

Eki 07

Playing Through Ch. 02

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I found it best to stay in on Sunday mornings following a home game, to let the fanbase filter out of town. I ate and showered and settled on the couch to watch ESPN and surf the net. Yesterday had been another step down a road that was leading to somewhere unknown. As with the first couple times I accepted blowjobs from guys, and the first couple times I reciprocated, yesterday afternoon was one of conflict. I loved every minute of what I did while I did it, but as soon as the endorphins faded, I lapsed into regret deciding never to do that again. I loved sex with women and I was able to fulfill my needs, so I didn’t need gay sex. I logged back into Match.com and browsed for some more women to contact. There was one new profile that caught my attention so I sent her a ‘clever’ note to attract her attention. She had a beautiful smile, the camera clearly loved her. Her photos were tasteful, classy and displayed her wonderful breasts. I circled back to her best photo several times and felt that stir in my shorts.

I switched over to one of my usual porn sites and searched for videos of women giving head, removed my shorts and played with my cock. After several stimulating videos I clicked a thumbnail of what appeared to be a thin woman giving head, but discovered it was a young twink when the video started. I watched and enjoyed and recalled yesterday, the sight of my cock sliding in and out of Josh’s mouth. The video climaxed, the thin twink grinning with a mouthful of cum. I slammed my laptop shut.

I put a load of laundry in the washer. I watered the plants. I showered. I emptied the dishwasher. I stood in my living room trying to think of something constructive to do. And my phone buzzed. It was a text from Josh:


I put my phone on the counter and returned to the middle of my living room to stand uselessly without any idea of what to do with myself next. I couldn’t go to the golf course, it was packed with out-of-towners. The restaurants were full, too. I retrieved my phone: ‘Hi Josh, how are you today?’

‘I’m good. Just wanted to thank you for yesterday.’

I started a text and deleted, started another and deleted, then finally settled on: ‘That was a lot of fun.’

‘Can we get together again?’ Josh texted, ‘I thought I heard you tell that guy that you lived near campus.’

I thought for a moment, then gave in and texted him the name of my condo building.

His reply wasn’t immediately forthcoming, but eventually popped through. ‘Wow, if you look out your back window, mine is the blue house directly behind your building. You can probably see into my kitchen. My roommates and I get to campus by walking through our backyard straight through your parking garage.’ I turned my phone in my hand. I’d seen students cutting through the garage on a regular basis. I started toward my rear window, then stopped in case he was looking bursa sınırsız escort out his window.

Josh living right behind me added a dimension I wasn’t prepared for. It felt like I had trapped myself. It could work out. I could ease my way out of the situation and everything could be fine. Or I could be outed if this young man was reckless or ignorant of my concerns. I felt the tension of the long pause after his text. I wondered if the wait concerned him. I put him in that situation yesterday by sucking cock in a public place, he didn’t ask for the opportunity to watch. I unknowingly forced it upon him. I texted him back, ‘Why don’t you come up and we can talk. Unit 3A’

‘Be right there,’ he answered.

I didn’t have long to consider my position, to work out how to delicately extract myself, as his knock on the door came very quickly. I took a deep breath with no idea what I was going to say.

I opened the door to find an easy smile on his face, “Hi Mark!”

“Hi Josh, come on in,” I stepped aside and he passed through into my kitchen, “Can I get you a drink?”

“Water would be great.”

“Have a seat on the couch,” I said as I extracted two bottles of water from the fridge. I watched the thin, delicate featured young man enter the living room and set on the couch. His hair was still wet from a recent shower. I gave him one of the waters and sat down on the couch with enough distance between us and carefully chose my next words.

“Sorry about the locker room, “I said, “You were an innocent bystander, any regret you might feel is entirely my fault.”

He lifted his chin thoughtfully, “I’ve re-lived it dozens of times, and feel a little uncertain, but definitely no regret,” he said. I watched his mouth as he formed his words and saw no indication of discomfort. “I’ve always wanted to do that. Yesterday, I finally got my chance.”

“Your chance?” I questioned, “You’ve never had sex with a man before?”

And he shook his head, “Never had sex with anyone before,” he added.

“I had no idea,” I said, “But how can that be? You are in college, the internet makes things so easy, there are young men and women all over the place.”

“Always been too scared. Don’t want to be rejected. Definitely don’t want to be ‘outed’, I’m not ready for that.” As I watched his delicate lips this time I thought I noticed a slight trembling. I sighed and placed my arm along the back of the couch to turn to face him more directly, hoping my sighs might help to relax him. He was as scared as I was. I wanted to help him.

“So, are you attracted to guys and girls? I asked.

“Just guys. Since I first started to have sexual interests.”

I nodded. “Yesterday was my first time attracted to a man,” I said.

“Your golf buddy?”

“No, not really…. Loved his cock! but didn’t bursa escort bayan find him attractive. When you came out from behind the lockers, that was my first time feeling that twinge at the sight of a man.”

