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Its 5 am, the morning is cold and dreary; the sun doesn’t want to rise and JJ feels the same way…cloudy with a sense of gloom.

The fight he had last night with Pam is still fresh on his mind and he is sorry for the things he said to her. He never meant to hurt her, he wanted to stay, he really did; but Pam knew he had to go back to “her”.

Yesterday was Wednesday, their day to meet and make love…wild passionate love. They laugh and call it “business day” or “hump day”, for JJ Wednesday is his favourite day of the week. The last six months have brought them closer and closer and the love they share has grown to more than just unbelievable fulfilling sex.

Pam never once questioned JJ’s situation before last night, just accepted that he was married and enjoyed what they offered each other. She gives JJ what he doesn’t receive from his wife, that unbridled passion, the willingness to be open and try anything that gives them pleasure. She is good for his soul!

He still remembers that first night so long ago when he held Pam naked in his arms; her soft breasts against his chest, he could feel her heart beat as it raced in anticipation of their first coupling. His fingers in her long blonde hair drawing her mouth to his, that first kiss so tender that it was almost not a kiss. Her blue eyes enticing him to take her, make love to her; he had never wanted a woman so much.

JJ picked Pam up in his arms and carried her to the bed in that out of the way motel. He could tell she was nervous and he was trying to be macho, doing his best to not trip on their clothes. He almost made it too, just before his stray shoes got the better of them and they collapsed onto the bed in surprise and laughter. Pam’s laugh so full of life was infectious; he couldn’t help but join in.

It was the perfect ice-breaker. They both relaxed, allowing their hearts to slow down and their emotions to catch up. He kissed her body all over, trying to discover her special spots, listening to her breath quicken when he found one. It was a fantastic journey and JJ ended up being between her lovely legs.

The first time his mouth found her sex he loved her taste and smell. The way Pam’s body would shake and shiver as his 1080 porno tongue caressed her folds and teased her nub. Her body rising off the bed, almost floating, as his actions drove Pam to that first orgasm; so powerful she had tears in her eyes. JJ loved how she called out his name in-between telling him to never stop. The joy he felt knowing he brought her such pleasure and then repeating it again and again until finally she could only moan “no more”.

When he made his way up to Pam’s mouth she tasted herself on his tongue and then surprized him by licking the rest of her juices on his face. It was so erotic and naughty at the same time, a ritual they have since repeated so many times.

Pam pushed JJ down on his back and held his face in both of her hands, their eyes locked on each other for what seemed an eternity; just staring and smiling back at each other.

Then Pam burst out in laughter saying, “you better be that good every time or else!”

JJ laughed along with her and said, “or else what?”

To this day he has never forgotten what Pam said, “or else my heart will stop beating.”

When that big tear rolled down her check and hit his face JJ didn’t know what to say. Thank god Pam leaned down and kissed him, saving him from saying something stupid.

JJ massaged Pam’s back drawing her into him, closer. Her lips were on his chest, nibbling tenderly, leaving soft kisses as they trailed down lower to his abdomen. Her tongue in his belly button, tickling him and making him squirm.

Her soft hands caressed his cock and balls and finally her mouth arrived. She sucked him so slowly he thought he would go crazy, first the head and then all the way down the shaft, her tongue swirling round and round. Pam seemed to know instinctively when JJ got too close as she would alternate between sucking his cock and then switch to licking and sucking his balls. He couldn’t imagine a better way to die and that is what he felt was happening, his release was building to a level he had never experienced before. JJ had to come soon and begged Pam to finish him. She looked at him and smiled that sweet smile of hers, taking his cock all the way down her throat. He loved how 2 k porno she kept eye contact as he came in her mouth, her moans matching his, swallowing shot after shot and then surprising him by cleaning his cock after with her tongue. It was almost too much as he was so sensitive to the slightest touch.

When Pam came up to kiss JJ he almost pulled away, then realized he had never been sucked like that before. She amazed him, and if Pam could taste herself on him then he could do the same.

They kissed and cuddled in bed and shared a glass of wine in a motel plastic glass. Both of them knowing and agreeing that they had to “do it” again. And they did, several more times that first day, with Pam on top, on the bottom, on her knees, on the couch…until they both collapsed in exhaustion.

Pam and JJ melted into each other as they went from body rush to body rush; so intense that JJ knew right then that this was not going to be an ordinary affair and it gave him goose-bumps.


As he sat at his desk and stared out the 10th floor window of his office he remembered the first time Pam entered his life.

He was about to commence preliminary plans for a high end condo development and needed an experienced interior designer, someone who was current, with good taste and not outrageous. He had seen Pam’s work in a competitor’s complex and was impressed with the elegance and colours she brought to the project.

An appointment was scheduled to get to know each other and to see if she was the right choice. The project was immense, with four phases worth multi millions of dollars; it was to be the signature piece for his company, Ruffled Angel Developments. Right from the start he was impressed with her demeanour and the way she carried herself. She was so assured and confident yet at the same time exuded a sexual appeal he found hard to resist.

It was only after their third meeting that Pam agreed to have a drink with him. They talked about themselves while enjoying a nice red wine in a quiet little restaurant on Main. He discovered Pam was divorced, sharing custody of her pre-teen daughter with her ex-husband. She was 3 k porno still emotionally drained by it all and JJ could feel her pain. Her parents have both passed away and while her sisters provide her comfort and support, it has still been a hard adjustment. She seemed in need of a shoulder to lean on and JJ found himself taking on that role.

Their subsequent meetings became more like lunch dates and he shared his life with her as well. JJ’s successful real estate development company had been funded by monies from his wife. He used the initial investment to build a conglomerate empire doing business in several of the major cities in the country. JJ was the sole owner and had paid back his wife several times over even though she didn’t need or want the money; for him it was a matter of principal.

He wasn’t sure who first mentioned the difficulties of combining a successful career and a fulfilling sex life but they both agreed it was challenging. To his surprize it was Pam who made the first move when she said she missed having sex on a regular basis. JJ smiled and said he was available Wednesday’s if she was free; and that was the beginning of their unbelievable relationship.

Now, six months later their relationship is at an impasse. Pam has asked JJ to make a decision, it is either her or his wife. Their affair has grown from two individuals seeking sexual gratification to an awakening that has gripped them both. JJ knows he loves Pam and he knows Pam loves him, their bodies seem to find a way to confirm this love every Wednesday. Their journey has not been a destination but a series of memories woven together, carrying them to a point JJ never imagined or knew existed.

JJ spent the next couple of days in turmoil, pondering his decision. He has only loved two women, his wife and Pam, and now Pam is asking him to choose one or the other.

It doesn’t seem to matter where his thoughts take him he keeps coming to rest on word…stay.

This one word which now seems to have a double meaning; a split personality.


With Pam?

With his wife?

His heart is been torn in two and there is no easy answer.

It was time, JJ knew he couldn’t put off calling Pam any longer. It has been several days since she had given him the ultimatum. His thoughts have been all over the place, running the scenarios through his mind; all the what if’s.

He picked up his phone and called her. “Pam it’s JJ, do you have a second to talk?”

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