfast, to pack his last stuff in his overnight bag and was surprised by Sis and Sandra. Sandra was first to stand closer. She slipped her hand into his shorts and gave him an intimate kiss. Dirk responded by sliding a hand into her shorts and onto her firm bum while his other hand found her blouse’s opening. He had no problem playing with her hard nipple as, she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Sandra broke their kiss. “I’ll join you and Sis again to play another round of ‘Final Fantasy: Live Action’ when you return.” She gave his stiff member a final squeeze and broke free. “I better go and give Steve an intimate greeting.”

As Sandra walked out of the room, Sis stepped closer and guided Dirk’s hand onto her pussy. “I’ll be in my safe period when you come back.” She slipped her own hand into Dirk’s shorts, satisfied to find his rock-hard erection. She leaned in to kiss Dirk.

The implication of Sis’s message left no doubt with Dirk, that he would be in for a bareback experience with Sis when they return in a week’s time. He leaned forward to meet Sis’s lips and his member jerked excitedly when they did meet. He worked her clitoris for a while, before slipping his middle finger into her wet, hot vagina.

Soon, Sis broke their kiss and pulled her blouse up to expose a breast; she, too, wasn’t wearing a bra. Dirk didn’t hesitate to take her up on the invitation and covered her areola with his lips, swirling his tongue over her pert nipple. He was encouraged by Sis’s heavy breathing.

Sis slipped her hand back into her own shorts, removing his wet finger from her vagina and positioned the tip onto her clit. Her neck arched back in anticipation of the approaching orgasm.

Dirk allowed Sis to guide his finger on her clit, trying to make notes for future use. He focused his attention on her breast, licking, sucking and nibbling her hard nipple. It soon got too much for Sis, who tried to suppress her moans of ecstasy by covering her mouth with her free arm.

Sis’s moans were too much for Dirk, and his pelvic floor contracted and pushed out a liberal amount of pre-cum which wetted Sis’s hand and part of his boxers.

The crack of Steve’s bedroom door brought the two back to reality and Sis broke free. “This is your real ‘goodbye’, don’t expect anything intimate when you depart. And Hd Porno keep our adventures a secret for Steve, I don’t think that he will appreciate it if he knew that we had sex. He still believes that I am a virgin.”


It was just before a quarter to six when Dirk’s red City Golf was packed and the men were ready to depart. Sis was the first to emerge from the house to greet the departing men. She passed Steve on her way to Dirk and gave him an affectionate hug and a platonic peck on the cheek before she whispered. “I’ll stoke Pele’s fire to be raging when you return.”

Dirk realized that she again hinted at unprotected sex and that she wanted him to offload inside her pussy. He wrapped his arms around her and was surprised to feel a bra under her blouse, probably to fool Steve about the ‘freedom’ she allowed him. “I’ll make sure there is a tanker-load of white foam to quench Pele’s fire.” (see Chapter 3 for more on Pele’s fire.)

Sis broke free from his hug to greet Steve while Sandra stood closer to say her goodbye to Dirk. She, too, gave him the same platonic treatment, except that Sandra was still without a bra, probably for the benefit of a more intimate hug with Steve.

Sandra also left Dirk with a parting message. “It may sound cruel, but I hope Steve ends up again with back pain on your return.”

Dirk faked jealousy when Steve received a much more intimate farewell hug from Sandra, and it seemed as if he gloated in the situation. Just then, he heard Laura’s footsteps and he turned to face her.

Laura was wearing a sleeveless, popover, red tunic and a silky shawl with paisley design in a matching red, which covered her shoulders and upper arms. The front of the skirt was cut high enough above the knee to show off her well-toned legs, but low enough to be discreet. Laura left the buttons open to show off her ample cleavage and a lacy, loose-fitting bra. Thinking back on her nighttime fantasy of Dirk visiting her and Dirk’s inspection of her rear-end while she collected breakfast ingredients in the refrigerator, she gave Dirk an affectionate hug and pressed her left breast, still with the angel wings fitted, against his chest, sliding it over his chest on first contact.

Dirk couldn’t ignore the initial rubbing of the angel wings on his chest, and their impression on his own nipple when Laura finally leaned in for the hug. The vision of Laura’s almost-naked buttocks and the eyeful of pussy, albeit partly obscured by her wet, lacy thong that early morning, had its effect on his member, which stiffened in response to the new stimulation.

The view that he got of her breasts, including the confirmation that she had nipple piercings, amplified the rate at which his erection grew. He lifted his left hand to wrap it around Laura’s waist to complete the hug, when an idea flashed through his mind. He adjusted his hand’s trajectory to ‘accidentally’ slide over Laura’s right breast and nipple, which was hidden from Steve’s view.

Laura’s hand caught Dirk’s, just as his fingers touched her nipple, and held it in place. “What…” Laura whispered, in a serious voice and gave a dramatic pause. “Do you think you are doing… young man?” Laura’s heart was beating quickly with excitement; at last, she could live out her fantasy of Dirk playing with her nipple and piercing, albeit only a small part thereof.

Dirk was caught off-guard by Laura’s action and his heart was beating fast. He tried to pull his hand away, but he didn’t have the strength. It was as if his blood was drained from his body while Laura held his hand firmly in position. The small movements that he could muster only caused his fingertips to rub Laura’s nipple, which was getting hard from the stimulation.

Laura could barely suppress a moan, giving her whispered voice a stern sound. “Feeling your friend’s mother up, and touching her inappropriately.”

Dirk was surprised at the firm grip of Laura’s hand. “No… ma’am. I… I…” He was now unsure on how to address Laura, due to the mixed messages he received. Laura was reprimanding him verbally, yet, she kept his hand on her breast where his fingertips continued to stimulate her nipple.

“I saw how you checked me out at every opportunity you had and I’m sure you saw more than you admitted when I was at the refrigerator.”

Dirk was still unable to move from the shock due to the turn of events. He felt Laura’s lips on his and her tongue trying to pry his lips apart. He slowly parted his lips to allow Laura’s tongue entry. He elicited a soft moan.

