

Ara 27

Room 387

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“This is fucking madness.”

She leant against the doorframe and pulled him into the room. “You don’t like it? I thought it would be fun.”

“We have a perfectly good bed at home.” He sighed, hefting his suitcase through the door.

“You’re such a party pooper, this is just why we need to do it. A holiday will do you good.” She laughed. “Anyway, you’re not here to talk.” The door slammed behind him and he followed her down the short corridor, his possessions discarded. The bedroom was painted white with a bed to the left. Opposite, floor to ceiling windows opened out onto a sun-bleached deck that led to a wide, manicured lawn. Beyond that, was a sliver of white sand and the crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean. In the room,she had half covered the windows with shades that streaked the room with light and shadow. It was, he thought, the perfect place for a holiday.

“What am I here for then?” He smiled, kissed her neck, the worry of every day life melting away. There was something about being here with her that made him feel unspeakably relaxed as though the sun and her calm, easy way leeched the tension right out of him and left him filled with sunlight.

“You’re here to be a warm, functioning dick, sugar.” She purred. “A balm to my aching cunt for the next couple of weeks. You don’t have to think, you don’t have to be anything to anyone but focus entirely on making me happy.”

“Oh, I-” He stuttered then stopped, beamed over at her; even after all this time she still had the power to surprise him. “You know just how to turn me on.”

“You can wear the hood or the gag.” She said, ignoring his flattery on purpose, gesturing to the two items placed on the bed. The gag was simple; black straps and a fine, silver bit that made him drool horribly. It was precisely why she had chosen it, he was certain. Next to it, was a black, latex hood that covered his face but left a sliver of his jawline free like he was some submissive superhero come to save the day. She would nip at his jaw and tell him as much whenever he wore it. “I know that you had a bit of a panic the last time we played and you had the hood on.” Her arm was curled around his waist now, her fingers rubbing tenderly at his side. “I want you to be comfortable otherwise you don’t get subby for me.” Her hand was moving in bigger, soothing arcs now, her voice a delicious lilt that made him want to sink to his knees right there. Of course, he didn’t dare to do so; she would set the pace.

“Thank you.” He kissed her hair. “You always remember.”

“I try.” She shrugged, pulled off her cardigan, flushed with the heat. “Are you feeling okay now? The trip here wasn’t too arduous, was it?”

He shook his head. “You have no idea how glad I am to be here. I’ve missed you. I missed this.” He gestured to the room.

She smiled, pulled him nearer and kissed him, her body melting against his, coming alive once more at the way he felt. In response, he ran his hands over the small of her back. “I missed you.” She whispered. “So much.”

“I know.” He said, pulling away and looking down at her with inky eyes. “Missed you, too.”

“But now we have as much time as we’d like. This holiday will do you good.” She looked up at him, batted away an errant strand of hair. It had grown longer since she had last seen him; long enough that he could pull it into a ponytail. She laughed.

“What?” He frowned at her, pulled her towards the bed. They sprawled out on the cool sheets and then, he realised, he’d never been more thankful for anything. It beat six months on a camping cot, that was certain.

“This will be fun.” She teased, pulling at his hair so that it wrapped around sex izle her hand.

“Oh.” He coloured slightly. “I hadn’t even thought of that.”

“Hmm.” She purred, pulling his jaw upward with a single movement of her palm around his ponytail. “You walked right into that one, didn’t you, sweetness?”

“I suppose I did.” He grinned. “I never thought about it. It just seemed practical.”

“I love it on you.” She pushed him back, her mouth meeting his again, their hands grappling with cotton and zips and buttons like they were parched for one another. “You look a little roughed up, it’s sexy.”

“It’s twelve hours travelling.” he laughed, his dark eyes flickering over her bared shoulders, the relief of her body underneath the thin sundress she wore. “Then, before that, a whole lot of time in the jungle.”

“Did you miss me?” She purred, her fingers loosening the buttons on his shirt. “All that time in the jungle with only your fellow naturalists for assistance.” Her mouth skated across his jaw, the stubble catching her lips. She knew that she’d end up looking like she’d been punched in the mouth but, if she was honest, she didn’t care and felt that the people in the hotel wouldn’t either. Why else would you book the honeymoon suite?

