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©November 2018
Texas winter was characterized by a series of days of cold drizzling rain, alternating with overcast, drab days, and punctuated by days of soft sunlight and warm weather. Christmas Eve that year was one of those cold, drizzling days, and Janine rushed home from the store with the fixings for her solitary Christmas dinner in the rain.
This first Christmas after her divorce, Janine had rented a “tiny house” on a wooded property in a country neighborhood. She meant to spend a week reading hot romance novels, soaking in a scented tub, and sleeping nude, things she hadn’t done in a long time. She was looking forward to enjoying herself in many ways.
After putting her groceries away and relaxing with a drink, Janine changed into yoga pants and a sweatshirt to do a slow walk through the wooded streets of the charming neighborhood, full of horses, deer, and other wildlife. She pulled on her walking shoes and headed out, only to realize it was now nearly midnight and pitch black without the streetlights found in the city.
Then the full moon came out from behind a cloud, and she grinned and started down the street, the Margarita warm in her belly, and a little tingling in her crotch as she felt her nipples harden from the cold.
Less than a mile down the street, according to her exercise program, she saw the Christmas lights of a house up ahead in the drizzle. As she approached, she was startled to see a figure coming down the drive toward her. Her heart picked up speed as she realized she was alone in the dark late at night in a neighborhood where houses were few and far between.
“Hi there, don’t want to startle you,” a sexy male voice called out. “I was going out for a walk, and I saw you walking too, shall we do it together? I’m Gary Carter by the way.”
Janine Ataşehir Escort knew she was deprived of sex too long when she felt herself warm up to the words “do it,” but she stifled it and introduced herself.
They walked in silence, then Gary started to tell her that he was new to the neighborhood, having inherited the little cottage from the aunt who’d raised him. He was also recently divorced, it turned out, and lonely, hoping to meet some people by going to Texas two-step dance lessons.
“I love to dance,” Janine said, hoping her throaty voice didn’t give away the feeling she had as he walked beside her, smelling his aftershave and listening to his voice.
To her surprise, he put an arm around her, grasped her other hand, and swung her around. He hummed a few bars of “7 & 7” by the Texas Troubadours, a song she happened to like recently. “Ain’t it strange,” she chorused with him as he spun her and executed a few awkward steps.
Laughing, they came together in a hug and then both stopped in the middle of the road. Her heart was pounding, she felt herself getting wet and warm as they stood, both touching each other still, arms about each other.
“What the hell?” She murmured, and reached up, took his face in her hands and drew him to her, kissing him deeply.
“Oh my God,” he said. “The smell of your perfume and your sweat was making me crazy.” He nestled her in his arms and nuzzled her neck as his hands crunched her hair and drew her face even closer to his.
They staggered, and the heat rising from her “lady flower” as her mom used to call it was so hot, she thought for sure he could feel it. He drew her off the road and they giggled and scampered into the woods.
He lay down his jeans jacket and plopped on the ground, pulling her Kadıköy Escort on top of him. She fell eagerly, her mouth devouring his, his hands exploring her body under the worn sweatshirt, undoing her bra, gently feeling her oh-so-hot breasts, the nipples hard as rocks and tingling to his touch.
She gasped, and reached for his pants, wanting to feel his cock, to touch him, and he lifted his hips to accommodate her eager fingers, her mouth still exploring his, her tongue thrusting, licking his face, her teeth nipping his lips, and her hands, reaching down, touching him now, feeling his erect cock throb under her fingers as she grasped him.
He pulled himself away from her hot dripping mouth and pulled her breasts over him, licking and sucking them madly, one after the other, holding her up as he took first one, then the other into his mouth, hungrily sucking and nibbling, as she struggled to get back to his cock.
The cold rain drizzled on her back, but it did nothing to quell the rising heat. She moaned, throwing her head back as she felt herself release just a little.
“Oh God,” he groaned into her chest. “I want you, I want you.”
She pulled her yoga pants down and started to settle onto his lap, but he pulled her up over his face. “I want your pussy on my face. Ride me cowgirl,” he moaned.
She eagerly settled onto him as if he were a cushion, her thighs straddling him, her knees sunk into the wet leaves.
He immediately began lapping her juices and she felt herself come again. Her husband had never wanted to eat her, and this man, this stranger, what was his name again, was sunk in her pussy as far as he could go, licking, sucking her clit, his fingers pulling her apart for easier access. She gasped, whimpered, cried as she rode him hard, jogging Ümraniye Escort up and down on his face, little squirts of pleasure washing across his lips. And then with a cry, she held onto his hair, rose up stiffly and came as hard as she’d ever come, gushing into his waiting mouth, her cry ending in an incoherent mewling as he continued to work his fingers inside her.
“Oh my God,” she cried. “Put it in me, I want you in me right now, please please…” Her voice was husky to her ears, and the words nearly unintelligible, but he understood.
The two of them pulled off his jeans and he picked her up and pushed her against the nearest tree, forcing his cock against her and searching for that golden flower.
She dropped to the ground and spread her legs. “Come here baby, come here,” and he willingly complied, dropping to the ground, his cock suddenly filling her as he thrust in and out, the heat of his cock warming her, her mouth hanging open in passion, her arms around him under his shirt, scratching, tearing, pulling him into her as far as possible.
“Ahhhh,” she cried out as she came again, and the sound urged him on, faster, harder, his balls slapping against her now, his feverish grunts echoing in the night.
Suddenly he pulled out, and nearly leapt on top of her, shoving his cock into her waiting mouth.
“Yes, she mumbled as her mouth filled with him. “All the way in!” She grabbed his ass and pressed him into her, and with a muffled shriek, he jammed himself into her throat and came in great bursts of pleasure.
Afterward, she licked him clean, lying across his lap as he stroked her hair. She may have drifted off for a while, but she woke when he sat up.
“That was so incredible,” he said, his voice hoarse and throaty.
“And so incredibly unexpected,” she answered.
“Where do we go from here,” he asked.
“Judging from the sun peeking out, I’d say we should head to my place, wash off this mud, and fix the best Christmas dinner you’ve ever tasted, since we’ve already given each other our gifts.”
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