Again, he tried to pull his hand free and managed to pull his hand onto Laura’s cleavage. When he relaxed, Laura pulled his hand back onto her breast; this time, his hand slipped under her bra and onto her breast.

Laura’s lips broke away from his. In a serious voice, she whispered to him, “Is this what you wanted… pervert.” She leaned in again to give him another deep kiss.

“MOM!” Sis’s shocked Türkçe Altyazılı Porno voice ripped through both Dirk and Laura.

Laura continued to peck a kiss on Dirk’s cheek and released Dirk’s hand. “I’ll deal with you when you return.” She pulled her bra cup to reposition it over her breast, giving Dirk a short, but deliberate, glimpse at her studded nipple and dark areola. Then she released Dirk from the hug and rearranged the tunic. She pulled the shawl over her breasts and knotted it to obscure her cleavage while walking over to Steve to greet him as well.

Dirk strolled towards the passenger’s seat and adjusted his erection in his pants as soon as the car could block his action from the women and Steve.

Laura gave Steve a big hug and goodbye kiss. When done, Steve moved in behind the steering wheel, taking his time to make sure that his back support was in the correct position.

Dirk got into the passenger seat and moved the seat as far back as he could. Steve waited for it, but Dirk strangely didn’t complain about large guys and small cars. Dirk was however the first to speak, trying to erase Steve’s memory of the image of the intimate hug he received from Laura. “How is your back, are you sure you are good to drive?”

Steve started the engine and rolled his side window down to wave a final goodbye to the three women, before he shifted the gear lever into first gear and pulled away.

The car wasn’t even in the street when Sis looked at Laura. “Mom, he is your son’s friend!”

There was much more to discuss than her intimate kiss of Dirk. Laura needed to make sure Sis doesn’t get pregnant from her visit to Dirk during the night. “Let’s get coffee and discuss this inside.”

Dirk’s mind was still on Laura, trying to figure out the extent of the trouble he was in. He realized that it only could get worse if Laura finds out that he had sex with Sis and with Sandra.

Steve looked at Dirk. “Seems as if you are actually more into Mom than Sis or Sandra?”

Dirk was relieved that Steve’s first thought was that he had sex with Laura. He bit his lip before answering. “You must admit that her boobs are serious ‘weapons of mass distraction’, and a man may dream, especially after your hot MILF story of yesterday morning.” (see Chapter 1) He gave a dramatic pause. “Why didn’t you tell me that she has nipple piercings?”

Steve seemed to be unsettled. “Whaaat!? You sure about that?”

Dirk smiled when he realized that Steve wasn’t aware of the piercings. “Couldn’t miss their impressions through her sleepwear, something with wings, probably angel wings or maybe butterflies.” He thought it wise not to disclose that he actually saw and touched them when Laura intimately saw him off for the road.

Steve was shocked. “Did you sleep with her?”

Dirk decided to keep the information to a minimum. “No, I saw it this morning before breakfast, before she had her gown on!” Dirk considered it wise to keep it to himself that Laura’s camisole top was virtually see-through.

Steve was a bit relieved, but still probed to find out if Dirk got lucky during the night. “Did you sleep with Sandra, or perhaps Sis, last night?”

Dirk hesitated before answering. “No.” He hoped that Steve didn’t pick up his hesitation, but felt that he truthfully avoided the actual truth of ‘definitely sleeping with Sis, AND with Sandra. Steve was silent, as if thinking. To distract Steve’s thoughts, he added, “I was really wasted last night, I must have been fast asleep by the time you told Sis where to find her ‘Lost Valley’. He smirked and hoped that Steve didn’t see it. He didn’t lie, because he did fall asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, but he also woke up somewhat later when first Sis got into his bed and Sandra joined them after that.

Steve gave a sigh of relief. “I don’t know which would have been worse, you sleeping with Mom, or with Sis!” He was surprised that he would have been fine if Dirk had his way with Sandra. He smiled. “I guess you figured that Mithrada’s real name is Sandra; so much for using fake names.” He thought it wise to get Dirk started on the next story. “What was the story that you promised to tell on the first shift today?”

Dirk smiled, glad that he could detract Steve from hearing the actual truth. “The sex I had when I played the role of a lifeguard during my Matric Rage.”

Steve turned onto the N1 north, glad that the traffic volume was low, so the heavy driving was over and he could concentrate on the story. “Yes, that’s it. And something you saw in that porn video you watched before you creampied Lina! So, tell me everything.”

Dirk searched their snacks and offered Steve a choice between fruit juice and flavored sparkling spring water. Steve chose the fruit juice and Dirk opened it for him before taking a sip from the refreshing spring water. He shifted in his seat before he started. “I wouldn’t have had a Matric Brazzers Rage, if my Cape Town friends at the time, didn’t convince me to join their Rage party when I left for Tzaneen at the end of Grade Eleven. Don and Lina were my only friends at school in Tzaneen and they went on a family holiday, which meant that I would have been left home alone.”

Steve wanted to fill in some gaps. “You could have gone with the twins’ family, then Lina wouldn’t have cheated on you. And what about Beth? Did she go on a Rage, I guess she, too, didn’t join the twins on their holiday, and otherwise Don wouldn’t have cheated on her.”

Dirk needed to think before he answered. “We did discuss the option of joining the twins’ holiday, but it wasn’t a viable option. They had a caravan and booked a stand at a place with limited amenities long before Lina and I started to get intimate. They enquired at the caravan park’s management, but the park was already stretching the limits of the facilities and would have operated beyond their registered limits during their holiday. They could not allow additional guests, except for occasional day visitors. There wasn’t space in their car, and even if there was, I would have had to pay in for camp fees, meals, and other stuff; costing me additional money, which I already paid to book my place along with the Cape Town guys.

“The same camping and car space limit would have applied to Beth, and she, too, paid her monies for her Rage, but it was arranged as part of Jock’s group. Jock’s new girlfriend had her Rage organised in a girls-only group, so they agreed to swap out. Beth claimed that ‘nothing happened’ on her Rage event, but the two other girls of her group claimed that the three of them played a strip game which ended in sex.

