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I could have sworn I woke up with a permanent smile on my face. We left the balcony door open in our bedroom so a fresh ocean breeze was passing over my uncovered feet. As I opened my groggy eyes, I looked at 3 pairs of feet with Sara’s lickable set to my left and Cindy’s to my right. Both girls had their faces nestled in the crevice of my neck and each rested a hand on my chest. The next thing I noticed was my cock being fully erect which is a normal morning routine for me but the fact that it was so rigid just hours after hours of mindless fucking got me a bit concerned especially since each heart beat meant a brief aching pain going from base to tip. I really hoped I didn’t overdose on those pills.
Not being able to move with both girls attached to me, I looked over Sara’s brown hair onto the horizon that was picture perfect blue. I probably felt more contentment than the happiest kid waking up at Disney Land. As I remembered the past four days, I actually saddened for a moment realizing that half of this trip was already over.
Cindy was the first one to slowly wake up and is if it was pure instinct, her hand immediately traveled south.
I noticed a smile growing in her face: “Mmmm, that feels nice,” she mumbled as she was gently rubbing my member.
“Good morning sunshine,” I whispered. “You are right, that does feel nice,” I lied as her touch increased the aching pain.
“Do you want any relieve? My holes are way too sore so I only got my mouth or hand to offer, sorry.”
“I will be fine. I am sore myself,” I declined.
“Well, keep Sara comfortable while I call room service for some breakfast,” suggested the blonde. She didn’t help my hard-on when she walked out as she was still butt naked and her tight ass looked so eatable.
I actually fell back asleep again just to be woken up to the smell of fresh coffee. That’s all it took for Sara to wake up too and we were greeted by a couple of trays of fruits, Danishes and cups of mochas. The three of us ate while sitting in bed and we were still naked with our bottom halves covered by the white bed sheets and for a moment I wondered how Cindy accepted the food without any clothes on. The breeze was still passing through and even though it was getting warmer, all female tits were nipping out making breakfast taste that much more delicious to me.
“What a night,” said Cindy.
“Yeah, what a night,” replied Sara.
“Were you trying to outdo Asia?” teased Cindy referring to Sara’s pornstar caliber performance.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” she replied shyly.
“Uhm, how many times did you let yourself get fucked? And let’s not forget about you licking Don’s dick clean after he just got done fucking Annie in the ass and me.
Sara immediately countered: “Wait, you guys cleaned him up in the shower before he came back.”
“Who said we actually ‘cleaned’ him,” Cindy joked.
My cock quickly grew again as I heard Cindy’s words which caused me to think about the ass fucking and ensuing shower.
“Look, he clearly like it,” she added pointing at my cock.
“Yes I did. And thank you Sara; nothing to be ashamed of. Let’s not even talk about what the other two girls did.”
“Yeah, at least I didn’t lick any man’s ass,” said the brunette in defense.
“That’s what we shaved him for. By the way Don, no nicks or anything irritated down there right?”
“I don’t think so. Do you want to take a look?” I said teasingly as I lifted my legs.
“Very funny,” said Cindy.
We ate breakfast playfully spilling a few drops of honey and jam in strategic places and licking each other clean here and there. I kind of wished Annie could be there with us but I am sure she could have not excused her absence into the morning.
We had some sightseeing planned within walking distance for the day and due to the longer distance to the next island, the ship only stayed from 7 am to 2 pm. Cindy and Sara both opted for a lose fitting skirt and tang tops and some comfortable shoes. I was actually glad that this was the least revealing they had been dressed all week. I don’t think my penis could handle any more erections for a while. I think even my balls and hormones were drained to the point where even running into the hot Brazilian in the elevator didn’t make me flinch. Both girls complained about it hurting to walk a little which made perfect sense considering what they had put their bodies through the night before.
We saw Ben and Annie at a distance when we got on shore but didn’t try to hook up with them. They seemed happy which came as a relief since I was afraid that Ben knew that she was up to something. Strolling through the warm air and breathing in the ocean fresh air added was met with a lot of gratitude by us three Seattleites who just got through an especially cold and wet spring. I still kept feeling butterflies in my stomach each time Sara and I had some time to ourselves and were close to each other. After looking at some souvenirs and taking almanbahis adres in the scenic surroundings we only had an hour or so left to eat so we ate some pizza for lunch while dealing with the increasing heat before we went back to the ship.
