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Hi, my name is Ashley and I want to tell you about how I had sex for the first time with a man. It happened last Halloween, about 2 months after I turned 18. This is my story-—
I have known Mr. Johnson all my life. He watched me grow up, but he always treated me like I wasn’t just a kid. I was playmates with his daughter and my best friend, Julie. I spent many days at their house in the pool, especially in the summer time. I don’t know how old I was when I realized I was attracted to Mr. Johnson, but, I remember that once when I was younger, he came out to swim with us and I couldn’t take my eyes off his bulging trunks. From that point on, I would get a tingly feeling in my pussy every time I thought about him.
For the next several years I made it my goal to be around where he could notice me. I would tease and flirt with him every chance I could get. Last her, Julies parents got a divorce, and Julie moved away to live with her Mom. Mr. Johnson said I could still come over and use the pool anytime I wanted, but he was never around much anymore, I guess his work had him traveling a lot. I thought more and more about having sex with him, but didn’t know how I could make it happen.
Then one day I overheard something that gave me an idea! Mr. Johnson and my Dad were out by the garage talking, and I overheard them talking about the new movie, “Duke’s of Hazard.” I heard Mr. Johnson saying how Hot he thought Daisy was in that film with her “Daisy Duke Cut-offs.” They both laughed, and said that they bet that Jessica Simpson was a fine piece.
Then Mr. Johnson said, “You know, Will, your Ashley sort of looks like her!” My dad said, “Yeah, Tom, she is growing into quite the woman.”
From that point on the idea began in my mind to Daisy Duke for Mr. Johnson. I took an old pair of jeans and cut them off. They were too small for me, but I squeezed into them anyway. I wanted these to be a special pair of cut-offs, so I kept cutting them until they were so short that jean material slipped up into my pussy crack, and my shaved pussy lips were hanging out each side. They also went half-way up my ass like a thong. Next, I got an old shirt and cut it to where it just barely covered my nipples. My tits were hanging below the material line, and on top it was a perfect view of my cleavage. I practiced wearing them several times in my room Esenyurt Escort at night. It made me so horny to see myself dressed like that.
Next I waited for the right time to spring it on Mr. Johnson. It came the week before Halloween. My parents were going out of town for the weekend, and with cell phones, they thought I could handle being at home alone. I waited until I saw Mr. Johnson come home for the night, then I gave him a call.
“Hello, this is Tom” he said when he answered the phone.
“Mr. Johnson. This is Ashley.” I said to him.
“Hey Ashley, How’s it going?” He asked.
I replied, “Pretty good.” After a pause, I said, “Um, Mr. Johnson, I was wondering if you could do me a favor, as long as you don’t have any plans tonight?”
“No, I don’t have any plans, what do you need?”
“Well,” I started saying, “I have made a costume for our school Halloween dance this year. Would you mind if I came over and you can tell me what you think of it?”
“Well, sure, I’d be happy too, what time you coming over?” he asked.
“Let me put on a coat over it and I will be right over,” I replied.
“Alright, I’ll see you in a minute, just come on in, the door will be open and I will be in the living room.” He said.
“Okay, cool, I’ll be right there! Thanks a bunch.”
I put an overcoat on, and made sure and sprayed some perfume on my breasts, then headed next door. When I opened the door I could hear some music coming out of the living room. It was really cool, like a slow grooving Jazz or something. When I came around the corner, Mr. Johnson was sitting reading a magazine and drinking a mixed drink of something.
“Hi Ashley” he said.
“Hey Mr. Johnson, thanks for doing this, I have been hoping to catch you at home this week so I could get your opinion,” I said. “Now, shut your eyes and let me get ready, I’ll tell you when to open them, Okay?”
“Okay,” he said with a chuckle, “Whatever you desire,” then he laid down his magazine and shut his eyes.
When he had them shut I took off my coat, set it aside, and came right up and stood about 3 feet in front of him. “Okay, Mr. Johnson, can you guess who I am?” I said.
When he opened his eyes, he was looking right up into my pussy and shirt. I had my arms spread wide in a pose and slow turned Esenyurt Escort bayan around, bending a little at the waist. I could hear him draw in a breath and it seemed like he was just holding it.
Then he cleared his throat a little, and said, “My God, you look like Daisy Duke!”