“But back to the story. One of the Cape Town guys secured a holiday unit in Jeffrey’s Bay through a family connection. Although Jeffrey’s is about seven hundred kilometers from Cape Town, the three Cape Town guys decided to travel by car. But with Jeffrey’s Bay about double this distance from Tzaneen, and the fact that I had to drive the distance all on my own if I was travelling by car, I decided to fly down to Port Elizabeth. We arranged for the Cape Town group to arrive first and pick me up at the PE airport, which is only about eighty kilometers away from Jeffrey’s. It still was one hell-of-a trip with the five-hour solo drive to Joburg (Johannesburg) airport for my flight to PE before you even consider all the other parts of the trip.”

Steve needed clarification. “Like the delay at the airport and the flight time to PE?”

Dirk nodded his head. “Yes, a two hour delay and another two hours in the air. And almost two hours to get to Jeffrey’s. I spent more than ten hours travelling!

“I also had to fly back and they had to drop me off at the PE airport which meant that I needed to also leave before them. This meant that, although the accommodation was for five nights, I was there for only three, two full days and two half days.

“By the time I arrived, the three guys had already partnered up with some girls and weren’t excited to pick me up at the airport. The guy, who organized the minibus and ‘designated driver’, was almost an hour late, probably because he was too occupied with the partner he hooked up with during Rage. After he picked me up, he simply dropped me off at the accommodation and left in search of the other two guys and their partners, leaving me with little information about the town and facilities.

“All the bedroom beds were already claimed, so I settled in on the living room couch which could be converted into a bed. I sorted my baggage and soon got into my beach gear and headed for the beach.

“With my lifeguard background, I assessed the beach for danger zones like reverse currents, eddies, and riptides. Watching the surfers helped a lot, and I got a good picture of the flow of water into and out of the bay.

“I hired a surfboard for two hours and had nice rides on the waves. I could understand why Jeffrey’s is renowned for its waves. The sun was already nearing the western horizon by the time I returned the surfboard, but I continued to hang around on the beach and in the waves. Some girls tried to chat me up, but I still felt a strong sense of loyalty towards Lina, and didn’t feel like cheating, even though we weren’t officially dating.

“It was difficult to resist some girls, especially those with big boobs and those with small bikinis. However, there was a girl or two who would bump into me with the wave action, pressing boobs against me in the process. Desperate to reduce the temptation, I swam into deeper water and they thankfully thinned out, making it easier to avoid those flirtatious bums. The fact that the sun was setting probably also helped. But I think the seed was planted that I would be interested in some action.

“Shortly thereafter, the Cape Town guys called me to the shallow water to introduce their Rage partners, two blondes and a brunette to me. All three were in semi-conservative bikinis and some cover-ups.

I think they wanted to brag about their Rage partners to me, and used the excuse to tell me that they would come in very late and that I should make my own plan for supper.”

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Oca 18

The Strap-On

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*Author’s Note: This is erotic fantasy. It involves sexual situations between consenting adults, all of whom are over 18 years of age. Since it is fantasy and it’s my fantasy, I presume a world free of STDs. I hope you enjoy the story; if not, such is life. Comments are always appreciated.

The Strap-On

Amy and I had been married for just over a year, and a great year it had been. We just seemed like two halves of the same coin. We had similar interests, similar attitudes, it just seemed like we were meant to be together. Early on we had agreed that we would always treat each other the way we would like to be treated in a reverse situation. That made for an incredible degree of respect and understanding.

Amy and I met our last year of university. She was a gorgeous, willowy, 5’8″ blonde with hair down past her waist. She had bright blue eyes and a warm and generous smile. She had the most perfect C-cup breasts I had ever seen with nipples that knurled into knobs at the least provocation. I learned very early on that Amy loved having her nipples sucked and nibbled and was always hungry to oblige. She had an incredible bubble ass that I just loved, especially in tight jeans, or naked. Didn’t matter. She kept her pussy shaved as bare as the day she was born. She had what I thought of as a long pussy with her inner lips furling out from between her outer ones and a nice prominent clit that was so sensitive, she began to orgasm as soon as I would begin to suck on it, which I did at every possible opportunity. Tasty pussy would be a gross understatement.

My name is Jim and I’m 6’2″ with brown hair which I keep in a ponytail that hangs down between my shoulder blades. I have hazel eyes and stay in reasonable shape, though without working at it. I’m just an active guy and that seems to be all it takes. I’ve never considered myself anything of a stud, though I’ve had more than my share of girlfriends over the years. My 7″ cock never occasioned any complaints, so I assume it’s adequate. Amy has never shown anything but delight whenever I wanted to stick it into her mouth or pussy, and she seemed to just love a mouthful of cum whenever possible. What could make a guy happier?

One of the things we agreed upon early in our relationship was that if I wanted to do something sexually to her, I had to be willing to let her do the same to me. So when I wanted to eat her pussy, well, she wanted to suck my cock. If I wanted to fuck her, she wanted to fuck me. Terrible arrangement, right?

Now, I’ve had anal sex any number of times with various women and always enjoyed it. Amy’s ass drove me crazy, but I had never fucked her in the ass, mostly due to the fact that I wasn’t so sure I wanted her paying me in kind. As it was, our sex life was just great, just about anywhere, anytime was our motto. We had had sex in some really crazy places, even publicly.

But now it had gotten to the point where I just couldn’t stop thinking about fucking her in the ass. She had the greatest ass I had ever seen and I was distracted beyond reason thinking about fucking it. I knew she wouldn’t object, sex was her main passion, though we had never specifically talked about it. Until now.

“Really, you want to fuck me in the ass?” she asked, smiling the way she did. “You should have said something. You can put your cock anywhere you like in me, whenever you like. And I love the idea of fucking you in the ass, though I’ve never done it before.”

“Well, that’s the thing,” I said. “What did you have in mind in that regard?”

“Well, I suppose a strap-on would be the way,” she said, rather matter of factly. “I’ve never used one before, but I’m sure it’s not that difficult. I’m sure we can find a suitable one at the sex shop in town. Would you like that, me fucking you in the ass with a strap-on dildo?” she asked.

