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[Note: this is an entry in an “exactly 750-words” writing exercise. ]
“Thanks for your help, Mr. Benton. I’m sure to graduate this time.”
“You’ll pass the calculus exam, Jared,” Barry Benton agreed, standing and accompanying the hunky black football player to the classroom door, a mistake, as the temptation wasn’t there as much when they had the desk between them. “Just try not to think of Saturday’s championship game until after you’ve taken the test.”
Their eyes met. The unmistakable attraction between them and temptation was obvious to both. Awkwardness had prevailed since preferences and situations had come to light, but that was after the Cocoa High School math teacher had agreed to help the school’s star football player pass his calculus exam.
Jared was pushing twenty and still in high school, having been set back two of his years. Again this year calculus was threatening his graduation. The big, strapping, handsome six-foot-four, 184-pound football player was an all-star. Cocoa was playing in the state finals this Saturday. His calculus final exam was Friday.
Barry, a high escort bursa school math teacher at twenty-five, knew the rumors about Jared—that he was gay. Since he had started tutoring Jared, Barry couldn’t help but confirm it was true. Barry could tell because he was gay too. That had been revealed after the elections earlier that month. The man he was living with, Roger, had won the U.S. congressional seat and the newspaper articles following that up had identified Barry as Roger’s partner.
It was obvious that Jared read the articles, as his demeanor toward Barry had changed significantly. There was electricity between them. The temptation was there on both sides. But so was complication. Barry was Jared’s math teacher. Roger being in Congress put Barry in the spotlight.
Coming out from behind the desk and going to the door with Jared had definitely been a mistake.
“Uh, thanks again for the help, Mr. Benton,” Jared said, standing awkwardly at the door.
“Call me Barry, Jared.”
“Yes, I would like that,” Jared said. That broke the barrier. Maybe bursa yabancı escort Barry didn’t mean for it to, but it did. Jared leaned down and kissed Barry on the lips. That was bad, but it got worse. Barry involuntarily reached up and cupped the black stud’s head in his hands, running his fingers through the young man’s dreadlocks. The kiss became passionate. It was only for a couple of seconds, but it was there and neither of them could take that moment away.
Jared turned and fled into the corridor.
* * * *
On Saturday Barry attended the Florida state high school football championships. He didn’t so much watch the game as his eyes picked out Jared and followed his figure wherever it went on the field.
Cocoa beat Florida High. Jared received the most valuable player reward.
Barry went home, stripped down, and swam laps until he was exhausted, temptation and complication racing through his mind as he stroked through the water. Then he went to his bed and masturbated himself to sleep, the image of the magnificent muscular, ebony bursa escort body of Jared fixated in his brain.
* * * *
On Sunday morning Barry came out of the pool in his Speedo and was drying off when the doorbell chimed.
“Jared. What are you doing here? How did you find where I lived?”
“I came to celebrate,” the black stud said, a big grin on his face, just athletic shorts and a cut-off T on his body. He lifted a six pack of beer in each hand. “To celebrate the football win and to do it with you, because, with your help, I also passed the calculus exam. I’m going to graduate this year.”
“That’s terrific, Jared, but the beer? You aren’t old enough to—”
Jared snorted. “You don’t think we drink beer in high school?” he asked. “The football season’s over. I don’t have to hold back. And I’m old enough to do a lot of stuff.” He looked pointedly—lustily—at Barry.
They fucked on a lounge bed by the pool, Jared pinning Barry on his back, knees hooked on Jared’s hips, the two rocking together with Jared buried deep, virile, vigorous.
“We can’t . . . I have a boyfriend,” Barry said afterward.
“Who is in D.C. now most of the time,” Jared said. “You have needs; I have needs. More good news. I have a scholarship to the University of Central Florida, in Orlando, just fifty miles away.”
“Yes, great news,” Barry said, not quite managing a smile.
Temptation and complication.
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