Josh listened to my words and his eyes darted about as he processed them. My attraction grew ever stronger. He was beautiful. Soft. And he was with me in this moment. “Would you like to try kissing?” I asked. He nodded and looked me in the eye. I leaned in and tilted my head slightly. He leaned in and tilted slightly as well and our lips hovered just barely out of touch. I gazed at the texture of his cheek, the flecks in his left iris, the contours of his nose. I felt the warmth of his face. I leaned in a little more until my lips connected so slightly with his. A rush of energy surged through my body. His lips were tender. I pressed a little more such that my lips began to deform around his and his around mine. His were moist. Mine were moist. His were warm and tasted like every fruit I had ever encountered all in one. Energy raged through my body and I placed my hand on his cheek. He began to nibble and I nibbled back. I rolled his lower lip between mine and he gasped and a wave of desire overwhelmed me. One of the most intense feelings I’d ever experienced was followed by another as he darted his tongue between my lips and I sucked on the tip. We opened our mouths, lips fully engaged, and our tongues danced together, neither of us leading, both of us leading. We both tried in vane to catch our breath until we couldn’t hold out. I ran my hand under his shirt across the small of his back. His skin was smooth and subtle. I could feel the tiny hairs standing up offering the minutest of resistance. Both his hands moved under my shirt to caress my smooth chest.

We broke our kiss and rested our foreheads together. “I thought I was going to cum,” he panted.

“Me too! Stand up for me,” I said. He did as I asked and stood before me. I lifted his shirt and admired his pale, thin tummy. I leaned in and placed my lips against his skin and simply absorbed the warmth. “Take your shirt off,” I said and he reached down, grabbed the base of his shirt and lifted it over his head. His chest was tantalizing; pale, hairless, smooth with only the slightest definition. His nipples were tiny and pink and I sucked one into my mouth and savored it. He gasped again and tilted his head back. I put my arms around to feel his lower back again, pulled him close and felt the bulge of his erection against my chest. I alternated between his nipples darting my tongue gently. His cock flinched against my chest as he looked down at me.

“You want me to drop my shorts, don’t you,” he said.

“Oh god yes!”

He took a half step back and placed his thumbs in the waistband and grinned at me.

“I placed my hands on his nilüfer escort and said, “But you’re going to turn around before you drop them.”

He looked at me quizzically, but then turned around slowly. His demure back was gorgeous. I ran my hands up to his shoulders and then drew my hands back down with just my fingers in contact. He placed his thumbs in his waistband again and slowly lowered his shorts to reveal his naked ass. Even paler than the rest of him, the two magnificent halves hovered there as though weightless. I squeezed one in each hand and let my thumbs drift down underneath them to encounter the softest, most tender flesh. I ran my thumbs back up and parted his cheeks to reveal his anus. He gasped and breathed in hard. I held his cheeks open and admired every ridge of his puckered anus that all met at his taught, pink hole. He arched his back and his ass opened up for me even more. I intended to tease him, but was overcome and dove my face into his crack. I ran my tongue along his crack until I found his anus and licked it, and licked it, and licked it. I was somewhere I had never been before; my face buried in the ass of a sweet young man. I devoured him; swirling, licking, flicking. Josh gasped for air and writhed at every thrust of my tongue. I continued, relentless, until I felt his anus contract and heard him cry out. I held my tongue in place, evenly across his hole. I felt spasm after spasm and realized that he was coming. He bucked and gasped and eventually began to relax. I held his cheeks open and gently kissed his anus and his cheeks everywhere I could. When it sounded like he had caught his breath I asked him, “Were you stroking your cock?”

“No!” he panted, “I just came from your tongue!”

I was amazed and felt empowered. I grabbed his hips and pulled him closer into a semi-squatting position to get him adjacent to my groin. I grabbed my cock and pressed it against his moist anus and rubbed it in circles. I watched the head of my cock contour against his ass and watched it push slightly into his taught anus. I felt that enticing tension building within my groin. He cried out, “Oh God!”. I rubbed it all around his moist hole again and again and marveled at the ductility of his flesh. He cried out, “Oh God!.” I watched in pure pleasure as my cum surged from the slit in my cock head and pulsed onto his ass with some of it forced into his hole. My cum added to the lubrication as I swirled.

He collapsed onto my lap. I reached around and held his chest. He leaned behind him and kissed me.

He turned to look at me. “Why is kissing so erotic? It might be my favorite,” he said.

“Because of all the sexual positions, it is the only one that is interactive. Everything else, one of us is doing something to the other. Even if we were to 69, it would still be you doing something to me and me doing something to you. When we kiss our mouths dance together, interact with each other, play off each other. We are truly doing it together.”

He nodded then kissed me some more.

There was no rush to leave this time. We held each other and kissed. Eventually, he climbed from my lap. We hugged, then each got dressed. He kissed me again at the door as he departed.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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