“Well, I’m not so sure I’d like it, but I’m willing to do it if that’s what it takes to be allowed to fuck you in the ass. I’m just dying to know how it feels. You’ve got the world’s most perfect ass,” I told her.

“I just love it when you pay me such sweet compliments,” she said, fishing my cock out of my pants. “It always makes me horny and hungry at the same time,” she said, going down on me.

I could only lean back against the wall while she knelt in front of me, sucking my cock like there was no tomorrow. The sight of it disappearing into her mouth and down her throat always drove me nuts, so I’d have to not look if I didn’t want to blow my load too soon. But this time, well, I was so worked up that I started pumping cum into her sucking mouth within a few minutes. Typically, she just sucked and gulped, not stopping until every last droplet of cum had been extracted before sitting back and licking her lips.

“Got, I love it when you cum like that,” she said, looking up at me with her cummy smile. “Ready to pay me back now?” she asked, getting to her feet and wrapping her arms around my neck as she kissed me, her mouth and tongue still Hd Porno coated with my cum, something I had gotten used to with her.

She loved to kiss me right after I’d cum in her mouth, always keeping enough in her mouth so that I’d share the experience with her. The same thing went for me cumming in her pussy; she always insisted that we do a 69 immediately afterwards, her sucking my cummy cock clean while I did the same to her cum-filled, swampy pussy. I’d gotten over it a long time ago. Anything to be able to eat her pussy. I think I enjoyed eating her pussy even more than I did fucking her.

“So, shall we go shopping?” she asked after I’d enjoyed sucking her juicy pussy to several orgasms, a big smile on her face.

I was a bit nervous when we walked into the sex shop. There was an entire wall full of various dildos and all sorts of sex toys and clothes on shelves.

“Hello,” said the salesgirl, a cute, redheaded pixie who was only about 5’2″ tall. Her green eyes almost glowed, they were so bright. She had small, though pert breasts, and wore the shortest mini-skirt I had ever seen. I was fairly certain that anyone looking at her from her height would probably be able to see if she was wearing panties, but being a foot taller, I had to settle for wondering. “If there’s anything I can help you with, please ask, otherwise, enjoy looking around.”

“We’re looking for a nice strap-on,” Amy said, embarrassing me. I felt my cheeks flushing as the salesgirl beamed at us.

“Strap-ons are my favorite,” she announced. “Our selection is over here,” she said, turning and leading the way, her boyish ass swaying back and forth under her mini-skirt. “Is there any particular kind you’re interested in?” she asked when we got to an area where there were a dozen or so strap-ons hanging from hooks on the wall.

“Well, I’ve never used one before,” Amy replied, “so I’m not really sure. I didn’t realize that there were different kinds.”

“Oh, yes, most definitely,” she replied. “The normal ones are one-way; that means a strap-on harness with the dildo protruding, just like a man. My favorite kind is a double,” she explained, pulling one off the wall. “It has a double-headed dildo built into it so that one end sticks out like a man, the other end you get to stick up your own pussy.”

“Oh, I think a double one would be nice,” Amy said, eyeing it. “Are they difficult to use?”

“Not difficult, but there’s a knack to it,” the girl explained.

“Are there different sizes?” Amy asked.

“Yes, all different sizes, from the strap-on itself to the size of the dildo,” the girl explained. “Do you have any idea what size dildo you’d like?”

“Does it really matter?” Amy asked.

“Well, sometimes,” the girl explained. “It depends upon what you’re going to use it for and who you’re going to use it on. If I’m going to use it to fuck one of my girlfriends, I like a bigger dildo so that both of our pussies get a nice workout. If I’m going to be fucking someone in the ass, then it depends upon how much cock they like up the ass. Most women like the large ones in their pussy, but something a bit smaller in their ass, though there are always exceptions. Do you know how you’re going to use it?”

“Well, I’m going to fuck my dear sweet husband in the ass with it,” Amy said, laughing out loud.

“Mmm, nice,” the girl said, smiling as she really looked me over. “Do you have a size preference?” she asked me. “What size cock do you usually like?”

“Uh, I’ve never done anything like this before, so I really don’t know,” I replied, feeling my cheeks flush.

“Well, my experience is that most guys just love it once they try and it’s usually best to find one that’s about the same size as your own cock,” she said.

“I like that idea best,” Amy said. “I want him to experience what I experience when he fucks me in the ass, so a dildo the same size as his cock would be the best.”

“How big is your cock, if I may be so bold?” the girl asked, a smile on her pixie face.

“He’s got 7 lovely inches,” Amy informed her, my cheeks turning another shade of red.

“Nice!” the girl replied. “Lucky you. And how thick is he?”

“Well, that I don’t know,” Amy answered. “We never measured that.”

“Well, these are the 7″ models,” the girl indicated a few on the wall, “but as you can see, there are several different thicknesses.”

“I think it’s probably more like this one, but it might be this one,” Amy said, taking each one into her hand and experimenting.

“Why don’t you step into the dressing room and compare,” the girl suggested. “That way you can be sure.”

“Oh, is it allowed to try them on?” Amy asked in surprise.

“Well, normally not with the doubles,” the girl informed her, “but it’s a slow evening and I won’t tell if you won’t. Just give me a call if you need any help,” she said, leaving us with the two strap-ons.

“God, this is so wild,” Amy laughed as we stood in the so-called dressing room, which was really Türkçe Altyazılı Porno a 3-sided room with no door and with just enough room for the two of them. “Go on, take out your cock for me,” she instructed.

“Are you nuts?” I asked, truly surprised. “Here?”

“Of course,” she said. “I’ll get you nice and hard and we can see which one is closest to your size, then I’ll try it on. Go on, let’s see that tasty cock of yours.”

“I cannot believe this,” I muttered as I unzipped and extracted my cock, which I had to admit was already growing.

“I think you’re enjoying this,” Amy said with a laugh as she grasped me in her hand and did her magic massage/milking thing, almost immediately getting me to full size. “I think it’s this one,” she said after comparing them side by side to my rock-hard cock.

