

Ara 27

Surprised at Work

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It has been a long shift and you are ready to go home. You are happy it has been a busy one since it has kept your mind occupied and off of us most of the day. The exhaustion is welcome since it means a good night’s sleep will follow, not the sort of restless nights you have been having thinking about us being together.

You know you shouldn’t have parked your car so far from the door. It is a moonless night and the parking lot is a lot darker that it was when you came on shift this morning. Your car has ended up in a dark corner where the streetlights just don’t reach. Nervously, you walk .. alert to any sounds. As you get near your door, the unexpected happens.

“Sarah, it’s Stephen!” I whisper. “I couldn’t stand it any longer, I just had to see you. Come here.” You follow the sound of my voice to the area in front of your car, which is bordered by a row of bushes with cars parked on the other side. As you reach the front of the car, your eyes make out my shadowy form. Even though it has been years since you have seen it, you know immediately it is me.

It only takes a few steps and you are in my arms. The passion is undeniable as our lips meet. I am holding you so tight, you have to push me away to catch your breath. The question in my eyes is obvious but it is answered as we are intertwined again. Your low moaning tells me it is okay that I am here.

Thank goodness that nurses blouse is just a pullover and not buttoned. I raise your top to expose you to me and reach around to unhook your work-a-day bra. I want to see your breasts .. to suck on those nipples .. to nibble then until you yelp with a mixture of pain and delight. In seconds, I am doing just that as I ease you backward until you are sitting on the hood of your car. As your co-workers wander to their cars, they have no idea what you are up to. Maybe it was a good thing you parked so far away.

Again, you push me away. “I have really done it now”, I think. But it is only a slight respite while you grab your waistbands and lower your pants and underwear to your ankles. “Oh God, Stephen .. please lick my slit. I want to cum all over your tongue. Please make me cum for you.” How can I refuse a request from such a beautiful liseli porno woman?

I drop to my knees as you slide forward on the hood. I bury my face between your thighs and parts your outer lips with my fingers. I find your vagina and start to lick small circles around your opening. It feels like you have come already, you are so wet. As the circles get bigger, I find you clit hard and aroused.

With every touch on your clit, I expect a sound that tells me you are enjoying yourself but I hear nothing. With my tongue still moving, I raise my eyes to see what is wrong. You have been with your female lover for so long, I am worried that I really don’t know what I need to do for you. But I see that you have taken your blouse into you mouth to muffle the sounds. You look down to see only my eyes over your mound and can see the question there. You drop you blouse and whisper “Don’t stop.”

I insert first two, then three fingers inside you. They slip in easily, you are so wet. I slide them in and out, being sure to curl my index finger up and find that special g-spot inside of you. With every movement of my fingers, you slide to meet them.

The noise of your boss talking to one of your fellow nurses from behind the bushes can be heard. They are talking about what a boring day it had been. They sound like they are right next to us but there is not other car for a few spaces. I look up at you again and see you smiling. Guess it hasn’t been boring for you.

As I continue licking and fingering you, you suddenly wrap your legs around my neck. You raise your hips off the hood to meet my tongue and squeeze as your juices flow into my mouth. Sweet as pudding, you cum for me just like you had wanted. What I think will only takes seconds seems to go on forever. When you finally relax, I step away.

You are a beautiful sight laying there .. the best hood ornament I have ever seen. We hear more people wandering through the lot.

The only reaction you have is to roll over on your stomach and say “Fuck me now!” in a tone that I could not refuse. “Just unzip those pants, take out that cock and fuck me right now!”. I though I was in control but no longer. mobil porno But I am hypnotized by the vision of your luscious ass. I want so badly to bend down and kiss it.

I am evidently taking too long so you reach back and grab my waistband. Pulling me toward you but not turning around, you reach back and take care of the zipper for me. “Now do it!” , you command.

It is with one deep stroke that I enter you. You slide back to meet me and press your ass against my hips. We are locked together like we have wanted to be for so long. I am torn .. having wanted this for so long I want to just stay like this and enjoy the warmth of you but that look of desperation you are giving me over your shoulder tells me you want more.

Your commanding tone is gone as you say, “Please fuck me and don’t ever stop. I have wanted this for so long.” I want to be gentle but know you like it rougher so I grab your hips, withdraw then push back for all I am worth. I can feel the head of my penis against your cervix and know I’m as deep as you want me to be. I also know that I will never last long. I have wanted this also.

I have to really hold those gorgeous hips to keep from slamming you against your windshield as we just become a couple in complete lust for each other. I am sure that this will be the point where all of your moaning will attract the attention of those we still hear wandering through the lot but at this point neither of us care. We are finally together.

I want you to cum again so badly. I slow and ask you what you want. You smile a frustrated smile and say “Just shut up and fuck me.”

You comment makes me harder than I ever thought possible. I work you for all I am worth. I am sweating bullets through my clothes while you have goosebumps .. hope it’s from me and not the cool night air. With every stroke my anticipation grows closer but I want it for you first. You pause to turn over on you back, then spread your leg wide to invite me back inside you. As I enter you again , you wrap your legs around my waist .. my god they are so powerful. Your hips raise as you pull me even deeper into you as your vagina squeezes me tighter that my own hand ever öğrenci porno could. You are trembling .. this time I’m sure it’s me.

As you relax after your orgasm, I assume you need some time to calm down but, as usual with you, I am wrong. You smile at me and say “Your turn.”

I don’t know how we are staying on the hood since we are both pools of sweat. But you raise your legs straight up, giving me a view of that sweet vagina I have just enjoyed. “What are you waiting for?” you ask. I really don’t have a good answer.

I drive into you again, hoping I can make you cum one more time before me but it is a lost cause. I came to find you because I wanted to share all of me with you and before long it is time.

You look up again, your tongue sticking out of your slightly parted lips. There is a fire in your eyes that I have never seen in anyone before. But there is also a caring formed with age .. this is so much better than it would have been all of those years ago. You place your finger on your lips to silence my groaning and say “I want to see you cum. I’ve wanted it for so long. Cum on me. You can cum in my later.” No one has ever asked me to do this before and that is the last straw in my rise to ecstasy.

I withdraw as I feel the first pulse of semen begging for release. I’m surprised I don’t hit your windshield but my sperm lands on your chest in that valley between your marvelous breasts that I had tasted only minutes earlier. Your smile tells me it was really what you wanted. You take some of my cum from your cleavage with your finger and place it on you tongue. You then quickly sit up, lean forward and kiss me, mingling my taste with the taste of your own pussy that I still have in my mouth.

We are suddenly aware of how cool the night air is and I rush to help you get dressed. You, however, won’t let me put my cock away just yet at you stroke it back into arousal. “Okay, Stephen. Now you’re ready for more. Put that thing away. I need to borrow your cell phone and call Sally to tell her I have another shift to pull”. I am pretty sure you will be pulling something else soon.

After you are done, we get into my car for the short drive to the motel. You slide next to me and snuggle as you try to warm yourself. With your head on my shoulder, we look like two high school students on the way to the mall. You fall asleep beside me as I gently stroke your hair. I kiss your forehead and try not to wake you . There will be time for that later.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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