
Oca 22

The Vicar’s Wife Ch. 25

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Sarah knew that life could never be the same again after the sexual revelations played out over Christmas. It had certainly rekindled her sex life with her husband, George. After their morning threesome with their manager Janet, Boxing day had been a round of duty visits to hospitals and children’s wards. But Sarah’s mind was never far away from the activities of the previous evening. The warmth in her loins were a constant reminder. She could still recall the sight of George’s stiff penis penetrating the voluptuous, fleshy vulva of his daughter-in-law, Bessie. It had been an enormous turn-on. And to repeat the act with their manager, Janet, only that very morning, had provided more shattering orgasms as she watched the penetration of both Janet’s passages!

She had not seen her lover, Susanna, for a few days and was missing her, if only to share her experiences with her. Christmas was always a busy time at the vicarage. She thought about her and wondered what Sue had been doing over the festive season. Certainly nothing as adventurous as her own experiences, she was sure. George and Sarah had had little opportunity to discuss their new sex life until dinner that evening. After the extravagances of Christmas, a simple meal of soup, followed by cold meats and salad.

‘Who would have thought, a couple of days ago, that we would have enjoyed a whole new sexual experience, Sarah.’

‘Absolutely! I thought you were very caring darling. And very accommodating.’

George laughed. ‘Is that the right word?’

‘Well, it was all Bessie’s doing, as you might have guessed. She spiked the drinks for a start! Just to make sure we all lost our inhibitions.’

‘Those weren’t the only things we lost,’ he laughed.

‘My knickers, for a start! And my modesty! But such a wonderful experience. I never thought I would actually witness you fucking Bessie – or any other woman for that matter. I know we fantasized about it often enough in bed, but …’

‘Well, the same goes for me. Now back to normality! And work! More wine darling?’

That evening, snuggled in bed beside George, Sarah felt between his thighs to test his cock. It was flaccid. For the moment. ‘Mmm, that feels to have gone to sleep darling. Had enough, has it?’ Sarah chuckled. ‘Well, I guess it deserves a rest. As does mine. Still a bit sore.’

And they both drifted into a deep sleep.

Life finally returned to the usual pattern, with the addition of threesomes with Janet from time to time. Sarah got very horny watching George sink his cock deep into her vagina above her head as Janet tongued and licked Sarah’s vulva.

The time was approaching for Sarah and George to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary. They would spend it in London with our son and daughter in law, Bessie. For the occasion, George suggested that Sarah should get herself a new spring outfit and evening gown. So, it wasn’t surprising that Sarah thought of Lois, who had designed her wedding outfit. She would ring her for an appointment, and perhaps chat about old times. Although they had a close relationship ten years ago, their friendship had slipped after Sarah’s marriage. But she had many very fond memories of their times together. They had met as members of a local Little Theatre Company, where Lois was involved in wardrobe, and Sarah was the Hon Sec., and became close friends. Sarah had, of course, trained in drama, but that was many years, and three husbands ago. All that now seemed a different life altogether.


Yes, she would phone Lois.

Sarah couldn’t remember when she first fancied the body of her friend. Certainly, Lois was very beautiful – almost too beautiful, in a way. With a perfect oval face, large turquoise eyes, flawless skin and bone structure. Excellent figure. Sarah herself was not exactly plain, but her pale looks were more down-to-earth. Her face was rather more square, with eyes a moist pale brown, her nose a tad too long, with a wide mouth and fairly thin lips. She had a smooth skin, a good figure, and always dressed elegantly, though sensibly. Tall, slender and stylish. Which was what George admired about her. She looked good on his arm at official functions. And was equally good on his cock in bed!

When Sarah and George arranged to marry, it was natural that she should ask Lois to design her wedding outfit. She now ran a very successful design house, dressing many of the aristocracy. Of course, being chosen by their famous Duchess for her wedding outfit, had given her the seal of approval and introduced her to many other high society clients. Lois had done well out of it.

It was during that period of seemingly unending fittings that the two women had become close friends, and Lois became Sarah’s confidante, a relationship that had lasted. Lois discovered that the future Lady Sarah was a normal woman with normal, naughty feminine interests. Other society friends were part of the circle, all of whom indulged in their passion for the stage by becoming members of the local theatre group. Indeed, Penny had been a professional actor until she married beypazarı escort a very wealthy twit, whilst Jean was a college friend who now controlled her own family estate. They all loved to tittle-tattle about other people and men in particular.