“How’s it going?” the salesgirl suddenly asked, appearing at the entrance to the changing room while Amy held my cock in one hand and the strap-on in the other, comparing. “Oh, nice cock,” the girl said. “Lucky you,” she said to Amy with a smile. “I think you’ve got the right one,” she agreed. “Why don’t you try it on, make sure it fits correctly.”

“Which way does it go?” Amy asked after quickly dropping her skirt to the floor. Typically, she wore no panties.

“May I?” the girl asked, holding her hand out for the strap-on.

“Uh, sure,” Amy replied, handing it to her.

“This is the front side,” she explained, turning it around. “You see the way this part is curved? That’s so that it will fit nicely against your body when you put it on. You step into it like you would panties or shorts,” she explained, holding it close to the floor so that Amy could step into it. “Then you pull it up, sliding the other end into yourself.”

I almost fell down when the girl quickly took the head of the dildo into her mouth for a moment, then saw that she was just getting it nice and wet.

“It helps to get it nice and lubed,” she said in explanation. “Then you just gently slide it in,” she added, literally rubbing the head between Amy’s pussy lips and then pressing it into her until the supporting leather was flush against her belly. “How does that feel?” the girl asked.

“Nice, though not as nice as the real thing,” Amy replied as she stood there with a cock sticking out in front of her, the other end buried deep in her own pussy.

“When you fuck with it, it will pull in and out a bit, rubbing against your clit, so it’ll feel really nice,” the girl explained.

“I look funny with a black cock, don’t I?” Amy asked, smiling at me.

“You look great,” the girl replied, not realizing that the question wasn’t for her.

“And then what?” Amy asked.

“Then you find the right angle and put it where you want and start fucking,” the girl explained.

“That seems easy enough,” Amy said.

“Well, like I said, there’s a knack to it, but it’s not that hard to pick up,” the girl explained.

“I don’t suppose you could show me?” Amy asked wistfully.

“Oh, not here, no,” the girl replied. “But if you like, I could help you after I get off work,” she offered.

“You wouldn’t mind?” Amy asked.

“Gosh, no,” the girl said, laughing. “I’m sure I’d love it.”

“What do you think?” Amy asked me.

“About what?” I asked obtusely.

“About, about…” she started.

“Jean,” the girl replied. “I’m Jean.”

“About Jean coming over when she gets off of work to help me learn how to use this properly. I’d hate to do it wrong and hurt you with it.”

“I’m sure I’d hate it even more,” I replied, my head spinning now that the reality was sticking out at me.

“Well, then, if you wouldn’t mind, Jean, I’d love it if you’d come by after you finish working,” Amy said.

“I’d have to bring my boyfriend with me,” Jean said. “He always comes by to collect me when I finish work. It’s a rough neighborhood. Would that be okay? He gets off on this sort of thing anyway.”

“Oh, your boyfriend,” Amy said, a bit nonplussed. “I don’t know. What do you think, Jim?” she asked.

“I think this is all so surreal that it really doesn’t matter,” I replied.

“I’m sure Oji would just love seeing a gorgeous blonde like you fucking me,” Jean said with a laugh. “It would probably be a dream come true for him.”

That got my attention. I hadn’t considered that.

“I’m sure it will be okay,” I said blandly, my excitement starting to grow.

“Well, I guess that it’s okay then,” Amy agreed.

“I get off at 10:00, so a couple of hours from now,” Jean said. “Uh, would you like to wear it or have me wrap it?” she asked.

“Oh my!” Amy said, laughing. “I think you should probably wrap it up for me.”

“You just unsnap the belt here,” Jean explained, releasing it, and then step out of it, like this,” she said, slowly and gently pulling the dildo from Amy’s pussy. “Nice,” she said, holding it up so that we could see that it was glistening. “You’ll enjoy this toy,” she said, Brazzers running her tongue around the head of the dildo that had just exited Amy’s pussy. “Mmm, very nice,” she said, turning and heading to the checkout area.

“Jeezus!” I exclaimed. “That was fucking hot!”

“Yes, wasn’t it,” Amy said softly as she pulled her skirt on.

“Why don’t you write down your address and phone number for me,” Jean suggested after they had paid. “That’s just a few minutes from here, so we should be there by 10:30,” she said after seeing the address.

“See you then,” Amy said.

“You sure about all of this?” I asked as we were walking in the door after stopping for a beer at the local tavern.

“Well, if you’re going to fuck me in the ass, I get to do the same to you,” Amy replied, laughing. “You should be looking forward to having me fuck your ass because of what it will mean. You do want to fuck me in the ass, don’t you?” she asked, bending forward and flipping her skirt up so that her ass and pussy were staring at me.

“You’re damned right I do,” I growled, reaching for her.

“Now, now, you have to wait,” she laughed as she skipped out of the way. “Besides, they’ll be here any minute.”

“This will be interesting,” I said.

“Yes, I think it probably will be,” Amy agreed, coming close. “Does it excite you?” she asked, cupping my cock and balls in one hand. “Hmm, I’ll bet you’re more excited about seeing me fuck little Jean, aren’t you? Oh! I can feel the answer to that,” she said, laughing.

“Yes, that I do want to see,” I admitted, pulling her close and kissing her.

“Uh-oh, there’s the door,” Amy said as we heard the bell chime.

“Hi, Jean,” Amy said when she opened the door.

“Starting without me?” Jean asked, seeing the strap-on in Amy’s hand.

“Never!” Amy said with a laugh.

“This is Oji,” Jean said, introducing the jet-black man with her.

“Hi, Oji,” Amy said, offering a hand, trying not to stare.

“Hi, Amy,” Oji said, a blinding white smile splitting his ebony face. “So, you are going to be Jean’s student tonight?”

“Yes, I guess that’s what I am,” Amy laughed. “Please, come in. This is my husband, Jim.”

“Hi, Oji,” I said. “Interesting name. Where is it from?”

“I am from Ghana,” Oji replied. “I am doing my university here.”

“And do you enjoy it here?” Amy asked.

“Oh, yes, here it is very beautiful,” Oji replied. “Everything is very organized. Very different from Ghana.”

“And what about the beautiful women here?” Jean asked.