The heat definitely wore me out and before I could suggest a quick nap, the girls decided to sunbathe for a while which meant that they changed back in their bikinis. Not surprisingly, my member immediately began to stir in my shorts when they walked out of the bedroom. They actually offered to let me put the sun screen lotion on which I respectfully declined already being half-way erected and feeling the throbbing ache pump through me.
Once the three of us relaxed by the pool, I still couldn’t help but notice the glances or pure stares by the men around us; my companions were simply irresistible. Looking around myself, I also noticed that people were definitely improving their tans compared to the first day which was a welcomed sight.
“Isn’t it 80’s themed dinner tonight?” asked Sara out of the blue.
“Yeah it is. I got nothing that would remotely resemble that. So I am not sure what to wear,” I responded.
“Why bother, let’s just eat room service or go to the steakhouse,” suggested Cindy. “Let’s do the steakhouse,” she just concluded right away.
I ended up having to spend most of the time lying on my front while sunbathing as neither the glistening skin of Sara’s bottom nor Cindy’s front did anything to keep me from staring at them and causing an ever growing erection. Usually I have no issues containing myself when surrounded by sexy women but since their sight reminded me of our recent endeavors each time, it was becoming impossible to put that in the back of my mind.
After the pool, we went back to the suite and showered together. First seeing them in their bikinis and then sharing a shower with them again brought my member completely back to life. The level of aching started to dissipate but I still didn’t feel the urge to fuck anyone at that time. The girls were nipping out and started to give me that “we are horny” look. The packaging of the pills wasn’t joking about the warning that the effects could last 48-72 hour and I just remembered that I still had a dose for each one of them left. No girl should feel any need for sexual healing after having received all sorts of curing the night before. When we finally got out of the shower, we remained naked and only covered ourselves with a shared blanket while browsing channels on the TV. I was on one end of the couch while Sara leaned her naked body against me and Cindy doing the same to her. I was once again hit by amazement that this felt so natural.
My mind started drifting as I imagined the three of us laying on the couch at my condo. All of us ended up falling asleep and I was the first one to wake up after about an hour. Sara was spooning her girlfriend and with the blanket only covering the half their bodies, both women’s tits and bare legs were in plain sight. I had already woken up with a stiff dick but that sight was all it took to get my mental engines going as well. I was considering rubbing my cock against their mouths but the clock told me we only had 20 minutes to get ready for dinner. I did snap a few pictures and worked on a few close ups of Cindy’s tits before I finally woke them up gently.
We all got dressed in a hurry before the girls disappeared in the bathroom to brush their teeth and put some make up on. When I checked in on them I saw that they each wore a pair of tight jeans that hung low enough to show a tiny bit of the top of their crack. Their underwear must have either been lower hanging or non-existent. I walked up behind Sara as she was putting on some lipstick and my own stick ended up pushing into her tight rear package. I just ran my right hand over her thighs up to her tight abs while my left hand cupped Cindy’s tight ass.
“Come here and kiss me before I put some lipstick on these irresistible lips,” asked Cindy before turning towards me. I didn’t move and simply let the blonde suck my face with her full lips. My hips were slowly grinding into Sara’s and not surprisingly, Sara was getting aroused herself and was biting her just painted bottom lip.
“Ok, enough of that. I am hungry for some meat and no, I don’t mean yours Don. Ok, maybe a little…,” said Sara.
I was a bit disappointed when the girls put on some flip flops instead of a pair of sexy heels but I knew that aside from different holes being sore, fucking in high heels all night probably did a number on their feet. As we were walking to the restaurant, I thought of a way to find myself back into the gym for an uninterrupted chest and arm workout while the girls have something to do.
“Why don’t the two of you get a pedicure and manicure after dinner? My treat.”
“Sure, I’d be up for that. What will you be doing?” asked Cindy.
“I’ll go to the gym to lift some weights,” I answered.