There had never been any physical relationships between the women, though they shared a feminine interest in things sexual. For Sarah, fancying Lois wasn’t a feeling that had suddenly come over her. Not at all. It had crept up on her but it was only now, when she looked across the coffee table at her friend, chatting about a mutual friend, Edwin, that she found herself wondering what a lover she might make. She studied Lois’s sensuous mouth with lips that seemed to be begging to be kissed, her mysterious eyes and flawless skin. Would her vulva reflect her facial qualities? She had often wondered in a casual way. There had never been any sexual pull between them, though they shared their sexual intimacies.

Of course, during fittings of intimate clothing, Lois had touched Sarah’s body in several private places, with a suggestion of sensuality at times, Sarah thought, but all in the line of professional work. There was no question of getting turned on. Lois knew a lot about her client’s figure.

Lois was telling Sarah how jealous she was when she heard the details of Sarah’s lovemaking with Edwin. Sarah had known for some time that Lois had fancied Edwin, so lost no time in sharing her experience with her. Perhaps it was the talk of seducing Edwin that brought the possibility of caressing Lois’s body into Sarah’s mind. It was true that she had shared with Lois details of her love making with Edwin. In fact, it was she who had engineered the encounter on the back seat of her Mercedes, during an after-show party in the large house of the group’s chairman. Fully aware that it was the chairman, amongst several others, whose ambition was to get into Sarah’s knickers, it was Edwin who actually did. It was Sarah who had put him there.

‘I started by letting Edwin grope me whilst sitting on the arm of his chair. It was so thrilling, with all those others around.’

‘Grope? You mean between the legs?’

‘Of course! Where else?’

‘That’s not very becoming of a lady, behaving like a common slut.’

‘Don’t you believe it! We can all be a slut deep down! Don’t you agree? Even a Royal Princess can let a footballer score between her goal posts, and have a polo player ride her bareback. Couldn’t get enough cock, I was told – in confidence of course!’

‘And all over the tabloids!’

‘Exactly! So I can perform with a theatre director, can’t I? A handsome one at that! Discreetly! Anyway, no one would possibly imagine it of me would they?’

‘God, no! You are the image of uprightness – staidness and charm personified!’

‘That’s the public image expected of me. I do have a lot of public engagements to perform darling. It would never do for them to snigger behind my back at these dos.’

‘No, of course not, darling! But you mean nobody noticed? Him with his hand up your dress. Not very chic, my dear. Where was his wife, anyway?’

‘Charity was being groped in the dark, under the staircase!’ she laughed, ‘whilst discreetly tossing off her partner.’

‘And that’s a very sensitive place to be groped! Sounds like a sex orgy.’

‘For one or two, yes. Anyway, like the princess, Charity is fairly free with her favours. Hey, all this talk of sex is turning me on, Lois! Stop it at once!’ Sarah laughed, teasing her friend.

‘It’s you who’s doing all the talking!’

‘Anyway, I confessed to him that it was you who really fancied him. I was just trying him out first!’

‘Really, darling. That wasn’t kind!’ But Lois was curious! ‘What did he say?’

‘Nothing. He was too busy suckling my nipples.’

‘I’m green, darling! Green!’

‘I know. And I’m getting turned on. Must be the memory of that lovely cock.”

‘Well, you can always masturbate, darling. There’s no-one here to stop you!’

‘Ah! I’m not sure a public display is my cup of tea,’ she smiled. But realised with surprise that she wouldn’t really mind at all, in front of Lois. The thought of doing so both astonished and thrilled her. Could she actually be interested in masturbating, or even making love with Lois? What she didn’t realise was that Lois was making a pass at her, trying to encourage her to expose her secret self. Lois fancied Sarah. She was a bisexual at heart. Although she loved to feel a good stiff cock inside her, another woman was rather more subtle in matters of sex.

‘Hardly public, darling. This is my drawing room, for goodness sake. Besides, you can’t go through the rest of the day feeling frustrated. Get it out of your system. In fact, you’re turning me on, as well.’

Sarah laughed in disbelief. ‘Are you a regular masturbator, then? Do you realise, Lois, that in all these years, the two of us have never discussed masturbation. Well, not in detail.’

Lois laughed. ‘Too busy talking about the real thing! Besides, I thought you’d be büyükesat escort embarrassed.’

‘Embarrassed? Me? Well … I don’t usually discuss such intimate details, that’s true. But I’ve never really thought of you doing it to yourself.’ She looked Lois in the eyes. ‘Do you do it?’

‘Oh, when there’s nobody suitable around, I have no choice. And a beautiful body like mine needs constant attention. What about you, darling? You have your husband, of course.’