“Yes, very beautiful, very sexy,” Oji agreed with a laugh. “Also very different from Ghana.”

“Anyone care for something to drink?” I asked.

It was beers all around as we chatted for a bit.

“So, you want to learn to use your new toy?” Jean asked.

“Well, yes,” Amy replied, suddenly thrust back into the reality of now.

“I’m looking forward to this,” Jean said. “I’ve never been fucked by a virgin before.”

“And I haven’t been a virgin for quite a while now,” Amy replied, laughing.

“You want to do it here?” Jean asked, looking around the living room with its sofa and several comfortable chairs. “This would work. Or we could do it in the bedroom; doesn’t really matter. What makes you most comfortable? More light is probably best.”

“Um, here is okay, I guess,” Amy replied. “What should I…we…”

“Well, I think I should sit on the sofa,” Jean said. “That way you can kneel down. The chairs would be a bit too high for you.”

“Okay. What should I do?” Amy asked.

“Well, I think we should start by losing these clothes, don’t you?” Jean said, dropping her mini-skirt to the floor and pulling her shirt off over her head.

“Nice,” Oji said, a grin on his face as he looked at her. “So nice. You think so?” he asked me.

“Yes, very nice,” I replied, taking in her perfect B-cup breasts, tipped with rose-colored nipples. Freckles spattered her from head to toe and the bald cleft between her legs showed just the hint of her clit peeking out from between the petals of her pussy lips.

After hesitating, Amy dropped her skirt to the ground and took off her blouse.

“Very nice!” Oji said, beaming. “You are a very lucky man, I think.”

“Very lucky,” I agreed, admiring the stark contrast between the tall blonde next to the pixie-like redhead.

“Now let’s get you into this thing, or is it this thing into you?” Jean laughed, picking up the strap-on.

Amy stepped into it and Jean raised it up, stopping at thigh level.

“This time, let’s do it right,” she said, grabbing Amy’s end of the dildo and sucking on it, going down on it, slobbering on it to make it nice and wet. “Mmm, I can still taste you on it,” Jean said when she finished. “I imagine you’re nice and wet?” she asked, sticking her hand between Amy’s slightly spread legs, her fingers disappearing into Amy’s pussy.

“Oh!” Amy exclaimed when she felt Jean’s fingers sliding in and out of her pussy.

“Nice and wet,” Jean pronounced, withdrawing her fingers and replacing them with the dildo, which slid easily into Amy’s pussy.

“Very nice, very sexy,” Oji said as Jean snapped the strap-on closed.

“How does that feel?” Jean asked.

“It feels great, of course,” Amy said. “My pussy is full of cock.”

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Not Quite a White Knight Bk. 03 Pt. 04

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Erotic Couplings

Not Quite a White Knight Bk. 03 Pt. 04


This follows part 3 of Book 3 of the tale, which was a very busy first day with both grandfathers. Here we start with unwinding the Chief’s tale further, and the day ends sharing a very willing woman.

This is nominated in Erotic Couplings. There are some occasions of more than two people in a room. However, in each case the others are watching or touching, but the primary participants are always focused one-on-one.

Chapter 23 addresses a mystery from the first day. Questions were answered overnight.

Chapter 25, 26 and 28 feature some encounters between friendly people. Some of the ladies show remarkable flexibility. Chapters 24 and 27 don’t have quite the closeness contact of those chapters, but people still make others happy.

Chapter 29 has Our Hero checking in on some women he knows, to find out on how they found comfort in the night while he was busy.

Recall, Our Hero was raised in this isolated culture. Some of the values depicted (chapter 28) such as the age differences, may offend some readers.

Chapter 23. The Five Brothers

Saturday Morning, July 11, 2008

From Ch. 22

I was briefed by the truth brothers who spent the night making sure Grisha was not bored or thirsty. The basic story came out pretty quick, there were a couple of unexpected twists. Cross-checking the details is so important to make sure the right folks wind up tortured and dead, so the brothers went over the story with Grisha a few times. They had thoughtfully recorded some of Grisha’s own words, so there would be no doubt about her crime, her accomplices and the motivations when I gathered the council together. There was no time like the present. I made some calls. As the sun first started to appear it looked to be an interesting morning.


Before sunrise the Garcia brothers gave me the facts they had gotten from Grisha’s long night of freedom from thirst, surfing the waterboard. The basic story did not take much time at all, Grisha was in no shape to resist. But the details dealing with the plot and the relative involvement of the others had to be checked and double checked, just to be sure. Grisha resisted, I don’t know why, but she was no Sheik Khalid. They talked to Martha, the Chief (briefly) plus Mer and Pur but none of them needed to see the prisoner. The brother’s very comprehensive logs confirmed the details of what took place. Marta also talked to Irene on the com units, she had made an exhaustive search of the Chief’s, and Grisha’s, quarters. The evidence was easy to find. Interestingly, the plan did not start in the tribe, outside forces were at work. That made it an external matter for the Tribe.

As I saw it, Grisha had no motivations to kill the Chief, unless she had an exit to use she would get me and Marta running things after the Chief died, so her life would get worse. Grisha might be a mean old girl, but she was not stupid so there was no doubt a broader interest was involved. Was it a coup? Or something else?

There was no doubt the three older members of the tribal council were involved in the plot, but Grisha eventually revealed the deeper truth. The trio of Council members only saw the outside instigators known as the “Five Brothers” once. Grisha made the introductions. She knew everything. There was no doubt the guilty council members would lie no matter what they were asked, so why ask them? Better that all heard it from Grisha. Since everything was recorded the Brothers put together a playlist.

Grisha was not long for this world, she begged for a swift death as she thought her future would include great pain once I was involved. But the truth brothers are very good at their job. After mentioning that I had burned two prisoners alive “in the last 60 days” she was given a reason to live, in that she was carefully given a reason to hope to outlive those she conspired with, the crones who encouraged her and made the plot possible, because they put their own comfort above their duty to the community they swore an oath to. Grisha was convinced she was only looking out for herself, who could object to that?

