

Ara 27

Spectacular! Spectacular!

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Finally it was time to leave the party. Alone in the car with him at last. Both were quiet. Anticipation and sexual tension hung heavy in the air. Ilene refused to believe that he wanted only her.

“Josh, I …” Ilene started to say, until she realized that Josh driven unto a narrow lane that led into the park. She caught her breath when she saw the naked need in his eyes.

He pulled her towards him, his mouth colliding squarely with hers. Holding her body tight, Josh ran his tongue over her lips, her teeth, and deep into her mouth, in a blatant dance of possession that soon had her toes curling.

Any speech was unnecessary as he pulled her 5’3″ frame onto his lap, hooking an elbow behind her neck and grinding his mouth into hers. In the process, her skirt twisted up around her hips. He slid his free hand up one thigh and she felt as if she had just been branded. Her breasts began to throb against the crushing pressure of his muscular chest and heat radiated deep in her belly. She was aroused – aroused to fever pitch.

By the time the kiss ended, her lips were throbbing and she was in a half-dazed state. He cuddled her against his chest, both needing a moment to calm their ragged breathing and racing hearts.

“You know that I’m madly in love with you, don’t you?” he asked after a moment, running his hand through her soft, long hair.

“You’re impossible,” she said.

“And you wouldn’t have me any other way.”

She sighed. “You’re probably right.”

“You didn’t enjoy yourself at that party just now, did you?”

She turned to look at him. “No, I didn’t. Having the reunion meant so much to 4 k porno you, but I had the feeling that your ‘yuppie’ friends looked down on me. I overheard some of the girls saying bad things about me – the way I dress and the way I talk. I am just a simple schoolteacher. You are a CEO. We just don’t click.”

His expression was suddenly grave. “I didn’t stop to think about how my friends would look at you. All I could think of was having you by my side all the time. When I’m with you, all I can think of is being with you, making love to you. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She started to add that she would get used to it with time, but the words wouldn’t quite make it past her lips.

“We won’t see them again if you don’t want to, Ilene,” he continued, stroking her firm breasts through her blouse. “All I need is you.”

“Oh, Josh,” she whispered in a quavering voice.

“I love you, Ilene,” he said tenderly.

That did it. With an incoherent whisper, Ilene kissed him. His hands slipped under her blouse and unhooked her bra. She moaned, taking his lips ravenously as he caressed each breast slowly and thoroughly.

She raked his taut shoulder muscles with her nails and kissed the contours of his jaw, brushing her lips down his magnificent neck and unbuttoning his shirt. He reached for the waistband of her skirt, undoing the button, and pulling down the zipper. His fingers found her clit and he stroked her through panties. Ilene squirmed under the sweet torture. A moment later, he pressed the release on his seat, and they both slid back into the delicious darkness.

“Ilene, touch me,” 7 dak porno he begged hoarsely.

“You’re going to get us arrested,” she groaned. But she complied, rearranging herself on his lap, straddling him so that she could reach his zipper. He moaned while she gasped softly as she freed his 8″ cock and stroked him boldly, her fingers moving seductively up and down the thick shaft, and lower. When his fingers slid under her panties to touch her more intimately, she uttered a wild cry and lurched forward, kissing him hungrily and pulling at his shirt.

A moment later, he chuckled. “Ilene, I think you just ripped my shirt.”

She leaned over to nuzzle his bare chest. “I am always messy in unwrapping my treat.”

He laughed with delight and stroked her with two fingers deep in her pussy in a very erotic manner that made her cry out again.

They aroused each other to the level of readiness. Starting to tug down her panties, Josh paused to laugh as he realized that her knees were firmly lodged on either side of him. “Uh, Ilene, we seem to be having a logistical difficulty here…”

Ilene giggled. “Logistical difficulties seem to be just up your alley.”

“Quite true.” She heard the rip of her cotton panties as he pulled her tighter against him. “Darling, I’ll buy you some silk ones soon,” he murmured as he sank his throbbing cock to the hilt inside her wet pussy.

Ilene bit down on her lips. The feel of him, so deep and tight inside her, was incredibly erotic. “Oh, Josh!”

His teeth nibbled her shoulder. “Feel good?”

She moved her hips provocatively against him. alman porno “Wonderful.”

He kissed the corner of her mouth and said huskily, “I fantasized making love to you like this while we were at the party. Ride me.”

She raised herself slightly so that she was in a squatting position. Tentatively, but with growing abandon, she started to ride him. He planted both hands firmly around her waist to help her move faster, up and down, his hips bucking wildly beneath her.

“It feels so good,” she panted with desperation. “I’m going to cum soon. Fuck me harder, Josh.”

The hoarse tone of pleading in her voice excited Josh so much that he feared that he would climax right then and there. She raked her nails down his neck, all the while rubbing her nipples in voluptuous circles on his chest.

He tried to hold back for her sake, but promptly lost control as she moved wantonly against him, rotating and grinding her hips on his with his cock buried deep inside her. Then Josh came with consuming force. He grasped Ilene’s hips and moved even deeper inside her.

They locked lips and hungrily kissed each other as they finished climaxing. When it was over, he cradled her against him in the darkness, kissing her hair and face as she clung to him, breathless and trembling.

After a while she heard his husky chuckle. “How do you feel?”

“Like a naughty teenager,” she laughed, “but frankly, I remain stunned that no one came by to haul our asses to jail.”

Josh stared about the car. “I doubt anyone could be able to see anything through the fogged-up windows. I think the every fellow must be asleep right now… it is 3:00am anyway.”

She stroked his cock and smiled as it sprang back to life. “So, has this particular fellow had enough excitement for one night?”

“Not on your life,” he growled, as he pulls her in for another round of spectacular lovemaking.

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