“I am not in the almanbahis yeni giriş mood to work out but I’d love to watch you do it,” smiled Sara.
“How about you get to massage out any sore spots afterwards?” I wondered.
“I’d love to do that,” Sara responded and squeezed my ass.
Dinner was delicious and worth every penny of the $180 tab. I am not sure why we had to pay for the drinks but being accompanied by these two hotties put me in no mood to argue with anyone. When it was time for the girls to go to the spa, I went back to the suite to change.
The phone rang as soon as I got to the room. It was Sara telling me that they would actually be a couple of hours since they had a nice package deal and they couldn’t be seen right away. I jokingly asked if we are talking about a $100 manicure and Sara played it off with an even more joking tone. I knew this was going to cost me but I didn’t care. I took a leak and since I was pretty stuffed I decided I would look through some of the videos and pictures from the night before and back them up.
I randomly selected a file at first and it was a picture of me sticking my cock up Annie’s ass while she had her legs bent back. I was fired up to see how well a lot of the pictures turned out. At first my cock was twitching a little and then I was at full strength again. I found myself rubbing myself and even though I knew I could partake in a threesome within a couple of hours, I was tempted to relief myself. But I fought the urge and finished the back-up.
Since I was still a bit stuffed, I decided to walk around the ship for a while before starting my workout. The pool was the first stop and I immediately noticed Annie who was lying next to her boyfriend and seemed to be having a great conversation. She noticed me walking by behind his back and all I could think of was wink at her with a big grin when she looked straight at me. She was shifting her legs and hips as if my presence just caused her to recall the onslaught from the night before.
Annie wasn’t the only sexy babe trying to catch the last sun rays of the day. I kept my head up but my eyes rolled down to check out one pair of either sexy legs, tits or ass after another. I literally escaped to the gym to get my mind out of the gutter and not allow my dick to draw any attention.
The gym was fairly empty; only a couple of people on the treadmills with another small group using the machines to lift some weights. After a quick warm-up I was rotating between bench pressing 80 pound dumbbells using the same to do some shoulder shrugs and doing some wall sits in between sets. I had my headphones on and was in the zone. I am not sure if it was the influx of protein from dinner or all of the extra hormones running through my system but I was having one of the best workouts in a long time.
That came to a shrieking halt when She walked in. She was a slender but very well-toned brunette. She was carried by a perfect set of legs and was wearing some boy short type bottoms that showed off her legs in their entirety. She must have been of some Caribbean descent as her dark skin glowed in the gym lighting. She showed off her 12 pack while only covering her perfectly shaped C-tits with a sports bra which showed enough cleavage and all of her delicious neck. Before my eyes traveled further north to probably meet hers as she caught me scanning her body like a hawk, I quickly tried to focus on the 80 pounds which were hanging on each side of my body.
I was on my last set of shrugs and was really trying to make it count before She walked in. Before She walked in I was pushing myself to the edge and probably was grunting a bit but didn’t mind as all other gym companions were wearing headphones. She wasn’t wearing any so I finished the last couple of reps nearly holding my breath. As I was looking at my shoulders, I was overcome with a bit of pride since I knew my tall frame combined with little body fat and well trained muscles wasn’t a bad sight. Getting a bunch of verbal affirmations by the three women throughout the week definitely boosted my ego.
I finally found the courage to look at her face as she was going through some dynamic stretching. Her face was another amazing sight to look at. The contrast with her darker skin made her teeth look pearl white and her sharp cheek bones added to her breathtaking beauty. Her hair was in a ponytail and it was clear that if she let it out it would probably hang as far as her low back. Then she threw my off guard when she saw me stare and simply responded with a smile which caused some dimples to appear on her cheeks. My mind was made up at that point: She was an exotic goddess. Before I knew it, my cock sprang to action so turned away from her and the mirror to put away the dumbbells. I took a moment to let my member relax before grabbing the next set of dumbbells for some incline press. I spun around quickly without looking behind me as I nearly bumped into her.
“I am so sorry,” I said almanbahis genuinely.
She said something in return but I didn’t hear her due to my headphones blasting. I quickly pulled the right bud out.