Some of the indians visiting the colony looked in on Grisha during the night, after the questions were all answered, so they could testify that Grisha, while uncomfortable and embarrassed, was not whipped or beaten or tortured. (For historical purposes, the Patron kept a set of fearsome tools and devices from the Inquisition, plus some fearsome colony-made punishment whips, stored where a prisoner could see them. But these were untouched.) Since the questions did not take long these visitors saw nothing unusual, except, perhaps, an excess of empty water buckets. Her hair was wet, like it was just washed. Excess water was a luxury on the mountain, so they considered her well off, and thought the brothers were just being considerate by keeping her cool on a hot night.

The Porno report was simple enough. I got the essential facts in a pre-dawn one hour briefing.

In a medium-sized Peruvian city, it seemed there was a small crime group called the Five Brothers (actually three brothers and two cousins raised in the same household) who saw themselves as a combination of a James Bond villain and future crime lords. They had an unique advantages of being five bright minds that trusted each other. Their big disadvantage was that they had no practical background in either military or criminal operations. Two of the five were excellent doctors who preferred not to deal with big-city problems, while their two cousins jointly inherited a pharmacy/medical supply operation, which was a great cover for all sorts of mischief.

All were well off on inherited wealth, but they wanted more so they could stop dealing with sick people who were always complaining. Their economic basis for getting “more” was a pair of brothels (one high-volume, the other very high-end) plus a medium-to-high end human trafficking operation, mostly girls purchased in bulk from the Asia.

Doctors mainly see people who are sick, not jolly. Pimps see people who are usually very happy customers. After years of higher education, the Five Brothers figured this out. Genius.

Asian girls were recruited from poor neighborhoods in poor countries (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Laos) they were tempted by grandiose promises. Because they have a little education but see Hollywood movies they think anything is possible. The best girls were kept for rental and the rest were resold.

All of the Five agreed they wanted more money faster than they could net from the girls in the current operation. But revenue elasticity was the constraint, more girls would drive the market price down, while fewer girls would mean fewer customers. Plus their supply network had a fixed capacity.

I will credit them with avoided buying or selling illegal drugs in any form – it is hard to find people you can trust in anything touching that business, there was always a competitor with lower ethical values, plus it is always a top priority for law enforcement. In Latin America, their brothels were de facto legal (with proper bribes) and human trafficking was effectively off the radar as long as they didn’t cause local trouble. Since they only dealt with Asian women, they were good with the locals.

The twist was that their legitimate operations required kidnapping insurance. The policies required them to surround themselves with well-equipped armed bodyguards. Hiring, equipping, and surrounding themselves with armed men was the start of the Five feeling they could be criminal masterminds if only they operated from an isolated super high-end full service brothel with a well trained attractive inventory for their trafficking. However, they were cheap with employees and were not good judges of character. This was reflected in the men they hired to carry live weapons.

Their bodyguards were former military who served in support roles (drivers, cooks, etc.) or police who had never fired a shot in anger and wanted to retire into a second, less dangerous, career where they were not “on the streets alone” facing lying, dangerous scumbag criminals with all kinds of weapons. The hiring standards favored those who shot well at the shooting range, did not sweat much in body armor, were good at pushing around drugged, terrified naked young women, and working for less pay but better benefits than others. Driving a truck for the army over 10 years meant you could take orders, but that was no help when bullets were flying and you had to risk your life acting like part of a fire team doing something your orders did not anticipate. Armies need to fight to stay in practice and to condition people. Giving hell to unarmed pheasants while blinking at dangerous criminals does not count.

The bodyguards looked nasty to some, but an experienced eye saw men who would drop their high-priced weapons and run the first time they saw, smelled, heard or felt a buddy cut down real horrorshow within an arms reach. They had signed up for the spiffy body armor, regular hours, free time with the inventory and dental coverage. Real gunplay where bad folks shot first from ambush was not in their nature.

The Five refused to pay the wages demanded by scruffy folks who had real combat experience.

Starting about a year ago the Five were especially vexed by increasing bribes from the local police and military. In addition, their richest customers were drug dealers who abused their best girls then “took a discount” when the bill was presented. The Five could not really force collection against folks who actually dealt in death. So they choked on their business model.

Refusing to blame their business model or their place at the asshole of the society of vipers, the Five spent a weekend watching spy movies and concluded Altyazılı Porno that their real problem was location. That they could fix. So they looked and found the weakest of my people.

Their favorite James Bond movie (possibly the worst of the batch) had Telly Savalas as the villain with an isolated base that was safe from police and military and criminal assault because of the high mountain location (no roads, rough terrain, high altitude, etc.). They figured that was what they needed. So they conducted their own aerial survey of suitable areas and by chance they really saw my Tribe’s mountain. These men were not stupid, they knew they could not afford to hire good people to build a mountain top fortress. But the Egyptians got by with slave labor. They also saw the Colony close nearby, hundreds of people but no pavement, so they assumed the community at the base of the wall was made up of uncivilized Amazon natives who could be conveniently enslaved for the construction work. Who could the natives call?

They did conduct a title search and found there was no claim on the land since Peru became a nation. (The Patron at the time hated paperwork, plus he had a grant from the King of Spain, so he did not care who claimed to be the head of Peru so he could steal and call it taxes. No Patron since had bothered to stake a claim. It was just as well.) The Five wanted to build on the eastern side of an Andes mountain, high enough so they needed to pressurize the facility, that way no troops could show up. With no military experience beyond watching WW2 movies made in Hollywood, they thought the east slope was difficult to approach or to fire upon. So on all counts, my mountain, and the nearby labor pool, seemed ideal for their purpose.

Checking Peruvian medical records, they discovered Grisha and the sick Chief were in the system. Computerized records were so easy to search.

Grisha was 30 but she had a hard life with no man, so when the Chief died she would have to beg for a family to take her in. Three of the older council members believed they would be out at the next election, if not sooner when I took over, and at 50 they saw the same bleak future for themselves once they lost power. For all of them, even if they could get somebody to take them in they would be the drudges in the household, doing manual work like hauling water in and human waste out. That sounded like poor retirement planning.