‘No dice! Haven’t had sex with him for years. Anyway, divorced now and my new guy is brilliant! No shortage of offers I believe. But not me. But I do need the odd orgasm now and then. Too risky having lovers. Oh! Edwin was just a flash in the pan. Very pleasant – but a flash.’

‘I wouldn’t mind him flashing in my pan.’

‘Never actually thought of you as a sexy sort … apart from the usual gossip. You look far too innocent.’

‘We’re all sexy sorts under the right circumstances. You obviously don’t know me as well as you thought!’

Sarah realised with surprise that her vulva was decidedly leaking. She could feel her pants filling up! And, in some embarrassment, she wondered if Lois was in the same condition. It amazed to realise that she wouldn’t mind finding for herself. She’d really love to press her fingers between her friend’s thighs and feel her. But Lois anticipated her questioning.

‘Darling, I’m wet through! Do you think I should phone Edwin and ask him round straight away?’

Sarah laughed at the thought. ‘He could make love to us both! I’m soaking as well. Why don’t we arrange a coffee morning for him, you and me?’

‘A you fuckoffee morning?’ They laughed.

Lois laughed. ‘Why not? I’ll tell you what! We’ll have a lingerie party. He’d like that.’

Lois opened her dress to display her underwear. A white silk halter bra with matching French knickers trimmed with the finest Brussels lace. Hooking her thumbs into the top of her knickers, she eased them down her long legs before stepping out of them. She faced Sarah with a smile, swinging her hips first right, then left, in the manner of a model, to show off her narrow waist and broad hips. Sarah was rather taken aback by the mass of dark pubic hair that spread down her inner thighs and peaked up as far as to her navel. No good for a bikini unless you’re an exhibitionist, Sarah thought.

‘Do you think he’ll approve?’ Lois asked.

Sarah swallowed hard as she watched her friend unhook her bra and whisk it away to allow the full-cream breasts to fall forward, showing the wrinkly brown areolas, each with a circle of several goose-pimples round the perimeter and dark hazelnut nipples. Lois ran her hands over her pear-shaped breasts in a sexy, provocative manner, lightly rubbing the teats. Sarah’s imagination ran riot. She speculated on what Lois’s vulva looked like. Her eyes were drawn to the loins. The hair was so thick that the lips of her vulva were completely hidden within the curls. But not the stands of starchy liquid that had seeped onto them, evidence of her aroused state.

‘I’m sure he will,’ Sarah muttered after taking in the gorgeous vision. ‘And he’s not the only one!’

Lois moved towards Sarah, speaking in a low husky voice. ‘I am Aphrodite, darling, the Goddess of love and desire. Within me is my dark secret, the shrine of desire and the altar of love at which man may worship.’

As she whispered the words, murmuring with pleasure, she ran one hand over her flat belly, her swollen groin, over the clitoral hood and between the slick lips below, before her fingers parted the labia, the middle finger slipping into her vagina, giving her a sensual flick in the loins. Removing her finger, now coated with her juices, she laughed lightly, pursed her lips and put the finger between them. Unable to prevent herself, Sarah put her arms round her friend’s narrow waist and gently raised her face to kiss the full nipples, one after the other. She rolled her lips round them, reveling in the feel of those hard marbles in her mouth.

‘What about your lingerie, darling?’ Lois breathed softly. ‘I imagine that you too have a delicious shrine hidden within those milky thighs. Trickling with the honeyed lava of desire. Our bodies were intended by nature to be attractive – to be worshipped – to be penetrated by man’s cock. Often. We should pamper ourselves, darling. Let’s see.’

Lois put her arms round Sarah, kissing her lips tenderly. Sarah enjoyed the feel of a smooth soft cheek against hers, rather than the rough textures of a man’s face, the sensuous lips with the tongue prising them apart. The stiff tongue snaked into Sarah’s mouth, exploring her inner cheeks. It was long and probing and thrilling. Sarah responded by pushing her own tongue between Lois’s teeth.

Lois took the sides of Sarah’s sweater in each hand and lifted it over her head. That done, Louis kissed the side of the neck and behind the ear lobes, sending thrilling shivers down Sarah’s spine, whilst lifting her to her feet, before undoing the fastening at the side of her skirt çankaya escort and lowering the zip. The skirt fell to the floor, leaving Sarah in her knickers and bra, in a daze of pleasant eroticism, in the arms of her friend.

