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The Perfect Candidate – Chapter 1 – The Selection
A young man dressed in nothing but a tight black leather jockstrap and matching collar carries a tray with a tall glass of sparking water down a private corridor. He’s a white slender man, about 32 in age, with blonde hair, green eyes, and a tight bubble butt. He opens a tall wood door and enters a expansive home office adorned with rows of bookshelves, antiques, red leather furniture, and expensive rugs.
At the end of the room is a vintage oak executive desk, tall office chair, and a roaring fireplace against the back wall. Seated in the chair is a man – face hidden by the shadows of the flames. The server silently approaches the desk, delicately placing the tall glass on a marble coaster, and then kneels facing the man in the chair. The man is occupied – eye’s affixed on the screen in front of him. After a moment, he reaches out and pets the server’s scalp.
“Good Boy. You’re serving your Master well, come and retrieve your reward”.
The server excitedly chimes “Thank You, Sir” and promptly crawls under the desk and begins unzipping the seated man’s pants. The Master moves his hand under the desk where it pops up clenched with a fistful of blonde hair. The Master’s eyes never leave the giant screen.
A slurping sound intensifies, the Master begins to groan and cooing to the server under the desk while he navigates the interface.
As he climaxes, he holds the server’s head against his crotch and delivers his load down a willing throat.
Once the Master is finished, he lets the server out and then leans forward, clasping both hands menacingly with his elbows on the desk. On the screen, there is an employee’s head shot. It’s a man a few years younger than the server – more muscular and has bright blue eyes. The Master stared deeply at the picture. Next to the photo was detailed data about the employee – quarterly reviews, income statements, address, browsing history on company devices, and much more.
The server crawls from under the desk and rests on his knees next to the Master’s chair. He wipes his mouth, licking extra liquids off his fingers, and thanks the Master. Something on the screen catches the server’s eyes.
“He’s a cutie. Is he up for consideration?”
“Yes, I will be commencing recruitment later today.”
“How fun, Sir” I think he’d be perfect!”
“Yes boy, he will make a suitable candidate” the Master says while staring at the employee. “He could be The Perfect Candidate… You are dismissed”
“As you wish, Sir” The server picks up his tray, and leaves the room with his ass swaying.
Scott came into work like any other weekday. He was a 28 year old white collar guy Bostancı Escort in the Sales department. He was smarter than he let on but he didn’t enjoy confrontation. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend and was back on the market. His life felt like it was stuck in place – dead end job, no relationship, has been in the same starter apartment since he graduated. He was frustrated and ready for a change.
Something plagued the back of Scott’s mind – a distant memory from years back. Scott had vivid dreams when he was young but he had a dream in particular that became a recurring vision. He was in a large chamber, dressed only in tight thick black briefs and he’s suspended up above a large audience. He’s dangling, helpless, wiggling while everyone else is pointing, laughing and cheering. They enjoy his humiliation. And Scott deeply enjoys their pleasure. He look ups and sees a dark figure standing on a platform at the highest point in the room. The figure looks down at Scott approvingly…
The day started like any other weekday. Scott had filled up his coffee cup and opened his laptop to check the news and my emails.
However, on this particular day, Scott found a surprising email subject line from an even stranger email address. He read it twice to make sure.
Subject: Are You Ready for True Fulfillment, Boy?
Sent from [email protected].
Scott thought it was certainly a strange subject line but it didn’t seem maliciously intended. Curiosity got the better of him and he opened the email.
“Hello Boy,
For your entire life you’ve felt lost. I am the secret – I will show you the way to truly discovering yourself, unlocking your potential, and helping you achieve bliss in life. All you need to do is click this link”.
What’s the worst that could happen Scott thought. So he clicked the link.
Clicking the link opens a window on my screen with nothing but a strange symbol – it looked similar to the yin-yang symbol but was divided into thirds each with black teardrops with white dots. It was placed on the center of a black page. He clicked the symbol a few times and to his disappointment, nothing happened.
Odd, he thought to himself, this is either a joke or some kind of a spam message, so he closed the email, and continued checking his inbox.
Seconds pass and he receives another email from the same email address.
Subject: Follow the White Rabbit
Sent: [email protected]
Scott clicked to open the email and was met with another strange email. It opened with a black background, white text, and a single graphic – a stylized drawing image of a white rabbit wearing a mask. It had holes Ümraniye Escort for the ears, eyes, nose but there was some kind with a red ball in it’s mouth. The bunny appeared to also have a symbol marked into them – the same symbol as the one from the first email. Below the bunny read the following text.
