

Ara 27

Scrabble Ch. 3

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I looked at my letters and the letters on the board. My mind was becoming a whirling dervish of alcohol and lust. I concentrated and it finally came to me. But just before I began to put my word down.

“Hey wait a minute …. I knew I forgot something … I get to make a rule!”

Damn Her. I was hoping she was going to forget that.

“Okay, so what’s the rule?”

“How about … all shots done from this point on have to be body shots!”

“Woah … just hold on there … I’m not sure if that’s a good idea … I mean ..”

She just gave me that look and all hints of resistance melted from me.

“Okay …. Sure … Rules are Rules!”

But somehow that time spent with the rule making helped my mind a little … I decided I needed to stop pussy footing around … I was going to win …. I looked at the board again and my letters and it was if my mind was cleared of the fog. Using some of her letters, I built a word that traveled down to another double word score for a total of 65.

“Ha … Ha Ha … that’s 20 xhamster porno for you … I think I’d like you to do two shots!”, as I pulled off my belt and threw it on the floor, “And my rule is …. “, I had to think of something she might find uncomfortable. … my gaze fell upon the belt on the floor and then I remembered something she didn’t like “How about this … the drinkee gets to give the drinker as many licks with the belt as they do shots!”

“Hey, Charlie, y’know I don’t like that … I don’t like that rule!”

“Well, Syd, you know …. Rules are Rules … if you don’t like it … you can always give up!”, I smile a cheshire grin

“No, I’m not going to quit … so you wanna play that way huh … okay little boy lets see how you like this!”

Syd pushes me back on couch and straddles me …


“I’ve gotta do my shots …” She pours the liquid on my chest and laps it up like a cat, as she’s doing this she is grinding herself down onto my hardon. The next shot is slower yaşlı porno and she writhes above me a little more sensually, allowing her breast to graze against my chest, and her hips thrust a little more desparately, and her tongue slithers along my chest. After she is done. She looks up licking her lips.

“I guess it’s my turn now”

She let me up and began to comtemplate her letters. I could tell she was having a little trouble finding something because her forehead did her little cute wrinkling up. After awhile it decided her time was about up ….

“Tick Tock Tick Tock … Drink to think ….”

“Okay Okay … I guess all I can do is this ..”, She lays down a miniscule 25 …. I smile and just kick back proping my feet on the table.

“Well, Well … It looks like the table has turned …. And definitely in my favor … so what should be your sentence?”, I definitely had to look evil at this moment.

“C’mon Charlie, remember, a nice game …. And all ….”

“Yeah, Yeah … aldatma porno well, while I think of something why don’t you come over here and do a couple shots and then drink the rest in drinks ….”

She comes to me and pours the liquid on my chest, some of it leaking down my chest into my pants, she licks her way up and down my torso making sure she has every last drop. By this time, I did nothing to hide my engorged cock tenting in my pants. As she drinking her drinks, I come up with a rule

“From now on, the other has to take off the item of clothing!”

“Okay and what do you want me to do for …”, she gulps down her drinks and smiles,” … twenty minutes?”

“Well, first I think I need to give you a couple licks of the belt … “, I grab the belt,”… c’mere and bend over my lap!” She does and the smacking of the belt on her butt only matches her cries of pain.

“You didn’t have to do it so hard”, as she rubs her butt

“I didn’t … and now, I think I would like you to lay her on the couch and play with yourself for the next twenty minutes … but you have to follow my directions …”

“I remember this game … I like this game …. I just didn’t think you still had it in you ….”

“You always brought out the bad boy in me, Syd … now do what I say … time starts now …”

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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