“That’s ok, I should have waited till you were done before walking up,” she most likely repeated herself. I was almost disappointed to hear that she had no accent.
“No worries,” I replied.
“Looks like they don’t have weights heavy enough for you here. Do you use more than 80 pounds at the gym back home?” she asked. I was caught off guard that she immediately started a casual conversation.
“Actually, I am working my way up to 100 again which I used to do back in college. I have been stuck at 80 for a few months now,” I responded as if I was talking to a gym buddy.
“So you have hit a plateau. Have you changed up your routine to work on a slightly different set of muscles?” she asked.
This was definitely getting weirder with each question I thought. Looking at her though, I knew she might know what she is talking about.
“Are you a personal trainer back home?” I asked.
“Actually I am. It’s become a passion of mine. Some might even say that I am obsessed,” she confessed.
“Why is that?”
“I lost 40 pounds in 1 year about 4 years ago and have only pushed myself harder since,” she explained.
“Wow, that is great. I don’t have to tell you that you look great. I am sure you are an inspiration to many back home,” I complimented.
“It’s funny. Most guys don’t talk to me or give me a compliment. They definitely stare,” she laughed saying the last part. “My friends tell me that I am intimidating.”
Looking back at my conversation with her, I couldn’t believe how open she was with me from the very beginning. My interaction with women has become so natural to me and as Sara later told me, it’s a quality that most men that she had met before simply don’t possess. I was a bit intimidated by the hot girl standing in front of me but I wasn’t a bit nervous speaking with her which I probably couldn’t have done the week before.
“I can see how you might intimidate some people. You clearly aren’t trying to hide anything,” I joked pointing at her naked toned stomach.
“I would never wear anything like this at a regular gym. I figured a cruise ship would be ok for that.”
“I think you are pushing the envelope a little there young lady,” I joked.
“It’s Destiny,” she quickly interrupted.
“What is destiny?” I asked confused.
“My name is Destiny.”
“Don, pleased to meet you,” I said reaching out my hand to meet hers.
“Alright. It’s your lucky day,” she said and I just thought to myself ‘no kidding’ as I got a chance to be this up close to her. “I work with a lot of women but men usually don’t think that a female trainer can help them. Do you mind if I show you a couple of different things and you tell me how you feel in the end?”
“Uhm, sure,” I hesitated.
“Great. Let’s keep working on your upper body for now and I will actually do the same exercises with you.”
“Ok. Where do we start?”
“Well, you already did a good set of dumbbell bench press. Let me get a set in and then we change things up.” She grabbed 30 pound dumbbells and for a moment I wasn’t sure if I ever witnessed a female lift this much. I was doing some quick math. She was probably 5’9 and as slender as she was probably weighed about 120 pounds meaning she was going to press half of her body weight which is quite a bit for a female I thought. As she was sitting down, she bent over slightly and I could see the outline of her thong she was wearing underneath the black spandex shorts. As she descended into her starting position, her cleavage came to view.
“Can you pull my hair behind the bench,” she asked making me realize that her long ponytail was lying awkwardly underneath of her head and shoulders.
She blew me away when she started a butterfly rep instead of a simple press rep. Even though it was a lot of weight, she kept a perfect form. When her arms were spread wide, her chest was sticking straight up and when she brought her arms together, she was forcing her tits to be squeezed tightly. It was hard for me to focus on anything else during the entire set.
She calmly told me about the importance of the depth of range and other terms I have heard or read about before but she was definitely showing why she was in such great shape as she kept her great form even during her last set. She started to sweat a little which made her skin even more eye-catching. I was starting to be overcome by a guilty feeling as my lustful thoughts increased.
“So ditch the simple press with a wider butterfly and change the number of reps as well. Let’s take a look at how well you do with pull ups. You always want to counter one muscle group with something opposite,” she suggested.
“Ha, you already found my nemesis,” I admitted. “I hate pull-ups.”
“I could tell when I was watching you do shrugs,” she said.
“That’s not the same muscles though,” I said confused.
“Yes, but it’s clear that while your traps are well developed, the surrounding muscles need some work. And those same muscles prevent you from getting to the next level with bench press,” she educated me.
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