“I can’t tell you.” He smiled, genuinely relieved. “I spent so many days and nights longing to feel you next to me, to feel your body in my arms, pressed against my chest-” he stopped, kissed her again, “that at one point I began thinking about getting kidnapped by the tribespeople.”

She laughed. “Well, I’m glad to see you didn’t get eaten or ritually killed. The only person that will be kidnapping and torturing you from now on will be me.”

He sighed happily. “Now that’s something I can get behind.”

“Play your cards right and you might just.” she laughed.

“You know what I mean.” He rolled his eyes at her. “Before we start, can I just get some water?”

She nodded, let him sit up, his shirt falling open. He walked across the polished parquet and grabbed a bottle from a low table by the window.

“This is beautiful. How did you find it?” He cracked the cap off the bottle, gulped greedily.

“Well,” she watched the muscles move in his throat, her mouth aching for the feel of his yielding flesh beneath her lips. “It was all just some savvy internet searching on my part and I knew you could do with a holiday and a hot shower and some high thread-count sheets, so…” She wiggled her eyebrows at him, patted the bed again. “Please come here, I missed you so much.”

He planted the half empty bottle on the table and returned to the bed, pulled his shirt off as he went. “I’m not about to deny my Mistress, my darling wife, a moment longer.”

“Good.” She smiled. “Promise it won’t be so long next time. This was torture for me.”

“Well, I suppose.” He sucked at her neck, his fingers edging the thin strap of her dress downward. “I guess I should begin apologising.” He mewled, his sun tanned hands hiking up the thin fabric. “Between those beautiful thighs.”

“Yes.” She said, watching as he pulled her underwear off, flung it away. “Oh, yes. You have a lot of apologising to do, baby.”

“Christ,” he gasped, his fingers pushing into her, “You’re wet.”

“It’s been six months and there are some things a vibrator can’t do.”

Laughing, he kissed her thigh, his mouth working towards her darkening labia, her scent pulling him nearer, tugging right between his thighs. “Fuck, I missed you.” The words were breathed against her folds and made her shiver with pleasure.

“Come here.” Her voice was a lower whisper, her hands twisted into the sikiş izle knot of muscle at his shoulders, pulled him up towards her. They kissed again, with urgency that seemed to contain every burgeoning second of their time apart. It leaked through their clutching fingers, their hungry, love starved mouths. “Skip the toys.” Her mouth was pressed against his ear. “I just want you now.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” He smiled against her skin, inhaled her; she smelt faintly of tanning oil, like she was summer itself come to burn away his sadness. “Whatever you want.”

“Oh.” Her arms pulled him against her, knotted tight against his neck. The threat of tears burned behind her eyelids. “I missed that. I missed you.” She said. “It’s like I was aching for you. Like my skin hurt.” She pulled at his khakis, grabbing his underwear with them. Their hands met as he kicked away his trousers and shoes in one, jerking movement. “Come here.” she repeated, gripping him hard so that he moaned under her touch, his body yielding to her. He rolled over, pulled her towards him, kissing her with ardour that had lain dormant during his time away, buried like a parched seed, lacking what he needed. Now, she responded, laughing, teasing him, protesting that it was her choice.

“Stop.” she laughed, pinning him down between her knees. “It seems you’ve forgotten your job while you’ve been away. You’re a little out of practise.”

“You going to show me, then?” he asked, smiling up at her. He felt the anticipation rise in his chest, liquify though every fibre of his body. It was tailed by panic, like he could try to drink her in but could never quite get enough to satiate himself. She pushed the smooth curve of her backside against his straining member, her mouth close to his.

“Ask nicely.” She grinned.

He laughed back at her, the colour rising in his cheeks.

“Go on.” she poked him in the chest. “Ask like a good boy for me, sweetness.”

“Please.” he was breathing hard, laughing. “Come on, you’re all I want. Damn, I missed those tits.” he reached up, cupped her breasts greedily.

“You’re a pig boy.” she said, his nipple caught between her thumb and forefinger. “Can’t flatter me that easily. Now, ask again. Nicely.” Her hand curled around his throat and she nibbled his jaw just hard enough to make him wince.

“Please.” He said, “Oh, please, Ma’am can you fuck me?”

“I can.” she nodded, “This vagina is functional, would you believe it?” she laughed. “But wether I will or not is an entirely different matter.”