I jumped up and down, clapping and said, “Yes! That’s who I am.”
I acted so excited that he got it right. I turned around again, and said, as I bent over again, “Do you think that too much of my butt is showing, or is it just enough?” As I said it, I rubbed my hand on my ass cheek, making sure my fingers went down into my crack.
With his eyes glued to my ass, he said, “Um, no, I think it looks great.”
As I looked back at him, I could see a definite bulge in his crotch. I knew I was getting the response I wanted from him. I straightened up and turned around with a serious look on my face, and almost pouting I said, “Mr. Johnson, I don’t know if I can be a good Daisy Duke!”
“Why not, Ashley?” he asked.
“Cuz I don’t have very good boobies!” I said,. “They are so small!” I took a couple steps toward him and said, “Daisy has real big boobies.”
“Honey, you have great breasts” he replied.
“How would you know,” I said, “You can’t see them.”
“Well, what I can see look great,” he said.
“But look,” I said, pulling my shirt up, “They’re small and pointy looking, Daisy has real big ones that are round.”
Clearing his throat, he said, “Honey, you have two of the most gorgeous breasts I have ever seen!”
“No they’re not,” I said, pouting, “They are hard and pointy, here feel them!” I leaned forward and put my tits right into his face. Mr. Johnson slowly raised his hands to my tits and cupped each one in a palm. “See how hard they are?” I said.
As he was fondling my titties, I could see his cock growing. “They are great breasts honey,” he said, “I love them just the way they are!”
I giggled and crawled right up onto his lap, straddling his lap and hugged him. “Gee, thanks Mr. Johnson,” I said, “You’re the best!” I could feel his hard cock pressed hard up against my cunt. I could feel the heat from my pussy, and felt his cock twitch. I wiggled around a little, pressing down a little harder against him.
“Mr. Johnson?” I asked, “Do you think I’m Escort esenyurt pretty enough to be Daisy Duke?” I could hear his breathing beginning to change, getting a bit labored.
“Yes, baby,” he said, “You are more than pretty enough!”
I was slowly riding back and forth on his cock, dry fucking him.
“Mmmm, thank you, Mr. Johnson.” I said. And then I added, “But, am I a pretty enough Daisy Duke for you to want to fuck?” Before he could answer, I took his face in my hands and began kissing him, sticking my tongue into his mouth. He opened his mouth and began kissing me back very hard. I felt his hands on my hips pulling me down harder into his Cock, thrusting his hips up into my cunt.
After a few minutes, I stopped kissing him and stood up. I turned around and unbuttoning my shorts, shimmied them over my hips and let them drop to the floor. I bent over to pick them up, and put my ass right into his face. I felt his tongue find my wet pussy, licking me back and up towards my ass. My knees almost buckled it felt so good.
“Fuck me with your tongue Mr. Johnson,” I urged, “Fuck me real good!” I reached a hand through my legs and found his hard cock through his pants. I felt his hands undoing his pants, and then it was free, my small hand barely able to wrap around it.
I couldn’t wait any longer, so I began lowering my hot cunt down towards his lap, guiding his hard cock with my hand, straight towards my waiting cunt. I felt the head of his cock parting my cunt lips. I was so wet, but I still knew it was going to be a tight fit, his cock was so big. I had to have it all, so I dropped all my weight onto his big cock, sinking the whole shaft all the way up into me.
“Oh, god, I’m cumming!” I screamed, and began riding hard up and down his beautiful cock. I could feel his cock swelling in me, and in a few moments felt the hot cum soaking my insides. He was grunting and groaning, slamming his hips up into me, pulling my tight cunt down onto his hard cock.
“Fuck me harder,” I yelled, as my body jerked with wave after wave of orgasm sweeping over it.
The next thing I remember, I was laying back against his chest, his cock still buried deep inside me. “How long have I been out?” I asked.
“Just a few minutes, honey,” came his reply.
“Mmmmmm, that was great, Mr. Johnson!” I said.
“Ashley?” he said.
But before he could say anything else, I interrupted and said, “You can call me ‘Daisy’ from now one Mr. Johnson, and if you don’t mind, I would like to leave my costume over here so we can play again soon, okay?”
But that begins another story, for another time! 😉
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