Lois was staring fascinated at Sarah’s body. She whispered. ‘Take off your bra and pants.’ She eyed Sarah up and down, taking in the details of her body as she undressed. Very lovely, she thought. Sarah removed her underwear and stood facing her friend. Their eyes met and Sarah knew by the look in her eyes that Lois wanted her body. Although she had a few ripples of fat here and there, with a thickening waist perhaps, her skin was smooth, her full breasts were nice and firm with smallish, well-defined smooth areola and small nipples, perched on top of the boobs. Her blonde pubic hair was not too profuse, and neatly trimmed. The inner labia were plainly visible in the gash of her plump vulva. She looked defenceless and meek.

Sitting on the edge of the settee in front of Lois, she trailed her fingertips over her friend’s thighs and hips, kissing her navel, running the tip of her tongue over her taut belly and into the plentiful bush of hair. She heard the sigh of pleasure and felt the ripples of delight run through Lois as the legs parted. Falling to her knees, she moved her mouth to the area between the thighs, she muzzled the stiff mound and buried her nose in the peak of the vulva, rubbing it against the engorged clitoris. She breathed in deeply to sample the smell of the damp, warm aroma of Lois’ perfumed sex, as she parted the labia with her nose and tongue.

Lois felt the turmoil building in her groin. She didn’t want to come so soon – she wanted the thrill of a new experience to last. Playing at lesbians was not new for her – though she suspected, rightly, it was for Sarah. She thought of Sarah as casual and cool, if not exactly an ice-maiden. She would have to give her friend the orgasm of a lifetime to convert her to feminine love. Kneeling to face Sarah, both women were now as randy as hell, full of anticipation. Sarah was unsure of herself and her newfound sexuality. Their gleaming eyes were fixed on each other, glowing with lust. Their lips brushed each other’s repeatedly, nibbling and tonguing, as Lois gently eased Sarah into the corner of the settee, cupping her hand gently against the wet gash. Then she slowly hinged the thighs wide, to expose Sarah’s firm vulva in all its golden glory.

Sarah looked down on her friend, whose eyes were glued to her feminine charms. The neatly trimmed pubic hair, the damp soft lips. She could feel her vagina leaking, clogging up the mouth of her secret passage. Lois was stroking Sarah’s body that was responding with shudders of delight, her eyes glued to the view in front of her. She was idly fondling the inside of Sarah’s elbow, giving her a sensual thrill. The idea of another woman inspecting her genitals for carnal enjoyment, was a confusing but exciting thought. It was a curious reflection that she herself had never really examined her own genitals at close quarters. Mirrors are not the same. Lois would already know the intimate details her body better than she herself.

The tiny tongues of pink flesh that surrounded the puckered opening to Sarah’s secret passage, were flexing open and close, with the instinctive jerking of the inner muscles. Lois was fascinated. The saliva-like love juice was seeping from the dark interior of the vagina. At the top of the gash, peeking from its hood, was the small button which could trigger untold physical delight. Swelling from each side of the hood were the inner labia, generous flaps of coral-coloured, lightly crumpled flesh flanking the urethra. The vagina itself was set rather higher than Lois expected. But then, all women are different, she thought. Like men, thank goodness. The whole pink picture was framed with tender, plump outer lips, lightly covered with silky golden hair, shimmering in the shaft of sunlight that fell across her thighs.

Sarah was desperate for Lois’s approval. She took Lois’s face between her hands, encouraging it to close in on her vulva. The feeling of cool breath on her labia increased her anticipation. Her body lurched suddenly as Lois tongue flicked the clitoris. The attention paid to her genitals was now swamping Sarah’s thoughts. Her whole body was alive with trickling sensations. Her skin tingled. Her groin lurched and twitched inside. The feeling of excitement grew stronger in her. Her muscles tensed and tightened, like a coiled spring. Her thighs trembled and shook as she reached to her very core for her orgasm.

Now panting and writhing with a growing tautness in her muscles, the whole of her loins were shaking with a craving for relief. Trembling legs were straining to reach that wonderful moment when the tension snaps. It was blissful agony. She desperately wanted her orgasm, yet wanted the sensation racking her body to last forever. It was sheer ecstasy for her. Moaning with agonised rapture, the waves of lust shuddered throughout her being. Louis’ mouth was driving her crazy, clinging on to her labia, licking and lashing, her tongue jabbing in and out of the hot vagina. Her tight rosebud entrance didn’t escape attention, either. The long, stiff tongue penetrated it, after licking carefully around the rim, where the honeyed vaginal juices had trickled. God! Lois was working her body like a delicate instrument.

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