“Please.” He laughed again, the desire tangled through the sound. He didn’t bother to hide his desperation. “I am so fucking hard, please.”

“This is what you want?” her voice sank to a whisper and she mover herself so that her wetness brushed against his aching cock. “You want me to ride you, sink over you until you change your mind and beg me to stop?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Until it hurts?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“Oh, it is.” she said, her features feline. “It’s been a good long while since I had your warm, yielding cock in me.” she purred, her fingers stroking his cheek. “And I missed it.” she added. “I missed you.”

“Do it.” He sighed heavily, jerking his hips towards her.

“If you’re going to move about then I’m going to have to tie you down.”

He didn’t respond, breathed hard against her hair instead, the thought of her doing so making his body shiver with need.

“I rather like that thought.” she smiled, as though it had just occurred to her it was the best use for him. Of course, in her mind it was and she wasted no time sliding away from him and pulling a few familiar türk porno lengths of soft rope from the suitcase. “You have no idea how worried I was bringing all of this stuff through the airport.” she laughed. “I was paranoid it would get discovered.”

“But you weren’t?” he asked.

“Obviously.” she winked. “Your secret is safe with me.”

He laughed, felt the first, neat knot secure his left wrist to the bed and then, her mouth planted against his palm.

“I have never seen you quite this excited.” she smirked, her nail running over the tip of his leaking member.

He let out a cry of pleasure in response, laughed frustratedly. To his embarrassment he still behaved like an overgrown schoolboy whenever she topped him. He had never been someone who could simply play it cool, he liked it too much, loved her to much to be anything other than relentlessly happy about it.

“Please,” he said. “Baby, I’ll be so good to you. I’ll be such a good boy.”

“Talk like that and I’ll fuck you unconscious.” she pulled the rope at his right wrist a little too tight so that his hand was contorted against the headboard. “Fucking hell, you look beautiful.”

They kissed again, her hands pressing his arching chest down into the mattress. “How about I ride that smart mouth of yours first? Shut you up a little, huh?”

“That isn’t a question.” he said. “I never know why you make it sound like one.”

“Because you always pull that face.” she answered, stepping onto the bed, her legs parted over him. She pulled off her dress and her bra, rolled her shoulders happily. “Ready?”

He nodded, watched her kneel so that her thighs were pressed gently against his cheeks, her hands against the headboard. He cursed to himself, realised how much he’d missed the smell of her, just how good she felt and tasted beneath his prying, greedy mouth. He breathed her in and mouthed her labia gently. Above him, she sighed happily, moved upward as the first warmth of his mouth shivered through her body. Finally, she settled against him, let him work tenderly at her labia, slide his tongue into her with delicate finesse. He could feel her dampen, leak into his mouth s he worked, lapping and sucking at the engorged flesh, her moans urging him on, making his own erection painfully apparent.

He flicked his tongue over the nub of her clIt, her thighs spread wider. Her hand raked through his hair tenderly then moved back to the headboard.

“Don’t you dare fucking stop.” she sighed, orgasm building heavily in her belly, making every last fibre from her curled toes to her just bitten lip tingle. After that, it didn’t take much more than his spit slicked finger sliding between her buttocks to make her curse with delight.

“Oh, baby, finger me.” she sighed, her bottom backing onto his fingers as he fucked her, his tongue coaxing the first flash of pleasure through her. Her orgasm came heavy and wet against his mouthing lips, like her juices were the very thing that revived him, his fingers working hard inside of her. She grunted hard, her mind empty, given over to passion and in that moment everything, the travelling, the yearning, the loneliness, the broken phone calls at three in the morning had been worth it; that single moment of lust, the sound of her pleasure kicked open the wash of subspace and ran over him like the tide over rocks.

Then, as soon and as suddenly as it had started, she pulled away, his face and fingers covered in her. She rolled next to him, her legs apart and sighed heavily.

“Get dressed.” she grinned. “You can take me for lunch.”


Before he could finish, she planted a kiss on his mouth and tasted herself on his lips. “Later.” she promised, “I want you to be attentive at lunch and I know orgasms make you sleepy at the best of times. Come on,” she headed towards the bathroom. “You can tell me all about your adventures. There’s a great place down the beach.”

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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