“Click the Rabbit to Agree or leave this page and Never Return”.
Not knowing what was about to happen, he decided to click the link.
Immediately, the email opens a new internet browser window and starts to ring. After a single ring, a video call is started and a shadowy figure appears on screen. He’s lit up from the back by a fireplace so it’s a struggle to see any facial details. What Scott could see was a large intimidating executive office – this man was serious.
“Hello Boy” he said.
“Hi, I’m sorry this is weird, who are you?”
“Wrong question boy. You responded to my emails exactly the way I thought you would. I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist the white rabbit. I’m so glad you agreed to the terms”.
“Terms, what terms? I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Go back to the page with the white rabbit and code inspect the page.
Scott quickly switches over and takes a look at the code of the email.
In it’s code is a long hidden legal agreement – the likes of which he’s never seen. As he combs through the details, he realizes that he just legally authorized this shadowy man to remotely access his personal bank account, cell phone records, and medical record. He has everything! The documents are completed and appear to already have Scott’s signature. How could they have done that? He wasn’t a legal expert but it appeared he was in serious trouble.
Scott switches back to the video with a look of horror. The man on screen is chuckling like an evil genius.
“That’s right boy, I own you! You are now effectively my property. However, you have a path to freedom. I promise I’m going to help you realize who you truly are. You’ll discover the core being that you truly are… Normally when I tell people I’m going to make them be the best versions of themselves, people usually say ‘thank you Sir…'”
Scott look at the screen in disbelief and he felt time slow down.
There was no way this was actually happening, right?
Who can I even ask for help?
How can I afford a lawyer?
What is he going to do to me?
Why did he pick me?
Why do I deserve this?
His mind reeling, he looked back at the screen and asks him the only question he can form with his lips during this state of shock – “why me?
The man laughed again – “Boy, I know everything about my people. You’ve been someone I’ve Anadolu Yakası Escort been following for a while. You’re cute. You’re smart. I think you have potential to be special to me.”
“What do you mean, your people?”
“My people are the people who chose to work for me.”
Scott realizes that this man is most likely someone who has had complete access to his computer. His company was massive and there could be any number of higher ups that have this level of control.
The man must know that Scott spends most of his day not focused on work and should probably be next in line to being fired. This was probably the only chance Scott had to keep his job and apartment. He couldn’t move back in with his parents. He couldn’t fail again so he crumbled.
“I understand Sir”, Scott says with defeat.
“Good boy, I’ll send you instructions for our first in-person meeting”.
And with that. The call ends and the window on the computer screen disappears. Feelings of worry and shame swirl. Scott look outside the window and thought to myself “Well I’m fucked”. He had no idea.
Hours go. The work day ends. Scott leaves the office and walks to his gym club. On his way out he receives a text. “Hi Boy. Tomorrow you will meet me at the Library. Nonfiction section. Clean attire. Section.613. Good luck with your workout, boy.”
Scott thrust the phone back in his pocket and hurried his way to the gym.
Over the past few year, Scott had gotten serious about going to the gym. He was a competitive swimmer for years growing up but life got in the way. Over the past year, he had been going to the gym multiple times a week and started focusing on a protein heavy diet.
In the past couple of months, it’s paid off in a broader chest, defined shoulders, bigger arms, tight core, and most importantly a round firm protruding butt. It was hard for him not to flex in the mirror every time he walked by with his shirt off. He loved feeling like a Greek God.
It was a routine that he loved. He enjoyed the process of breaking his own body to sculpt it into the form wanted desired. He also loved checking out the gym girls. After a successful chest & bicep day, he showered, ate, watched some TV, and went to sleep.
That night, Scott was plagued by his recurring dream. This time, the scene was slightly different. When he looked up at the man at the top of the chamber, it was lit up by tall flames. And for the first time the man spoke to Scott.
In a booming voice that filled the chamber, the man proclaimed “This is my boy. He is under my protection and is solely my property. Look upon him with envy as his sole purpose is to please my every wish.”
Every word hit Scott with a wave of pleasure. He had never felt this good before.
When Scott woke up the following morning with a full recollection of the dream, he was left feeling conflicted. “That was weird. Must’ve been something I ate”. With that, he rolled out of bed and got ready for work.
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