During a scheduled trip to the hospital Grisha was approached by one of the Five. She agreed to discuss some ideas, and at her next appointment she met all five. They had a plan. For their annual medical exams three council members joined Grisha for a meeting with the Five. That was when Grisha and the 3 crones accepted a promise from the Five. In exchange for their help “in the transition” they would have modern condos in a city, with servants and wealth. The Five plotted the Chief’s slow drug-induced death for a time which the women believed would be inconvenient for me – they were thinking mid-August, a month after my visit. They were sure I would be too busy for another long trip to South America.

The male doctors focused on the the Chief. Why not? They planned the meds to kill him in a manner that was slow but seemingly natural. Even if the body was taken to Lima for autopsy the drugs selected were more than likely to escape detection. Once the chief was dead they could move in.

Both sides lied to the other. Grisha knew the Five counted on enslaving the natives in the colony, so she did not mention that the colony was descended from conquistadors, was militarized with well trained motivated experienced soldiers and equipped with modern heavy weapons (artillery, serious SAM, radar, etc.). She also downplayed my standing (painting me as the Chief’s rich-city schoolboy grandson). No mention was made of the Patron’s drug operations, the Five believed he was on the wrong side of the Andes for such things and Grisha did not want to raise any red flags on her path to the nice house. Instead they claimed the colony, descended from Amazon natives, had once mined gold. (Both were true enough in part, there were records.)

They claimed I was living in the US, working for a living with a small trust fund which remained from the gold. Grisha had my card so they were able to call the law firm and confirm, I was not even a partner. I actually got a memo when the call came but I did not know of a firm of “Chavez and Gold” in Lima so I ignored it. Now they would get a personal visit from a black helicopter.

The Five planned to stroll in with their troops soon after the Chief was dead, and told Grisha that August 25 was a convenient date for the Chief to die. The drugs were timed for that. As for “honor among crooks” we eventually discovered documents that the Five had no intention of honoring their promises to the women, they agreed among themselves that a bullet was cheaper than a condo for the devious witches. Brazzers Anybody who understood money would agree, but Grisha had never had money, so too bad for her.

To their hired soldiers the Five had bragged about how they were going to “go like Pizarro on the ignorant Inca descendants.” The soldiers heard this as “loot gold and rape virgins.” They Five had a lousy garage band so they even invented a stupid headbanger dance the called “Do Them Like Pizarro.” All their troops had to learn it, because that would build morale.

Peruvian’s of at least partial Spanish descent (about 65%) proudly consider the Pizarro brothers as heros based on the success of great treachery, monumental deceit, and the Royal blessings garnered for their gold-pilfering innocence from the truth.

Peru’s natives (about 25%) who know history have another view, but their numbers are much fewer, and they don’t get as much of the right schooling, so they don’t count.

I could snatch up the Five in a day, going in with soldiers in the Huey, using some mortars and the Bell 47 as a gunship. But it would be noisy, would rouse the military to look closely, and would probably start a drug war between rival gangs in the area – so not all bad. A second option was an update of the Teddy Roosevelt thing, “speak softly and let fly one of the big Styx.” (These are the fucking big missiles on the Rigo Brava.) But I knew that with a little dumb bad luck that stunt could lead back to the colony (they had a Lima lawyer do done a title search) so I really didn’t want that.

It was much easier if, after I grab the Five, they don’t pay their lawyer. Unpaid lawyers get very upset, sometimes they forget their ethics, especially if the other side pays them to forget. Then I could hear the confessions of the Five at a leisurely pace, training my future interrogators. (“Don’t cut off the perfectly good doctor’s finger, snip it off one joint at a time. Keep them interested.”)

With the threat to the Chief neutralized in the near term, the colony military would organize a stealthy snatch buttressed with some well-placed rumors (maybe a Triad in Asia that was double-crossed?) and use messages from Grisha to draw them out. So that was the plan. Captain Thomas had it in hand. It would take a few weeks, for recon, and more in-depth intel. It was a good exercise.

The Patron summoned the Retainers and I gave the orders. On a hunch I ordered a check of ocean vessels, insurance, and former employees of the Five. The search hit paydirt quickly, before my visit was over. In a tavern in the port of Salaverry my guys found a security guard the Five had fired. He had all kinds of information and liked his rum. We relocated him to the colony where we had plenty to drink, and no nosy bartenders to listen. When the Germans were with us they had some drugs that insured honesty.

In a short time we learned (text message to the guy they fired) that the Five brothers and their so-called soldiers were scheduled to meet on August 17 – in 5 weeks – at their isolated retreat to plan their attack. The Five, their men, and selected women would party the first night, they could not help it. They would have a dance contest to pick the officers for their attack on the tribe. I set sunrise August 18 for our assault and told my people to plan accordingly. I suggested it would play better if it looked like an inside job, a double-cross within the group gone bad. (Don’t they all?) They would lead off with a barrage of flash-bangs, we wanted talkers not corpses. But if their bodyguards had a few extra holes… well, that was okay as long as they could still talk.

When the time to move came the Patron got a bonus, it turned out that the Five had a new fast freighter, with full legal papers allowing it to carry legitimate drugs by the ton. There was plenty of space for “undeclared cargo.” It was owned by the drug company which the Five would sign over.

The only way I could see to get away from the law office to join the attack was if I was on my Honeymoon with Abril. It would be a tight schedule but I called Zar and Abril to get the ball rolling. I did know I would have to be back by the end of August for the law firm social.

While the retainers were planning a military operation, I had to manage the local situation in the tribe. That was under way by about 8 in the next morning. All seven of the Tribe Council members were invited to the colony for lunch by both the Chief and the Patron. Marta flew up in the Huey chopper to make the invitation. The council were happy to hear the Chief was improving, and of course they were anxious to see for themselves. Why wait? There was room for all on the Huey. They were served Mimosas, with my compliments, just to make the flight easier.

Due to the rushed timetable the women were not in a great mood when they set-down, but as they landed they saw the Chief standing unaided, and looking better than he had been in some time. Four of the women council members were very pleased. The reaction of the other three (“what does this mean for us?”) was noticed. Other indians who were at the colony also gathered to witness events.

“My friends, you will want to hear this immediately,” the Chief said.

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